/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. * Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases. * If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. * Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders. * See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information. */ import * as go from '../release/go.js'; /** * A custom LayeredDigraphLayout that knows about "lanes" * and that positions each node in its respective lane. * This assumes that each Node.data.lane property is a string that names the lane the node should be in. * You can set the {@link #laneProperty} property to use a different data property name. * It is commonplace to set this property to be the same as the {@link GraphLinksModel#nodeGroupKeyProperty}, * so that the one property indicates that a particular node data is a member of a particular group * and thus that that group represents a lane. * The lanes can be sorted by specifying the {@link #laneComparer} function. * You can add extra space between the lanes by increasing {@link #laneSpacing} from its default of zero. * That number's unit is columns, {@link LayeredDigraphLayout#columnSpacing}, not in document coordinates. * @category Layout Extension */ export class SwimLaneLayout extends go.LayeredDigraphLayout { // settable properties private _laneProperty: string | ((d: any) => string) = "lane"; // how to get lane identifier string from node data private _laneNames: Array = []; // lane names, may be sorted using this.laneComparer private _laneComparer: ((a:string, b: string) => number) | null = null; private _laneSpacing: number = 0; // in columns private _router: any = { linkSpacing: 4 }; private _reducer: any = null; // computed, read-only state private readonly _lanePositions: go.Map = new go.Map(); // lane names --> start columns, left to right private readonly _laneBreadths: go.Map = new go.Map(); // lane names --> needed width in columns // internal state private _layers: Array> = [[]]; private _neededSpaces: Array = []; /** @hidden */ constructor(init?: Partial) { super(init); this.alignOption = go.LayeredDigraphLayout.AlignAll; } /** * Gets or sets the name of the data property that holds the string which is the name of the lane that the node should be in. * The default value is "lane". */ get laneProperty(): string | ((d: any) => string) { return this._laneProperty; } set laneProperty(val: string | ((d: any) => string)) { if (typeof val !== 'string' && typeof val !== 'function') throw new Error("new value for SwimLaneLayout.laneProperty must be a property name, not: " + val); if (this._laneProperty !== val) { this._laneProperty = val; this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * Gets or sets an Array of lane names. * If you set this before a layout happens, it will use those lanes in that order. * Any additional lane names that it discovers will be added to the end of this Array. * * This property is reset to an empty Array at the end of each layout. * The default value is an empty Array. */ get laneNames(): Array { return this._laneNames; } set laneNames(val: Array) { if (!Array.isArray(val)) throw new Error("new value for SwimLaneLayout.laneNames must be an Array, not: " + val); if (this._laneNames !== val) { this._laneNames = val; this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * Gets or sets a function by which to compare lane names, for ordering the lanes within the {@link #laneNames} Array. * By default the function is null -- the lanes are not sorted. */ get laneComparer(): ((a: string, b: string) => number) | null { return this._laneComparer; } set laneComparer(val: ((a: string, b: string) => number) | null) { if (typeof val !== 'function') throw new Error("new value for SwimLaneLayout.laneComparer must be a function, not: " + val); if (this._laneComparer !== val) { this._laneComparer = val; this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * Gets or sets the amount of additional space it allocates between the lanes. * This number specifies the number of columns, with the same meaning as {@link LayeredDigraphLayout#columnSpacing}. * The number unit is not in document coordinate or pixels. * The default value is zero columns. */ get laneSpacing(): number { return this._laneSpacing; } set laneSpacing(val: number) { if (typeof val !== 'number') throw new Error("new value for SwimLaneLayout.laneSpacing must be a number, not: " + val); if (this._laneSpacing !== val) { this._laneSpacing = val; this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * @hidden */ get router(): any { return this._router; } set router(val: any) { if (this._router !== val) { this._router = val; this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * @hidden */ get reducer(): any { return this._reducer; } set reducer(val: any) { if (this._reducer !== val) { this._reducer = val; if (val) { const lay = this; val.findLane = function(v: go.LayeredDigraphVertex) { return lay.getLane(v); } val.getIndex = function(v: go.LayeredDigraphVertex): number { return v.index; } val.getBary = function(v: go.LayeredDigraphVertex): number { return (v as any).bary || 0; } val.setBary = function(v: go.LayeredDigraphVertex, val: number) { (v as any).bary = val; } val.getConnectedNodesIterator = function(v: go.LayeredDigraphVertex) { return v.vertexes; } } this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * The computed positions of each lane, * in the form of a {@link Map} mapping lane names (strings) to numbers. */ protected get lanePositions(): go.Map { return this._lanePositions; } /** * The computed breadths (widths or heights depending on the direction) of each lane, * in the form of a {@link Map} mapping lane names (strings) to numbers. */ protected get laneBreadths(): go.Map { return this._laneBreadths; } /** * @hidden * @param coll */ public override doLayout(coll: (go.Diagram | go.Group | go.Iterable)): void { this.lanePositions.clear(); // lane names --> start columns, left to right this.laneBreadths.clear(); // lane names --> needed width in columns this._layers = [[]]; this._neededSpaces = []; super.doLayout(coll); this.lanePositions.clear(); this.laneBreadths.clear(); this._layers = [[]]; this._neededSpaces = []; } /** * @hidden * @param v * @param topleft */ protected override nodeMinLayerSpace(v: go.LayeredDigraphVertex, topleft: boolean): number { if (!this._neededSpaces) this._neededSpaces = this.computeNeededLayerSpaces(this.network as go.LayeredDigraphNetwork); if (v.node === null) return 0; let lay = v.layer; if (!topleft) { if (lay > 0) lay--; } const overlaps = (this._neededSpaces[lay] || 0)/2; const edges = this.countEdgesForDirection(v, (this.direction > 135) ? !topleft : topleft); const needed = Math.max(overlaps, edges) * this.router.linkSpacing * 1.5; if (this.direction === 90 || this.direction === 270) { if (topleft) { return v.focus.y + 10 + needed; } else { return v.bounds.height - v.focus.y + 10 + needed; } } else { if (topleft) { return v.focus.x + 10 + needed; } else { return v.bounds.width - v.focus.x + 10 + needed; } } } private countEdgesForDirection(vertex: go.LayeredDigraphVertex, topleft: boolean) { let c = 0; const lay = vertex.layer; vertex.edges.each(function(e) { if (topleft) { if ((e.getOtherVertex(vertex) as go.LayeredDigraphVertex).layer >= lay) c++; } else { if ((e.getOtherVertex(vertex) as go.LayeredDigraphVertex).layer <= lay) c++; } }); return c; } private computeNeededLayerSpaces(net: go.LayeredDigraphNetwork): Array { // group all edges by their connected vertexes' least layer const layerMinEdges: Array> = []; net.edges.each(function(e) { // consider all edges, including dummy ones! const f = e.fromVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex; const t = e.toVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex; if (f.column === t.column) return; // skip edges that don't go between columns if (Math.abs(f.layer-t.layer) > 1) return; // skip edges that don't go between adjacent layers const lay = Math.min(f.layer, t.layer); let arr = layerMinEdges[lay]; if (!arr) arr = layerMinEdges[lay] = []; arr.push(e as go.LayeredDigraphEdge); }); // sort each array of edges by their lowest connected vertex column // for edges with the same minimum column, sort by their maximum column const layerMaxEdges: Array> = []; // same as layerMinEdges, but sorted by maximum column layerMinEdges.forEach(function(arr, lay) { if (!arr) return; arr.sort(function(e1, e2) { const f1c = (e1.fromVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex).column; const t1c = (e1.toVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex).column; const f2c = (e2.fromVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex).column; const t2c = (e2.toVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex).column; const e1mincol = Math.min(f1c, t1c); const e2mincol = Math.min(f2c, t2c); if (e1mincol > e2mincol) return 1; if (e1mincol < e2mincol) return -1; const e1maxcol = Math.max(f1c, t1c); const e2maxcol = Math.max(f2c, t2c); if (e1maxcol > e2maxcol) return 1; if (e1maxcol < e2maxcol) return -1; return 0; }); layerMaxEdges[lay] = arr.slice(0); layerMaxEdges[lay].sort(function(e1, e2) { const f1c = (e1.fromVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex).column; const t1c = (e1.toVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex).column; const f2c = (e2.fromVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex).column; const t2c = (e2.toVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex).column; const e1maxcol = Math.max(f1c, t1c); const e2maxcol = Math.max(f2c, t2c); if (e1maxcol > e2maxcol) return 1; if (e1maxcol < e2maxcol) return -1; const e1mincol = Math.min(f1c, t1c); const e2mincol = Math.min(f2c, t2c); if (e1mincol > e2mincol) return 1; if (e1mincol < e2mincol) return -1; return 0; }); }); // run through each array of edges to count how many overlaps there might be const layerOverlaps: Array = []; layerMinEdges.forEach(function(arr, lay) { const mins = arr; // sorted by min column const maxs = layerMaxEdges[lay]; // sorted by max column let maxoverlap = 0; // maximum count for this layer if (mins && maxs && mins.length > 1 && maxs.length > 1) { let mini = 0; let min = null; let maxi = 0; let max = null; while (mini < mins.length || maxi < maxs.length) { if (mini < mins.length) min = mins[mini]; const mincol = min ? Math.min((min.fromVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex).column,(min.toVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex).column) : 0; if (maxi < maxs.length) max = maxs[maxi]; const maxcol = max ? Math.max((max.fromVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex).column, (max.toVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex).column) : Infinity; maxoverlap = Math.max(maxoverlap, Math.abs(mini-maxi)); if (mincol <= maxcol && mini < mins.length) { mini++; } else if (maxi < maxs.length) { maxi++; } } } layerOverlaps[lay] = maxoverlap * 1.5; // # of parallel links }); return layerOverlaps; } private setupLanes(): void { // set up some data structures const layout = this; const laneNameSet = new go.Set().addAll(this.laneNames); const laneIndexes = new go.Map(); // lane names --> index when sorted const vit = (this.network as go.LayeredDigraphNetwork).vertexes.iterator; while (vit.next()) { const v = vit.value as go.LayeredDigraphVertex; const lane = this.getLane(v); // cannot call findLane yet if (lane !== null && !laneNameSet.has(lane)) { laneNameSet.add(lane); this.laneNames.push(lane); } const layer = v.layer; if (layer >= 0) { const arr = this._layers[layer]; if (!arr) { this._layers[layer] = [v]; } else { arr.push(v); } } } // sort laneNames and initialize laneIndexes if (typeof this.laneComparer === "function") this.laneNames.sort(this.laneComparer); for (let i = 0; i < this.laneNames.length; i++) { laneIndexes.add(this.laneNames[i], i); } // now OK to call findLane // sort vertexes so that vertexes are grouped by lane for (let i = 0; i <= this.maxLayer; i++) { this._layers[i].sort(function(a, b) { return layout.compareVertexes(a, b); }); } } /** * @hidden * Replace the standard reduceCrossings behavior so that it respects lanes. */ protected override reduceCrossings(): void { this.setupLanes(); // this just cares about the .index and ignores .column const layers = this._layers; const red = this.reducer; if (red) { for (let i = 0; i < layers.length-1; i++) { red.reduceCrossings(layers[i], layers[i+1]); layers[i].forEach(function(v, j) { v.index = j; }) } for (let i = layers.length-1; i > 0; i--) { red.reduceCrossings(layers[i], layers[i-1]); layers[i].forEach(function(v, j) { v.index = j; }) } } this.computeLanes(); // and recompute all vertex.column values } private computeLanes(): void { // compute needed width for each lane, in columns for (let i = 0; i < this.laneNames.length; i++) { const lane = this.laneNames[i]; this.laneBreadths.add(lane, this.computeMinLaneWidth(lane)); } const lwidths = new go.Map(); // reused for each layer for (let i = 0; i <= this.maxLayer; i++) { const arr = this._layers[i]; if (arr) { const layout = this; // now run through Array finding width (in columns) of each lane // and max with this.laneBreadths.get(lane) for (let j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) { const v = arr[j]; const w = this.nodeMinColumnSpace(v, true) + 1 + this.nodeMinColumnSpace(v, false); const ln = this.findLane(v) || ""; const totw = lwidths.get(ln); if (totw === null) { lwidths.set(ln, w); } else { lwidths.set(ln, totw + w); } } lwidths.each(function(kvp) { const lane = kvp.key; const colsInLayer = kvp.value; const colsMax = layout.laneBreadths.get(lane) || 0; if (colsInLayer > colsMax) layout.laneBreadths.set(lane, colsInLayer); }) lwidths.clear(); } } // compute starting positions for each lane let x = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.laneNames.length; i++) { const lane = this.laneNames[i]; this.lanePositions.set(lane, x); const w = this.laneBreadths.get(lane) || 0; x += w + this.laneSpacing; } this.renormalizeColumns(); } private renormalizeColumns(): void { // set new column and index on each vertex for (let i = 0; i < this._layers.length; i++) { let prevlane = null; let c = 0; const arr = this._layers[i]; for (let j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) { const v = arr[j]; v.index = j; const l = this.findLane(v); if (l && prevlane !== l) { c = this.lanePositions.get(l) || 0; const w = this.laneBreadths.get(l) || 0; // compute needed breadth within lane, in columns let z = this.nodeMinColumnSpace(v, true) + 1 + this.nodeMinColumnSpace(v, false); let k = j+1; while (k < arr.length && this.findLane(arr[k]) === l) { const vz = arr[k]; z += this.nodeMinColumnSpace(vz, true) + 1 + this.nodeMinColumnSpace(vz, false); k++; } // if there is extra space, shift the vertexes to the middle of the lane if (z < w) { c += Math.floor((w-z)/2); } } c += this.nodeMinColumnSpace(v, true); v.column = c; c += 1; c += this.nodeMinColumnSpace(v, false); prevlane = l; } } } /** * Return the minimum lane width, in columns * @param lane */ public computeMinLaneWidth(lane: string): number { return 0; } /** * @hidden * Disable normal straightenAndPack behavior, which would mess up the columns. */ protected override straightenAndPack(): void {} /** * Given a vertex, get the lane (name) that its node belongs in. * If the lane appears to be undefined, this returns the empty string. * For dummy vertexes (with no node) this will return null. * @param v */ protected getLane(v: go.LayeredDigraphVertex | null): string | null { if (v === null) return null; const node = v.node; if (node !== null) { const data = node.data; if (data !== null) { let lane = null; if (typeof this.laneProperty === "function") { lane = this.laneProperty(data); } else { lane = data[this.laneProperty]; } if (typeof lane === "string") return lane; return ""; // default lane } } return null; } /** * This is just like {@link #getLane} but handles dummy vertexes * for which the {@link #getLane} returns null by returning the * lane of the edge's source or destination vertex. * This can only be called after the lanes have been set up internally. * @param v */ protected findLane(v: go.LayeredDigraphVertex | null): string | null { if (v !== null) { const lane = this.getLane(v); if (lane !== null) { return lane; } else { const srcv = this.findRealSource(v.sourceEdges.first()); const dstv = this.findRealDestination(v.destinationEdges.first()); const srcLane = this.getLane(srcv); const dstLane = this.getLane(dstv); if (srcLane !== null || dstLane !== null) { if (srcLane === dstLane) return srcLane; if (srcLane !== null) return srcLane; if (dstLane !== null) return dstLane; } } } return null; } private findRealSource(e: go.LayoutEdge | null): go.LayeredDigraphVertex | null { if (e === null) return null; const fv = e.fromVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex; if (fv && fv.node) return fv; return this.findRealSource(fv.sourceEdges.first()); } private findRealDestination(e: go.LayoutEdge | null): go.LayeredDigraphVertex | null { if (e === null) return null; const tv = e.toVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex; if (tv.node) return tv; return this.findRealDestination(tv.destinationEdges.first()); } private compareVertexes(v: go.LayeredDigraphVertex, w: go.LayeredDigraphVertex) { let laneV = this.findLane(v); if (laneV === null) laneV = ""; let laneW = this.findLane(w); if (laneW === null) laneW = ""; if (laneV < laneW) return -1; if (laneV > laneW) return 1; if (v.column < w.column) return -1; if (v.column > w.column) return 1; return 0; }; }