/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ import * as go from '../release/go.js'; /** * A custom RotatingTool that also supports the user moving the point about which the object is rotated. * * Typical usage: *
*   new go.Diagram(. . .,
*     {
*       rotatingTool: new SpotRotatingTool(),
*       . . .
*     })
* * This tool uses two separate Adornments -- the regular one holding the rotation handle and an * additional one named "MovingSpot" that holds the handle for interactively moving the * {@link RotatingTool#rotationPoint} by changing the {@link Part#rotationSpot}. * * If you want to experiment with this extension, try the Spot Rotating sample. * @category Tool Extension */ export class SpotRotatingTool extends go.RotatingTool { private _spotAdornmentTemplate: go.Adornment; private _originalRotationSpot: go.Spot = go.Spot.Default; public constructor() { super(); const $ = go.GraphObject.make; this._spotAdornmentTemplate = $(go.Adornment, "Spot", { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center, cursor: "move" }, $(go.Shape, "Circle", { fill: "lightblue", stroke: "dodgerblue", width: 10, height: 10 }), $(go.Shape, "Circle", { fill: "dodgerblue", strokeWidth: 0, width: 4, height: 4 }) ); } /** * In addition to updating the standard "Rotating" Adornment, this updates a "MovingSpot" * Adornment that the user may drag in order to move the {@link RotatingTool#rotationPoint}. * @param {Part} part */ public override updateAdornments(part: go.Part): void { super.updateAdornments(part); if (part === null) return; if (part.isSelected && !this.diagram.isReadOnly) { const rotateObj = part.rotateObject; if (rotateObj !== null && part.canRotate() && part.actualBounds.isReal() && part.isVisible() && rotateObj.actualBounds.isReal() && rotateObj.isVisibleObject()) { let ad = part.findAdornment("RotateSpot"); if (ad === null || ad.adornedObject !== rotateObj) { ad = this._spotAdornmentTemplate.copy(); ad.adornedObject = part.rotateObject; } if (ad !== null) { ad.location = this.computeRotationPoint(ad.adornedObject); part.addAdornment("RotateSpot", ad); return; } } } part.removeAdornment("RotateSpot"); }; /** * Change the positioning of the "Rotating" Adornment to adapt to the rotation point * potentially being well outside of the object being rotated. * * This assumes that {@link RotatingTool#handleAngle} is zero. * @param {GraphObject} obj the object being rotated * @returns Point in document coordinates */ computeAdornmentLocation(obj: go.GraphObject): go.Point { let p = this.rotationPoint; if (!p.isReal()) p = this.computeRotationPoint(obj); const q = obj.getLocalPoint(p); //??? ignores this.handleAngle q.x = Math.max(obj.naturalBounds.right, q.x) + this.handleDistance; return obj.getDocumentPoint(q); } /** * In addition to the standard behavior of {@link RotatingTool#canStart}, * also start when the user starts dragging the "MovingSpot" adornment/handle. * @returns boolean */ public override canStart(): boolean { if (!this.isEnabled) return false; const diagram = this.diagram; if (diagram.isReadOnly) return false; if (!diagram.allowRotate) return false; if (!diagram.lastInput.left) return false; let h = this.findToolHandleAt(diagram.firstInput.documentPoint, this.name); if (h !== null) return true; h = this.findToolHandleAt(diagram.firstInput.documentPoint, "RotateSpot"); return (h !== null); } /** * @hidden @internal */ public override doActivate(): void { // might be dragging the spot handle instead of the rotate handle this.handle = this.findToolHandleAt(this.diagram.firstInput.documentPoint, "RotateSpot"); if (this.handle !== null) { const ad = this.handle.part as go.Adornment; if (ad.adornedObject !== null) { const part = ad.adornedPart; if (part !== null) this._originalRotationSpot = part.rotationSpot; } } // doActivate uses this.handle if it is set beforehand, rather than searching for a rotate handle super.doActivate(); } /** * @hidden @internal */ public override doCancel(): void { if (this.adornedObject !== null) { const part = this.adornedObject.part; if (part !== null) { part.rotationSpot = this._originalRotationSpot; this.rotationPoint.set(this.computeRotationPoint(this.adornedObject)); this.updateAdornments(part); } } super.doCancel(); } /** * @hidden @internal */ public override doMouseMove(): void { if (this.isActive) { if (this.handle !== null && this.handle.part && this.handle.part.category === "RotateSpot") { // modify part.rotationSpot and this.rotationPoint this.shiftRotationPoint(); } else { super.doMouseMove(); } } } /** * @hidden @internal */ public override doMouseUp(): void { if (this.isActive) { if (this.handle !== null && this.handle.part && this.handle.part.category === "RotateSpot") { // modify part.rotationSpot and this.rotationPoint this.shiftRotationPoint(); this.transactionResult = "Shifted rotationSpot"; this.stopTool(); } else { super.doMouseUp(); } } } /** * This is called by mouse moves and mouse up events when the handle being dragged is "MovingSpot". * This needs to update the {@link Part#rotationSpot} and {@link RotatingTool#rotationPoint} properties. * * For each of the X and Y directions, when the handle is within the bounds of the rotated object, * the new rotation Spot will be purely fractional; when it is outside the Spot will be limited to * a fraction of zero or one (whichever is closer) and an absolute offset that places the rotation point * where the handle is. * @expose */ shiftRotationPoint(): void { const dp = this.diagram.lastInput.documentPoint; const obj = this.adornedObject; if (obj === null) return; const w = obj.naturalBounds.width || 1; // disallow zero const h = obj.naturalBounds.height || 1; const part = obj.part; if (part === null) return; const op = obj.getLocalPoint(dp); const fx = (op.x < 0) ? 0 : (op.x > w ? 1 : op.x/w); const fy = (op.y < 0) ? 0 : (op.y > h ? 1 : op.y/h); const ox = (op.x < 0) ? op.x : (op.x > w ? op.x-w : 0); const oy = (op.y < 0) ? op.y : (op.y > h ? op.y-h : 0); part.rotationSpot = new go.Spot(fx, fy, ox, oy); this.rotationPoint.set(this.computeRotationPoint(obj)); this.updateAdornments(part); } }