/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. * Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases. * If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. * Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders. * See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information. */ import * as go from '../release/go.js'; /** * The RowResizingTool class lets the user resize each row of a named Table Panel in a selected Part. * * If you want to experiment with this extension, try the Column Resizing sample. * @category Tool Extension */ export class RowResizingTool extends go.Tool { private _handleArchetype: go.GraphObject; private _tableName: string = 'TABLE'; // internal state private _handle: go.GraphObject | null = null; private _adornedTable: go.Panel | null = null; /** * Constructs a RowResizingTool and sets the handle and name of the tool. */ constructor() { super(); const h: go.Shape = new go.Shape(); h.geometryString = 'M0 0 H14 M0 2 H14'; h.desiredSize = new go.Size(14, 2); h.cursor = 'row-resize'; h.geometryStretch = go.GraphObject.None; h.background = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'; h.stroke = 'rgba(30,144,255,0.5)'; this._handleArchetype = h; this.name = 'RowResizing'; } /** * Gets or sets small GraphObject that is copied as a resize handle for each row. * This tool expects that this object's {@link GraphObject#desiredSize} (a.k.a width and height) has been set to real numbers. * * The default value is a {@link Shape} that is a narrow rectangle. */ get handleArchetype(): go.GraphObject { return this._handleArchetype; } set handleArchetype(val: go.GraphObject) { this._handleArchetype = val; } /** * Gets or sets the name of the Table Panel to be resized. * * The default value is the name "TABLE". */ get tableName(): string { return this._tableName; } set tableName(val: string) { this._tableName = val; } /** * This read-only property returns the {@link GraphObject} that is the tool handle being dragged by the user. * This will be contained by an {@link Adornment} whose category is "RowResizing". * Its {@link Adornment#adornedObject} is the same as the {@link #adornedTable}. */ get handle(): go.GraphObject | null { return this._handle; } /** * This read-only property returns the {@link Panel} of type {@link Panel.Table} whose rows are being resized. * This must be contained within the selected {@link Part}. */ get adornedTable(): go.Panel | null { return this._adornedTable; } /** * Show an {@link Adornment} with a resize handle at each row. * Don't show anything if {@link #tableName} doesn't identify a {@link Panel} * that has a {@link Panel#type} of type {@link Panel.Table}. */ public override updateAdornments(part: go.Part): void { if (part === null || part instanceof go.Link) return; // this tool never applies to Links if (part.isSelected && !this.diagram.isReadOnly) { const selelt = part.findObject(this.tableName); if (selelt instanceof go.Panel && selelt.actualBounds.isReal() && selelt.isVisibleObject() && part.actualBounds.isReal() && part.isVisible() && selelt.type === go.Panel.Table) { const table = selelt; let adornment = part.findAdornment(this.name); if (adornment === null) { adornment = this.makeAdornment(table); part.addAdornment(this.name, adornment); } if (adornment !== null) { const pad = table.padding as go.Margin; const numrows = table.rowCount; // update the position/alignment of each handle adornment.elements.each((h) => { if (!h.pickable) return; const rowdef = table.getRowDefinition(h.row); let hgt = rowdef.actual; if (hgt > 0) hgt = rowdef.total; let sep = 0; // find next non-zero-height row's separatorStrokeWidth let idx = h.row + 1; while (idx < numrows && table.getRowDefinition(idx).actual === 0) idx++; if (idx < numrows) { sep = table.getRowDefinition(idx).separatorStrokeWidth; if (isNaN(sep)) sep = table.defaultRowSeparatorStrokeWidth; } h.alignment = new go.Spot(0, 0, pad.left + h.width / 2, pad.top + rowdef.position + hgt + sep / 2); }); adornment.locationObject.desiredSize = table.actualBounds.size; adornment.location = table.getDocumentPoint(adornment.locationSpot); adornment.angle = table.getDocumentAngle(); return; } } } part.removeAdornment(this.name); } /** * @hidden @internal * @param {Panel} table the Table Panel whose rows may be resized * @return {Adornment} */ public makeAdornment(table: go.Panel): go.Adornment { // the Adornment is a Spot Panel holding resize handles const adornment = new go.Adornment(); adornment.category = this.name; adornment.adornedObject = table; adornment.type = go.Panel.Spot; adornment.locationObjectName = 'BLOCK'; // create the "main" element of the Spot Panel const block = new go.TextBlock(); // doesn't matter much what this is block.name = 'BLOCK'; block.pickable = false; // it's transparent and not pickable adornment.add(block); // now add resize handles for each row for (let i = 0; i < table.rowCount; i++) { const rowdef = table.getRowDefinition(i); const h = this.makeHandle(table, rowdef); if (h !== null) adornment.add(h); } return adornment; } /** * @hidden @internal * @param {Panel} table the Table Panel whose rows may be resized * @param {RowColumnDefinition} coldef the row definition to be resized * @return a copy of the {@link #handleArchetype} */ public makeHandle(table: go.Panel, rowdef: go.RowColumnDefinition): go.GraphObject | null { const h = this.handleArchetype; if (h === null) return null; const c = h.copy(); c.row = rowdef.index; return c; } /** * This tool may run when there is a mouse-down event on a "RowResizing" handle, * the diagram is not read-only, the left mouse button is being used, * and this tool's adornment's resize handle is at the current mouse point. */ public override canStart(): boolean { if (!this.isEnabled) return false; const diagram = this.diagram; if (diagram.isReadOnly) return false; if (!diagram.lastInput.left) return false; const h = this.findToolHandleAt(diagram.firstInput.documentPoint, this.name); return (h !== null); } /** * Find the {@link #handle}, ensure type {@link Panel.Table}, capture the mouse, and start a transaction. * * If the call to {@link Tool#findToolHandleAt} finds no "RowResizing" tool handle, this method returns without activating this tool. */ public override doActivate(): void { const diagram = this.diagram; this._handle = this.findToolHandleAt(diagram.firstInput.documentPoint, this.name); if (this.handle === null) return; const panel = (this.handle.part as go.Adornment).adornedObject as go.Adornment; if (!panel || panel.type !== go.Panel.Table) return; this._adornedTable = panel; diagram.isMouseCaptured = true; this.startTransaction(this.name); this.isActive = true; } /** * Stop the current transaction and release the mouse. */ public override doDeactivate(): void { this.stopTransaction(); this._handle = null; this._adornedTable = null; const diagram = this.diagram; diagram.isMouseCaptured = false; this.isActive = false; } /** * Call {@link #resize} with a new size determined by the current mouse point. * This determines the new bounds by calling {@link #computeResize}. */ public override doMouseMove(): void { const diagram = this.diagram; if (this.isActive) { const newpt = this.computeResize(diagram.lastInput.documentPoint); this.resize(newpt); } } /** * Call {@link #resize} with the final bounds based on the most recent mouse point, and commit the transaction. * This determines the new bounds by calling {@link #computeResize}. */ public override doMouseUp(): void { const diagram = this.diagram; if (this.isActive) { const newpt = this.computeResize(diagram.lastInput.documentPoint); this.resize(newpt); this.transactionResult = this.name; // success } this.stopTool(); } /** * Change the {@link RowColumnDefinition#height} of the row being resized * to a value corresponding to the given mouse point. * @param {Point} newPoint the value returned by the call to {@link #computeResize} */ public resize(newPoint: go.Point): void { const table = this.adornedTable; if (table === null) return; const h = this.handle; if (h === null) return; const pad = table.padding as go.Margin; const numrows = table.rowCount; const locpt = table.getLocalPoint(newPoint); const rowdef = table.getRowDefinition(h.row); let sep = 0; let idx = h.row + 1; while (idx < numrows && table.getRowDefinition(idx).actual === 0) idx++; if (idx < numrows) { sep = table.getRowDefinition(idx).separatorStrokeWidth; if (isNaN(sep)) sep = table.defaultRowSeparatorStrokeWidth; } rowdef.height = Math.max(0, locpt.y - pad.top - rowdef.position - (rowdef.total - rowdef.actual) - sep / 2); } /** * This can be overridden in order to customize the resizing process. * @expose * @param {Point} p the point where the handle is being dragged. * @return {Point} */ public computeResize(p: go.Point): go.Point { return p; } /** * Pressing the Delete key removes any column width setting and stops this tool. */ public override doKeyDown(): void { if (!this.isActive) return; const diagram = this.diagram; const e = diagram.lastInput; if (e.key === 'Del' || e.key === '\t') { // remove height setting if (this.adornedTable !== null && this.handle !== null) { const rowdef = this.adornedTable.getRowDefinition(this.handle.row); rowdef.height = NaN; this.transactionResult = this.name; // success this.stopTool(); } } else { super.doKeyDown(); } } }