/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. * Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases. * If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. * Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders. * See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information. */ import * as go from '../release/go.js'; import { Robot } from './Robot.js'; let myRobot: Robot; // this global variable will hold an instance of the Robot class for myDiagram let myDiagram: go.Diagram; let myPalette: go.Diagram; export function init() { if ((window as any).goSamples) (window as any).goSamples(); // init for these samples -- you don't need to call this const $ = go.GraphObject.make; // for conciseness in defining templates function showProperties(e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject) { // executed by ContextMenuButton const node = (obj.part as go.Adornment).adornedPart; if (node === null || node.data === null) return; let msg = 'Context clicked: ' + node.data.key + '. '; msg += 'Selection includes:'; myDiagram.selection.each(function (part) { msg += ' ' + part.toString(); }); const stat = document.getElementById('myStatus'); if (stat !== null) stat.textContent = msg; } function nodeClicked(e: go.InputEvent, obj: go.GraphObject) { // executed by click and doubleclick handlers const evt = e.copy(); const node = obj.part; if (node === null || node.data === null) return; const type = evt.clickCount === 2 ? 'Double-Clicked: ' : 'Clicked: '; const msg = type + node.data.key + '. '; const stat = document.getElementById('myStatus'); if (stat !== null) stat.textContent = msg; } myDiagram = new go.Diagram('myDiagramDiv', // must name or refer to the DIV HTML element { nodeTemplate: $(go.Node, 'Auto', { click: nodeClicked, doubleClick: nodeClicked, contextMenu: $('ContextMenu', $('ContextMenuButton', $(go.TextBlock, 'Properties'), { click: showProperties }) ) }, $(go.Shape, 'Rectangle', { fill: 'lightgray' }, { portId: '', fromLinkable: true, toLinkable: true, cursor: 'pointer' }), $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 3 }, new go.Binding('text', 'key'))), model: new go.GraphLinksModel([ { key: 'Lambda' }, { key: 'Mu' } ], [ { from: 'Lambda', to: 'Mu' } ]), 'undoManager.isEnabled': true }); // a shared Robot that can be used by all commands for this one Diagram myRobot = new Robot(myDiagram); // defined in Robot.js // initialize the Palette that is on the left side of the page myPalette = new go.Palette('myPaletteDiv', // must name or refer to the DIV HTML element { nodeTemplate: myDiagram.nodeTemplate, model: new go.GraphLinksModel([ // specify the contents of the Palette { key: 'Alpha' }, { key: 'Beta' }, { key: 'Gamma' }, { key: 'Delta' } ]) }); } export function dragFromPalette() { // simulate a drag-and-drop between Diagrams: const dragdrop = { sourceDiagram: myPalette, targetDiagram: myDiagram }; myRobot.mouseDown(5, 5, 0, dragdrop); // this should be where the Alpha node is in the source myPalette myRobot.mouseMove(60, 60, 100, dragdrop); myRobot.mouseUp(100, 100, 200, dragdrop); // this is where the node will be dropped in the target myDiagram // If successful in dragging a node from the Palette into the Diagram, // the DraggingTool will perform a transaction. } export function copyNode() { const alpha = myDiagram.findNodeForKey('Alpha'); if (alpha === null) return; const loc = alpha.actualBounds.center; const options = { control: true, alt: true }; // Simulate a mouse drag to move the Alpha node: myRobot.mouseDown(loc.x, loc.y, 0, options); myRobot.mouseMove(loc.x + 80, loc.y + 50, 50, options); myRobot.mouseMove(loc.x + 20, loc.y + 100, 100, options); myRobot.mouseUp(loc.x + 20, loc.y + 100, 150, options); // If successful, will have made a copy of the "Alpha" node below it. // Alternatively you could copy the Node using commands: // myDiagram.commandHandler.copySelection(); // myDiagram.commandHandler.pasteSelection(new go.Point(loc.x+20, loc.y+100)); } export function dragSelectNodes() { const alpha = myDiagram.findNodeForKey('Alpha'); if (alpha === null) return; const alpha2 = myDiagram.findNodeForKey('Alpha2'); if (alpha2 === null) return; const coll: any = new go.Set(); coll.add(alpha); coll.add(alpha2); const area = myDiagram.computePartsBounds(coll); area.inflate(30, 30); // Simulate dragging in the background around the two Alpha nodes. // This uses timestamps to pretend to wait a while to avoid activating the PanningTool. // Hopefully this mouse down does not hit any Part, but in the Diagram's background: myRobot.mouseDown(area.x, area.y, 0); // NOTE that this mouseMove timestamp needs to be > myDiagram.toolManager.dragSelectingTool.delay: myRobot.mouseMove(area.centerX, area.centerY, 200); myRobot.mouseUp(area.right, area.bottom, 250); // Now should have selected both "Alpha" and "Alpha2" using the DragSelectingTool. // Alternatively you could select the Nodes programmatically: // alpha.isSelected = true; // alpha2.isSelected = true; } export function clickContextMenu() { const alpha = myDiagram.findNodeForKey('Alpha'); if (alpha === null) return; const loc = alpha.location; // right click on Alpha myRobot.mouseDown(loc.x + 10, loc.y + 10, 0, { right: true }); myRobot.mouseUp(loc.x + 10, loc.y + 10, 100, { right: true }); // Alternatively you could invoke the Show Context Menu command directly: // myDiagram.commandHandler.showContextMenu(alpha); // move mouse over first context menu button myRobot.mouseMove(loc.x + 20, loc.y + 20, 200); // and click that button myRobot.mouseDown(loc.x + 20, loc.y + 20, 300); myRobot.mouseUp(loc.x + 20, loc.y + 20, 350); // This should have invoked the ContextMenuButton's click function, showProperties, // which should have put a green message in the myStatus DIV. } export function deleteSelection() { // Simulate clicking the "Del" key: myRobot.keyDown('Del'); myRobot.keyUp('Del'); // Now the selected Nodes are deleted. // Alternatively you could invoke the Delete command directly: // myDiagram.commandHandler.deleteSelection(); } export function clickLambda() { const lambda = myDiagram.findNodeForKey('Lambda'); if (lambda === null) return; const loc = lambda.location; // click on Lambda myRobot.mouseDown(loc.x + 10, loc.y + 10, 0, {}); myRobot.mouseUp(loc.x + 10, loc.y + 10, 100, {}); // Clicking is just a sequence of input events. // There is no command in CommandHandler for such a basic gesture. } export function doubleClickLambda() { const lambda = myDiagram.findNodeForKey('Lambda'); if (lambda === null) return; const loc = lambda.location; // double-click on Lambda myRobot.mouseDown(loc.x + 10, loc.y + 10, 0, {}); myRobot.mouseUp(loc.x + 10, loc.y + 10, 100, {}); myRobot.mouseDown(loc.x + 10, loc.y + 10, 200, { clickCount: 2 }); myRobot.mouseUp(loc.x + 10, loc.y + 10, 300, { clickCount: 2 }); } export function pan() { const pos1 = myDiagram.position.copy(); const pt = new go.Point(myDiagram.viewportBounds.x + 30, myDiagram.viewportBounds.centerY); myRobot.mouseDown(pt.x, pt.y, 0, {}); // Minimal wait after mouseDown when moving, else the PanningTool will be pre-empted // by the DragSelectingTool, which is controlled by the DragSelectingTool.delay property. // Remember that these are document coordinates, which are shifted by the panning motion. myRobot.mouseMove(pt.x + 20, pt.y + 10, 10, {}); myRobot.mouseMove(pt.x + 20, pt.y + 10, 30, {}); myRobot.mouseMove(pt.x + 20, pt.y + 10, 50, {}); myRobot.mouseUp(pt.x + 20, pt.y + 10, 70, {}); const pos2 = myDiagram.position.copy(); document.getElementById("myStatus")!.textContent = "Document.position before: " + pos1.toString() + " " + "Document.position after: " + pos2.toString(); }