/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. * Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases. * If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. * Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders. * See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information. */ import * as go from '../release/go.js'; /** * Given a root {@link Node}, this arranges connected nodes in concentric rings, * layered by the minimum link distance from the root. * * If you want to experiment with this extension, try the Radial Layout sample. * @category Layout Extension */ export class RadialLayout extends go.Layout { private _root: go.Node | null = null; private _layerThickness: number = 100; // how thick each ring should be private _maxLayers: number = Infinity; /** * Gets or sets the {@link Node} that acts as the root or central node of the radial layout. */ get root(): go.Node | null { return this._root; } set root(value: go.Node | null) { if (this._root !== value) { this._root = value; this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * Gets or sets the thickness of each ring representing a layer. * * The default value is 100. */ get layerThickness(): number { return this._layerThickness; } set layerThickness(value: number) { if (this._layerThickness !== value) { this._layerThickness = value; this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * Gets or sets the maximum number of layers to be shown, in addition to the root node at layer zero. * * The default value is Infinity. */ get maxLayers(): number { return this._maxLayers; } set maxLayers(value: number) { if (this._maxLayers !== value) { this._maxLayers = value; this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * Copies properties to a cloned Layout. */ public override cloneProtected(copy: this): void { super.cloneProtected(copy); // don't copy .root copy._layerThickness = this._layerThickness; copy._maxLayers = this._maxLayers; } /** * Use a LayoutNetwork that always creates RadialVertexes. */ public override createNetwork(): go.LayoutNetwork { const net = new go.LayoutNetwork(this); net.createVertex = () => new RadialVertex(net); return net; } /** * Find distances between root and vertexes, and then lay out radially. * @param {Diagram|Group|Iterable.} coll A {@link Diagram} or a {@link Group} or a collection of {@link Part}s. */ public override doLayout(coll: go.Diagram | go.Group | go.Iterable): void { if (this.network === null) { this.network = this.makeNetwork(coll); } if (this.network.vertexes.count === 0) { this.network = null; return; } if (this.root === null) { // If no root supplied, choose one without any incoming edges const rit = this.network.vertexes.iterator; while (rit.next()) { const v = rit.value; if (v.node !== null && v.sourceEdges.count === 0) { this.root = v.node; break; } } } if (this.root === null && this.network !== null) { // If could not find any default root, choose a random one const first = this.network.vertexes.first(); this.root = first === null ? null : first.node; } if (this.root === null) { // nothing to do this.network = null; return; } const rootvert = this.network.findVertex(this.root) as RadialVertex; if (rootvert === null) throw new Error('RadialLayout.root must be a Node in the LayoutNetwork that the RadialLayout is operating on'); this.arrangementOrigin = this.initialOrigin(this.arrangementOrigin); this.findDistances(rootvert); // now recursively position nodes (using radlay1()), starting with the root rootvert.centerX = this.arrangementOrigin.x; rootvert.centerY = this.arrangementOrigin.y; this.radlay1(rootvert, 1, 0, 360); // Update the "physical" positions of the nodes and links. this.updateParts(); this.network = null; } /** * Recursively position vertexes in a radial layout */ private radlay1(vert: RadialVertex, layer: number, angle: number, sweep: number): void { if (layer > this.maxLayers) return; // no need to position nodes outside of maxLayers const verts: Array = vert.children; // array of all RadialVertexes connected to 'vert' in layer 'layer' const found = verts.length; if (found === 0) return; const fracs = []; // relative proportions that each child vertex should occupy let tot = 0; for (let i = 0; i < found; i++) { const v = verts[i]; const f = this.computeBreadth(v); fracs.push(f); tot += f; } if (tot <= 0) return; // convert into fractions 0.0 <= frac <= 1.0 for (let i = 0; i < found; i++) fracs[i] /= tot; const radius = layer * this.layerThickness; let a = angle - sweep / 2; // the angle to rotate the node to // for each vertex in this layer, place it in its correct layer and position for (let i = 0; i < found; i++) { const v = verts[i]; const breadth = fracs[i] * sweep; a += breadth / 2; if (a < 0) a += 360; else if (a > 360) a -= 360; // the point to place the node at -- this corresponds with the layer the node is in // all nodes in the same layer are placed at a constant point, then rotated accordingly const p = new go.Point(radius, 0); p.rotate(a); v.centerX = p.x + this.arrangementOrigin.x; v.centerY = p.y + this.arrangementOrigin.y; v.angle = a; v.sweep = breadth; v.radius = radius; // keep going for all layers this.radlay1(v, layer + 1, a, sweep * fracs[i]); a += breadth / 2; if (a < 0) a += 360; else if (a > 360) a -= 360; } } /** * Compute the proportion of arc that the given vertex should take relative to its siblings. * * The default behavior is to give each child arc according to the sum of the maximum breadths of each of its children. * This assumes that all nodes have the same breadth -- i.e. that they will occupy the same sweep of arc. * It does not take the Node.actualBounds into account, nor the angle at which the node will be location relative to the origin, * nor the distance the node will be from the root node. * * In order to give each child of a vertex the same fraction of arc, override this method: * computeBreadth(v) { return 1; } * * In order to give each child of a vertex a fraction of arc proportional to how many children the child has: * computeBreadth(v) { return Math.max(1, v.children.length); } */ public computeBreadth(v: RadialVertex): number { let b = 0; v.children.forEach(w => { b += this.computeBreadth(w); }); // inefficient return Math.max(b, 1); } /** * Update RadialVertex.distance for every vertex. */ private findDistances(source: RadialVertex): void { if (this.network === null) return; // keep track of distances from the source node this.network.vertexes.each(v => { if (!(v instanceof RadialVertex)) return; // typeguard v.distance = Infinity; v.laid = false; }); // the source node starts with distance 0 source.distance = 0; // keep track of nodes for we have set a non-Infinity distance, // but which we have not yet finished examining const seen = new go.Set(); seen.add(source); // local function for finding a vertex with the smallest distance in a given collection function leastVertex(coll: go.Set): RadialVertex | null { let bestdist = Infinity; let bestvert = null; const it = coll.iterator; while (it.next()) { const v = it.value; const dist = v.distance; if (dist < bestdist) { bestdist = dist; bestvert = v; } } return bestvert; } // keep track of vertexes we have finished examining; // this avoids unnecessary traversals and helps keep the SEEN collection small const finished = new go.Set(); while (seen.count > 0) { // look at the unfinished vertex with the shortest distance so far const least = leastVertex(seen); if (least === null) break; const leastdist = least.distance; // by the end of this loop we will have finished examining this LEAST vertex seen.remove(least); finished.add(least); // look at all edges connected with this vertex least.edges.each(e => { const neighbor = e.getOtherVertex(least) as RadialVertex; if (!neighbor) return; // skip vertexes that we have finished if (finished.contains(neighbor)) return; const neighbordist = neighbor.distance; // assume "distance" along a link is unitary, but could be any non-negative number. const dist = leastdist + 1; if (dist < neighbordist) { // if haven't seen that vertex before, add it to the SEEN collection if (neighbordist === Infinity) { seen.add(neighbor); } // record the new best distance so far to that node neighbor.distance = dist; } }); } // now update the RadialVertex.children Arrays to form a tree-structure this.network.vertexes.each(v => { if (!(v instanceof RadialVertex)) return; const dist = v.distance; let arr = v.children; if (!arr) arr = v.children = []; v.vertexes.each(w => { // use LayoutVertex.vertexes to remove duplicates if (!(w instanceof RadialVertex)) return; // use the RadialVertex.laid property for avoiding already-traversed vertexes if (!w.laid && w !== v && w.distance === dist+1) { arr.push(w); w.laid = true; } }); }); // reset RadialVertex.laid in case of future use this.network.vertexes.each(v => { if (v instanceof RadialVertex) v.laid = false; }); } /** * This override positions each Node and also calls {@link #rotateNode}. */ public override commitLayout(): void { super.commitLayout(); if (this.network !== null) { const it = this.network.vertexes.iterator; while (it.next()) { const v = it.value as RadialVertex; const n = v.node; if (n !== null) { n.visible = (v.distance <= this.maxLayers); this.rotateNode(n, v.angle, v.sweep, v.radius); } } } this.commitLayers(); } /** * Override this method in order to modify each node as it is laid out. * By default this method does nothing. * @expose */ public rotateNode(node: go.Node, angle: number, sweep: number, radius: number): void { } /** * Override this method in order to create background circles indicating the layers of the radial layout. * By default this method does nothing. * @expose */ public commitLayers(): void { } } // end RadialLayout /** * RadialVertex, a LayoutVertex that holds additional info */ class RadialVertex extends go.LayoutVertex { constructor(network: go.LayoutNetwork) { super(network); } public distance: number = Infinity; // number of layers from the root, non-negative integers public laid: boolean = false; // used internally to keep track public angle: number = 0; // the direction at which the node is placed relative to the root node public sweep: number = 0; // the angle subtended by the vertex public radius: number = 0; // the inner radius of the layer containing this vertex public children: Array = []; // vertexes connected to this vertex that have a distance one greater than this distance }