/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ import * as go from '../release/go.js'; /** * @hidden @internal */ class QuadNode { public bounds: go.Rect; public parent: QuadNode | null; public level: number; public objects: Array = []; public treeObjects: Array> = []; public totalObjects = 0; // total in this node + in all children (recursively) public nodes: Array | null> = [null, null, null, null]; constructor(bounds: go.Rect, parent: QuadNode | null, level: number) { this.bounds = bounds; this.parent = parent; this.level = level; } public split(): void { const w2 = this.bounds.width / 2; const h2 = this.bounds.height / 2; const x = this.bounds.x; const y = this.bounds.y; this.nodes[0] = new QuadNode(new go.Rect(x + w2, y, w2, h2), this, this.level + 1); this.nodes[1] = new QuadNode(new go.Rect(x, y, w2, h2), this, this.level + 1); this.nodes[2] = new QuadNode(new go.Rect(x, y + h2, w2, h2), this, this.level + 1); this.nodes[3] = new QuadNode(new go.Rect(x + w2, y + h2, w2, h2), this, this.level + 1); } public clear(): void { this.treeObjects = []; this.objects = []; this.totalObjects = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) { const n = this.nodes[i]; if (n !== null) { n.clear(); this.nodes[i] = null; } } } } /** * @internal @hidden * Object to be contained by the {@link Quadtree} class. This object needs * to have rectangular bounds (described by an {@link Rect} object), as well * as something (of any type) associated with it. */ class QuadObj { public bounds: go.Rect; public obj: T; constructor(bounds: go.Rect, obj: T) { this.bounds = bounds; this.obj = obj; } } /** * Implementation of the quadtree data structure using the {@link Rect} class. * Each Quadtree has defined bounds found at {@link #bounds}, an array * of member rectangles, and an array of child nodes * (Quadtrees themselves). If the Quadtree has no * children, the nodes array will have four nulls. To construct a Quadtree, you * can call its constructor with no arguments. Then, to insert a rectangle, call * {@link #add}. This tree supports adding points (rectangles with 0 * width and height), segments (rectangles with either 0 width or 0 height), and * rectangles with nonzero widths and heights. * * Quadtrees can be used to calculate intersections extremely quickly between a * given rectangle and all of the rectangles in the quadtree. Use of this data * structure prevents having to do precise intersection calculations for every * rectangle in the tree. To calculate all of the rectangular intersections for * a given rectangle, use {@link #intersecting}. * * Other common operations are detailed below. * @category Layout Extension */ export class Quadtree { /** @hidden @internal */ private _root: QuadNode; /** @hidden @internal */ private readonly _nodeCapacity: number = 1; /** @hidden @internal */ private readonly _maxLevels: number = Infinity; /** @hidden @internal */ private _treeObjectMap: go.Map> = new go.Map>(); // we can avoid unnecessary work when adding objects if there are no objects with 0 width or height. // Note that after being set to true, these flags are not ever set again to false, even if all objects // with zero width/height are removed (assumption was made that this should almost never matter) /** @hidden @internal */ private _hasZeroWidthObject = false; /** @hidden @internal */ private _hasZeroHeightObject = false; /** * Gets the node capacity of this quadtree. This is the number of objects a node can contain before it splits. */ get nodeCapacity(): number { return this._nodeCapacity; } /** * Gets the maximum depth the Quadtree will allow before it will no longer split.. */ get maxLevels(): number { return this._maxLevels; } /** * Gets the boundaries of the node. All nodes should be square. */ get bounds(): go.Rect { return this._root.bounds; } /** * Gets the root node of the tree */ get root(): QuadNode { return this._root; } /** * In most cases, simply calling this constructor with no arguments will produce the desired behaviour. * @constructor * @param {number=} nodeCapacity The node capacity of this quadtree. This is the number of objects a node can contain before it splits. Defaults to 1. * @param {number=} maxLevel The maximum depth the Quadtree will allow before it will no longer split. Defaults to Infinity (no maximum depth). * @param {Rect=} bounds The bounding box surrounding the entire Quadtree. If the bounds are unset or a node is inserted outside of the bounds, the tree will automatically grow. */ constructor(nodeCapacity?: number, maxLevel?: number, bounds?: go.Rect) { if (nodeCapacity) { this._nodeCapacity = nodeCapacity; } if (maxLevel) { this._maxLevels = maxLevel; } if (bounds === undefined) { bounds = new go.Rect(); } this._root = new QuadNode(bounds, null, 0); } /** * Clears the Quadtree, removing all objects and children nodes. Keeps the current bounds of the root node. * @this {Quadtree} * @return {void} */ public clear(): void { this._root.clear(); this._treeObjectMap.clear(); } /** * @hidden @internal * Returns a list of possible quadrants that the given rect could be in * @this {Quadtree} * @param {Rect} rect the rectangle to test * @return {Array} */ private _getQuadrants(rect: go.Rect, node: QuadNode): Array { const quadrants: Array = []; const horizontalMidpoint = node.bounds.x + (node.bounds.width / 2); const verticalMidpoint = node.bounds.y + (node.bounds.height / 2); const topQuadrant = rect.y <= verticalMidpoint; const bottomQuadrant = rect.y + rect.height >= verticalMidpoint; if (rect.x <= horizontalMidpoint) { if (topQuadrant) { quadrants.push(1); } if (bottomQuadrant) { quadrants.push(2); } } if (rect.x + rect.width >= horizontalMidpoint) { if (topQuadrant) { quadrants.push(0); } if (bottomQuadrant) { quadrants.push(3); } } return quadrants; } /** * @hidden @internal * Determine which node the rect belongs to. -1 means rect * cannot completely fit within a child node and is part of * the parent node. This function avoids some additional * calculations by assuming that the rect is contained entirely * within the parent node's bounds. * @this {Quadtree} * @param {Rect} rect the rect to test * @return {number} */ private _getIndex(rect: go.Rect, node: QuadNode): number { let index = -1; if (node.bounds === undefined) { // the quadtree is empty return index; } const horizontalMidpoint = node.bounds.x + (node.bounds.width / 2); const verticalMidpoint = node.bounds.y + (node.bounds.height / 2); const topQuadrant = rect.y <= verticalMidpoint && rect.y + rect.height <= verticalMidpoint; const bottomQuadrant = rect.y >= verticalMidpoint; if (rect.x + rect.width <= horizontalMidpoint) { if (topQuadrant) { index = 1; } else if (bottomQuadrant) { index = 2; } } else if (rect.x >= horizontalMidpoint) { if (topQuadrant) { index = 0; } else if (bottomQuadrant) { index = 3; } } return index; } /** * Insert the object into the quadtree. If the node * exceeds the capacity, it will split and add all * objects to their corresponding nodes. If the object is * outside the bounds of the tree's root node, the tree * will grow to accomodate it. Possibly restructures the * tree if a more efficient configuration can be found with * the new dimensions. Bounds can be given either as a * single {@link Rect} or as any combination of arguments * which is valid for the {@link Rect} constructor. * @this {Quadtree} * @param {T} obj the object to insert * @param {Rect|Point|number} x The Rect bounds of the object, or top-left Point, or x value. * @param {Point|Size|number} y Bottom-right Point or Size or y value. * @param {number} w Width to be used if x,y are specified; * must be non-negative. * @param {number} h Height to be used if x,y are specified; * @return {void} */ public add(obj: T | QuadObj, x?: go.Rect | go.Point | number, y?: go.Point | go.Size | number, w?: number, h?: number): void { let bounds: go.Rect; if (!(obj instanceof QuadObj) && (x === undefined || x === null)) { throw new Error('Invalid bounds for added object'); } if (x instanceof go.Rect) { bounds = x.copy(); } else { bounds = new go.Rect(x, y, w, h); } let treeObj: QuadObj; if (obj instanceof QuadObj) { treeObj = obj; obj = treeObj.obj; bounds = treeObj.bounds; } else { treeObj = new QuadObj(bounds, obj); } if (isNaN(bounds.x) || bounds.x === Infinity || isNaN(bounds.y) || bounds.y === Infinity || isNaN(bounds.width) || bounds.width === Infinity || isNaN(bounds.height) || bounds.height === Infinity) { throw new Error('Invalid rectangle, contains NaN or Infinity properties'); } this._hasZeroWidthObject = this._hasZeroWidthObject || bounds.width === 0; this._hasZeroHeightObject = this._hasZeroHeightObject || bounds.height === 0; // initialize bounds of tree as the max width or height of the first object added if (this._root.bounds.width === 0 || this._root.bounds.height === 0) { const len = Math.max(bounds.width, bounds.height); this._root.bounds = new go.Rect(bounds.x, bounds.y, len, len); } // fixes quadtree having a width and height of 0 if the first object added is a point // this will only be called after a second object is added, the new width/height is the maximum distance between them if (this._root.bounds !== undefined && (this._root.bounds.width === 0 || this._root.bounds.height === 0)) { const len = Math.max(Math.abs(bounds.x - this._root.bounds.x), Math.abs(bounds.y - this._root.bounds.y)); this._root.bounds = new go.Rect(Math.min(this._root.bounds.x, bounds.x), Math.min(this._root.bounds.y, bounds.y), len, len); } // map the object to its corresponding QuadObj (so that the bounds of this object can be retrieved later) this._treeObjectMap.add(obj, treeObj); // grow as many times as necessary to fit the new object while (!this._root.bounds.containsRect(bounds)) { const old = this._root; this.walk(n => n.level++, old); const intersectsTopBound = bounds.y < this._root.bounds.y; const intersectsBottomBound = bounds.y + bounds.height > this._root.bounds.y + this._root.bounds.height; const intersectsRightBound = bounds.x + bounds.width > this._root.bounds.x + this._root.bounds.width; const intersectsLeftBound = bounds.x < this._root.bounds.x; if ((intersectsTopBound && intersectsRightBound) || (intersectsTopBound && !intersectsLeftBound)) { /* _______ * | 1 | 0 | * |___|___| * |old| 3 | * |___|___| */ const newBounds = new go.Rect(this._root.bounds.x, this._root.bounds.y - this._root.bounds.height, this._root.bounds.width * 2, this._root.bounds.height * 2); this._root = new QuadNode(newBounds, null, 0); this._root.split(); this._root.nodes[2] = old; this._root.totalObjects = old.totalObjects; old.parent = this._root; this._restructure(old); this._restructureLevels(old); if (this._hasZeroHeightObject) { this._fixTopObjectPlacement(old); } } else if (intersectsTopBound && intersectsLeftBound) { /* _______ * | 1 | 0 | * |___|___| * | 2 |old| * |___|___| */ const newBounds = new go.Rect(this._root.bounds.x - this._root.bounds.width, this._root.bounds.y - this._root.bounds.height, this._root.bounds.width * 2, this._root.bounds.height * 2); this._root = new QuadNode(newBounds, null, 0); this._root.split(); this._root.nodes[3] = old; this._root.totalObjects = old.totalObjects; old.parent = this._root; this._restructure(old); this._restructureLevels(old); if (this._hasZeroWidthObject) { this._fixLeftObjectPlacement(old); } if (this._hasZeroHeightObject) { this._fixTopObjectPlacement(old); } } else if ((intersectsBottomBound && intersectsRightBound) || ((intersectsRightBound || intersectsBottomBound) && !intersectsLeftBound)) { /* _______ * |old| 0 | * |___|___| * | 2 | 3 | * |___|___| */ const newBounds = new go.Rect(this._root.bounds.x, this._root.bounds.y, this._root.bounds.width * 2, this._root.bounds.height * 2); this._root = new QuadNode(newBounds, null, 0); this._root.split(); this._root.nodes[1] = old; this._root.totalObjects = old.totalObjects; old.parent = this._root; this._restructure(old); this._restructureLevels(old); } else if ((intersectsBottomBound && intersectsLeftBound) || intersectsLeftBound) { /* _______ * | 1 |old| * |___|___| * | 2 | 3 | * |___|___| */ const newBounds = new go.Rect(this._root.bounds.x - this._root.bounds.width, this._root.bounds.y, this._root.bounds.width * 2, this._root.bounds.height * 2); this._root = new QuadNode(newBounds, null, 0); this._root.split(); this._root.nodes[0] = old; this._root.totalObjects = old.totalObjects; old.parent = this._root; this._restructure(old); this._restructureLevels(old); if (this._hasZeroWidthObject) { this._fixLeftObjectPlacement(old); } } } // add the object to the tree this._addHelper(this._root, treeObj); } /** * @hidden @internal * Helper function to recursively perform the add operation * on the tree. * @this {Quadtree} * @param {QuadNode} root the current node being operated on * @param {QuadObj} treeObj the object being added * @return {void} */ private _addHelper(root: QuadNode, treeObj: QuadObj): void { root.totalObjects++; if (root.nodes[0]) { const index = this._getIndex(treeObj.bounds, root); if (index !== -1) { const selected = root.nodes[index]; if (selected !== null) { this._addHelper(selected, treeObj); return; } } } root.treeObjects.push(treeObj); root.objects.push(treeObj.obj); if (root.treeObjects.length > this._nodeCapacity && root.level < this._maxLevels) { if (!root.nodes[0]) { root.split(); } let i = 0; while (i < root.treeObjects.length) { const index = this._getIndex(root.treeObjects[i].bounds, root); if (index !== -1 && !(root.treeObjects[i].bounds.width === 0 || root.treeObjects[i].bounds.height === 0)) { root.objects.splice(i, 1); const selected = root.nodes[index]; if (selected !== null) { this._addHelper(selected, root.treeObjects.splice(i, 1)[0]); } } else { i++; } } } } /** * @hidden @internal * Recursively moves objects placed on the right side of a vertical border * between two nodes to the left side of the vertical border. This allows * them to be located by {@link #_getIndex}. This function is called * after an {@link #add} call grows the Quadtree, but only if there * are 0 width objects in the tree. * @this {Quadtree} * @param {QuadNode} root the current root node being operated on * @return {void} */ private _fixLeftObjectPlacement(root: QuadNode): void { const nw = root.nodes[1]; if (nw !== null) { // if root is split this._fixLeftObjectPlacement(nw); // NW const sw = root.nodes[2]; if (sw !== null) { this._fixLeftObjectPlacement(sw); // SW } } const toRemove: Array = []; const toAdd: Array> = []; for (let i = 0; i < root.objects.length; i++) { const obj = root.treeObjects[i]; if (obj.bounds.width === 0 && obj.bounds.x === root.bounds.x) { toRemove.push(i); toAdd.push(obj); } } this._removeFromOwner(root, toRemove); for (const obj of toAdd) { this.add(obj.obj, obj.bounds); } } /** * @hidden @internal * Recursively moves objects placed on the bottom side of a horizontal border * between two nodes to the top side of the vertical border. This allows * them to be located by {@link #_getIndex}. This function is called * after an {@link #add} call grows the Quadtree, but only if there * are 0 height objects in the tree. * @this {Quadtree} * @param {QuadNode} root the current root node being operated on * @return {void} */ private _fixTopObjectPlacement(root: QuadNode): void { const ne = root.nodes[0]; if (ne !== null) { // if root is split this._fixTopObjectPlacement(ne); // NE const nw = root.nodes[1]; if (nw !== null) { this._fixTopObjectPlacement(nw); // NW } } const toRemove: Array = []; const toAdd: Array> = []; for (let i = 0; i < root.objects.length; i++) { const obj = root.treeObjects[i]; if (obj.bounds.height === 0 && obj.bounds.y === root.bounds.y) { toRemove.push(i); toAdd.push(obj); } } this._removeFromOwner(root, toRemove); for (const obj of toAdd) { this.add(obj); } } /** * @hidden @internal * Moves all objects from a leaf node to its parent and unsplits. * Used after growing the tree when level>max level. * @this {Quadtree} * @param {QuadNode} node the leaf node to restructure * @return {void} */ private _restructureLevels(node: QuadNode): void { if (node && this._maxLevels < Infinity && node.nodes[0] !== null) { if (node.level >= this._maxLevels) { for (let i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) { const selected = node.nodes[i]; if (selected !== null) { node.objects.push.apply(node.objects, selected.objects); node.treeObjects.push.apply(node.treeObjects, selected.treeObjects); selected.clear(); node.nodes[i] = null; } } } else { for (let i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) { const selected = node.nodes[i]; if (selected !== null) { this._restructureLevels(selected); } } } } } /** * Return the node that contains the given object. * @this {Quadtree} * @param {T} obj the object to find * @return {QuadNode} the node containing the given object, null if the object is not found */ public find(obj: T): QuadNode | null { const treeObj = this._treeObjectMap.get(obj); if (treeObj) { return this._findHelper(this._root, treeObj); } return null; } private _findHelper(root: QuadNode, treeObj: QuadObj): QuadNode | null { for (const object of root.treeObjects) { if (object === treeObj) { return root; } } const index = this._getIndex(treeObj.bounds, root); const selected = index === -1 ? null : root.nodes[index]; if (selected !== null) { const result = this._findHelper(selected, treeObj); if (result) { return result; } } return null; } /** * Convenience method, calls {@link #find} and returns a boolean * indicating whether or not the tree contains the given object * @this {Quadtree} * @param {T} obj the object to check for * @return {boolean} whether or not the given object is present in the tree */ public has(obj: T): boolean { return !!this.find(obj); } /** * Checks if any of the objects in the tree have the given boundaries * @this {Quadtree} * @param {Rect} bounds the rectangle to check for * @return {Rect} the actual bounds object stored in the tree */ public findBounds(bounds: go.Rect): go.Rect | null { if (bounds) { return this._findBoundsHelper(this._root, bounds); } return null; } private _findBoundsHelper(root: QuadNode, bounds: go.Rect): go.Rect | null { for (const object of root.treeObjects) { if (bounds.equalsApprox(object.bounds)) { return bounds; } } const index = this._getIndex(bounds, root); const selected = index === -1 ? null : root.nodes[index]; if (selected !== null) { return this._findBoundsHelper(selected, bounds); } return null; } /** * Remove the given object from the tree, restructuring to * get rid of empty nodes that are unneeded. * @this {Quadtree} * @param {T} obj the object to remove * @return {boolean} whether or not the deletion was successful. False when the object is not in the tree. */ public remove(obj: T): boolean { const treeObj = this._treeObjectMap.get(obj); if (treeObj) { const owner = this._findHelper(this._root, treeObj); if (owner) { owner.treeObjects.splice(owner.treeObjects.indexOf(treeObj), 1); owner.objects.splice(owner.objects.indexOf(obj), 1); owner.totalObjects--; this._treeObjectMap.remove(obj); let parent = owner.parent; while (parent) { parent.totalObjects--; parent = parent.parent; } if (owner.nodes[0] && owner.totalObjects <= this._nodeCapacity) { this._addChildObjectsToNode(owner, owner); for (let i = 0; i < owner.nodes.length; i++) { const selected = owner.nodes[i]; if (selected !== null) { selected.clear(); } owner.nodes[i] = null; } } this._restructure(owner); return true; } } return false; } /** * Removes multiple objects at the given indices from the given owner. Similar * to the normal remove function, but much faster when the owner and indices are * already known. * @this {Quadtree} * @param {QuadNode} owner the node to remove objects from * @param {Array} indexes the indices to remove. Should be given in ascending order. */ private _removeFromOwner(owner: QuadNode, indexes: Array): void { if (indexes.length === 0) { return; } for (let i = indexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this._treeObjectMap.remove(owner.objects[indexes[i]]); owner.treeObjects.splice(indexes[i], 1); owner.objects.splice(indexes[i], 1); } owner.totalObjects -= indexes.length; let parent = owner.parent; while (parent) { parent.totalObjects -= indexes.length; parent = parent.parent; } if (owner.nodes[0] && owner.totalObjects <= this._nodeCapacity) { this._addChildObjectsToNode(owner, owner); for (let i = 0; i < owner.nodes.length; i++) { const selected = owner.nodes[i]; if (selected !== null) { selected.clear(); } owner.nodes[i] = null; } } this._restructure(owner); } /** * @hidden @internal * Recursively adds all objects from children of the given * root tree to the given owner tree * Used internally by {@link #remove} * @this {Quadtree} * @param {Quadtree} owner the tree to add objects to * @return {void} */ private _addChildObjectsToNode(owner: QuadNode, root: QuadNode): void { for (const node of root.nodes) { if (node) { owner.treeObjects.push.apply(owner.treeObjects, node.treeObjects); owner.objects.push.apply(owner.objects, node.objects); this._addChildObjectsToNode(owner, node); } } } /** * @hidden @internal * Recursively combines parent nodes that should be split, all the way * up the tree. Starts from the given node. * @this {Quadtree} * @return {void} */ private _restructure(root: QuadNode): void { const parent = root.parent; if (parent) { // if none of the child nodes have any objects, the parent should not be split let childrenHaveNoObjects = true; for (const node of parent.nodes) { if (node !== null && node.totalObjects > 0) { childrenHaveNoObjects = false; break; } } // unsplit children and move nodes to parent if (parent.totalObjects <= this._nodeCapacity || childrenHaveNoObjects) { for (let i = 0; i < parent.nodes.length; i++) { const selected = parent.nodes[i]; if (selected !== null) { parent.objects.push.apply(parent.objects, selected.objects); parent.treeObjects.push.apply(parent.treeObjects, selected.treeObjects); selected.clear(); parent.nodes[i] = null; } } this._restructure(parent); } } } /** * Can be called as either (obj, x, y) or (obj, point). Translate * the given object to given x and y coordinates or to a given {@link Point}. * @this {Quadtree} * @param {T} obj the object to move * @param {number|Point} x the x coordinate or Point to move the object to * @param {number} y the y coordinate to move the object to * @return {boolean} whether or not the move was successful. False if the object was not in the tree. */ public move(obj: T, x: number | go.Point, y?: number): boolean { const treeObj = this._treeObjectMap.get(obj); if (treeObj && this.remove(obj)) { if (x instanceof go.Point) { treeObj.bounds.x = x.x; treeObj.bounds.y = x.y; } else if (y !== undefined) { treeObj.bounds.x = x; treeObj.bounds.y = y; } else { throw new Error('Please provide the position as either a Point or two numbers'); } this.add(treeObj); return true; } return false; } /** * Can be called as either (obj, width, height) or (obj, size). Resize * the given object to given width and height or to a given {@link Size}. * @this {Quadtree} * @param {T} obj the object to resize * @param {number|Size} width the width or Size to resize the object to * @param {number} height the height to resize the object to * @return {boolean} whether or not the resize was successful. False if the object was not in the tree. */ public resize(obj: T, width: number | go.Size, height?: number): boolean { const treeObj = this._treeObjectMap.get(obj); if (treeObj && this.remove(obj)) { if (width instanceof go.Size) { treeObj.bounds.width = width.width; treeObj.bounds.height = width.height; } else if (height !== undefined) { treeObj.bounds.width = width; treeObj.bounds.height = height; } else { throw new Error('Please provide the size as either a Size or two numbers'); } this.add(treeObj); return true; } return false; } /** * Updates the given object to have the bounds given, provided as either a * {@link Rect} or x, y, width, and height. * @this {Quadtree} * @param obj the object to change the bounds of * @param x the x-coordinate or Rect to set the object to * @param y the y-coordinate to set the object to, unnecessary if a Rect was given * @param width the width to set the object to, unnecessary if a Rect was given * @param height the height to set the object to, unnecessary if a Rect was given */ public setTo(obj: T, x: number | go.Rect, y?: number, width?: number, height?: number): boolean { const treeObj = this._treeObjectMap.get(obj); if (treeObj && this.remove(obj)) { if (x instanceof go.Rect) { treeObj.bounds.set(x); } else if (y !== undefined && width !== undefined && height !== undefined) { treeObj.bounds.setTo(x, y, width, height); } else { throw new Error('Please provide new bounds as either a Rect or combination of four numbers (x, y, width, height)'); } this.add(treeObj); return true; } return false; } /** * Return all objects that intersect (wholly or partially) with * the given {@link Rect} or {@link Point}. Touching edges and * objects overlapping by 1e-7 or less (to account for floating * point error) are both not considered intersections. * @this {Quadtree} * @param {Rect|Point} rect the Rect or Point to check intersections for. If a point is given, a Rect with size (0, 0) is created for intersection calculations. * @return {Array} array containing all intersecting objects */ public intersecting(rect: go.Rect | go.Point): Array { if (rect instanceof go.Point) { rect = new go.Rect(rect.x, rect.y, 0, 0); } const returnObjects: Array = []; this._intersectingHelper(rect, this._root, returnObjects); return returnObjects; } private _intersectingHelper(rect: go.Rect, root: QuadNode, returnObjects: Array) { const index = this._getIndex(rect, root); const selected = index === -1 ? null : root.nodes[index]; if (selected !== null) { this._intersectingHelper(rect, selected, returnObjects); } else if (root.nodes[0] !== null) { const quadrants = this._getQuadrants(rect, root); for (const quadrant of quadrants) { const node = root.nodes[quadrant]; if (node !== null) { this._intersectingHelper(rect, node, returnObjects); } } } for (const obj of root.treeObjects) { if (Quadtree._rectsIntersect(obj.bounds, rect)) { returnObjects.push(obj.obj); } } } /** * @hidden @internal * Similar as {@link Rect.intersectsRect}, but doesn't count edges as intersections. * Also accounts for floating error (by returning false more often) up to an error of 1e-7. * Used by {@link #intersecting}. * @this {Quadtree} * @param {Rect} r1 first rectangle * @param {Rect} r2 second rectangle * @return {boolean} whether or not the two rectangles intersect */ private static _rectsIntersect(r1: go.Rect, r2: go.Rect): boolean { return !(r2.left + 1e-7 >= r1.right || r2.right - 1e-7 <= r1.left || r2.top + 1e-7 >= r1.bottom || r2.bottom - 1e-7 <= r1.top); } /** * Return all objects that fully contain the given {@link Rect} or {@link Point}. * @this {Quadtree} * @param {Rect|Point} rect the Rect or Point to check containing for. If a point is given, a Rect with size (0, 0) is created for containment calculations. * @return {Array} array containing all containing objects */ public containing(rect: go.Rect | go.Point): Array { if (rect instanceof go.Point) { rect = new go.Rect(rect.x, rect.y, 0, 0); } const returnObjects: Array = []; this._containingHelper(rect, this._root, returnObjects); return returnObjects; } private _containingHelper(rect: go.Rect, root: QuadNode, returnObjects: Array) { const index = this._getIndex(rect, root); const selected = index === -1 ? null : root.nodes[index]; if (selected !== null) { this._containingHelper(rect, selected, returnObjects); } else if (root.nodes[0]) { const quadrants = this._getQuadrants(rect, root); for (const quadrant of quadrants) { const node = root.nodes[quadrant]; if (node !== null) { this._containingHelper(rect, node, returnObjects); } } } for (const obj of root.treeObjects) { if (obj.bounds.containsRect(rect)) { returnObjects.push(obj.obj); } } } /** * Returns the square of the distance from the centers of the given objects * @this {Quadtree} * @param {T} obj1 * @param {T} obj2 * @return {number} square of the distance between the centers of obj1 and obj2 */ public distanceSquared(obj1: T, obj2: T): number { const owner1 = this.find(obj1); const owner2 = this.find(obj2); if (owner1 !== null && owner2 !== null) { const treeObj1 = this._treeObjectMap.get(obj1); const treeObj2 = this._treeObjectMap.get(obj2); if (treeObj1 !== null && treeObj2 !== null) { return treeObj1.bounds.center.distanceSquaredPoint(treeObj2.bounds.center); } } return -1; } /** * Recursively traverses the tree (depth first) and executes the * given callback on each node. * @this {Quadtree} * @param {function} callback the callback to execute on each node. Takes the form of (n: Quadtree) => void * @param {boolean} root whether or not to execute the callback on the root node as well. Defaults to true * @return {void} */ public walk(callback: (n: QuadNode) => void, node: QuadNode = this._root, root: boolean = true): void { if (root) { root = false; callback(node); } for (const n of node.nodes) { if (n) { callback(n); this.walk(callback, n, root); } } } /** * Visits every object stored in the tree (depth first) * @this {Quadtree} * @param {function} callback the callback to execute on each object. * @return {void} */ public forEach(callback: (obj: T) => void): void { this.walk((n) => { for (const obj of n.objects) { callback(obj); } }); } /** * Finds the most furthest object in each direction stored in the tree. * Bounds are tested using the center x and y coordinate. * @this {Quadtree} * @return {Array} maximum and minimum objects in the tree, in the format [min x, max x, min y, max y]. */ public findExtremeObjects(): [T | null, T | null, T | null, T | null] { const [extremes0, extremes1, extremes2, extremes3] = this._findExtremeObjectsHelper(); return [ extremes0 !== null ? extremes0.obj : null, extremes1 !== null ? extremes1.obj : null, extremes2 !== null ? extremes2.obj : null, extremes3 !== null ? extremes3.obj : null ]; } /** * @hidden @internal * Recursive helper function for {@link #findExtremeObjects} * @this {Quadtree} * @param {QuadNode} root the current root node being searched * @return {Array>} maximum and minimum objects in the tree, in the format [min x, max x, min y, max y]. */ private _findExtremeObjectsHelper(root = this._root): [QuadObj | null, QuadObj | null, QuadObj | null, QuadObj | null] { let minX: QuadObj | null = null; let maxX: QuadObj | null = null; let minY: QuadObj | null = null; let maxY: QuadObj | null = null; if (root.nodes[0]) { // if root is split for (const node of root.nodes) { if (node !== null) { const [extremes0, extremes1, extremes2, extremes3] = this._findExtremeObjectsHelper(node); if (minX == null || (extremes0 !== null && extremes0.bounds.centerX < minX.bounds.centerX)) { minX = extremes0; } if (maxX === null || (extremes1 !== null && extremes1.bounds.centerX > maxX.bounds.centerX)) { maxX = extremes1; } if (minY === null || (extremes2 !== null && extremes2.bounds.centerY < minY.bounds.centerY)) { minY = extremes2; } if (maxY === null || (extremes3 !== null && extremes3.bounds.centerY > maxY.bounds.centerY)) { maxY = extremes3; } } } } for (const obj of root.treeObjects) { if (!minX || obj.bounds.centerX < minX.bounds.centerX) { minX = obj; } if (!maxX || obj.bounds.centerX > maxX.bounds.centerX) { maxX = obj; } if (!minY || obj.bounds.centerY < minY.bounds.centerY) { minY = obj; } if (!maxY || obj.bounds.centerY > maxY.bounds.centerY) { maxY = obj; } } return [minX, maxX, minY, maxY]; } }