/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. * Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases. * If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. * Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders. * See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information. */ import * as go from '../release/go.js'; /** * A custom {@link TreeLayout} that can be used for laying out stylized flowcharts. * Each layout requires a single "Split" node and a single "Merge" node. * The "Split" node should be the root of a tree-like structure if one excludes links to the "Merge" node. * This will position the "Merge" node to line up with the "Split" node. * * You can set all of the TreeLayout properties that you like, * except that for simplicity this code just works for angle === 0 or angle === 90. * * If you want to experiment with this extension, try the Parallel Layout sample. * @category Layout Extension */ export class ParallelLayout extends go.TreeLayout { private _splitNode: go.Node | null = null; private _mergeNode: go.Node | null = null; /** * Constructs a ParallelLayout and sets the following properties: * - {@link #isRealtime} = false * - {@link #alignment} = {@link TreeLayout.AlignmentCenterChildren} * - {@link #compaction} = {@link TreeLayout.CompactionNone} * - {@link #alternateAlignment} = {@link TreeLayout.AlignmentCenterChildren} * - {@link #alternateCompaction} = {@link TreeLayout.CompactionNone} */ constructor() { super(); this.isRealtime = false; this.alignment = go.TreeLayout.AlignmentCenterChildren; this.compaction = go.TreeLayout.CompactionNone; this.alternateAlignment = go.TreeLayout.AlignmentCenterChildren; this.alternateCompaction = go.TreeLayout.CompactionNone; } /** * This read-only property returns the node that the tree will extend from. */ get splitNode(): go.Node | null { return this._splitNode; } set splitNode(val: go.Node | null) { this._splitNode = val; } /** * This read-only property returns the node that the tree will converge at. */ get mergeNode(): go.Node | null { return this._mergeNode; } set mergeNode(val: go.Node | null) { this._mergeNode = val; } /** * Overridable predicate for deciding if a Node is a Split node. * By default this checks the node's {@link Part#category} to see if it is * "Split", "Start", "For", "While", "If", or "Switch". * @param {Node} node * @return {boolean} */ isSplit(node: go.Node | null): boolean { if (!(node instanceof go.Node)) return false; var cat = node.category; return (cat === "Split" || cat === "Start" || cat === "For" || cat === "While" || cat === "If" || cat === "Switch"); } /** * Overridable predicate for deciding if a Node is a Merge node. * By default this checks the node's {@link Part#category} to see if it is * "Merge", "End", "EndFor", "EndWhile", "EndIf", or "EndSwitch". * @param {Node} node * @return {boolean} */ isMerge(node: go.Node | null): boolean { if (!(node instanceof go.Node)) return false; var cat = node.category; return (cat === "Merge" || cat === "End" || cat === "EndFor" || cat === "EndWhile" || cat === "EndIf" || cat === "EndSwitch"); } /** * Overridable predicate for deciding if a Node is a conditional or "If" type of Split Node * expecting to have two links coming out of the sides. * @param {Node} node * @return {boolean} */ isConditional(node: go.Node | null): boolean { if (!(node instanceof go.Node)) return false; return node.category === "If"; } /** * Overridable predicate for deciding if a Node is a "Switch" type of Split Node * expecting to have three links coming out of the bottom/right side. * @param {Node} node * @return {boolean} */ isSwitch(node: go.Node | null): boolean { if (!(node instanceof go.Node)) return false; return node.category === "Switch"; } /** * Find a Split vertex and a Merge vertex for this layout. * This signals an error if there is not exactly one vertex/Node that {@link #isSplit} * and exactly one vertex/Node that {@link #isMerge}. * This can be overridden; any override must set {@link #splitNode} and {@link #mergeNode}. * @param {Iterable} vertexes */ findSplitMerge(vertexes: go.Iterable): void { var split = null; var merge = null; var it = vertexes.iterator; while (it.next()) { var v = it.value; if (!v.node) continue; if (this.isSplit(v.node)) { if (split) throw new Error("Split node already exists in " + this + " -- existing: " + split + " new: " + v.node); split = v.node; } else if (this.isMerge(v.node)) { if (merge) throw new Error("Merge node already exists in " + this + " -- existing: " + merge + " new: " + v.node); merge = v.node; } } if (!split) throw new Error("Missing Split node in " + this); if (!merge) throw new Error("Missing Merge node in " + this); this._splitNode = split; this._mergeNode = merge; } /** * @hidden @internal */ public override makeNetwork(coll: go.Iterable): go.TreeNetwork { const net = super.makeNetwork(coll) as go.TreeNetwork; // Groups might be unbalanced -- position them so that the Split node is centered under the parent node. var it = net.vertexes.iterator; while (it.next()) { var v = it.value; var g = v.node; if (g instanceof go.Group && g.isSubGraphExpanded && g.placeholder !== null && g.layout instanceof ParallelLayout) { var split = g.layout.splitNode; if (split) { if (this.angle === 0) { v.focusY = split.location.y - g.position.y; } else if (this.angle === 90) { v.focusX = split.location.x - g.position.x; } } } } if (this.group && !this.group.isSubGraphExpanded) return net; // look for and remember the one Split node and the one Merge node this.findSplitMerge(net.vertexes.iterator as go.Iterator); // don't have TreeLayout lay out the Merge node; commitNodes will do it if (this.mergeNode) net.deleteNode(this.mergeNode); // for each vertex that does not have an incoming edge, // connect to it from the splitNode vertex with a dummy edge if (this.splitNode) { var splitv = net.findVertex(this.splitNode); net.vertexes.each(function(v) { if (splitv === null || v === splitv) return; if (v.sourceEdges.count === 0) { net.linkVertexes(splitv, v, null); } }); } return net; } /** * @hidden @internal */ public override commitNodes(): void { super.commitNodes(); // Line up the Merge node to the center of the Split node var mergeNode = this.mergeNode; var splitNode = this.splitNode; if (mergeNode === null || splitNode === null || this.network === null) return; var splitVertex = this.network.findVertex(splitNode) as go.TreeVertex; if (splitVertex === null) return; if (this.angle === 0) { mergeNode.location = new go.Point(splitVertex.x + splitVertex.subtreeSize.width + this.layerSpacing + mergeNode.actualBounds.width/2, splitVertex.centerY); } else if (this.angle === 90) { mergeNode.location = new go.Point(splitVertex.centerX, splitVertex.y + splitVertex.subtreeSize.height + this.layerSpacing + mergeNode.actualBounds.height/2); } mergeNode.ensureBounds(); } /** * @hidden @internal */ public override commitLinks(): void { const splitNode = this.splitNode; const mergeNode = this.mergeNode; if (splitNode === null || mergeNode === null || this.network === null) return; // set default link spots based on this.angle const it = this.network.edges.iterator; while (it.next()) { const e = it.value; const link = e.link; if (!link) continue; if (this.angle === 0) { if (this.setsPortSpot) link.fromSpot = go.Spot.Right; if (this.setsChildPortSpot) link.toSpot = go.Spot.Left; } else if (this.angle === 90) { if (this.setsPortSpot) link.fromSpot = go.Spot.Bottom; if (this.setsChildPortSpot) link.toSpot = go.Spot.Top; } } // Make sure links coming into and going out of a Split node come in the correct way if (splitNode) { // Handle links coming into the Split node const cond = this.isConditional(splitNode); const swtch = this.isSwitch(splitNode); // Handle links going out of the Split node let first = true; // handle "If" nodes specially const lit = splitNode.findLinksOutOf(); while (lit.next()) { const link = lit.value; if (this.angle === 0) { if (this.setsPortSpot) link.fromSpot = cond ? (first ? go.Spot.Top : go.Spot.Bottom) : (swtch ? go.Spot.RightSide : go.Spot.Right); if (this.setsChildPortSpot) link.toSpot = go.Spot.Left; } else if (this.angle === 90) { if (this.setsPortSpot) link.fromSpot = cond ? (first ? go.Spot.Left : go.Spot.Right) : (swtch ? go.Spot.BottomSide : go.Spot.Bottom); if (this.setsChildPortSpot) link.toSpot = go.Spot.Top; } first = false; } } if (mergeNode) { // Handle links going into the Merge node const iit = mergeNode.findLinksInto(); while (iit.next()) { const link = iit.value; if (!this.isSplit(link.fromNode)) { // if link connects Split with Merge directly, only set fromSpot once if (this.angle === 0) { if (this.setsPortSpot) link.fromSpot = go.Spot.Right; if (this.setsChildPortSpot) link.toSpot = go.Spot.Left; } else if (this.angle === 90) { if (this.setsPortSpot) link.fromSpot = go.Spot.Bottom; if (this.setsChildPortSpot) link.toSpot = go.Spot.Top; } } if (!link.isOrthogonal) continue; // have all of the links coming into the Merge node have segments // that share a common X (or if angle==90, Y) coordinate link.updateRoute(); if (link.pointsCount >= 6) { const pts = link.points.copy(); const p2 = pts.elt(pts.length - 4); const p3 = pts.elt(pts.length - 3); if (this.angle === 0 && p2.x === p3.x && p2.y !== p3.y) { const x = mergeNode.position.x - this.layerSpacing / 2; pts.setElt(pts.length - 4, new go.Point(x, p2.y)); pts.setElt(pts.length - 3, new go.Point(x, p3.y)); } else if (this.angle === 90 && p2.y === p3.y && p2.x !== p3.x) { const y = mergeNode.position.y - this.layerSpacing / 2; pts.setElt(pts.length - 4, new go.Point(p2.x, y)); pts.setElt(pts.length - 3, new go.Point(p3.x, y)); } link.points = pts; } } // handle links coming out of the Merge node, looping back left/up const oit = mergeNode.findLinksOutOf(); while (oit.next()) { const link = oit.value; // if connects internal with external node, it isn't a loop-back link if (link.toNode && link.toNode.containingGroup !== mergeNode.containingGroup) continue; if (this.angle === 0) { if (this.setsPortSpot) link.fromSpot = go.Spot.TopBottomSides; if (this.setsChildPortSpot) link.toSpot = go.Spot.TopBottomSides; } else if (this.angle === 90) { if (this.setsPortSpot) link.fromSpot = go.Spot.LeftRightSides; if (this.setsChildPortSpot) link.toSpot = go.Spot.LeftRightSides; } link.routing = go.Link.AvoidsNodes; } } } }