/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. * Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases. * If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. * Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders. * See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information. */ import * as go from '../release/go.js'; /** * The OrthogonalLinkReshapingTool class lets a user drag a tool handle along the link segment, which will move the whole segment. * * If you want to experiment with this extension, try the Orthogonal Link Reshaping sample. * @category Tool Extension */ export class OrthogonalLinkReshapingTool extends go.LinkReshapingTool { /** * Constructs an OrthogonalLinkReshapingTool and sets the name for the tool. */ constructor() { super(); this.name = 'OrthogonalLinkReshaping'; } private _alreadyAddedPoint: boolean = false; /** * @hidden @internal * For orthogonal, straight links, create the handles and set reshaping behavior. */ public override makeAdornment(pathshape: go.Shape): go.Adornment | null { const link = pathshape.part as go.Link; // add all normal handles first const adornment = super.makeAdornment(pathshape); // add long reshaping handles for orthogonal, straight links if (link !== null && adornment !== null && link.isOrthogonal && link.curve !== go.Link.Bezier) { const firstindex = link.firstPickIndex + (link.resegmentable ? 0 : 1); const lastindex = link.lastPickIndex - (link.resegmentable ? 0 : 1); for (let i = firstindex; i < lastindex; i++) { this.makeSegmentDragHandle(link, adornment, i); } } return adornment; } /** * This stops the current reshaping operation and updates any link handles. */ public override doDeactivate(): void { this._alreadyAddedPoint = false; // when we finish, recreate adornment to ensure proper reshaping behavior/cursor const link = this.adornedLink; if (link !== null && link.isOrthogonal && link.curve !== go.Link.Bezier) { const pathshape = link.path; if (pathshape !== null) { const adornment = this.makeAdornment(pathshape); if (adornment !== null) { link.addAdornment(this.name, adornment); adornment.location = link.position; } } } super.doDeactivate(); } /** * Change the route of the {@link #adornedLink} by moving the segment corresponding to the current * {@link #handle} to be at the given {@link Point}. */ public override reshape(newpt: go.Point): void { const link = this.adornedLink; // identify if the handle being dragged is a segment dragging handle if (link !== null && link.isOrthogonal && link.curve !== go.Link.Bezier && this.handle !== null && this.handle.toMaxLinks === 999) { link.startRoute(); let index = this.handle.segmentIndex; // for these handles, firstPickIndex <= index < lastPickIndex if (!this._alreadyAddedPoint && link.resegmentable) { // only change the number of points if Link.resegmentable this._alreadyAddedPoint = true; if (index === link.firstPickIndex) { link.insertPoint(index, link.getPoint(index).copy()); index++; this.handle.segmentIndex = index; } else if (index === link.lastPickIndex - 1) { link.insertPoint(index, link.getPoint(index).copy()); if (index - 1 === link.firstPickIndex + 1) this.handle.segmentIndex = index - 1; } } const behavior = this.getReshapingBehavior(this.handle); if (behavior === go.LinkReshapingTool.Vertical) { // move segment vertically link.setPointAt(index, link.getPoint(index - 1).x, newpt.y); link.setPointAt(index + 1, link.getPoint(index + 2).x, newpt.y); } else if (behavior === go.LinkReshapingTool.Horizontal) { // move segment horizontally link.setPointAt(index, newpt.x, link.getPoint(index - 1).y); link.setPointAt(index + 1, newpt.x, link.getPoint(index + 2).y); } link.commitRoute(); } else { super.reshape(newpt); } } /** * Create the segment dragging handles. * There are two parts: one invisible handle that spans the segment, and a visible handle at the middle of the segment. * These are inserted at the front of the adornment such that the normal handles have priority. */ public makeSegmentDragHandle(link: go.Link, adornment: go.Adornment, index: number): void { if (adornment === null) return; const a = link.getPoint(index); let b = link.getPoint(index + 1); const seglength = Math.max(Math.abs(a.x - b.x), Math.abs(a.y - b.y)); // determine segment orientation let orient = ''; if (this.isApprox(a.x, b.x) && this.isApprox(a.y, b.y)) { b = link.getPoint(index - 1); if (this.isApprox(a.x, b.x)) { orient = 'vertical'; } else if (this.isApprox(a.y, b.y)) { orient = 'horizontal'; } } else { if (this.isApprox(a.x, b.x)) { orient = 'vertical'; } else if (this.isApprox(a.y, b.y)) { orient = 'horizontal'; } } // make an invisible handle along the whole segment const h = new go.Shape(); h.strokeWidth = 6; h.opacity = 0; h.segmentOrientation = go.Link.OrientAlong; h.segmentIndex = index; h.segmentFraction = 0.5; h.toMaxLinks = 999; // set this unsused property to easily identify that we have a segment dragging handle if (orient === 'horizontal') { this.setReshapingBehavior(h, go.LinkReshapingTool.Vertical); h.cursor = 'n-resize'; } else { this.setReshapingBehavior(h, go.LinkReshapingTool.Horizontal); h.cursor = 'w-resize'; } h.geometryString = 'M 0 0 L ' + seglength + ' 0'; adornment.insertAt(0, h); } /** * Compare two numbers to ensure they are almost equal. * Used in this class for comparing coordinates of Points. */ public isApprox(x: number, y: number): boolean { const d = x - y; return d < 0.5 && d > -0.5; } }