/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. * Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases. * If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. * Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders. * See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information. */ import * as go from '../release/go.js'; /** * The FreehandDrawingTool allows the user to draw a shape using the mouse. * It collects all of the points from a mouse-down, all mouse-moves, until a mouse-up, * and puts all of those points in a {@link Geometry} used by a {@link Shape}. * It then adds a node data object to the diagram's model. * * This tool may be installed as the first mouse down tool: * ```js * myDiagram.toolManager.mouseDownTools.insertAt(0, new FreehandDrawingTool()); * ``` * * The Shape used during the drawing operation can be customized by setting {@link #temporaryShape}. * The node data added to the model can be customized by setting {@link #archetypePartData}. * * If you want to experiment with this extension, try the Freehand Drawing sample. * @category Tool Extension */ export class FreehandDrawingTool extends go.Tool { private _archetypePartData: go.ObjectData = {}; // the data to copy for a new polyline Part private _isBackgroundOnly: boolean = true; // affects canStart() private _temporaryShape: go.GraphObject; constructor() { super(); this.name = 'FreehandDrawing'; // this is the Shape that is shown during a drawing operation this._temporaryShape = go.GraphObject.make(go.Shape, { name: 'SHAPE', fill: null, strokeWidth: 1.5 }); // the Shape has to be inside a temporary Part that is used during the drawing operation go.GraphObject.make(go.Part, { layerName: 'Tool' }, this._temporaryShape); } /** * Gets or sets the Shape that is used to hold the line as it is being drawn. * * The default value is a simple Shape drawing an unfilled open thin black line. */ get temporaryShape(): go.Shape { return this._temporaryShape as go.Shape; } set temporaryShape(val: go.Shape) { if (this._temporaryShape !== val && val !== null) { val.name = 'SHAPE'; const panel = this._temporaryShape.panel; if (panel !== null) { panel.remove(this._temporaryShape); this._temporaryShape = val; panel.add(this._temporaryShape); } } } /** * Gets or sets the node data object that is copied and added to the model * when the freehand drawing operation completes. */ get archetypePartData(): go.ObjectData { return this._archetypePartData; } set archetypePartData(val: go.ObjectData) { this._archetypePartData = val; } /** * Gets or sets whether this tool can only run if the user starts in the diagram's background * rather than on top of an existing Part. * * The default value is true. */ get isBackgroundOnly(): boolean { return this._isBackgroundOnly; } set isBackgroundOnly(val: boolean) { this._isBackgroundOnly = val; } /** * Only start if the diagram is modifiable and allows insertions. * OPTIONAL: if the user is starting in the diagram's background, not over an existing Part. */ public override canStart(): boolean { if (!this.isEnabled) return false; const diagram = this.diagram; if (diagram.isReadOnly || diagram.isModelReadOnly) return false; if (!diagram.allowInsert) return false; // don't include the following check when this tool is running modally if (diagram.currentTool !== this && this.isBackgroundOnly) { // only operates in the background, not on some Part const part = diagram.findPartAt(diagram.lastInput.documentPoint, true); if (part !== null) return false; } return true; } /** * Capture the mouse and use a "crosshair" cursor. */ public override doActivate(): void { super.doActivate(); this.diagram.isMouseCaptured = true; this.diagram.currentCursor = 'crosshair'; } /** * Release the mouse and reset the cursor. */ public override doDeactivate(): void { super.doDeactivate(); if (this.temporaryShape !== null && this.temporaryShape.part !== null) { this.diagram.remove(this.temporaryShape.part); } this.diagram.currentCursor = ''; this.diagram.isMouseCaptured = false; } /** * This adds a Point to the {@link #temporaryShape}'s geometry. * * If the Shape is not yet in the Diagram, its geometry is initialized and * its parent Part is added to the Diagram. * * If the point is less than half a pixel away from the previous point, it is ignored. */ public addPoint(p: go.Point): void { const shape = this.temporaryShape; if (shape === null) return; const part = shape.part; if (part === null) return; // for the temporary Shape, normalize the geometry to be in the viewport const viewpt = this.diagram.viewportBounds.position; const q = new go.Point(p.x - viewpt.x, p.y - viewpt.y); if (part.diagram === null) { const f = new go.PathFigure(q.x, q.y, true); // possibly filled, depending on Shape.fill const g = new go.Geometry().add(f); // the Shape.geometry consists of a single PathFigure shape.geometry = g; // position the Shape's Part, accounting for the strokeWidth part.position = new go.Point(viewpt.x - shape.strokeWidth / 2, viewpt.y - shape.strokeWidth / 2); this.diagram.add(part); } // only add a point if it isn't too close to the last one const geo = shape.geometry; if (geo !== null) { const fig = geo.figures.first(); if (fig !== null) { const segs = fig.segments; const idx = segs.count - 1; if (idx >= 0) { const last = segs.elt(idx); if (Math.abs(q.x - last.endX) < 0.5 && Math.abs(q.y - last.endY) < 0.5) return; } // must copy whole Geometry in order to add a PathSegment const geo2 = geo.copy(); const fig2 = geo2.figures.first(); if (fig2 !== null) { fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, q.x, q.y)); shape.geometry = geo2; } } } } /** * Start drawing the line by starting to accumulate points in the {@link #temporaryShape}'s geometry. */ public override doMouseDown(): void { if (!this.isActive) { this.doActivate(); // the first point this.addPoint(this.diagram.lastInput.documentPoint); } } /** * Keep accumulating points in the {@link #temporaryShape}'s geometry. */ public override doMouseMove(): void { if (this.isActive) { this.addPoint(this.diagram.lastInput.documentPoint); } } /** * Finish drawing the line by adding a node data object holding the * geometry string and the node position that the node template can bind to. * This copies the {@link #archetypePartData} and adds it to the model. */ public override doMouseUp(): void { const diagram = this.diagram; let started = false; if (this.isActive) { started = true; // the last point this.addPoint(diagram.lastInput.documentPoint); // normalize geometry and node position const viewpt = diagram.viewportBounds.position; if (this.temporaryShape.geometry !== null) { const geo = this.temporaryShape.geometry.copy(); const pos = geo.normalize(); pos.x = viewpt.x - pos.x; pos.y = viewpt.y - pos.y; diagram.startTransaction(this.name); // create the node data for the model const d = diagram.model.copyNodeData(this.archetypePartData); if (d !== null) { // adding data to model creates the actual Part diagram.model.addNodeData(d); const part = diagram.findPartForData(d); if (part !== null) { // assign the location part.location = new go.Point(pos.x + geo.bounds.width / 2, pos.y + geo.bounds.height / 2); // assign the Shape.geometry const shape = part.findObject('SHAPE') as go.Shape; if (shape !== null) shape.geometry = geo; } } } } this.stopTool(); if (started) diagram.commitTransaction(this.name); } }