/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. * Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases. * If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. * Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders. * See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information. */ import * as go from '../release/go.js'; /** * The DragCreatingTool lets the user create a new node by dragging in the background * to indicate its size and position. * * The default drag selection box is a magenta rectangle. * You can modify the {@link #box} to customize its appearance. * * This tool will not be able to start running unless you have set the * {@link #archetypeNodeData} property to an object that can be copied and added to the diagram's model. * * You can use this tool in a modal manner by executing: * ```js * diagram.currentTool = new DragCreatingTool(); * ``` * * Use this tool in a mode-less manner by executing: * ```js * myDiagram.toolManager.mouseMoveTools.insertAt(2, new DragCreatingTool()); * ``` * * However when used mode-lessly as a mouse-move tool, in {@link ToolManager#mouseMoveTools}, * this cannot start running unless there has been a motionless delay * after the mouse-down event of at least {@link #delay} milliseconds. * * This tool does not utilize any {@link Adornment}s or tool handles, * but it does temporarily add the {@link #box} Part to the diagram. * This tool does conduct a transaction when inserting the new node. * * If you want to experiment with this extension, try the Drag Creating sample. * @category Tool Extension */ export class DragCreatingTool extends go.Tool { private _box: go.Part; private _archetypeNodeData: go.ObjectData | null = null; private _delay: number = 175; /** * Constructs a DragCreatingTool, sets {@link #box} to a magenta rectangle, and sets name of the tool. */ constructor() { super(); const b: go.Part = new go.Part(); const r: go.Shape = new go.Shape(); b.layerName = 'Tool'; b.selectable = false; r.name = 'SHAPE'; r.figure = 'Rectangle'; r.fill = null; r.stroke = 'magenta'; r.position = new go.Point(0, 0); b.add(r); this._box = b; this.name = 'DragCreating'; } /** * Gets or sets the {@link Part} used as the "rubber-band box" * that is stretched to follow the mouse, as feedback for what area will * be passed to {@link #insertPart} upon a mouse-up. * * Initially this is a {@link Part} containing only a simple magenta rectangular {@link Shape}. * The object to be resized should be named "SHAPE". * Setting this property does not raise any events. * * Modifying this property while this tool {@link Tool#isActive} might have no effect. */ get box(): go.Part { return this._box; } set box(val: go.Part) { this._box = val; } /** * Gets or sets the time in milliseconds for which the mouse must be stationary * before this tool can be started. * * The default value is 175 milliseconds. * A value of zero will allow this tool to run without any wait after the mouse down. * Setting this property does not raise any events. */ get delay(): number { return this._delay; } set delay(val: number) { this._delay = val; } /** * Gets or sets a data object that will be copied and added to the diagram's model each time this tool executes. * * The default value is null. * The value must be non-null for this tool to be able to run. * Setting this property does not raise any events. */ get archetypeNodeData(): go.ObjectData | null { return this._archetypeNodeData; } set archetypeNodeData(val: go.ObjectData | null) { this._archetypeNodeData = val; } /** * This tool can run when there has been a mouse-drag, far enough away not to be a click, * and there has been delay of at least {@link #delay} milliseconds * after the mouse-down before a mouse-move. */ public override canStart(): boolean { if (!this.isEnabled) return false; // gotta have some node data that can be copied if (this.archetypeNodeData === null) return false; const diagram = this.diagram; // heed IsReadOnly & AllowInsert if (diagram.isReadOnly || diagram.isModelReadOnly) return false; if (!diagram.allowInsert) return false; const e = diagram.lastInput; // require left button & that it has moved far enough away from the mouse down point, so it isn't a click if (!e.left) return false; // don't include the following checks when this tool is running modally if (diagram.currentTool !== this) { if (!this.isBeyondDragSize()) return false; // must wait for "delay" milliseconds before that tool can run if (e.timestamp - diagram.firstInput.timestamp < this.delay) return false; } return true; } /** * Capture the mouse and show the {@link #box}. */ public override doActivate(): void { const diagram = this.diagram; this.isActive = true; diagram.isMouseCaptured = true; diagram.add(this.box); this.doMouseMove(); } /** * Release the mouse and remove any {@link #box}. */ public override doDeactivate(): void { const diagram = this.diagram; diagram.remove(this.box); diagram.isMouseCaptured = false; this.isActive = false; } /** * Update the {@link #box}'s position and size according to the value * of {@link #computeBoxBounds}. */ public override doMouseMove(): void { if (this.isActive && this.box !== null) { const r = this.computeBoxBounds(); let shape = this.box.findObject('SHAPE'); if (shape === null) shape = this.box.findMainElement(); if (shape !== null) shape.desiredSize = r.size; this.box.position = r.position; } } /** * Call {@link #insertPart} with the value of a call to {@link #computeBoxBounds}. */ public override doMouseUp(): void { if (this.isActive) { const diagram = this.diagram; diagram.remove(this.box); try { diagram.currentCursor = 'wait'; this.insertPart(this.computeBoxBounds()); } finally { diagram.currentCursor = ''; } } this.stopTool(); } /** * This just returns a {@link Rect} stretching from the mouse-down point to the current mouse point. * @return {Rect} a {@link Rect} in document coordinates. */ public computeBoxBounds(): go.Rect { const diagram = this.diagram; const start = diagram.firstInput.documentPoint; const latest = diagram.lastInput.documentPoint; return new go.Rect(start, latest); } /** * Create a node by adding a copy of the {@link #archetypeNodeData} object * to the diagram's model, assign its {@link GraphObject#position} and {@link GraphObject#desiredSize} * according to the given bounds, and select the new part. * * The actual part that is added to the diagram may be a {@link Part}, a {@link Node}, * or even a {@link Group}, depending on the properties of the {@link #archetypeNodeData} * and the type of the template that is copied to create the part. * @param {Rect} bounds a Point in document coordinates. * @return {Part} the newly created Part, or null if it failed. */ public insertPart(bounds: go.Rect): go.Part | null { const diagram = this.diagram; const arch = this.archetypeNodeData; if (arch === null) return null; diagram.raiseDiagramEvent('ChangingSelection', diagram.selection); this.startTransaction(this.name); let part = null; if (arch !== null) { const data = diagram.model.copyNodeData(arch); if (data) { diagram.model.addNodeData(data); part = diagram.findPartForData(data); } } if (part !== null) { part.move(bounds.position); part.resizeObject.desiredSize = bounds.size; if (diagram.allowSelect) { diagram.clearSelection(); part.isSelected = true; } } // set the TransactionResult before raising event, in case it changes the result or cancels the tool this.transactionResult = this.name; this.stopTransaction(); diagram.raiseDiagramEvent('ChangedSelection', diagram.selection); return part; } }