/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. * Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases. * If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. * Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders. * See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information. */ import * as go from '../release/go.js'; /** * Perform two TreeLayouts, one going rightwards and one going leftwards. * The choice of direction is determined by the mandatory predicate {@link #directionFunction}, * which is called on each child Node of the root Node. * * You can also set {@link #vertical} to true if you want the DoubleTreeLayout to * perform TreeLayouts both downwards and upwards. * * Normally there should be a single root node. Hoewver if there are multiple root nodes * found in the nodes and links that this layout is responsible for, this will pretend that * there is a real root node and make all of the apparent root nodes children of that pretend root. * * If there is no root node, all nodes are involved in cycles, so the first given node is chosen. * * If you want to experiment with this extension, try the Double Tree sample. * @category Layout Extension */ export class DoubleTreeLayout extends go.Layout { private _vertical: boolean = false; private _directionFunction: ((node: go.Node) => boolean) = function(node: go.Node): boolean { return true; }; private _bottomRightOptions: Partial | null = null; private _topLeftOptions: Partial | null = null; /** * When false, the layout should grow towards the left and towards the right; * when true, the layout show grow upwards and downwards. * The default value is false. */ get vertical(): boolean { return this._vertical; } set vertical(value: boolean) { if (typeof value !== "boolean") throw new Error("new value for DoubleTreeLayout.vertical must be a boolean value."); if (this._vertical !== value) { this._vertical = value; this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * This function is called on each child node of the root node * in order to determine whether the subtree starting from that child node * will grow towards larger coordinates or towards smaller ones. * The value must be a function and must not be null. * It must return true if {@link #isPositiveDirection} should return true; otherwise it should return false. */ get directionFunction(): ((node: go.Node) => boolean) { return this._directionFunction; } set directionFunction(value: ((node: go.Node) => boolean)) { if (typeof value !== "function") { throw new Error("new value for DoubleTreeLayout.directionFunction must be a function taking a node data object and returning a boolean."); } if (this._directionFunction !== value) { this._directionFunction = value; this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * Gets or sets the options to be applied to a {@link TreeLayout}. * By default this is null -- no properties are set on the TreeLayout * other than the {@link TreeLayout#angle}, depending on {@link #vertical} and * the result of calling {@link #directionFunction}. */ get bottomRightOptions(): Partial | null { return this._bottomRightOptions; } set bottomRightOptions(value: Partial | null) { if (this._bottomRightOptions !== value) { this._bottomRightOptions = value; this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * Gets or sets the options to be applied to a {@link TreeLayout}. * By default this is null -- no properties are set on the TreeLayout * other than the {@link TreeLayout#angle}, depending on {@link #vertical} and * the result of calling {@link #directionFunction}. */ get topLeftOptions(): Partial | null { return this._topLeftOptions; } set topLeftOptions(value: Partial | null) { if (this._topLeftOptions !== value) { this._topLeftOptions = value; this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * @ignore * Copies properties to a cloned Layout. */ protected override cloneProtected(copy: this): void { super.cloneProtected(copy); copy._vertical = this._vertical; copy._directionFunction = this._directionFunction; copy._bottomRightOptions = this._bottomRightOptions; copy._topLeftOptions = this._topLeftOptions; } /** * Perform two {@link TreeLayout}s by splitting the collection of Parts * into two separate subsets but sharing only a single root Node. * @param coll */ public override doLayout(coll: (go.Diagram | go.Group | go.Iterable)): void { const coll2: go.Set = this.collectParts(coll); if (coll2.count === 0) return; const diagram = this.diagram; if (diagram !== null) diagram.startTransaction("Double Tree Layout"); // split the nodes and links into two Sets, depending on direction const leftParts = new go.Set(); const rightParts = new go.Set(); this.separatePartsForLayout(coll2, leftParts, rightParts); // but the ROOT node will be in both collections // create and perform two TreeLayouts, one in each direction, // without moving the ROOT node, on the different subsets of nodes and links const layout1 = this.createTreeLayout(false); layout1.angle = this.vertical ? 270 : 180; layout1.arrangement = go.TreeLayout.ArrangementFixedRoots; const layout2 = this.createTreeLayout(true); layout2.angle = this.vertical ? 90 : 0; layout2.arrangement = go.TreeLayout.ArrangementFixedRoots; layout1.doLayout(leftParts); layout2.doLayout(rightParts); if (diagram !== null) diagram.commitTransaction("Double Tree Layout"); } /** * This just returns an instance of {@link TreeLayout}. * The caller will set the {@link TreeLayout#angle}. * @param {boolean} positive true for growth downward or rightward * @return {TreeLayout} */ protected createTreeLayout(positive: boolean): go.TreeLayout { const lay = new go.TreeLayout(); let opts = this.topLeftOptions; if (positive) opts = this.bottomRightOptions; if (opts) for (const p in opts) { (lay)[p] = (opts)[p]; } return lay; } /** * This is called by {@link #doLayout} to split the collection of Nodes and Links into two Sets, * one for the subtrees growing towards the left or upwards, and one for the subtrees * growing towards the right or downwards. */ protected separatePartsForLayout(coll: go.Set, leftParts: go.Set, rightParts: go.Set): void { let root: go.Node | null = null; // the one root const roots = new go.Set(); // in case there are multiple roots coll.each(function(node: go.Part) { if (node instanceof go.Node && node.findTreeParentNode() === null) roots.add(node); }); if (roots.count === 0) { // just choose the first node as the root const it = coll.iterator; while (it.next()) { if (it.value instanceof go.Node) { root = it.value; break; } } } else if (roots.count === 1) { // normal case: just one root node root = roots.first(); } else { // multiple root nodes -- create a dummy node to be the one real root root = new go.Node(); // the new root node root.location = new go.Point(0, 0); const forwards = (this.diagram ? this.diagram.isTreePathToChildren : true); // now make dummy links from the one root node to each node roots.each(function(child) { const link = new go.Link(); if (forwards) { link.fromNode = root; link.toNode = child; } else { link.fromNode = child; link.toNode = root; } }); } if (root === null) return; // the ROOT node is shared by both subtrees leftParts.add(root); rightParts.add(root); const lay = this; // look at all of the immediate children of the ROOT node root.findTreeChildrenNodes().each(function(child) { // in what direction is this child growing? const bottomright = lay.isPositiveDirection(child); const parts = bottomright ? rightParts : leftParts; // add the whole subtree starting with this child node parts.addAll(child.findTreeParts()); // and also add the link from the ROOT node to this child node const plink = child.findTreeParentLink(); if (plink !== null) parts.add(plink); }); } /** * This predicate is called on each child node of the root node, * and only on immediate children of the root. * It should return true if this child node is the root of a subtree that should grow * rightwards or downwards, or false otherwise. * @param {Node} child * @returns {boolean} true if grows towards right or towards bottom; false otherwise */ protected isPositiveDirection(child: go.Node): boolean { const f = this.directionFunction; if (!f) throw new Error("No DoubleTreeLayout.directionFunction supplied on the layout"); return f(child); } }