/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. * Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases. * If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. * Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders. * See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information. */ import * as go from '../release/go.js'; /** * This CurvedLinkReshapingTool class allows for a {@link Link}'s path to be modified by the user * via the dragging of a single tool handle at the middle of the link. * Dragging the handle changes the value of {@link Link#curviness}. * * If you want to experiment with this extension, try the Curved Link Reshaping sample. * @category Tool Extension */ export class CurvedLinkReshapingTool extends go.LinkReshapingTool { private _originalCurviness: number = NaN; /** * @hidden @internal */ public override makeAdornment(pathshape: go.GraphObject): go.Adornment | null { const link = pathshape.part as go.Link; if (link !== null && link.curve === go.Link.Bezier && link.pointsCount === 4) { const adornment = new go.Adornment(); adornment.type = go.Panel.Link; const h = this.makeHandle(pathshape, 0); if (h !== null) { this.setReshapingBehavior(h, go.LinkReshapingTool.All); h.cursor = 'move'; adornment.add(h); } adornment.category = this.name; adornment.adornedObject = pathshape; return adornment; } else { return super.makeAdornment(pathshape); } } /** * Start reshaping, if {@link #findToolHandleAt} finds a reshape handle at the mouse down point. * * If successful this sets {@link #handle} to be the reshape handle that it finds * and {@link #adornedLink} to be the {@link Link} being routed. * It also remembers the original link route (a list of Points) and curviness in case this tool is cancelled. * And it starts a transaction. */ public override doActivate(): void { super.doActivate(); if (this.adornedLink !== null) this._originalCurviness = this.adornedLink.curviness; } /** * Restore the link route to be the original points and curviness and stop this tool. */ public override doCancel(): void { if (this.adornedLink !== null) this.adornedLink.curviness = this._originalCurviness; super.doCancel(); } /** * Change the route of the {@link #adornedLink} by moving the point corresponding to the current * {@link #handle} to be at the given {@link Point}. * This is called by {@link #doMouseMove} and {@link #doMouseUp} with the result of calling * {@link #computeReshape} to constrain the input point. * @param {Point} newpt the value of the call to {@link #computeReshape}. */ public override reshape(newpt: go.Point): void { const link = this.adornedLink; if (link !== null && link.curve === go.Link.Bezier && link.pointsCount === 4) { const start = link.getPoint(0); const end = link.getPoint(3); const ang = start.directionPoint(end); const mid = new go.Point((start.x + end.x) / 2, (start.y + end.y) / 2); const a = new go.Point(9999, 0).rotate(ang + 90).add(mid); const b = new go.Point(9999, 0).rotate(ang - 90).add(mid); const q = newpt.copy().projectOntoLineSegmentPoint(a, b); let curviness = Math.sqrt(mid.distanceSquaredPoint(q)); const port = link.fromPort; if (port === link.toPort && port !== null) { if (newpt.y < port.getDocumentPoint(go.Spot.Center).y) curviness = -curviness; } else { const diff = mid.directionPoint(q) - ang; if ((diff > 0 && diff < 180) || (diff < -180)) curviness = -curviness; } link.curviness = curviness; } else { super.reshape(newpt); } } }