/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. * Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases. * If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. * Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders. * See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information. */ import * as go from '../release/go.js'; // These are the definitions for all of the predefined buttons. // You do not need to load this file in order to use buttons. // A 'Button' is a Panel that has a Shape surrounding some content // and that has mouseEnter/mouseLeave behavior to highlight the button. // The content of the button, whether a TextBlock or a Picture or a complicated Panel, // must be supplied by the caller. // The caller must also provide a click event handler. // Typical usage: // $('Button', // $(go.TextBlock, 'Click me!'), // the content is just the text label // { click: function(e, obj) { alert('I was clicked'); } } // ) // Note that a button click event handler is not invoked upon a click if isEnabledObject() returns false. go.GraphObject.defineBuilder('Button', (args: any): go.Panel => { // default colors for 'Button' shape const buttonFillNormal = '#F5F5F5'; const buttonStrokeNormal = '#BDBDBD'; const buttonFillOver = '#E0E0E0'; const buttonStrokeOver = '#9E9E9E'; const buttonFillPressed = '#BDBDBD'; // set to null for no button pressed effects const buttonStrokePressed = '#9E9E9E'; const buttonFillDisabled = '#E5E5E5'; // padding inside the ButtonBorder to match sizing from previous versions const paddingHorizontal = 2.76142374915397; const paddingVertical = 2.761423749153969; const button = /** @type {Panel} */ ( go.GraphObject.make(go.Panel, 'Auto', { isActionable: true, // needed so that the ActionTool intercepts mouse events enabledChanged: (btn: go.GraphObject, enabled: boolean): void => { if (btn instanceof go.Panel) { const shape = btn.findObject('ButtonBorder') as go.Shape; if (shape !== null) { shape.fill = enabled ? (btn as any)['_buttonFillNormal'] : (btn as any)['_buttonFillDisabled']; } } }, cursor: 'pointer', // save these values for the mouseEnter and mouseLeave event handlers '_buttonFillNormal': buttonFillNormal, '_buttonStrokeNormal': buttonStrokeNormal, '_buttonFillOver': buttonFillOver, '_buttonStrokeOver': buttonStrokeOver, '_buttonFillPressed': buttonFillPressed, '_buttonStrokePressed': buttonStrokePressed, '_buttonFillDisabled': buttonFillDisabled }, go.GraphObject.make(go.Shape, // the border { name: 'ButtonBorder', figure: 'RoundedRectangle', spot1: new go.Spot(0, 0, paddingHorizontal, paddingVertical), spot2: new go.Spot(1, 1, -paddingHorizontal, -paddingVertical), parameter1: 2, parameter2: 2, fill: buttonFillNormal, stroke: buttonStrokeNormal } ) ) ) as go.Panel; // There's no GraphObject inside the button shape -- it must be added as part of the button definition. // This way the object could be a TextBlock or a Shape or a Picture or arbitrarily complex Panel. // mouse-over behavior button.mouseEnter = (e: go.InputEvent, btn: go.GraphObject, prev: go.GraphObject): void => { if (!btn.isEnabledObject()) return; if (!(btn instanceof go.Panel)) return; const shape = btn.findObject('ButtonBorder'); // the border Shape if (shape instanceof go.Shape) { let brush = (btn as any)['_buttonFillOver']; (btn as any)['_buttonFillNormal'] = shape.fill; shape.fill = brush; brush = (btn as any)['_buttonStrokeOver']; (btn as any)['_buttonStrokeNormal'] = shape.stroke; shape.stroke = brush; } }; button.mouseLeave = (e: go.InputEvent, btn: go.GraphObject, prev: go.GraphObject): void => { if (!btn.isEnabledObject()) return; if (!(btn instanceof go.Panel)) return; const shape = btn.findObject('ButtonBorder'); // the border Shape if (shape instanceof go.Shape) { shape.fill = (btn as any)['_buttonFillNormal']; shape.stroke = (btn as any)['_buttonStrokeNormal']; } }; button.actionDown = (e: go.InputEvent, btn: go.GraphObject): void => { if (!btn.isEnabledObject()) return; if (!(btn instanceof go.Panel)) return; if ((btn as any)['_buttonFillPressed'] === null) return; if (e.button !== 0) return; const shape = btn.findObject('ButtonBorder'); // the border Shape if (shape instanceof go.Shape) { const diagram = e.diagram; const oldskip = diagram.skipsUndoManager; diagram.skipsUndoManager = true; let brush = (btn as any)['_buttonFillPressed']; (btn as any)['_buttonFillOver'] = shape.fill; shape.fill = brush; brush = (btn as any)['_buttonStrokePressed']; (btn as any)['_buttonStrokeOver'] = shape.stroke; shape.stroke = brush; diagram.skipsUndoManager = oldskip; } }; button.actionUp = (e: go.InputEvent, btn: go.GraphObject): void => { if (!btn.isEnabledObject()) return; if (!(btn instanceof go.Panel)) return; if ((btn as any)['_buttonFillPressed'] === null) return; if (e.button !== 0) return; const shape = btn.findObject('ButtonBorder'); // the border Shape if (shape instanceof go.Shape) { const diagram = e.diagram; const oldskip = diagram.skipsUndoManager; diagram.skipsUndoManager = true; if (overButton(e, btn)) { shape.fill = (btn as any)['_buttonFillOver']; shape.stroke = (btn as any)['_buttonStrokeOver']; } else { shape.fill = (btn as any)['_buttonFillNormal']; shape.stroke = (btn as any)['_buttonStrokeNormal']; } diagram.skipsUndoManager = oldskip; } }; button.actionCancel = (e: go.InputEvent, btn: go.GraphObject): void => { if (!btn.isEnabledObject()) return; if (!(btn instanceof go.Panel)) return; if ((btn as any)['_buttonFillPressed'] === null) return; const shape = btn.findObject('ButtonBorder'); // the border Shape if (shape instanceof go.Shape) { const diagram = e.diagram; const oldskip = diagram.skipsUndoManager; diagram.skipsUndoManager = true; if (overButton(e, btn)) { shape.fill = (btn as any)['_buttonFillOver']; shape.stroke = (btn as any)['_buttonStrokeOver']; } else { shape.fill = (btn as any)['_buttonFillNormal']; shape.stroke = (btn as any)['_buttonStrokeNormal']; } diagram.skipsUndoManager = oldskip; } }; button.actionMove = (e: go.InputEvent, btn: go.GraphObject): void => { if (!btn.isEnabledObject()) return; if (!(btn instanceof go.Panel)) return; if ((btn as any)['_buttonFillPressed'] === null) return; const diagram = e.diagram; if (diagram.firstInput.button !== 0) return; diagram.currentTool.standardMouseOver(); if (overButton(e, btn)) { const shape = btn.findObject('ButtonBorder'); if (shape instanceof go.Shape) { const oldskip = diagram.skipsUndoManager; diagram.skipsUndoManager = true; let brush = (btn as any)['_buttonFillPressed']; if (shape.fill !== brush) shape.fill = brush; brush = (btn as any)['_buttonStrokePressed']; if (shape.stroke !== brush) shape.stroke = brush; diagram.skipsUndoManager = oldskip; } } }; const overButton = (e: go.InputEvent, btn: go.Panel): boolean => { const over = e.diagram.findObjectAt( e.documentPoint, (x: go.GraphObject): go.GraphObject => { while (x.panel !== null) { if (x.isActionable) return x; x = x.panel; } return x; }, (x: go.GraphObject): boolean => x === btn ); return over !== null; }; return button; }); // This is a complete Button that you can have in a Node template // to allow the user to collapse/expand the subtree beginning at that Node. // Typical usage within a Node template: // $('TreeExpanderButton') go.GraphObject.defineBuilder('TreeExpanderButton', (args: any): go.Panel => { const button = /** @type {Panel} */ ( go.GraphObject.make('Button', { // set these values for the isTreeExpanded binding conversion '_treeExpandedFigure': 'MinusLine', '_treeCollapsedFigure': 'PlusLine' }, go.GraphObject.make(go.Shape, // the icon { name: 'ButtonIcon', figure: 'MinusLine', // default value for isTreeExpanded is true stroke: '#424242', strokeWidth: 2, desiredSize: new go.Size(8, 8) }, // bind the Shape.figure to the Node.isTreeExpanded value using this converter: new go.Binding('figure', 'isTreeExpanded', (exp: boolean, shape: go.Shape): string => { const but = shape.panel; return exp ? (but as any)['_treeExpandedFigure'] : (but as any)['_treeCollapsedFigure']; } ).ofObject() ), // assume initially not visible because there are no links coming out { visible: false }, // bind the button visibility to whether it's not a leaf node new go.Binding('visible', 'isTreeLeaf', (leaf: boolean): boolean => !leaf ).ofObject() ) ) as go.Panel; // tree expand/collapse behavior button.click = (e: go.InputEvent, btn: go.GraphObject): void => { let node = btn.part; if (node instanceof go.Adornment) node = node.adornedPart; if (!(node instanceof go.Node)) return; const diagram = node.diagram; if (diagram === null) return; const cmd = diagram.commandHandler; if (node.isTreeExpanded) { if (!cmd.canCollapseTree(node)) return; } else { if (!cmd.canExpandTree(node)) return; } e.handled = true; if (node.isTreeExpanded) { cmd.collapseTree(node); } else { cmd.expandTree(node); } }; return button; }); // This is a complete Button that you can have in a Group template // to allow the user to collapse/expand the subgraph that the Group holds. // Typical usage within a Group template: // $('SubGraphExpanderButton') go.GraphObject.defineBuilder('SubGraphExpanderButton', (args: any): go.Panel => { const button = /** @type {Panel} */ ( go.GraphObject.make('Button', { // set these values for the isSubGraphExpanded binding conversion '_subGraphExpandedFigure': 'MinusLine', '_subGraphCollapsedFigure': 'PlusLine' }, go.GraphObject.make(go.Shape, // the icon { name: 'ButtonIcon', figure: 'MinusLine', // default value for isSubGraphExpanded is true stroke: '#424242', strokeWidth: 2, desiredSize: new go.Size(8, 8) }, // bind the Shape.figure to the Group.isSubGraphExpanded value using this converter: new go.Binding('figure', 'isSubGraphExpanded', (exp: boolean, shape: go.Shape): string => { const but = shape.panel; return exp ? (but as any)['_subGraphExpandedFigure'] : (but as any)['_subGraphCollapsedFigure']; } ).ofObject() ) ) ) as go.Panel; // subgraph expand/collapse behavior button.click = (e: go.InputEvent, btn: go.GraphObject): void => { let group = btn.part; if (group instanceof go.Adornment) group = group.adornedPart; if (!(group instanceof go.Group)) return; const diagram = group.diagram; if (diagram === null) return; const cmd = diagram.commandHandler; if (group.isSubGraphExpanded) { if (!cmd.canCollapseSubGraph(group)) return; } else { if (!cmd.canExpandSubGraph(group)) return; } e.handled = true; if (group.isSubGraphExpanded) { cmd.collapseSubGraph(group); } else { cmd.expandSubGraph(group); } }; return button; }); // This is just an "Auto" Adornment that can hold some contents within a light gray, shadowed box. // Typical usage: // toolTip: // $("ToolTip", // $(go.TextBlock, . . .) // ) go.GraphObject.defineBuilder('ToolTip', (args: any): go.Adornment => { const ad = go.GraphObject.make(go.Adornment, 'Auto', { isShadowed: true, shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)', shadowOffset: new go.Point(0, 3), shadowBlur: 5 }, go.GraphObject.make(go.Shape, { name: 'Border', figure: 'RoundedRectangle', parameter1: 1, parameter2: 1, fill: '#F5F5F5', stroke: '#F0F0F0', spot1: new go.Spot(0, 0, 4, 6), spot2: new go.Spot(1, 1, -4, -4) } ) ); return ad; }); // This is just a "Vertical" Adornment that can hold some "ContextMenuButton"s. // Typical usage: // contextMenu: // $("ContextMenu", // $("ContextMenuButton", // $(go.TextBlock, . . .), // { click: . . .} // ), // $("ContextMenuButton", . . .) // ) go.GraphObject.defineBuilder('ContextMenu', (args: any): go.Adornment => { const ad = go.GraphObject.make(go.Adornment, 'Vertical', { background: '#F5F5F5', isShadowed: true, shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)', shadowOffset: new go.Point(0, 3), shadowBlur: 5 }, // don't set the background if the ContextMenu is adorning something and there's a Placeholder new go.Binding('background', '', (obj: go.Adornment) => { const part = obj.adornedPart; if (part !== null && obj.placeholder !== null) return null; return '#F5F5F5'; }) ); return ad; }); // This just holds the 'ButtonBorder' Shape that acts as the border // around the button contents, which must be supplied by the caller. // The button contents are usually a TextBlock or Panel consisting of a Shape and a TextBlock. // Typical usage within an Adornment that is either a GraphObject.contextMenu or a Diagram.contextMenu: // $('ContextMenuButton', // $(go.TextBlock, text), // { click: function(e, obj) { alert('Command for ' + obj.part.adornedPart); } }, // new go.Binding('visible', '', function(data) { return ...OK to perform Command...; }) // ) go.GraphObject.defineBuilder('ContextMenuButton', (args: any): go.Panel => { const button = /** @type {Panel} */ (go.GraphObject.make('Button')) as go.Panel; button.stretch = go.GraphObject.Horizontal; const border = button.findObject('ButtonBorder'); if (border instanceof go.Shape) { border.figure = 'Rectangle'; border.spot1 = new go.Spot(0, 0, 2, 3); border.spot2 = new go.Spot(1, 1, -2, -2); } return button; }); // This button is used to toggle the visibility of a GraphObject named // by the second argument to GraphObject.make. If the second argument is not present // or if it is not a string, this assumes that the element name is 'COLLAPSIBLE'. // You can only control the visibility of one element in a Part at a time, // although that element might be an arbitrarily complex Panel. // Typical usage: // $(go.Panel, . . ., // $('PanelExpanderButton', 'COLLAPSIBLE'), // . . ., // $(go.Panel, . . ., // { name: 'COLLAPSIBLE' }, // . . . stuff to be hidden or shown as the PanelExpanderButton is clicked . . . // ), // . . . // ) go.GraphObject.defineBuilder('PanelExpanderButton', (args: any): go.Panel => { const eltname: string = /** @type {string} */ (go.GraphObject.takeBuilderArgument(args, 'COLLAPSIBLE')); const button: go.Panel = /** @type {Panel} */ ( go.GraphObject.make('Button', { // set these values for the button's look '_buttonExpandedFigure': 'M0 0 M0 6 L4 2 8 6 M8 8', '_buttonCollapsedFigure': 'M0 0 M0 2 L4 6 8 2 M8 8', '_buttonFillNormal': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', '_buttonStrokeNormal': null, '_buttonFillOver': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .2)', '_buttonStrokeOver': null, '_buttonFillPressed': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)', '_buttonStrokePressed': null }, go.GraphObject.make(go.Shape, { name: 'ButtonIcon', strokeWidth: 2 }, new go.Binding('geometryString', 'visible', (vis: boolean): string => vis ? (button as any)['_buttonExpandedFigure'] : (button as any)['_buttonCollapsedFigure'] ).ofObject(eltname) ) ) ); const border = button.findObject('ButtonBorder'); if (border instanceof go.Shape) { border.stroke = null; border.fill = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'; } button.click = (e: go.InputEvent, btn: go.GraphObject): void => { if (!(btn instanceof go.Panel)) return; const diagram = btn.diagram; if (diagram === null) return; if (diagram.isReadOnly) return; let elt = btn.findBindingPanel(); if (elt === null) elt = btn.part; if (elt !== null) { const pan = elt.findObject(eltname); if (pan !== null) { e.handled = true; diagram.startTransaction('Collapse/Expand Panel'); pan.visible = !pan.visible; diagram.commitTransaction('Collapse/Expand Panel'); } } }; return button; }); // Define a common checkbox button; the first argument is the name of the data property // to which the state of this checkbox is data bound. If the first argument is not a string, // it raises an error. If no data binding of the checked state is desired, // pass an empty string as the first argument. // Examples: // $('CheckBoxButton', 'dataPropertyName', ...) // or: // $('CheckBoxButton', '', { '_doClick': function(e, obj) { alert('clicked!'); } }) go.GraphObject.defineBuilder('CheckBoxButton', (args: any): go.Panel => { // process the one required string argument for this kind of button const propname = /** @type {string} */ (go.GraphObject.takeBuilderArgument(args)); const button = /** @type {Panel} */ ( go.GraphObject.make('Button', { desiredSize: new go.Size(14, 14) }, go.GraphObject.make(go.Shape, { name: 'ButtonIcon', geometryString: 'M0 0 M0 8.85 L4.9 13.75 16.2 2.45 M16.2 16.2', // a 'check' mark strokeWidth: 2, stretch: go.GraphObject.Fill, // this Shape expands to fill the Button geometryStretch: go.GraphObject.Uniform, // the check mark fills the Shape without distortion visible: false // visible set to false: not checked, unless data.PROPNAME is true }, // create a data Binding only if PROPNAME is supplied and not the empty string (propname !== '' ? new go.Binding('visible', propname).makeTwoWay() : []) ) ) ) as go.Panel; button.click = (e: go.InputEvent, btn: go.GraphObject): void => { const diagram = e.diagram; if (diagram === null || diagram.isReadOnly) return; if (propname !== '' && diagram.model.isReadOnly) return; e.handled = true; const shape = (btn as go.Panel).findObject('ButtonIcon'); diagram.startTransaction('checkbox'); if (shape !== null) shape.visible = !shape.visible; // this toggles data.checked due to TwoWay Binding // support extra side-effects without clobbering the click event handler: if (typeof (btn as any)['_doClick'] === 'function') (btn as any)['_doClick'](e, btn); diagram.commitTransaction('checkbox'); }; return button; }); // This defines a whole check-box -- including both a 'CheckBoxButton' and whatever you want as the check box label. // Note that mouseEnter/mouseLeave/click events apply to everything in the panel, not just in the 'CheckBoxButton'. // Examples: // $('CheckBox', 'aBooleanDataProperty', $(go.TextBlock, 'the checkbox label')) // or // $('CheckBox', 'someProperty', $(go.TextBlock, 'A choice'), // { '_doClick': function(e, obj) { ... perform extra side-effects ... } }) go.GraphObject.defineBuilder('CheckBox', (args: any): go.Panel => { // process the one required string argument for this kind of button const propname = /** @type {string} */ (go.GraphObject.takeBuilderArgument(args)); const button = /** @type {Panel} */ ( go.GraphObject.make('CheckBoxButton', propname, // bound to this data property { name: 'Button', isActionable: false, // actionable is set on the whole horizontal panel margin: new go.Margin(0, 1, 0, 0) } ) ) as go.Panel; const box = /** @type {Panel} */ ( go.GraphObject.make(go.Panel, 'Horizontal', button, { isActionable: true, cursor: button.cursor, margin: 1, // transfer CheckBoxButton properties over to this new CheckBox panel '_buttonFillNormal': (button as any)['_buttonFillNormal'], '_buttonStrokeNormal': (button as any)['_buttonStrokeNormal'], '_buttonFillOver': (button as any)['_buttonFillOver'], '_buttonStrokeOver': (button as any)['_buttonStrokeOver'], '_buttonFillPressed': (button as any)['_buttonFillPressed'], '_buttonStrokePressed': (button as any)['_buttonStrokePressed'], '_buttonFillDisabled': (button as any)['_buttonFillDisabled'], mouseEnter: button.mouseEnter, mouseLeave: button.mouseLeave, actionDown: button.actionDown, actionUp: button.actionUp, actionCancel: button.actionCancel, actionMove: button.actionMove, click: button.click, // also save original Button behavior, for potential use in a Panel.click event handler '_buttonClick': button.click } ) ) as go.Panel; // avoid potentially conflicting event handlers on the 'CheckBoxButton' button.mouseEnter = null; button.mouseLeave = null; button.actionDown = null; button.actionUp = null; button.actionCancel = null; button.actionMove = null; button.click = null; return box; });