/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. * Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases. * If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. * Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders. * See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information. */ import * as go from '../release/go-module.js'; /** * A custom Layout that provides one way to have a layout of layouts. * It partitions nodes and links into separate subnetworks, applies a primary * layout to each subnetwork, and then arranges those results by an * arranging layout. Any disconnected nodes are laid out later by a * side layout, by default in a grid underneath the main body of subnetworks. * * If you want to experiment with this extension, try the Arranging Layout sample. * * This layout uses three separate Layouts. * * One is used for laying out nodes and links that are connected together: {@link #primaryLayout}. * This defaults to null and must be set to an instance of a {@link Layout}, * such as a {@link TreeLayout} or a {@link ForceDirectedLayout} or a custom Layout. * * One is used to arrange separate subnetworks of the main graph: {@link #arrangingLayout}. * This defaults to an instance of {@link GridLayout}. * * One is used for laying out the additional nodes along one of the sides of the main graph: {@link #sideLayout}. * This also defaults to an instance of {@link GridLayout}. * A filter predicate, {@link #filter}, splits up the collection of nodes and links into two subsets, * one for the main layout and one for the side layout. * By default, when there is no filter, it puts all nodes that have no link connections into the * subset to be processed by the side layout. * * If all pairs of nodes in the main graph can be reached by some path of undirected links, * there are no separate subnetworks, so the {@link #arrangingLayout} need not be used and * the {@link #primaryLayout} would apply to all of those nodes and links. * * But if there are disconnected subnetworks, the {@link #primaryLayout} is applied to each subnetwork, * and then all of those results are arranged by the {@link #arrangingLayout}. * If you don't want to use an {@link #arrangingLayout} and you want to force the {@link #primaryLayout} to * operate on all of the subnetworks, set {@link #arrangingLayout} to null. * * In either case if there are any nodes in the side graph, those are arranged by the {@link #sideLayout} * to be on the side of the arrangement of the main graph of nodes and links. * The {@link #side} property controls which side they will be placed -- the default is BottomSide. * * Note: if you do not want to have singleton nodes be arranged by {@link #sideLayout}, * set {@link #filter} to part => true. * That will cause all singleton nodes to be arranged by {@link #arrangingLayout} as if they * were each their own subnetwork. * * If you both don't want to use {@link #sideLayout} and you don't want to use {@link #arrangingLayout} * to lay out connected subnetworks, don't use this ArrangingLayout at all -- * just use whatever Layout you would have assigned to {@link #primaryLayout}. * * @category Layout Extension */ export class ArrangingLayout extends go.Layout { private _filter: ((part: go.Part) => boolean) | null; private _primaryLayout: go.Layout; private _arrangingLayout: go.Layout | null; private _sideLayout: go.Layout; private _side: go.Spot; private _spacing: go.Size; constructor() { super(); this._filter = null; const play = new go.GridLayout(); play.cellSize = new go.Size(1, 1); this._primaryLayout = play; const alay = new go.GridLayout(); alay.cellSize = new go.Size(1, 1); this._arrangingLayout = alay; const slay = new go.GridLayout(); slay.cellSize = new go.Size(1, 1); this._sideLayout = slay; this._side = go.Spot.BottomSide; this._spacing = new go.Size(20, 20); } /** * @ignore @hidden @internal * Copies properties to a cloned Layout. */ override cloneProtected(copy: this): void { super.cloneProtected(copy); copy._filter = this._filter; if (this._primaryLayout !== null) copy._primaryLayout = this._primaryLayout.copy(); if (this._arrangingLayout !== null) copy._arrangingLayout = this._arrangingLayout.copy(); if (this._sideLayout !== null) copy._sideLayout = this._sideLayout.copy(); copy._side = this._side.copy(); copy._spacing = this._spacing.copy(); }; /** * @hidden @internal * @param {Diagram|Group|Iterable} coll the collection of Parts to layout. */ override doLayout(coll: go.Diagram | go.Group | go.Iterable) { const coll2 = this.collectParts(coll); if (coll2.count === 0) return; let diagram = this.diagram; if (diagram === null) diagram = coll2.first()!.diagram; if (diagram === null) return; // implementations of doLayout that do not make use of a LayoutNetwork // need to perform their own transactions diagram.startTransaction("Arranging Layout"); const maincoll = new go.Set(); const sidecoll = new go.Set(); this.splitParts(coll2, maincoll, sidecoll); let mainnet = null; let subnets = null; if (this.arrangingLayout !== null) { this.arrangingLayout.diagram = diagram; mainnet = this.makeNetwork(maincoll); subnets = mainnet.splitIntoSubNetworks(); } let bounds = null; if (this.arrangingLayout !== null && mainnet !== null && subnets !== null && subnets.count > 1) { const groups = new go.Map, bounds: go.Rect }>(); const it = subnets.iterator; while (it.next()) { const net = it.value; const subcoll = net.findAllParts(); this.primaryLayout.diagram = diagram; this.preparePrimaryLayout(this.primaryLayout, subcoll); this.primaryLayout.doLayout(subcoll); this._addMainNode(groups, subcoll, diagram); } const mit = mainnet.vertexes.iterator; while (mit.next()) { const v = mit.value; if (v.node) { const subcoll = new go.Set(); subcoll.add(v.node); this.primaryLayout.diagram = diagram; this.preparePrimaryLayout(this.primaryLayout, subcoll); this.primaryLayout.doLayout(subcoll); this._addMainNode(groups, subcoll, diagram); } } this.arrangingLayout.doLayout(groups.toKeySet()); const git = groups.iterator; while (git.next()) { const grp = git.key; const ginfo = git.value; this.moveSubgraph(ginfo.parts, ginfo.bounds, new go.Rect(grp.position, grp.desiredSize)); } bounds = diagram.computePartsBounds(groups.toKeySet()); // not maincoll due to links without real bounds } else { // no this.arrangingLayout this.primaryLayout.diagram = diagram; this.preparePrimaryLayout(this.primaryLayout, maincoll); this.primaryLayout.doLayout(maincoll); bounds = diagram.computePartsBounds(maincoll); this.moveSubgraph(maincoll, bounds, bounds); } if (!bounds.isReal()) bounds = new go.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); this.prepareSideLayout(this.sideLayout, sidecoll, bounds); if (sidecoll.count > 0) { this.sideLayout.doLayout(sidecoll); let sidebounds = diagram.computePartsBounds(sidecoll); if (!sidebounds.isReal()) sidebounds = new go.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); this.moveSideCollection(sidecoll, bounds, sidebounds); } diagram.commitTransaction("Arranging Layout"); }; /** * @hidden @internal * @param {*} subcoll */ _addMainNode(groups: go.Map, bounds: go.Rect }>, subcoll: go.Set, diagram: go.Diagram) { const grp = new go.Node(); grp.locationSpot = go.Spot.Center; const grpb = diagram.computePartsBounds(subcoll); grp.desiredSize = grpb.size; grp.position = grpb.position; groups.add(grp, { parts: subcoll, bounds: grpb }); } /** * Assign all of the Parts in the given collection into either the * set of Nodes and Links for the main graph or the set of Nodes and Links * for the side graph. * * By default this just calls the {@link #filter} on each non-Link to decide, * and then looks at each Link's connected Nodes to decide. * * A null filter assigns all Nodes that have connected Links to the main graph, and * all Links will be assigned to the main graph, and the side graph will only contain * Parts with no connected Links. * @param {Set} coll * @param {Set} maincoll * @param {Set} sidecoll */ splitParts(coll: go.Set, maincoll: go.Set, sidecoll: go.Set) { // first consider all Nodes const pred = this.filter; coll.each(p => { if (p instanceof go.Link) return; let main; if (pred) main = pred(p); else if (p instanceof go.Node) main = (p.linksConnected.count > 0); else main = (p instanceof go.Link); if (main) { maincoll.add(p); } else { sidecoll.add(p); } }); // now assign Links based on which Nodes they connect with coll.each(p => { if (p instanceof go.Link) { if (!p.fromNode || !p.toNode) return; if (maincoll.contains(p.fromNode) && maincoll.contains(p.toNode)) { maincoll.add(p); } else if (sidecoll.contains(p.fromNode) && sidecoll.contains(p.toNode)) { sidecoll.add(p); } } }); } /** * This method is called just before the primaryLayout is performed so that * there can be adjustments made to the primaryLayout, if desired. * By default this method makes no adjustments to the primaryLayout. * @param {Layout} primaryLayout the sideLayout that may be modified for the results of the primaryLayout * @param {Set} mainColl the Nodes and Links to be laid out by primaryLayout after being separated into subnetworks */ preparePrimaryLayout(primaryLayout: go.Layout, mainColl: go.Set) { // by default this is a no-op } /** * Move a Set of Nodes and Links to the given area. * @param {Set} subColl the Set of Nodes and Links that form a separate connected subnetwork * @param {Rect} subbounds the area occupied by the subColl * @param {Rect} bounds the area where they should be moved according to the arrangingLayout */ moveSubgraph(subColl: go.Set, subbounds: go.Rect, bounds: go.Rect) { const diagram = this.diagram; if (!diagram) return; diagram.moveParts(subColl, bounds.position.subtract(subbounds.position)); } /** * This method is called just after the main layouts (the primaryLayouts and arrangingLayout) * have been performed and just before the sideLayout is performed so that there can be * adjustments made to the sideLayout, if desired. * By default this method makes no adjustments to the sideLayout. * @param {Layout} sideLayout the sideLayout that may be modified for the results of the main layouts * @param {Set} sideColl the Nodes and Links filtered out to be laid out by sideLayout * @param {Rect} mainBounds the area occupied by the nodes and links of the main layout, after it was performed */ prepareSideLayout(sideLayout: go.Layout, sideColl: go.Set, mainBounds: go.Rect) { // by default this is a no-op } /** * This method is called just after the sideLayout has been performed in order to move * its parts to the desired area relative to the results of the main layouts. * By default this calls {@link Diagram#moveParts} on the sidecoll collection to the {@link #side} of the mainbounds. * This won't get called if there are no Parts in the sidecoll collection. * @param {Set} sidecoll a collection of Parts that were laid out by the sideLayout * @param {Rect} mainbounds the area occupied by the results of the main layouts * @param {Rect} sidebounds the area occupied by the results of the sideLayout */ moveSideCollection(sidecoll: go.Set, mainbounds: go.Rect, sidebounds: go.Rect) { const diagram = this.diagram; if (!diagram) return; let pos: go.Point | null = null; if (this.side.equals(go.Spot.Bottom)) { pos = new go.Point(mainbounds.centerX - sidebounds.width/2, mainbounds.y + mainbounds.height + this.spacing.height); } else if (this.side.equals(go.Spot.Right)) { pos = new go.Point(mainbounds.x + mainbounds.width + this.spacing.width, mainbounds.centerY - sidebounds.height/2); } else if (this.side.equals(go.Spot.Top)) { pos = new go.Point(mainbounds.centerX - sidebounds.width/2, mainbounds.y - sidebounds.height - this.spacing.height); } else if (this.side.equals(go.Spot.Left)) { pos = new go.Point(mainbounds.x - sidebounds.width - this.spacing.width, mainbounds.centerY - sidebounds.height/2); } else if (this.side.includesSide(go.Spot.BottomSide)) { pos = new go.Point(mainbounds.x, mainbounds.y + mainbounds.height + this.spacing.height); } else if (this.side.includesSide(go.Spot.RightSide)) { pos = new go.Point(mainbounds.x + mainbounds.width + this.spacing.width, mainbounds.y); } else if (this.side.includesSide(go.Spot.TopSide)) { pos = new go.Point(mainbounds.x, mainbounds.y - sidebounds.height - this.spacing.height); } else if (this.side.includesSide(go.Spot.LeftSide)) { pos = new go.Point(mainbounds.x - sidebounds.width - this.spacing.width, mainbounds.y); } if (pos !== null) { diagram.moveParts(sidecoll, pos.subtract(sidebounds.position)); } } // Public properties /** * Gets or sets the predicate function to call on each non-Link. * If the predicate returns true, the part will be laid out by the main layouts, * the primaryLayouts and the arrangingLayout, otherwise by the sideLayout. * The default value is a function that is true when there are any links connecting with the node. * Such default behavior will have the sideLayout position all of the singleton nodes. */ get filter(): ((part: go.Part) => boolean) | null { return this._filter; } set filter(val: ((part: go.Part) => boolean) | null) { if (val && typeof val !== 'function') throw new Error("new value for ArrangingLayout.filter must be a function, not: " + val); if (this._filter !== val) { this._filter = val; this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * Gets or sets the side {@link Spot} where the side nodes and links should be laid out, * relative to the results of the main Layout. * The default value is Spot.BottomSide. * * If the value is Spot.Bottom, Spot.Top, Spot.Right, or Spot.Left, * the side nodes will be centered along that side. * * Currently only handles a single side. * @name ArrangingLayout#side * @return {Spot} */ get side(): go.Spot { return this._side; } set side(val: go.Spot) { if (!(val instanceof go.Spot) || !(val.isSide() || val.equals(go.Spot.Top) || val.equals(go.Spot.Right) || val.equals(go.Spot.Bottom) || val.equals(go.Spot.Left))) { throw new Error("new value for ArrangingLayout.side must be a side or middle-side Spot, not: " + val); } if (!this._side.equals(val)) { this._side = val.copy(); this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * Gets or sets the space between the main layout and the side layout. * The default value is Size(20, 20). * @name ArrangingLayout#spacing * @return {Size} */ get spacing(): go.Size { return this._spacing; } set spacing(val: go.Size) { if (!(val instanceof go.Size)) throw new Error("new value for ArrangingLayout.spacing must be a Size, not: " + val); if (!this._spacing.equals(val)) { this._spacing = val.copy(); this.invalidateLayout(); } } /** * Gets or sets the Layout used for the main part of the diagram. * The default value is an instance of GridLayout. * Any new value must not be null. */ get primaryLayout(): go.Layout { return this._primaryLayout; } set primaryLayout(val: go.Layout) { if (!(val instanceof go.Layout)) throw new Error("layout does not inherit from go.Layout: " + val); this._primaryLayout = val; this.invalidateLayout(); } /** * Gets or sets the Layout used to arrange multiple separate connected subnetworks of the main graph. * The default value is an instance of GridLayout. * Set this property to null in order to get the @{link #primaryLayout} to operate on all * connected graphs as a whole. */ get arrangingLayout(): go.Layout | null { return this._arrangingLayout; } set arrangingLayout(val: go.Layout | null) { if (val && !(val instanceof go.Layout)) throw new Error("layout does not inherit from go.Layout: " + val); this._arrangingLayout = val; this.invalidateLayout(); } /** * Gets or sets the Layout used to arrange the "side" nodes and links -- those outside of the main layout. * The default value is an instance of GridLayout. * Any new value must not be null. */ get sideLayout(): go.Layout { return this._sideLayout; } set sideLayout(val: go.Layout) { if (!(val instanceof go.Layout)) throw new Error("layout does not inherit from go.Layout: " + val); this._sideLayout = val; this.invalidateLayout(); } }