import caption from './modifiers/caption'; import hideFooter from './modifiers/hideFooter'; import hideLineNumbers from './modifiers/hideLineNumbers'; import highlightLine from './modifiers/highlightLine'; import line from './modifiers/line'; // Global methods const GIST_EMBED_GLOBAL_FUNC_NAME = 'GistEmbed'; const GIST_EMBED_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_NAME = 'GistEmbedSettings'; const GIST_EMBED_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BASE_URL_NAME = 'baseURL'; window[GIST_EMBED_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_NAME] = window[GIST_EMBED_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_NAME] || {}; window[GIST_EMBED_GLOBAL_FUNC_NAME] = {}; // Keep track of stylesheets added. Only append a new stylesheet if it doesn't exist const StylesheetURLs: Set = new Set(); // Prefix for fetching via JSONP const JSONP_CALLBACK_PREFIX: string = '_gistEmbedJSONP_'; // Global counter for each JSONP called so we can append to prefix to create a unique JSONP callback let _jsonpCallbackIDCounter: number = 0; // URL prefix to get the JSONP result // You can sepcify a base url if you'd like const GIST_URL_PREFIX: string = window[GIST_EMBED_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_NAME][ GIST_EMBED_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BASE_URL_NAME ] || ''; // The attribute we check on the DOM elements to grab the gist id const GIST_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: string = 'data-gist-id'; // Attribute used to specify file to fetch during the request in case the gist is multi-file const GIST_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: string = 'data-gist-file'; enum MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTES { hideLineNumbersAttribute = 'data-gist-hide-line-numbers', hideFooterAttribute = 'data-gist-hide-footer', captionAttribute = 'data-gist-caption', lineAttribute = 'data-gist-line', highlightLineAttribute = 'data-gist-highlight-line', } const MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES: MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTES[] = [ MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTES.hideLineNumbersAttribute, MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTES.hideFooterAttribute, MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTES.captionAttribute, MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTES.lineAttribute, MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTES.highlightLineAttribute, ]; type GistJSONResponse = | { div?: string | undefined; stylesheet?: string | undefined; } | null | undefined; // document ready, call init if (document.readyState === 'complete') { init(); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init); } // init function that runs on page load. Grabs all nodes and fetches JSONP for each and // swapping the content of the node with the response function init() { Array.from(getAllGistEmbedDOMNodes()).forEach(fetchJSONPForGistEmbedDOMNode); } // Expose init so we can execute it after dom ready if desired window[GIST_EMBED_GLOBAL_FUNC_NAME].init = init; // returns all dom nodes with attribute GIST_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME function getAllGistEmbedDOMNodes(): NodeList { return document.querySelectorAll(`[${GIST_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME}]`); } // creates a unique callback for JSONP function generateJSONPCallbackPrefix(): string { ++_jsonpCallbackIDCounter; return `${JSONP_CALLBACK_PREFIX}${_jsonpCallbackIDCounter}`; } // Add a stylesheet to the DOM given a http url function appendStylesheet(stylesheetURL: string) { if (!StylesheetURLs.has(stylesheetURL)) { StylesheetURLs.add(stylesheetURL); const linkEl = document.createElement('link'); linkEl.setAttribute('href', stylesheetURL); linkEl.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); linkEl.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); document.body.appendChild(linkEl); } } // Simple getJSONP method that takes a gist id and callback function getJSONP( gistID: string, fileName: string | undefined | null, callback: (response: GistJSONResponse) => void, ) { const callbackName = generateJSONPCallbackPrefix(); window[callbackName] = callback; const scriptEl = document.createElement('script'); const fileQueryParam = fileName != null ? `&file=${encodeURIComponent(fileName)}` : ''; scriptEl.setAttribute( 'src', `${GIST_URL_PREFIX}${gistID}.json?callback=${callbackName}${fileQueryParam}`, ); document.body.appendChild(scriptEl); } // Fetch the JSONP for a given DOM Node function fetchJSONPForGistEmbedDOMNode(gistDOMNode: HTMLElement) { const gistID = gistDOMNode.getAttribute(GIST_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); const fileName = gistDOMNode.getAttribute(GIST_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); if (gistID != null && gistID !== '') { getJSONP(gistID, fileName, function(response: GistJSONResponse) { handleGetJSONPResponse(gistDOMNode, response); }); } } function handleGetJSONPResponse( gistDOMNode: HTMLElement, response: GistJSONResponse, ) { if (response == null || response.div == null || response.stylesheet == null) { gistDOMNode.innerHTML = 'Error fetching gist'; return; } updateDOMNodeWithGistContent(gistDOMNode, response.stylesheet, response.div); } // From the JSONP response, add the stylesheet to the DOM and replace the DOM Node contents function updateDOMNodeWithGistContent( gistDOMNode: HTMLElement, responseStylesheet: string, responseDIV: string, ) { appendStylesheet(responseStylesheet); // update gistDOMNode.innerHTML = responseDIV; // Avoid id collision. id is the gistID and we could be embedding multiple on the page if (gistDOMNode.children.length) { gistDOMNode.children[0].removeAttribute('id'); } modify(gistDOMNode); } function modify(gistDOMNode: HTMLElement) { MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.forEach(attribute => { const attributeValue = gistDOMNode.getAttribute(attribute); if (attributeValue != null && attributeValue !== '') { switch (attribute) { case 'data-gist-hide-line-numbers': if (attributeValue === 'true') { hideLineNumbers(gistDOMNode); } break; case 'data-gist-hide-footer': if (attributeValue === 'true') { hideFooter(gistDOMNode); } break; case 'data-gist-caption': caption(gistDOMNode, attributeValue); break; case 'data-gist-line': line(gistDOMNode, attributeValue); break; case 'data-gist-highlight-line': highlightLine(gistDOMNode, attributeValue); break; } } }); }