import {type Stream} from 'node:stream'; import {type Buffer} from 'node:buffer'; export class MaxBufferError extends Error { readonly name: 'MaxBufferError'; constructor(); } export type Options = { /** Maximum length of the returned string. If it exceeds this value before the stream ends, the promise will be rejected with a `MaxBufferError` error. @default Infinity */ readonly maxBuffer?: number; }; export type OptionsWithEncoding = { /** The [encoding]( of the incoming stream. @default 'utf8' */ readonly encoding?: EncodingType; } & Options; /** Get the given `stream` as a string. @returns A promise that resolves when the end event fires on the stream, indicating that there is no more data to be read. The stream is switched to flowing mode. @example ``` import fs from 'node:fs'; import getStream from 'get-stream'; const stream = fs.createReadStream('unicorn.txt'); console.log(await getStream(stream)); // ,,))))))));, // __)))))))))))))), // \|/ -\(((((''''((((((((. // -*-==//////(('' . `)))))), // /|\ ))| o ;-. '((((( ,(, // ( `| / ) ;))))' ,_))^;(~ // | | | ,))((((_ _____------~~~-. %,;(;(>';'~ // o_); ; )))(((` ~---~ `:: \ %%~~)(v;(`('~ // ; ''''```` `: `:::|\,__,%% );`'; ~ // | _ ) / `:|`----' `-' // ______/\/~ | / / // /~;;.____/;;' / ___--,-( `;;;/ // / // _;______;'------~~~~~ /;;/\ / // // | | / ; \;;,\ // (<_ | ; /',/-----' _> // \_| ||_ //~;~~~~~~~~~ // `\_| (,~~ // \~\ // ~~ ``` */ export default function getStream(stream: Stream, options?: OptionsWithEncoding): Promise; /** Get the given `stream` as a buffer. It honors the `maxBuffer` option as above, but it refers to byte length rather than string length. @example ``` import {getStreamAsBuffer} from 'get-stream'; const stream = fs.createReadStream('unicorn.png'); console.log(await getStreamAsBuffer(stream)); ``` */ export function getStreamAsBuffer(stream: Stream, options?: Options): Promise;