import { Codec, Static, create, RuntypeBase, InnerValidateHelper, innerValidate, createVisitedState, OpaqueVisitedState, assertRuntype, unwrapRuntype, getFields, } from '../runtype'; import show, { parenthesize } from '../show'; import { LiteralValue, isLiteralRuntype } from './literal'; import { lazyValue } from './lazy'; import { isObjectRuntype } from './Object'; import { andError, expected, failure, FullError, Result, success, typesAreNotCompatible, unableToAssign, } from '../result'; import { isTupleRuntype } from './tuple'; import showValue from '../showValue'; import { isIntersectRuntype } from './intersect'; export type StaticUnion[]> = { [key in keyof TAlternatives]: TAlternatives[key] extends RuntypeBase ? Static : unknown; }[number]; export interface Union[]> extends Codec> { readonly tag: 'union'; readonly alternatives: TAlternatives; match: Match; } export function isUnionType(runtype: RuntypeBase): runtype is Union[]> { return 'tag' in runtype && (runtype as Union[]>).tag === 'union'; } function mapGet(map: Map) { return (key: TKey, fn: () => TValue) => { const existing = map.get(key); if (existing !== undefined) return existing; const fresh = fn(); map.set(key, fresh); return fresh; }; } function findFields( alternative: RuntypeBase, mode: 'p' | 's' | 't', ): [string, RuntypeBase][] { const underlying = unwrapRuntype(alternative, mode); const fields: [string, RuntypeBase][] = []; const pushField = (fieldName: string, type: RuntypeBase) => { const f = unwrapRuntype(type, mode); if (isUnionType(f)) { for (const type of f.alternatives) { pushField(fieldName, type); } } else { fields.push([fieldName, f]); } }; if (isObjectRuntype(underlying) && !underlying.isPartial) { for (const fieldName of Object.keys(underlying.fields)) { pushField(fieldName, underlying.fields[fieldName]); } } if (isTupleRuntype(underlying)) { underlying.components.forEach((type, i) => { pushField(`${i}`, type); }); } if (isIntersectRuntype(underlying)) { for (const type of underlying.intersectees) { fields.push(...findFields(type, mode)); } } return fields; } function intersect(sets: Set[]) { const result = new Set(sets[0]); for (const s of sets) { for (const v of result) { if (!s.has(v)) { result.delete(v); } } } return result; } function findDiscriminator( recordAlternatives: readonly (readonly [RuntypeBase, [string, RuntypeBase][]])[], ) { const commonFieldNames = intersect([, fields]) => new Set([fieldName]) => fieldName))), ); const commonLiteralFields = new Map>>( // we want to always check these props first, in case there are multiple possible keys // that can be used to discriminate ['type', 'kind', 'tag', 'version'].map(fieldName => [fieldName, new Map()]), ); for (const [type, fields] of recordAlternatives) { for (const [fieldName, field] of fields) { if (isLiteralRuntype(field)) { const fieldTypes = mapGet(commonLiteralFields)(fieldName, () => new Map()); if (fieldTypes.has(field.value)) { commonFieldNames.delete(fieldName); } else { fieldTypes.set(field.value, type); } } else { commonFieldNames.delete(fieldName); } } } for (const [fieldName, fieldTypes] of commonLiteralFields) { if (commonFieldNames.has(fieldName)) { return [fieldName, fieldTypes] as const; } } } /** * Construct a union runtype from runtypes for its alternatives. */ export function Union< TAlternatives extends readonly [RuntypeBase, ...RuntypeBase[]], >(...alternatives: TAlternatives): Union { assertRuntype(...alternatives); type TResult = StaticUnion; type InnerValidate = (x: any, innerValidate: InnerValidateHelper) => Result; const flatAlternatives: RuntypeBase[] = []; for (const a of alternatives) { if (isUnionType(a)) { flatAlternatives.push(...(a.alternatives as any)); } else { flatAlternatives.push(a as any); } } function validateWithKey( tag: string, types: Map>, ): InnerValidate { const typesString = `${Array.from(types.values()) .map(v => show(v, true)) .join(' | ')}`; return (value, innerValidate) => { if (!value || typeof value !== 'object') { return expected(typesString, value); } const validator = types.get(value[tag]); if (validator) { const result = innerValidate(validator, value); if (!result.success) { return failure(result.message, { key: `<${/^\d+$/.test(tag) ? `[${tag}]` : tag}: ${showValue(value[tag])}>${ result.key ? `.${result.key}` : `` }`, fullError: unableToAssign(value, typesString, result), }); } return result; } else { const err = expected( Array.from(types.keys()) .map(v => (typeof v === 'string' ? `'${v}'` : v)) .join(' | '), value[tag], { key: /^\d+$/.test(tag) ? `[${tag}]` : tag, }, ); err.fullError = unableToAssign( value, typesString, typesAreNotCompatible(/^\d+$/.test(tag) ? `[${tag}]` : `"${tag}"`, err.message), ); return err; } }; } function validateWithoutKey(alternatives: readonly RuntypeBase[]): InnerValidate { return (value, innerValidate) => { let fullError: FullError | undefined; for (const targetType of alternatives) { const result = innerValidate(targetType, value); if (result.success) { return result as Result; } if (!fullError) { fullError = unableToAssign( value, runtype, result.fullError || unableToAssign(value, targetType, result), ); } else { fullError.push(andError(result.fullError || unableToAssign(value, targetType, result))); } } return expected(runtype, value, { fullError, }); }; } // This must be lazy to avoid eagerly evaluating any circular references const validatorOf = (mode: 'p' | 's' | 't'): InnerValidate => { const withFields = flatAlternatives .filter(a => unwrapRuntype(a, mode).tag !== 'never') .map(a => [a, findFields(a, mode)] as const); const withAtLeastOneField = withFields.filter(a => a[1].length !== 0); const withNoFields = withFields.filter(a => a[1].length === 0); const discriminant = findDiscriminator(withAtLeastOneField); if (discriminant && withNoFields.length) { const withKey = discriminant && validateWithKey(discriminant[0], discriminant[1]); const withoutKey = validateWithoutKey( => v[0])); return (value, innerValidate) => { const resultWithKey = withKey(value, innerValidate); if (resultWithKey.success) { return resultWithKey; } const resultWithoutKey = withoutKey(value, innerValidate); if (!resultWithoutKey.success) { resultWithoutKey.fullError!.push( andError(resultWithKey.fullError ?? unableToAssign(value, `Object`)), ); } return resultWithoutKey; }; } else if (discriminant) { return validateWithKey(discriminant[0], discriminant[1]); } else { return validateWithoutKey(flatAlternatives); } }; const innerValidator = lazyValue(() => ({ p: validatorOf('p'), s: validatorOf('s'), t: validatorOf('t'), })); const getFieldsForMode = (mode: 'p' | 't' | 's') => { const fields = new Set(); for (const a of alternatives) { const aFields = getFields(a, mode); if (aFields === undefined) return undefined; for (const f of aFields) { fields.add(f); } } return fields; }; const fields = { p: lazyValue(() => getFieldsForMode(`p`)), t: lazyValue(() => getFieldsForMode(`t`)), s: lazyValue(() => getFieldsForMode(`s`)), }; const runtype: Union = create>( 'union', { p: (value, visited) => { return innerValidator().p(value, visited); }, s: (value, visited) => { return innerValidator().s(value, visited); }, t: (value, visited) => { const result = innerValidator().t(value, (t, v) => visited(t, v) || success(v as any)); return result.success ? undefined : result; }, f: mode => fields[mode](), }, { alternatives: flatAlternatives as any, match: match as any, show(needsParens) { return parenthesize(`${ => show(v, true)).join(' | ')}`, needsParens); }, }, ); return runtype; function match(...cases: any[]) { return (x: any) => { const visited: OpaqueVisitedState = createVisitedState(); for (let i = 0; i < alternatives.length; i++) { const input = innerValidate(alternatives[i], x, visited, false); if (input.success) { return cases[i](input.value); } } // if none of the types matched, we should fail with an assertion error runtype.assert(x); }; } } export interface Match[]> { ( ...a: { [key in keyof A]: A[key] extends RuntypeBase ? Case : never } ): Matcher; } export type Case, Result> = (v: Static) => Result; export type Matcher[], Z> = ( x: { [key in keyof A]: A[key] extends RuntypeBase ? Type : unknown; }[number], ) => Z;