import { Intersect, ParsedValue, Object, String, Tuple, Unknown } from '..'; import { success } from '../result'; // This is a super odd/unhelpful type that just JSON.stringify's whatever you // attempt to parse const ConvertIntoJSON = Unknown.withParser({ name: 'ConvertIntoJSON', parse(value) { return success(JSON.stringify(value)); }, }); test('Intersect can handle object keys being converted', () => { const URLString = ParsedValue(String, { name: 'URLString', parse(value) { try { return success(new URL(value)); } catch (ex) { return { success: false, message: `Expected a valid URL but got '${value}'` }; } }, }); const NameRecord = Object({ name: String }); const UrlRecord = Object({ url: URLString }); const NamedURL = Intersect(NameRecord, UrlRecord); expect(NamedURL.safeParse({ name: 'example', url: '' })) .toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": Object { "name": "example", "url": "", }, } `); expect(NamedURL.safeParse({ name: 'example', url: 'not a url' })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "fullError": Array [ "Unable to assign {name: \\"example\\", url: \\"not a url\\"} to { url: URLString; }", Array [ "The types of \\"url\\" are not compatible", Array [ "Expected a valid URL but got 'not a url'", ], ], ], "key": "url", "message": "Expected a valid URL but got 'not a url'", "success": false, } `); expect( Intersect(NamedURL, ConvertIntoJSON).safeParse({ name: 'example', url: '', }), ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "message": "The validator ConvertIntoJSON attempted to convert the type of this value from an object to something else. That conversion is not valid as the child of an intersect", "success": false, } `); }); test('Intersect can handle tuple entries being converted', () => { const URLString = ParsedValue(String, { name: 'URLString', parse(value) { try { return success(new URL(value)); } catch (ex) { return { success: false, message: `Expected a valid URL but got '${value}'` }; } }, }); const NameRecord = Tuple(String, Unknown); const UrlRecord = Tuple(Unknown, URLString); const NamedURL = Intersect(NameRecord, UrlRecord); expect(NamedURL.safeParse(['example', ''])).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": Array [ "example", "", ], } `); expect(NamedURL.safeParse(['example', 'not a url'])).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "fullError": Array [ "Unable to assign [\\"example\\", \\"not a url\\"] to [unknown, URLString]", Array [ "The types of [1] are not compatible", Array [ "Expected a valid URL but got 'not a url'", ], ], ], "key": "[1]", "message": "Expected a valid URL but got 'not a url'", "success": false, } `); expect(Intersect(NamedURL, ConvertIntoJSON).safeParse(['example', ''])) .toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "message": "The validator ConvertIntoJSON attempted to convert the type of this value from an array to something else. That conversion is not valid as the child of an intersect", "success": false, } `); }); test('Intersect can handle String + Brand', () => { expect(Intersect(String, Unknown.withBrand('my_brand')).safeParse('hello world')) .toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": "hello world", } `); expect(Intersect(String, Unknown.withBrand('my_brand')).safeParse(42)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "message": "Expected string, but was 42", "success": false, } `); }); test('Intersect validates its inputs', () => { expect(() => Intersect([String, Unknown] as any)).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `"Expected Runtype but got [Runtype, Runtype]"`, ); });