import { create, Static, RuntypeBase, Codec, createValidationPlaceholder, assertRuntype, } from '../runtype'; import show from '../show'; import { String, Number } from './primative'; import { Literal } from './literal'; import { Constraint } from './constraint'; import { lazyValue } from './lazy'; import { Union } from './union'; import { expected, failure, Result, typesAreNotCompatible } from '../result'; export type KeyRuntypeBaseWithoutUnion = | Pick | Pick | Pick, 'value' | keyof RuntypeBase> | Pick, 'underlying' | keyof RuntypeBase>; export type KeyRuntypeBase = | KeyRuntypeBaseWithoutUnion | Pick, 'alternatives' | keyof RuntypeBase>; function getExpectedBaseType(key: KeyRuntypeBase): 'string' | 'number' | 'mixed' { switch (key.tag) { case 'string': return 'string'; case 'number': return 'number'; case 'literal': return typeof key.value as 'string' | 'number'; case 'union': const baseTypes =; return baseTypes.reduce((a, b) => (a === b ? a : 'mixed'), baseTypes[0]); case 'constraint': return getExpectedBaseType(key.underlying); } } export interface Record> extends Codec<{ [_ in Static]?: Static }> { readonly tag: 'record'; readonly key: K; readonly value: V; readonly isReadonly: false; } export interface ReadonlyRecord> extends Codec<{ readonly [_ in Static]?: Static }> { readonly tag: 'record'; readonly key: K; readonly value: V; readonly isReadonly: true; } /** * Construct a runtype for arbitrary dictionaries. */ export function Record>( key: K, value: V, ): Record { assertRuntype(key, value); const expectedBaseType = lazyValue(() => getExpectedBaseType(key)); const runtype: Record = create>( 'record', (x, innerValidate, _innerValidateToPlaceholder, _getFields, sealed) => { if (x === null || x === undefined || typeof x !== 'object') { return expected(runtype, x); } if (Object.getPrototypeOf(x) !== Object.prototype && Object.getPrototypeOf(x) !== null) { if (!Array.isArray(x)) { return failure(`Expected ${show(runtype)}, but was ${Object.getPrototypeOf(x)}`); } return failure('Expected Record, but was Array'); } return createValidationPlaceholder<{ [_ in Static]?: Static }>( Object.create(null), placeholder => { for (const k in x) { let keyValidation: Result | null = null; if (expectedBaseType() === 'number') { if (isNaN(+k)) return expected(`record key to be a number`, k); keyValidation = innerValidate(key, +k, false); } else if (expectedBaseType() === 'string') { keyValidation = innerValidate(key, k, false); } else { keyValidation = innerValidate(key, k, false); if (!keyValidation.success && !isNaN(+k)) { keyValidation = innerValidate(key, +k, false); } } if (!keyValidation.success) { return expected(`record key to be ${show(key)}`, k); } const validated = innerValidate( value, (x as any)[k], sealed && sealed.deep ? { deep: true } : false, ); if (!validated.success) { return failure(validated.message, { key: validated.key ? `${k}.${validated.key}` : k, fullError: typesAreNotCompatible(k, validated.fullError ?? [validated.message]), }); } (placeholder as any)[keyValidation.value] = validated.value; } }, ); }, { key, value, isReadonly: false, show() { return `{ [_: ${show(key, false)}]: ${show(value, false)} }`; }, }, ); return runtype; } export function ReadonlyRecord>( key: K, value: V, ): ReadonlyRecord { const record: any = Record(key, value); record.isReadonly = true; return record; }