import * as ta from 'type-assertions'; import { Record, String, Number, Literal, Union, Object as ObjectType } from '..'; const recordType = ObjectType({ value: Literal(42) }); const record = { value: 42 }; test('StringRecord', () => { const dictionary = Record(String, recordType); ta.assert< ta.Equal, { [key in string]?: { value: 42 } }> >(); expect(dictionary.safeParse({ foo: record, bar: record })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": Object { "bar": Object { "value": 42, }, "foo": Object { "value": 42, }, }, } `); expect(dictionary.safeParse({ foo: record, bar: { value: 24 } })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "fullError": Array [ "The types of bar are not compatible", Array [ "Unable to assign {value: 24} to { value: 42; }", Array [ "The types of \\"value\\" are not compatible", Array [ "Expected literal 42, but was 24", ], ], ], ], "key": "bar.value", "message": "Expected literal 42, but was 24", "success": false, } `); }); test('NumberRecord', () => { const dictionary = Record(Number, recordType); ta.assert< ta.Equal, { [key in number]?: { value: 42 } }> >(); expect(dictionary.safeParse({ 4: record, 3.14: record })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": Object { "3.14": Object { "value": 42, }, "4": Object { "value": 42, }, }, } `); expect(dictionary.safeParse({ foo: record, bar: record })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "message": "Expected record key to be a number, but was \\"foo\\"", "success": false, } `); }); test('Using Object.create', () => { const dictionary = Record(String, recordType); ta.assert< ta.Equal, { [key in string]?: { value: 42 } }> >(); const record = Object.create(null); record.value = 42; const outer = Object.create(null); = record; = record; expect(dictionary.safeParse(outer)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": Object { "bar": Object { "value": 42, }, "foo": Object { "value": 42, }, }, } `); const outer2 = Object.create(null); = record; = { value: 24 }; expect(dictionary.safeParse(outer2)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "fullError": Array [ "The types of bar are not compatible", Array [ "Unable to assign {value: 24} to { value: 42; }", Array [ "The types of \\"value\\" are not compatible", Array [ "Expected literal 42, but was 24", ], ], ], ], "key": "bar.value", "message": "Expected literal 42, but was 24", "success": false, } `); }); test('IntegerRecord', () => { const dictionary = Record( Number.withConstraint(v => v === Math.floor(v), { name: 'Integer' }), recordType, ); ta.assert< ta.Equal, { [key in number]?: { value: 42 } }> >(); expect(dictionary.safeParse({ 4: record, 2: record })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": Object { "2": Object { "value": 42, }, "4": Object { "value": 42, }, }, } `); expect(dictionary.safeParse({ 4: record, 3.14: record })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "message": "Expected record key to be Integer, but was \\"3.14\\"", "success": false, } `); }); test('UnionRecord - strings', () => { const dictionary = Record(Union(Literal('foo'), Literal('bar')), recordType); ta.assert< ta.Equal, { [key in 'foo' | 'bar']?: { value: 42 } }> >(); expect(dictionary.safeParse({ foo: record, bar: record })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": Object { "bar": Object { "value": 42, }, "foo": Object { "value": 42, }, }, } `); expect(dictionary.safeParse({ 10: record })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "message": "Expected record key to be \\"foo\\" | \\"bar\\", but was \\"10\\"", "success": false, } `); }); test('UnionRecord - numbers', () => { const dictionary = Record(Union(Literal(24), Literal(42)), recordType); ta.assert< ta.Equal, { [key in 24 | 42]?: { value: 42 } }> >(); expect(dictionary.safeParse({ 24: record, 42: record })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": Object { "24": Object { "value": 42, }, "42": Object { "value": 42, }, }, } `); expect(dictionary.safeParse({ 10: record })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "message": "Expected record key to be 24 | 42, but was \\"10\\"", "success": false, } `); }); test('UnionRecord - mixed', () => { const dictionary = Record(Union(Literal('foo'), Literal(42)), recordType); ta.assert< ta.Equal, { [key in 'foo' | 42]?: { value: 42 } }> >(); expect(dictionary.safeParse({ foo: record, 42: record })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": Object { "42": Object { "value": 42, }, "foo": Object { "value": 42, }, }, } `); expect(dictionary.safeParse({ foo: record, bar: record })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "message": "Expected record key to be \\"foo\\" | 42, but was \\"bar\\"", "success": false, } `); });