import * as ta from 'type-assertions'; import { Array, String, Number, ParsedValue, Static, Literal, Object, Union, Tuple, Codec, Sealed, showError, } from '..'; import show from '../show'; import { InstanceOf } from './instanceof'; import { Lazy } from './lazy'; import { Null } from './literal'; test('TrimmedString', () => { const TrimmedString = ParsedValue(String, { name: 'TrimmedString', parse(value) { return { success: true, value: value.trim() }; }, test: String.withConstraint( value => value.trim() === value || `Expected the string to be trimmed, but this one has whitespace`, ), }); expect(TrimmedString.safeParse(' foo bar ')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": "foo bar", } `); expect(TrimmedString.safeParse(42)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "message": "Expected string, but was 42", "success": false, } `); expect(() => TrimmedString.assert(' foo bar ')).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Unable to assign \\" foo bar \\" to WithConstraint Expected the string to be trimmed, but this one has whitespace" `); expect(() => TrimmedString.assert('foo bar')).not.toThrow(); }); test('DoubledNumber', () => { const DoubledNumber = ParsedValue(Number, { name: 'DoubledNumber', parse(value) { return { success: true, value: value * 2 }; }, test: Number.withConstraint(value => value % 2 === 0 || `Expected an even number`), }); expect(DoubledNumber.safeParse(10)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": 20, } `); expect(() => DoubledNumber.assert(11)).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Unable to assign 11 to WithConstraint Expected an even number" `); expect(() => DoubledNumber.assert(12)).not.toThrow(); expect(DoubledNumber.safeSerialize(10)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "message": "DoubledNumber does not support Runtype.serialize", "success": false, } `); }); test('DoubledNumber - 2', () => { const DoubledNumber = Number.withParser({ name: 'DoubledNumber', parse(value) { return { success: true, value: value * 2 }; }, test: Number.withConstraint(value => value % 2 === 0 || `Expected an even number`), serialize(value) { return { success: true, value: value / 2 }; }, }); expect(DoubledNumber.safeParse(10)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": 20, } `); expect(() => DoubledNumber.assert(11)).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Unable to assign 11 to WithConstraint Expected an even number" `); expect(() => DoubledNumber.assert(12)).not.toThrow(); expect(DoubledNumber.safeSerialize(10)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": 5, } `); expect(DoubledNumber.safeSerialize(11)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "fullError": Array [ "Unable to assign 11 to WithConstraint", Array [ "Expected an even number", ], ], "message": "Expected an even number", "success": false, } `); }); test('Upgrade Example', () => { const ShapeV1 = Object({ version: Literal(1), size: Number }); const ShapeV2 = Object({ version: Literal(2), width: Number, height: Number }); const Shape = Union( ShapeV1.withParser({ parse: ({ size }) => ({ success: true, value: { version: 2 as const, width: size, height: size }, }), }), ShapeV2, ); type X = Static; ta.assert>(); expect(Shape.parse({ version: 1, size: 42 })).toEqual({ version: 2, width: 42, height: 42 }); expect(Shape.parse({ version: 2, width: 10, height: 20 })).toEqual({ version: 2, width: 10, height: 20, }); expect(Shape.safeSerialize({ version: 2, width: 10, height: 20 })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": Object { "height": 20, "version": 2, "width": 10, }, } `); expect(Shape.safeSerialize({ version: 1, size: 20 } as any)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "fullError": Array [ "Unable to assign {version: 1, size: 20} to { version: 2; width: number; height: number; }", Array [ "The types of \\"version\\" are not compatible", Array [ "Expected 2, but was 1", ], ], ], "key": "version", "message": "Expected 2, but was 1", "success": false, } `); expect(Shape.serialize({ version: 2, width: 10, height: 20 })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "height": 20, "version": 2, "width": 10, } `); expect(() => Shape.serialize({ version: 1, size: 20 } as any)) .toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Unable to assign {version: 1, size: 20} to { version: 2; width: number; height: number; } The types of \\"version\\" are not compatible Expected 2, but was 1" `); }); test('URL', () => { const URLString = ParsedValue(String, { name: 'URLString', parse(value) { try { return { success: true, value: new URL(value) }; } catch (ex) { return { success: false, message: `Expected a valid URL but got '${value}'` }; } }, test: InstanceOf(URL), }); const value: URL = URLString.parse(''); expect(value).toBeInstanceOf(URL); expect(value).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""`); expect(URLString.safeParse('')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": "", } `); expect(URLString.safeParse(42)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "message": "Expected string, but was 42", "success": false, } `); expect(URLString.safeParse('not a url')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "message": "Expected a valid URL but got 'not a url'", "success": false, } `); }); test('test is optional', () => { const TrimmedString = ParsedValue(String, { name: 'TrimmedString', parse(value) { return { success: true, value: value.trim() }; }, serialize(value) { // we're trusting the backend here, because there is no test! return { success: true, value }; }, }); expect(() => TrimmedString.assert('foo bar')).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `"TrimmedString does not support Runtype.test"`, ); expect(TrimmedString.safeSerialize(' value ')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": " value ", } `); // even though we're not testing before serialize, the value is still // validated after it has been serialized expect(TrimmedString.safeSerialize(42 as any)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "message": "Expected string, but was 42", "success": false, } `); expect(show(TrimmedString)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"TrimmedString"`); const AnonymousStringTrim = ParsedValue(String, { parse(value) { return { success: true, value: value.trim() }; }, }); expect(() => AnonymousStringTrim.assert('foo bar')).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot( `"ParsedValue does not support Runtype.test"`, ); expect(show(AnonymousStringTrim)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"ParsedValue"`); }); test('serialize can return an error', () => { const URLString = ParsedValue(String, { name: 'URLString', parse(value) { try { return { success: true, value: new URL(value) }; } catch (ex) { return { success: false, message: `Expected a valid URL but got '${value}'` }; } }, test: InstanceOf(URL), serialize(value) { if (value.protocol === 'https:') return { success: true, value: value.href }; else return { success: false, message: `Refusing to serialize insecure URL: ${value.href}` }; }, }); expect(URLString.safeSerialize(new URL(''))).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": "", } `); expect(URLString.safeSerialize(new URL(''))).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "message": "Refusing to serialize insecure URL:", "success": false, } `); }); test('Handle Being Within Cycles', () => { const TrimmedString = ParsedValue(String, { name: 'TrimmedString', parse(value) { return { success: true, value: value.trim() }; }, test: String.withConstraint( value => value.trim() === value || `Expected the string to be trimmed, but this one has whitespace`, ), serialize(value) { return { success: true, value: ` ${value} ` }; }, }); type RecursiveType = [string, RecursiveType]; const RecursiveType: Codec = Lazy(() => Tuple(TrimmedString, RecursiveType)); const example = [' hello world ', undefined as any] as RecursiveType; example[1] = example; const expected = ['hello world', undefined as any] as RecursiveType; expected[1] = expected; const parsed = RecursiveType.parse(example); expect(parsed).toEqual(expected); const serialized = RecursiveType.serialize(parsed); expect(serialized).toEqual(example); expect(() => RecursiveType.assert(parsed)).not.toThrow(); expect(() => RecursiveType.assert(serialized)).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Unable to assign [\\" hello world \\", [\\" hello world \\" ... ]] to [TrimmedString, CIRCULAR tuple] The types of [0] are not compatible Unable to assign \\" hello world \\" to WithConstraint Expected the string to be trimmed, but this one has whitespace" `); }); test('Handle Being Outside Cycles', () => { type RecursiveTypePreParse = (string | RecursiveTypePreParse)[]; type RecursiveType = RecursiveType[]; const RecursiveTypeWithoutParse: Codec = Lazy(() => Array(RecursiveTypeWithoutParse), ); const RecursiveType: Codec = Lazy(() => Array(Union(String, RecursiveType)).withParser({ parse(arr) { return { success: true, value: arr.filter( (value: T): value is Exclude => typeof value !== 'string', ), }; }, serialize(arr: RecursiveType) { return { success: true, value: ['hello world', ...arr] }; }, test: RecursiveTypeWithoutParse, }), ); const example: RecursiveTypePreParse = ['hello world']; example.push(example); const expected: RecursiveType = []; expected.push(expected); const parsed = RecursiveType.parse(example); expect(parsed).toEqual(expected); const serialized = RecursiveType.serialize(parsed); expect(serialized).toEqual(example); expect(() => RecursiveType.assert(parsed)).not.toThrow(); expect(() => RecursiveType.assert(serialized)).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Unable to assign [\\"hello world\\", [\\"hello world\\" ... ]] to (CIRCULAR array)[] The types of [0] are not compatible Expected an Array, but was \\"hello world\\"" `); }); test('Handle Being Outside Cycles - objects', () => { type RecursiveTypePreParse = { value: string | null; child: RecursiveTypePreParse }; type RecursiveType = { child: RecursiveType }; const RecursiveTypeWithoutParse: Codec = Lazy(() => Object({ child: RecursiveTypeWithoutParse }), ); const RecursiveType: Codec = Lazy(() => Object({ value: Union(String, Null), child: RecursiveType }).withParser({ parse({ value, }) { return { success: true, value: rest, }; }, serialize(obj: RecursiveType) { return { success: true, value: { value: 'hello world', child: obj.child, }, }; }, test: RecursiveTypeWithoutParse, }), ); const example: RecursiveTypePreParse = { value: 'hello world', child: null as any }; example.child = example; const expected: RecursiveType = { child: null as any }; expected.child = expected; const parsed = RecursiveType.parse(example); expect(parsed).toEqual(expected); const serialized = RecursiveType.serialize(parsed); expect(serialized).toEqual(example); expect(() => RecursiveType.assert(parsed)).not.toThrow(); }); test('Fails when cycles modify types', () => { type RecursiveTypePreParse = RecursiveTypePreParse[]; type RecursiveType = { values: RecursiveType[] }; const RecursiveTypeWithoutParse: Codec = Lazy(() => Object({ values: Array(RecursiveTypeWithoutParse) }), ); const RecursiveType: Codec = Lazy( () => Array(RecursiveType).withParser({ name: 'Parser', parse(arr) { return { success: true, value: { values: arr }, }; }, serialize(obj) { return { success: true, value: obj.values }; }, test: RecursiveTypeWithoutParse, }), // TODO: the type for serialize doesn't quite line up here ) as any; const example: RecursiveTypePreParse = []; example.push(example); const expected: RecursiveType = { values: [] }; expected.values.push(expected); // parse doesn't work because the recursive passing in `Array(RecursiveType)` "locks in" a type of "Array" // and we later change it to object expect(RecursiveType.safeParse(example)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "message": "Cannot convert a value of type \\"Array\\" into a value of type \\"object\\" when it contains cycles.", "success": false, } `); // we can still use this recursive type to parse arbitrarily nested data expect(RecursiveType.safeParse([[], [[]]])).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": Object { "values": Array [ Object { "values": Array [], }, Object { "values": Array [ Object { "values": Array [], }, ], }, ], }, } `); // the type conversion in serialize happens before the data type has locked in // so we can handle cyclic data structures, although it's probably not a great // idea expect(RecursiveType.safeSerialize(expected)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "success": true, "value": Array [ [Circular], ], } `); }); test('Handles partial tests on parse', () => { // Result type doesn't support `undefined` when parsing // but only because we haven't implemented that test const ResultType = Sealed( Union( Object({ hello: Literal('world') }), ParsedValue(Object({}), { parse(_value) { return { success: true, value: undefined }; }, }), ), { deep: true }, ); const JsonType = ParsedValue(String, { test: ResultType, parse(value) { try { return ResultType.safeParse(JSON.parse(value)); } catch (ex) { return { success: false, message: `Expected a JSON string but got ${JSON.stringify(value)}`, }; } }, serialize(value) { const r = ResultType.safeSerialize(value); return r.success ? { success: true, value: JSON.stringify(r.value) } : r; }, }); // The test supports { hello 'world' } as one of the values in the union expect(() => ResultType.assert({ hello: 'world' })).not.toThrow(); expect(() => JsonType.assert({ hello: 'world' })).not.toThrow(); // although undefined can be returned from the "parse", it is not supported by the test, // but this is only because it is not implemented expect(() => ResultType.assert(undefined)).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Unable to assign undefined to { hello: \\"world\\"; } | ParsedValue<{}> Unable to assign undefined to ParsedValue<{}> ParsedValue<{}> does not support Runtype.test And unable to assign undefined to Object" `); expect(() => JsonType.assert(undefined)).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Unable to assign undefined to { hello: \\"world\\"; } | ParsedValue<{}> Unable to assign undefined to ParsedValue<{}> ParsedValue<{}> does not support Runtype.test And unable to assign undefined to Object" `); // We used Sealed, so extra properties are not allowed expect(() => JsonType.assert({ hello: 'world', whatever: true })) .toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(` "Unable to assign {hello: \\"world\\", whatever: true} to { hello: \\"world\\"; } | ParsedValue<{}> Unable to assign {hello: \\"world\\", whatever: true} to ParsedValue<{}> ParsedValue<{}> does not support Runtype.test And unable to assign {hello: \\"world\\", whatever: true} to { hello: \\"world\\"; } Unable to assign {hello: \\"world\\", whatever: true} to { hello: \\"world\\"; } Unexpected property: whatever" `); // The basic parsing works expect(JsonType.safeParse(`{"hello": "world"}`)).toEqual({ success: true, value: { hello: 'world' }, }); // Parsing also works even if the test would fail because it is not // implemented expect(JsonType.safeParse(`{}`)).toEqual({ success: true, value: undefined, }); // We used Sealed, so extra properties are not allowed expect(showError(JsonType.safeParse(`{"hello": "world", "whatever": true}`) as any)) .toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "Unable to assign {hello: \\"world\\", whatever: true} to { hello: \\"world\\"; } | ParsedValue<{}> Unable to assign {hello: \\"world\\", whatever: true} to {} Unexpected property: hello Unexpected property: whatever And unable to assign {hello: \\"world\\", whatever: true} to { hello: \\"world\\"; } Unable to assign {hello: \\"world\\", whatever: true} to { hello: \\"world\\"; } Unexpected property: whatever" `); // We can serialize the normal object expect(JsonType.safeSerialize({ hello: 'world' })).toEqual({ success: true, value: `{"hello":"world"}`, }); // We cannot serialize undefined because we didn't implement serialize for that value in the union expect(JsonType.safeSerialize(undefined)).toEqual({ success: false, message: 'Expected { hello: "world"; }, but was undefined', }); // We used Sealed, so extra properties are not allowed expect(showError(JsonType.safeSerialize({ hello: 'world', whatever: true } as any) as any)) .toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "Unable to assign {hello: \\"world\\", whatever: true} to { hello: \\"world\\"; } Unable to assign {hello: \\"world\\", whatever: true} to { hello: \\"world\\"; } Unexpected property: whatever" `); // We still apply normal tests post-parse, so you can still use the `test` to add // extra constraints const evenString = ParsedValue(String, { test: Number.withConstraint( value => (value % 2 === 0 ? true : `Expected an even number but got ${value}`), { name: `EvenNumber` }, ), parse(value) { if (!/^\d+$/.test(value)) { return { success: false, message: `Expected an even integer but got ${JSON.stringify(value)}`, }; } return { success: true, value: parseInt(value, 10) }; }, name: `EvenString`, }); expect(evenString.safeParse('10')).toEqual({ success: true, value: 10, }); expect(showError(evenString.safeParse('9') as any)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "Unable to assign 9 to EvenNumber Expected an even number but got 9" `); });