import type * as t from '.'; // import { Union, Intersect, Constraint, ConstraintCheck, Brand, ParsedValue, ParsedValueConfig } from './index'; import type { Result, Failure } from './result'; import show from './show'; import { ValidationError } from './errors'; import { ParsedValueConfig } from './types/ParsedValue'; import showValue from './showValue'; import { failure, success } from './result'; // let Union: typeof t.Union; // let Intersect: typeof t.Intersect; // let Constraint: typeof t.Constraint; // let Brand: typeof t.Brand; // let ParsedValue: typeof t.ParsedValue; // Importing these directly creates a cycle interface Helpers { readonly Union: typeof t.Union; readonly Intersect: typeof t.Intersect; readonly Constraint: typeof t.Constraint; readonly Brand: typeof t.Brand; readonly ParsedValue: typeof t.ParsedValue; } let helpers: Helpers; export function provideHelpers(h: Helpers) { helpers = h; } export type InnerValidateHelper = (runtype: RuntypeBase, value: unknown) => Result; declare const internalSymbol: unique symbol; const internal: typeof internalSymbol = '__internal_runtype_methods__' as unknown as typeof internalSymbol; export function assertRuntype(...values: RuntypeBase[]) { for (const value of values) { if (!value || !value[internal]) { throw new Error(`Expected Runtype but got ${showValue(value)}`); } } } export function isRuntype(value: unknown): value is RuntypeBase { return typeof value === 'object' && value != null && internal in value; } export type ResultWithCycle = (Result & { cycle?: false }) | Cycle; export type SealedState = | { readonly keysFromIntersect?: ReadonlySet; readonly deep: boolean } | false; export interface InternalValidation { /** * parse */ p( x: any, innerValidate: (runtype: RuntypeBase, value: unknown, sealed?: SealedState) => Result, innerValidateToPlaceholder: ( runtype: RuntypeBase, value: unknown, sealed?: SealedState, ) => ResultWithCycle, mode: 'p' | 's' | 't', sealed: SealedState, ): ResultWithCycle; /** * test */ t?: ( x: any, innerValidate: ( runtype: RuntypeBase, value: unknown, sealed?: SealedState, ) => Failure | undefined, sealed: SealedState, isOptionalTest: boolean, ) => Failure | undefined; /** * serialize */ s?: ( // any is used here to ensure TypeScript still treats RuntypeBase as // covariant. x: any, innerSerialize: (runtype: RuntypeBase, value: unknown, sealed?: SealedState) => Result, innerSerializeToPlaceholder: ( runtype: RuntypeBase, value: unknown, sealed?: SealedState, ) => ResultWithCycle, mode: 's', sealed: SealedState, ) => ResultWithCycle; /** * get underlying type */ u?: (mode: 'p' | 's' | 't') => RuntypeBase | undefined; /** * get fields, not called if "u" is implemented, can return * undefined to indicate that arbitrarily many fields are * possible. */ f?: (mode: 'p' | 't' | 's') => ReadonlySet | undefined; } /** * A runtype determines at runtime whether a value conforms to a type specification. */ export interface RuntypeBase { readonly tag: string; /** * Verifies that a value conforms to this runtype. When given a value that does * not conform to the runtype, throws an exception. * * @throws ValidationError */ assert(x: any): asserts x is TParsed; /** * A type guard for this runtype. */ test(x: any): x is TParsed; /** * Validates the value conforms to this type, and performs * the `parse` action for any `ParsedValue` types. * * If the value is valid, it returns the parsed value, * otherwise it throws a ValidationError. * * @throws ValidationError */ parse(x: any): TParsed; /** * Validates the value conforms to this type, and performs * the `parse` action for any `ParsedValue` types. * * Returns a `Result`, constaining the parsed value or * error message. Does not throw! */ safeParse(x: any): Result; show?: (needsParens: boolean) => string; [internal]: InternalValidation; } /** * A runtype determines at runtime whether a value conforms to a type specification. */ export interface Runtype extends RuntypeBase { /** * Union this Runtype with another. */ Or(B: B): t.Union<[this, B]>; /** * Intersect this Runtype with another. */ And(B: B): t.Intersect<[this, B]>; /** * Use an arbitrary constraint function to validate a runtype, and optionally * to change its name and/or its static type. * * @template T - Optionally override the static type of the resulting runtype * @param {(x: Static) => boolean | string} constraint - Custom function * that returns `true` if the constraint is satisfied, `false` or a custom * error message if not. * @param [options] * @param {string} [] - allows setting the name of this * constrained runtype, which is helpful in reflection or diagnostic * use-cases. */ withConstraint, K = unknown>( constraint: t.ConstraintCheck, options?: { name?: string; args?: K }, ): t.Constraint; /** * Helper function to convert an underlying Runtype into another static type * via a type guard function. The static type of the runtype is inferred from * the type of the test function. * * @template T - Typically inferred from the return type of the type guard * function, so usually not needed to specify manually. * @param {(x: Static) => x is T} test - Type test function (see * * * @param [options] * @param {string} [] - allows setting the name of this * constrained runtype, which is helpful in reflection or diagnostic * use-cases. */ withGuard, K = unknown>( test: (x: Static) => x is T, options?: { name?: string; args?: K }, ): t.Constraint; /** * Adds a brand to the type. */ withBrand(brand: B): t.Brand; /** * Apply conversion functions when parsing/serializing this value */ withParser(value: ParsedValueConfig): t.ParsedValue; } export interface Codec extends Runtype { /** * Validates the value conforms to this type, and performs * the `serialize` action for any `ParsedValue` types. * * If the value is valid, and the type supports serialize, * it returns the serialized value, otherwise it throws a * ValidationError. * * @throws ValidationError */ serialize: (x: TParsed) => unknown; /** * Validates the value conforms to this type, and performs * the `serialize` action for any `ParsedValue` types. * * Returns a `Result`, constaining the serialized value or * error message. Does not throw! */ safeSerialize: (x: TParsed) => Result; } /** * Obtains the static type associated with a Runtype. */ export type Static> = A extends RuntypeBase ? T : unknown; export function create>( tag: TConfig['tag'], internalImplementation: | InternalValidation> | InternalValidation>['p'], config: Omit< TConfig, | typeof internal | 'tag' | 'assert' | 'test' | 'parse' | 'safeParse' | 'serialize' | 'safeSerialize' | 'Or' | 'And' | 'withConstraint' | 'withGuard' | 'withBrand' | 'withParser' >, ): TConfig { const A: Codec> = { ...config, tag, assert(x: any): asserts x is Static { const validated = innerGuard(A, x, createGuardVisitedState(), false, false); if (validated) { throw new ValidationError(validated); } }, parse, safeParse, test, serialize(x: any) { const validated = safeSerialize(x); if (!validated.success) { throw new ValidationError(validated); } return validated.value; }, safeSerialize, Or: (B: B): t.Union<[Codec>, B]> => helpers.Union(A, B), And: (B: B): t.Intersect<[Codec>, B]> => helpers.Intersect(A, B), withConstraint: , K = unknown>( constraint: t.ConstraintCheck>>, options?: { name?: string; args?: K }, ): t.Constraint>, T, K> => helpers.Constraint>, T, K>(A, constraint, options), withGuard: , K = unknown>( test: (x: Static) => x is T, options?: { name?: string; args?: K }, ): t.Constraint>, T, K> => helpers.Constraint>, T, K>(A, test, options), withBrand: (B: B): t.Brand>> => helpers.Brand>>(B, A), withParser: ( config: ParsedValueConfig>, TParsed>, ): t.ParsedValue>, TParsed> => helpers.ParsedValue(A as any, config), toString: () => `Runtype<${show(A)}>`, [internal]: typeof internalImplementation === 'function' ? { p: internalImplementation } : internalImplementation, }; return A as unknown as TConfig; function safeParse(x: any) { return innerValidate(A, x, createVisitedState(), false); } function safeSerialize(x: any) { return innerSerialize(A, x, createVisitedState(), false); } function parse(x: any) { const validated = safeParse(x); if (!validated.success) { throw new ValidationError(validated); } return validated.value; } function test(x: any): x is Static { const validated = innerGuard(A, x, createGuardVisitedState(), false, false); return validated === undefined; } } export type Cycle = { success: true; cycle: true; placeholder: Partial; unwrap: () => Result; }; function attemptMixin(placeholder: any, value: T): Result { if (placeholder === value) { return success(value); } if (Array.isArray(placeholder) && Array.isArray(value)) { placeholder.splice(0, placeholder.length, ...value); return success(placeholder as any); } if ( placeholder && typeof placeholder === 'object' && !Array.isArray(placeholder) && value && typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value) ) { Object.assign(placeholder, value); return success(placeholder); } return failure( `Cannot convert a value of type "${ Array.isArray(placeholder) ? 'Array' : typeof placeholder }" into a value of type "${ value === null ? 'null' : Array.isArray(value) ? 'Array' : typeof value }" when it contains cycles.`, ); } /** * Get the underlying type of a runtype, if it is a wrapper around another type */ export function unwrapRuntype(t: RuntypeBase, mode: 'p' | 's' | 't'): RuntypeBase { const i = t[internal]; const unwrapped = i.u ? i.u(mode) : undefined; if (unwrapped && unwrapped !== t) { return unwrapRuntype(unwrapped, mode); } return t; } export function createValidationPlaceholder( placeholder: T, fn: (placeholder: T) => Failure | undefined, ): Cycle { return innerMapValidationPlaceholder(placeholder, () => fn(placeholder) || success(placeholder)); } export function mapValidationPlaceholder( source: ResultWithCycle, fn: (placeholder: T) => Result, extraGuard?: RuntypeBase, ): ResultWithCycle { if (!source.success) return source; if (!source.cycle) { const result = fn(source.value); return ( (result.success && extraGuard && innerGuard(extraGuard, result.value, createGuardVisitedState(), false, true)) || result ); } return innerMapValidationPlaceholder( Array.isArray(source.placeholder) ? [...source.placeholder] : { ...source.placeholder }, () => source.unwrap(), fn, extraGuard, ); } function innerMapValidationPlaceholder( placeholder: any, populate: () => Result, fn?: (placeholder: any) => Result, extraGuard?: RuntypeBase, ): Cycle { let hasCycle = false; let cache: Result | undefined; const cycle: Cycle = { success: true, cycle: true, placeholder, unwrap: () => { if (cache) { hasCycle = true; return cache; } cache = success(placeholder); const sourceResult = populate(); const result = sourceResult.success && fn ? fn(sourceResult.value) : sourceResult; if (!result.success) return (cache = result); if (hasCycle) { const unwrapResult = attemptMixin(cache.value, result.value); const guardFailure = unwrapResult.success && extraGuard && innerGuard(extraGuard, unwrapResult.value, createGuardVisitedState(), false, true); cache = guardFailure || unwrapResult; } else { const guardFailure = extraGuard && innerGuard(extraGuard, result.value, createGuardVisitedState(), false, true); cache = guardFailure || result; } if (cache.success) { cycle.placeholder = cache.value; } return cache; }, }; return cycle; } declare const OpaqueVisitedState: unique symbol; export type OpaqueVisitedState = typeof OpaqueVisitedState; type VisitedState = Map, Map>>; function unwrapVisitedState(o: OpaqueVisitedState): VisitedState { return o as any; } function wrapVisitedState(o: VisitedState): OpaqueVisitedState { return o as any; } export function createVisitedState(): OpaqueVisitedState { return wrapVisitedState(new Map()); } declare const OpaqueGuardVisitedState: unique symbol; export type OpaqueGuardVisitedState = typeof OpaqueGuardVisitedState; type GuardVisitedState = Map, Set>; function unwrapGuardVisitedState(o: OpaqueGuardVisitedState): GuardVisitedState { return o as any; } function wrapGuardVisitedState(o: GuardVisitedState): OpaqueGuardVisitedState { return o as any; } export function createGuardVisitedState(): OpaqueGuardVisitedState { return wrapGuardVisitedState(new Map()); } export function innerValidate( targetType: RuntypeBase, value: any, $visited: OpaqueVisitedState, sealed: SealedState, ): Result { const result = innerValidateToPlaceholder(targetType, value, $visited, sealed); if (result.cycle) { return result.unwrap(); } return result; } function innerValidateToPlaceholder( targetType: RuntypeBase, value: any, $visited: OpaqueVisitedState, sealed: SealedState, ): ResultWithCycle { const visited = unwrapVisitedState($visited); const validator = targetType[internal]; const cached = visited.get(targetType)?.get(value); if (cached !== undefined) { return cached; } const result = validator.p( value, (t, v, s) => innerValidate(t, v, $visited, s ?? sealed), (t, v, s) => innerValidateToPlaceholder(t, v, $visited, s ?? sealed), 'p', sealed, ); if (result.cycle) { visited.set(targetType, (visited.get(targetType) || new Map()).set(value, result)); return result; } return result; } export function innerSerialize( targetType: RuntypeBase, value: any, $visited: OpaqueVisitedState, sealed: SealedState, ): Result { const result = innerSerializeToPlaceholder(targetType, value, $visited, sealed); if (result.cycle) { return result.unwrap(); } return result; } function innerSerializeToPlaceholder( targetType: RuntypeBase, value: any, $visited: OpaqueVisitedState, sealed: SealedState, ): ResultWithCycle { const visited = unwrapVisitedState($visited); const validator = targetType[internal]; const cached = visited.get(targetType)?.get(value); if (cached !== undefined) { return cached; } let result = (validator.s || validator.p)( value, (t, v, s) => innerSerialize(t, v, $visited, s ?? sealed), (t, v, s) => innerSerializeToPlaceholder(t, v, $visited, s ?? sealed), 's', sealed, ); if (result.cycle) { visited.set(targetType, (visited.get(targetType) || new Map()).set(value, result)); return result; } return result; } export function innerGuard( targetType: RuntypeBase, value: any, $visited: OpaqueGuardVisitedState, sealed: SealedState, isOptionalTest: boolean, ): Failure | undefined { const visited = unwrapGuardVisitedState($visited); const validator = targetType[internal]; if (value && (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function')) { const cached = visited.get(targetType)?.has(value); if (cached) return undefined; visited.set(targetType, (visited.get(targetType) || new Set()).add(value)); } if (validator.t) { return validator.t( value, (t, v, s) => innerGuard(t, v, $visited, s ?? sealed, isOptionalTest), sealed, isOptionalTest, ); } let result = validator.p( value, (t, v, s) => innerGuard(t, v, $visited, s ?? sealed, isOptionalTest) || success(v as any), (t, v, s) => innerGuard(t, v, $visited, s ?? sealed, isOptionalTest) || success(v as any), 't', sealed, ); if (result.cycle) result = result.unwrap(); if (result.success) return undefined; else return result; } /** * Get the possible fields for a runtype * Returns "undefined" if there can be arbitrary fields (e.g. Record) */ export function getFields(t: RuntypeBase, mode: 'p' | 's' | 't'): ReadonlySet | undefined { const b = unwrapRuntype(t, mode); const i = b[internal]; return i.f ? i.f(mode) : undefined; }