import type { RuntypeBase } from './runtype'; import show from './show'; import showValue from './showValue'; export function success(value: T): Success { return { success: true, value }; } export function failure( message: string, options: Omit = {}, ): Failure { return { success: false, message, ...options }; } export function expected( expected: RuntypeBase | string, value: unknown, options: Omit = {}, ): Failure { return failure( `Expected ${typeof expected === 'string' ? expected : show(expected)}, but was ${showValue( value, )}`, options, ); } type FullErrorInput = FullError | Failure | string; export function unableToAssign( value: unknown, expected: RuntypeBase | string, ...children: FullErrorInput[] ): FullError { return [ `Unable to assign ${showValue(value)} to ${ typeof expected === 'string' ? expected : show(expected) }`,, ]; } export function andError([msg, ...children]: FullError): FullError { return [`And ${msg[0].toLocaleLowerCase()}${msg.substr(1)}`, ...children]; } export function typesAreNotCompatible(property: string, ...children: FullErrorInput[]): FullError { return [`The types of ${property} are not compatible`,]; } function toFullError(v: FullErrorInput): FullError { return typeof v === 'string' ? [v] : Array.isArray(v) ? v : toFullError(v.fullError || v.message); } /** * A successful validation result. */ export type Success = { /** * A tag indicating success. */ success: true; /** * The original value, cast to its validated type. */ value: T; }; /** * A failed validation result. */ export type Failure = { /** * A tag indicating failure. */ success: false; /** * A message indicating the reason validation failed. */ message: string; fullError?: FullError; /** * A key indicating the location at which validation failed. */ key?: string; }; export type FullError = [string, ...FullError[]]; /** * The result of a type validation. */ export type Result = Success | Failure; export function showError(failure: Omit): string { return failure.fullError ? showFullError(failure.fullError) : failure.key ? `${failure.message} in ${failure.key}` : failure.message; } export function showFullError([title, ...children]: FullError, indent: string = ''): string { return [`${indent}${title}`, => showFullError(e, `${indent} `))].join('\n'); }