VimUnDoi< TK'x+Y+|A)jD׽q,j return function f() {A<AA;P _P?5_vPC /**O * Creates a version of the function that can only be called one time. RepeatedO * calls to the modified function will have no effect, returning the value fromO * the original call. Useful for initialization functions, instead of having to. * set a boolean flag and then check it later. */5_vPE5_vPFfunction once(f) {5_vPNmodule.exports = once5_vPSfunction once(f) {5_vPU  5_ vPXO * Creates a version of the function that can only be called one time. Repeated5_ vPZO * calls to the modified function will have no effect, returning the value from5_ vP\ O * the original call. Useful for initialization functions, instead of having to5_ vP_ . * set a boolean flag and then check it later.5_ vPa  */5_  vPb 5_  vPj  let ran = false, cache;5_ vPl  var ran = false, cache;5_ vPn   5_ vP~  var result = cache5_ vP  var result = void()5_vP  cache;5_vP P return function() ran ? cache : (ran = true, cache = f.apply(this, arguments))5_vP U return function shot() ran ? cache : (ran = true, cache = f.apply(this, arguments))5_vP 5_ vP return 5_ vP  var ran = false;5_  vP return ru5_! vP return ran5_ "! vP@ ran ? cache : (ran = true, cache = f.apply(this, arguments))5_!#" vP5_"$# vP5_#%$vP  var ran = false5_$&%vP  var result = void(0)5_%'&vP var ran = {}5_&(' vP5_')(vP var result = r5_(*)vP return ran ? result :5_)+*vP return result :5_*,+1vP2 return result === pendind ? result = f.apply()5_+-, vPA return result === pendind ? result = f.apply(this, arguments)5_,.-BvPB return result === pendind ? (result = f.apply(this, arguments)5_-/.CvPC return result === pendind ? (result = f.apply(this, arguments))5_.0/ vPA cache : (ran = true, cache = f.apply(this, arguments))5_/10+vPE return result === pendind ? (result = f.apply(this, arguments)) :5_021vP};5_132vPexports.once = once5_263vP  5_3746 vPvar pendind = {}5_687 vP" var result = pendind5_798 vP%J return result === pendind ? (result = lambda.apply(this, arguments)) :5_8:9 vP.5_9;: vPr return function shot() {5_:<; vPt  return function t() {5_;=<  vP function once( λ ) {5_<>=  vP function once( λ) {5_=?>   vP function once(λ) {5_>A?0  vPF return result === pending ? (result = λ.apply(this, arguments)) :5_?@A  vP return function ƒ() {5_?A@  vP return function λ() {5_3564vPJ return result !== pendind ? (result = lambda.apply(this, arguments)) :5_45vPN return result !== pendind ? res (result = lambda.apply(this, arguments)) :5_ vP return ran ? result : ru5_ vP if (!ran ? result :5_ vP if (!ran) ? result :5_vP% if (!ran) result = lambda.apply()5_$vP4 if (!ran) result = lambda.apply(this, arguments)5_2vP  retur5