declare module "froala-editor" { export default class FroalaEditor { constructor(element: any, options: Partial, fun?: (this: FroalaEditor) => any); $oel: any; $el: any; $tb: any; $box: any; $wp: any; $doc: any; $sc: any; $second_tb: any; $tooltip: any; el: any; static ID: number; static XS: number; static SM: number; static MD: number; static LG: number; static MARKERS: string; static ENTER_BR: ENTER_BR; static ENTER_P: ENTER_P; static ENTER_DIV: ENTER_DIV; static KEYCODE: keycodeParameters; static COMMANDS: Partial; destroy(): object; opts: FroalaOptions; align: Align; button: Button; charCounter: CharCounter; clean: Clean; codeView: CodeView; colors: Colors; commands: Commands; core: Core; cursor: Cursor; edit: Edit; editInPopup: EditInPopup; embedly: Embedly; emoticons: Emoticons; events: Events; file: File; fontFamily: FontFamily; fontSize: FontSize; format: Format; forms: Forms; fullscreen: Fullscreen; helpers: Helpers; html: HTML; image: Image; inlineClass: InlineClass; inlineStyle: InlineStyle; keys: Keys; language: Language; lineHeight: LineHeight; link: Link; lists: Lists; markers: Markers; markdown: Markdown; modals: Modals; node: Node; paragraphFormat: ParagraphFormat; paragraphStyle: ParagraphStyle; placeholder: Placeholder; popups: Popups; position: Position; quote: Apply; save: Save; selection: FroalaSelection; size: Size; snapshot: Snapshot; spellChecker: SpellChecker; table: Table; toolbar: Toolbar; tooltip: Tooltip; undo: Undo; video: Video; filesManager: FilesManager; imageManager: ImageManager; trim_video: Trim_video; track_changes: Track_Changes; special_characters: Special_characters; word_paste: Word_paste; refresh: Refresh; shortcuts: Shortcuts; static DefineIcon: (name: string, parameters: Partial) => object; static RegisterCommand: (name: string, parameters: Partial) => void; static RegisterShortcut: (keyCode: number, command: string, commandValue: any, shortcutLetter?: string, shiftKeyRequired?: boolean, optionKeyRequired?: boolean ) => void; static RegisterTemplate: (name: string, template: string) => void; static RegisterQuickInsertButton: (name: string, parameters: object) => void; static DefineIconTemplate: (name: string, template: string) => void; static ICON_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE: string; static ICON_TEMPLATES: Partial; static DEFAULTS: Partial | { [key: string]: any }; static PLUGINS: (GenericObject<(editor: FroalaEditor) => CustomPlugin>) | any; static MODULES: any | { [key: string]: any | { [key: string]: any } }; static BLOCK_TAGS: string[]; static END_MARKER: string; static FILEICONS: Partial; static HAIR_SPACE: string; static HTML5Map: {B: string, I: string, STRIKE: string}; static ICONS: Partial; static INSTANCES: FroalaEditor[]; static INVISIBLE_SPACE: string; static LANGUAGE: Languages; static EXTERNAL_COMMANDS: any; static MAIL_REGEX: RegExp; static NO_DELETE_TAGS: string[]; static OPTS_MAPPING: object; static POPUP_TEMPLATES: { [key: string]: any}; static POWERED_BY: string; static SHARED: object; static SHORTCUTS_MAP: object; static SIMPLE_ENTER_TAGS: string[]; static START_MARKER: string; static SVG: Partial; static UNICODE_NBSP: string; static VOID_ELEMENTS: string[]; static TOOLBAR_BUTTONS: Partial; static TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_MD: any; static TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_SM: Partial; static TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_XS: Partial; static TOOLBAR_VISIBLE_BUTTONS: number; static VERSION: string; static IMAGE_ALLOW_REGEX: RegExp; static VIDEO_EMBED_REGEX: RegExp; static IMAGE_EMBED_REGEX: RegExp; static IMAGE_TYPE: string; static VIDEO_PROVIDERS: object[]; static URLRegEx: string; static LinkRegEx: string; static QUICK_INSERT_BUTTONS: object; LinkProtocols: string[]; LinkRegEx: string; LinkRegExAuth: string; LinkRegExCommon: string; LinkRegExEnd: string; LinkRegExHTTP: string; LinkRegExTLD: string; LinkRegExWWW: string; icon: Icon; accessibility: Accessibility; [key: string]: any; static [key: string]: any; } export type GenericObject = { [key: string]: T }; export interface DefineIconParameters { /** * Template to be used to resolve the icon. Default is font_awesome. * The values passed from DefineIconParameters will be injected into this templates html via parameter expansion. */ template: string; /** * Default parameters available. Refer to ICON_TEMPLATES for more info. */ NAME: string; SRC: string; ALT: string; FA5NAME: string; SVG_KEY: string; [key: string]: any; } export interface RegisterCommandParameters { type: string; // Button title. title: string; // Specify the icon for the button. // If this option is not specified, the button name will be used. icon: string; // Save the button action into undo stack. undo: boolean; // Focus inside the editor before the callback. focus: boolean; // Show the button on mobile or not. showOnMobile: boolean; // Refresh the buttons state after the callback. refreshAfterCallback: boolean; // Called when the button is hit. // The current context is the editor instance. callback: (this: FroalaEditor, buttonName: string, val?: any, params?: any) => void; // Called when the button state might have changed. refresh: (this: FroalaEditor, button: any) => void; refreshOnShow: (this: FroalaEditor, $btn: any, $dropdown: any) => void; plugin: string; popup: boolean; popups: any; customPlugin: any; toggle: boolean; [key: string]: any; } export interface iconTemplates { font_awesome: string, font_awesome_5: string, font_awesome_5r: string, font_awesome_5l: string, font_awesome_5b: string, text: string, image: string, svg: string, empty: string, [key: string]: string } export interface fileIcons{ docIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, gifIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, jpegIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, logIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, movIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, ogvIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, pngIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, txtIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, webmIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, webpIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, wmvIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, xlsIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, xlsxIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, zipIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, docxIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, jpgIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, mp3Icon: { extension: string, path: string }, mp4Icon: { extension: string, path: string }, oggIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, pdfIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, defaultIcon: { extension: string, path: string }, [key: string]: { extension?: string, path?: string | RegExp } } export interface icons{ bold: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, italic: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, underline: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, strikeThrough: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, subscript: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, superscript: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, cancel: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, color: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, outdent: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, indent: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, undo: { NAME: string, FA5NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, redo: { NAME: string, FA5NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, insert: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, insertAll: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, insertHR: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, clearFormatting: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, selectAll: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, minimize: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, moreText: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, moreParagraph: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, moreRich: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, moreMisc: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string }, [key: string]: { NAME: string, SVG_KEY: string, FA5NAME?: string } } export interface Languages { ar: languageParameters; bs: languageParameters; cs: languageParameters; da: languageParameters; de: languageParameters; el: languageParameters; en_ca: languageParameters; en_gb: languageParameters; es: languageParameters; et: languageParameters; fa: languageParameters; fi: languageParameters; fr: languageParameters; he: languageParameters; hr: languageParameters; hu: languageParameters; id: languageParameters; it: languageParameters; ja: languageParameters; ko: languageParameters; ku: languageParameters; me: languageParameters; nb: languageParameters; nl: languageParameters; pl: languageParameters; pt_br: languageParameters; pt_pt: languageParameters; ro: languageParameters; ru: languageParameters; sk: languageParameters; sl: languageParameters; sr: languageParameters; sv: languageParameters; th: languageParameters; tr: languageParameters; uk: languageParameters; vi: languageParameters; zh_cn: languageParameters; zh_tw: languageParameters; [key: string]: any; } export interface languageParameters { translation: { 'Type something': string, // Basic formatting 'Bold': string, 'Italic': string, 'Underline': string, 'Strikethrough': string, // Main buttons 'Insert': string, 'Delete': string, 'Cancel': string, 'OK': string, 'Back': string, 'Remove': string, 'More': string, 'Update': string, 'Style': string, // Font 'Font Family': string, 'Font Size': string, // Colors 'Colors': string, 'Background': string, 'Text': string, 'HEX Color': string, // Paragraphs 'Paragraph Format': string, 'Normal': string, 'Code': string, 'Heading 1': string, 'Heading 2': string, 'Heading 3': string, 'Heading 4': string, // Style 'Paragraph Style': string, 'Inline Style': string, // Alignment 'Align': string, 'Align Left': string, 'Align Center': string, 'Align Right': string, 'Align Justify': string, 'None': string, // Lists 'Ordered List': string, 'Unordered List': string, // Indent 'Decrease Indent': string, 'Increase Indent': string, // Links 'Insert Link': string, 'Open in new tab': string, 'Open Link': string, 'Edit Link': string, 'Unlink': string, 'Choose Link': string, // Images 'Insert Image': string, 'Upload Image': string, 'By URL': string, 'Browse': string, 'Drop image': string, 'or click': string, 'Manage Images': string, 'Loading': string, 'Deleting': string, 'Tags': string, 'Are you sure? Image will be deleted.': string, 'Replace': string, 'Uploading': string, 'Loading image': string, 'Display': string, 'Inline': string, 'Break Text': string, 'Alternative Text': string, 'Change Size': string, 'Width': string, 'Height': string, 'Something went wrong. Please try again.': string, 'Image Caption': string, 'Advanced Edit': string, // Video 'Insert Video': string, 'Embedded Code': string, 'Paste in a video URL': string, 'Drop video': string, 'Your browser does not support HTML5 video.': string, 'Upload Video': string, // Tables 'Insert Table': string, 'Table Header': string, 'Remove Table': string, 'Table Style': string, 'Horizontal Align': string, 'Row': string, 'Insert row above': string, 'Insert row below': string, 'Delete row': string, 'Column': string, 'Insert column before': string, 'Insert column after': string, 'Delete column': string, 'Cell': string, 'Merge cells': string, 'Horizontal split': string, 'Vertical split': string, 'Cell Background': string, 'Vertical Align': string, 'Top': string, 'Middle': string, 'Bottom': string, 'Align Top': string, 'Align Middle': string, 'Align Bottom': string, 'Cell Style': string, // Files 'Upload File': string, 'Drop file': string, // Emoticons 'Emoticons': string, 'Grinning face': string, 'Grinning face with smiling eyes': string, 'Face with tears of joy': string, 'Smiling face with open mouth': string, 'Smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes': string, 'Smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat': string, 'Smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes': string, 'Smiling face with halo': string, 'Smiling face with horns': string, 'Winking face': string, 'Smiling face with smiling eyes': string, 'Face savoring delicious food': string, 'Relieved face': string, 'Smiling face with heart-shaped eyes': string, 'Smiling face with sunglasses': string, 'Smirking face': string, 'Neutral face': string, 'Expressionless face': string, 'Unamused face': string, 'Face with cold sweat': string, 'Pensive face': string, 'Confused face': string, 'Confounded face': string, 'Kissing face': string, 'Face throwing a kiss': string, 'Kissing face with smiling eyes': string, 'Kissing face with closed eyes': string, 'Face with stuck out tongue': string, 'Face with stuck out tongue and winking eye': string, 'Face with stuck out tongue and tightly-closed eyes': string, 'Disappointed face': string, 'Worried face': string, 'Angry face': string, 'Pouting face': string, 'Crying face': string, 'Persevering face': string, 'Face with look of triumph': string, 'Disappointed but relieved face': string, 'Frowning face with open mouth': string, 'Anguished face': string, 'Fearful face': string, 'Weary face': string, 'Sleepy face': string, 'Tired face': string, 'Grimacing face': string, 'Loudly crying face': string, 'Face with open mouth': string, 'Hushed face': string, 'Face with open mouth and cold sweat': string, 'Face screaming in fear': string, 'Astonished face': string, 'Flushed face': string, 'Sleeping face': string, 'Dizzy face': string, 'Face without mouth': string, 'Face with medical mask': string, // Line breaker 'Break': string, // Math 'Subscript': string, 'Superscript': string, // Full screen 'Fullscreen': string, // Horizontal line 'Insert Horizontal Line': string, // Clear formatting 'Clear Formatting': string, // Save 'Save': string, // Undo, redo 'Undo': string, 'Redo': string, // Select all 'Select All': string, // Code view 'Code View': string, // Quote 'Quote': string, 'Increase': string, 'Decrease': string, // Quick Insert 'Quick Insert': string, // Spcial Characters 'Special Characters': string, 'Latin': string, 'Greek': string, 'Cyrillic': string, 'Punctuation': string, 'Currency': string, 'Arrows': string, 'Math': string, 'Misc': string, // Print. 'Print': string, // Spell Checker. 'Spell Checker': string, // Help 'Help': string, 'Shortcuts': string, 'Inline Editor': string, 'Show the editor': string, 'Common actions': string, 'Copy': string, 'Cut': string, 'Paste': string, 'Basic Formatting': string, 'Increase quote level': string, 'Decrease quote level': string, 'Image / Video': string, 'Resize larger': string, 'Resize smaller': string, 'Table': string, 'Select table cell': string, 'Extend selection one cell': string, 'Extend selection one row': string, 'Navigation': string, 'Focus popup / toolbar': string, 'Return focus to previous position': string, // 'Embed URL': string, 'Paste in a URL to embed': string, // Word Paste. 'The pasted content is coming from a Microsoft Word document. Do you want to keep the format or clean it up?': string, 'Keep': string, 'Clean': string, 'Word Paste Detected': string, // Character Counter 'Characters': string, // More Buttons 'More Text': string, 'More Paragraph': string, 'More Rich': string, 'More Misc': string, 'Rounded': string, 'Bordered': string, 'Shadow': string, 'Download PDF': string, 'Text Color': string, 'Background Color': string, 'Inline Class': string, 'Highlighted': string, 'Transparent': string, 'Big Red': string, 'Small Blue': string, 'Default': string, 'Lower Alpha': string, 'Lower Greek': string, 'Lower Roman': string, 'Upper Alpha': string, 'Upper Roman': string, 'Circle': string, 'Disc': string, 'Square': string, 'Gray': string, 'Spaced': string, 'Uppercase': string, 'Line Height': string, 'Single': string, 'Double': string, [key: string]: string, }, direction: string; [key: string]: any } export interface keycodeParameters { BACKSPACE: number, TAB: number, ENTER: number, SHIFT: number, CTRL: number, ALT: number, ESC: number, SPACE: number, ARROW_LEFT: number, ARROW_UP: number, ARROW_RIGHT: number, ARROW_DOWN: number, DELETE: number, ZERO: number, ONE: number, TWO: number, THREE: number, FOUR: number, FIVE: number, SIX: number, SEVEN: number, EIGHT: number, NINE: number, FF_SEMICOLON: number, FF_EQUALS: number, QUESTION_MARK: number, A: number, B: number, C: number, D: number, E: number, F: number, G: number, H: number, I: number, J: number, K: number, L: number, M: number, N: number, O: number, P: number, Q: number, R: number, S: number, T: number, U: number, V: number, W: number, X: number, Y: number, Z: number, META: number, NUM_ZERO: number, NUM_ONE: number, NUM_TWO: number, NUM_THREE: number, NUM_FOUR: number, NUM_FIVE: number, NUM_SIX: number, NUM_SEVEN: number, NUM_EIGHT: number, NUM_NINE: number, NUM_MULTIPLY: number, NUM_PLUS: number, NUM_MINUS: number, NUM_PERIOD: number, NUM_DIVISION: number, F1: number, F2: number, F3: number, F4: number, F5: number, F6: number, F7: number, F8: number, F9: number, F10: number, F11: number, F12: number, FF_HYPHEN: number, SEMICOLON: number, DASH: number, EQUALS: number, COMMA: number, HYPHEN: number, PERIOD: number, SLASH: number, APOSTROPHE: number, TILDE: number, SINGLE_QUOTE: number, OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET: number, BACKSLASH: number, CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET: number, IME: number } export interface svg { add: string, advancedImageEditor: string, alignCenter: string, alignJustify: string, alignLeft: string, alignRight: string, anchors: string, autoplay: string, back: string, backgroundColor: string, blockquote: string, bold: string, cancel: string, cellBackground: string, cellBorderColor: string, cellOptions: string, cellStyle: string, clearFormatting: string, close: string, codeView: string, cogs: string, columns: string, edit: string, exitFullscreen: string, fileInsert: string, fileManager: string, markdown: string, fontAwesome: string, fontFamily: string, fontSize: string, fullscreen: string, help: string, horizontalLine: string, imageAltText: string, imageCaption: string, imageClass: string, imageDisplay: string, imageManager: string, imageSize: string, indent: string, inlineClass: string, inlineStyle: string, insert: string, insertEmbed: string, insertFile: string, insertImage: string insertLink: string, insertMore: string, insertTable: string, insertVideo: string, upload: string, uploadFiles: string, italic: string, search: string, lineHeight: string, linkStyles: string, mention: string, minimize: string, more: string, openLink: string, orderedList: string, outdent: string, pageBreaker: string, paragraphFormat: string, paragraphMore: string, paragraphStyle: string, pdfExport: string, print: string, redo: string, removeTable: string, insertAll: string, remove: string, replaceImage: string, row: string, selectAll: string, smile: string, spellcheck: string, star: string, strikeThrough: string, subscript: string, superscript: string, symbols: string, tags: string, tableHeader: string, tableFooter: string, tableStyle: string, textColor: string, textMore: string, underline: string, undo: string, unlink: string, unorderedList: string, verticalAlignBottom: string, verticalAlignMiddle: string, verticalAlignTop: string, trackChanges: string, showTrackChanges: string, acceptAllChanges: string, rejectAllChanges: string, acceptSingleChange: string, rejectSingleChange: string, [key: string]: string } export interface commandsInterface { align:Align; bold: { title: string, toggle: boolean, refresh($btn: any): void }, italic: { title: string, toggle: boolean, refresh($btn: any): void }, underline: { title: string, toggle: boolean, refresh($btn: any): void }, strikeThrough: { title: string, toggle: boolean, refresh($btn: any): void }, subscript: { title: string, toggle: boolean, refresh($btn: any): void }, superscript: { title: string, toggle: boolean, refresh($btn: any): void }, outdent: { title: string }, indent: { title: string }, undo: { title: string, undo: boolean, forcedRefresh: boolean, disabled: boolean }, redo: { title: string, undo: boolean, forcedRefresh: boolean, disabled: boolean }, insertHR: { title: string }, clearFormatting: { title: string }, selectAll: { title: string, undo: boolean }, moreText: { title: string, undo: boolean }, moreParagraph: { title: string, undo: boolean }, moreRich: { title: string, undo: boolean }, moreMisc: { title: string, undo: boolean } } export interface ToolbarButtons { 'moreText': { 'buttons': string[], [key: string]: any }, 'moreParagraph': { 'buttons': string[], [key: string]: any }, 'moreRich': { 'buttons': string[], 'buttonsVisible': number, [key: string]: any }, 'moreMisc': { 'buttons': string[], 'align': string, 'buttonsVisible': number, [key: string]: any }, 'trackChanges': { 'buttons': string[], 'buttonsVisible': number, [key: string]: any }, [key: string]: { buttons: string[]; align?: string; buttonsVisible?: number; [key: string]: any }; } export interface CustomPlugin { [key: string]: any | { [key: string]: any; }; } export interface EmoticonSet { id: string; code: string; name: string; emoticons:{ code: string; desc: string; }[]; } export type DeleteMethod = 'POST' | 'DELETE'; export type GetMethod = 'POST' | 'GET'; export type ENTER_BR = number; export type ENTER_P = number; export type ENTER_DIV = number; export interface SpecialCharacterSet { title: string; char?: string; list: { char: string; desc: string; }[]; } export interface FroalaOptions { // apiKey apiKey: string; // app app: string; //codoxOptions codoxOptions: object; //docId docId: string; //filesManagerAllowedTypes filesManagerAllowedTypes: string[]; //filesManagerMaxSize filesManagerMaxSize: number; //filesManagerUploadParams filesManagerUploadParams: GenericObject; //filesManagerUploadToS3 filesManagerUploadToS3: object; //filesManagerUploadURL filesManagerUploadURL: string; //editor editor: FroalaEditor; //username username: string; // Aviary Editor aviaryKey: boolean; aviaryOptions: { [key: string]: any }; // Char Counter charCounterCount: boolean; charCounterMax: number; // Code Beautifier codeBeautifierOptions: Object; // Code View codeMirror: any; codeMirrorOptions: object; codeViewKeepActiveButtons: string[]; // Colors colorsBackground: string[]; colorsButtons: string[]; colorsHEXInput: boolean; colorsStep: number; colorsText: string[]; // Draggable dragInline: boolean; // Events events: Partial; // Embedly embedlyEditButtons: string[]; embedlyInsertButtons: string[]; embedlyKey: string; embedlyScriptPath: string; // Emoticons emoticonsButtons: string[]; emoticonsSet: EmoticonSet[]; emoticonsStep: number; emoticonsUseImage: boolean; // Entities entities: string; // File fileAllowedTypes: string[]; fileInsertButtons: string[]; fileMaxSize: number; fileUpload: boolean; fileUploadMethod: string; fileUploadParam: string; fileUploadParams: object; fileUploadToS3: object; fileUploadURL: string; fileUseSelectedText: boolean; // Font Family fontFamily: GenericObject; fontFamilyDefaultSelection: string; fontFamilySelection: boolean; // Font Size fontSize: string[]; fontSizeDefaultSelection: string; fontSizeSelection: boolean; fontSizeUnit: string; // Form formEditButtons: string[]; formMultipleStyles: boolean; formStyles: GenericObject; formUpdateButtons: string[]; // Licensing key: string; // General attribution: boolean; autoStart: boolean; autofocus: boolean; direction: string; disableRightClick: boolean; documentReady: boolean; editInPopup: boolean; update: void; editorClass: string; enter: ENTER_BR | ENTER_P | ENTER_DIV; fullPage: boolean; height: number | string; heightMax: number | string; heightMin: number | string; htmlAllowComments: boolean; htmlAllowedAttrs: string[]; htmlAllowedEmptyTags: string[]; htmlAllowedStyleProps: string[]; htmlAllowedTags: string[]; htmlDoNotWrapTags: string[]; htmlExecuteScripts: boolean; htmlIgnoreCSSProperties: string[]; htmlRemoveTags: string[]; htmlSimpleAmpersand: boolean; htmlUntouched: boolean; iconsTemplate: string; iframe: boolean; iframeDefaultStyle: string; iframeStyle: string; iframeStyleFiles: string[]; indentMargin: number; initOnClick: boolean; keepFormatOnDelete: boolean; multiLine: boolean; pasteAllowLocalImages: boolean; pasteAllowedStyleProps: string[]; pasteDeniedAttrs: string[]; pasteDeniedTags: string[]; pastePlain: boolean; placeholderText: string; pluginsEnabled: string[]; popupButtons: string[]; requestHeaders: GenericObject; requestWithCORS: boolean; requestWithCredentials: boolean; scrollableContainer: string; shortcutsEnabled: string[]; shortcutsHint: boolean; spellcheck: boolean; tabIndex: number; tabSpaces: number; theme: string; toolbarBottom: boolean; toolbarButtons: object; toolbarButtonsMD: Partial; toolbarButtonsSM: Partial; toolbarButtonsXS: Partial; toolbarContainer: string; toolbarInline: boolean; toolbarSticky: boolean; toolbarStickyOffset: number; toolbarVisibleWithoutSelection: boolean; tooltips: boolean; typingTimer: number; useClasses: boolean; width: string; zIndex: number; // Help helpSets: object[]; // Image imageAddNewLine: boolean; imageAllowedTypes: string[]; imageAltButtons: string[]; imageCORSProxy: string; imageDefaultAlign: MediaAlign; imageDefaultDisplay: DisplayType; imageDefaultMargin: number; imageDefaultWidth: number; imageEditButtons: string[]; imageInsertButtons: string[]; imageMaxSize: number; imageMinWidth: number; imageMove: boolean; imageMultipleStyles: boolean; imageOutputSize: boolean; imagePaste: boolean; imagePasteProcess: boolean; imageResize: boolean; imageResizeWithPercent: boolean; imageRoundPercent: boolean; imageSizeButtons: string[]; imageSplitHTML: boolean; imageStyles: GenericObject; imageTUIOptions: object; imageTextNear: boolean; imageUpload: boolean; imageUploadMethod: string; imageUploadParam: string; imageUploadParams: object; imageUploadRemoteUrls: boolean; imageUploadToS3: object; imageUploadURL: string; // Image Manager imageManagerDeleteMethod: DeleteMethod; imageManagerDeleteParams: object; imageManagerDeleteURL: string; imageManagerLoadMethod: GetMethod; imageManagerLoadParams: object; imageManagerLoadURL: string; imageManagerPageSize: number; imageManagerPreloader: string; imageManagerScrollOffset: number; imageManagerToggleTags: boolean; // Inline Style inlineStyles: GenericObject; // Inline Class inlineClasses: GenericObject; // Language language: string; // Line Breaker lineBreakerHorizontalOffset: number; lineBreakerOffset: number; lineBreakerTags: string[]; // Link linkAlwaysBlank: boolean; linkAlwaysNoFollow: boolean; linkAttributes: GenericObject; linkAutoPrefix: string; linkConvertEmailAddress: boolean; linkEditButtons: string[]; linkInsertButtons: string[]; linkList: GenericObject[]; linkMultipleStyles: boolean; linkNoOpener: boolean; linkNoReferrer: boolean; linkStyles: GenericObject; linkText: boolean; // Paragraph Format lineHeights: GenericObject; paragraphDefaultSelection: string; paragraphFormat: GenericObject; paragraphFormatSelection: boolean; paragraphMultipleStyles: boolean; paragraphStyles: GenericObject; // Lists listAdvancedTypes: boolean; // Quick Insert quickInsertButtons: string[]; quickInsertEnabled: boolean; quickInsertTags: string[]; // Font Awesome faButtons: string[]; fontAwesomeSets: object; fontAwesomeTemplate: string; // Special Characters specialCharButtons: string[]; specialCharactersSets: SpecialCharacterSet[]; // SCAYT Spell Checker scaytAutoload: boolean; scaytCustomerId: string; scaytOptions: object; // Save saveInterval: number; saveMethod: string; saveParam: string; saveParams: object; saveURL: string; // Table tableCellMultipleStyles: boolean; tableCellStyles: GenericObject; tableColors: string[]; tableColorsButtons: string[]; tableColorsStep: number; tableDefaultWidth: string; tableEditButtons: string[]; tableInsertButtons: string[]; tableInsertHelper: boolean; tableInsertHelperOffset: number; tableInsertMaxSize: number; tableMultipleStyles: boolean; tableResizer: boolean; tableResizerOffset: number; tableResizingLimit: number; tableStyles: GenericObject; // Video videoAllowedProviders: string[]; videoAllowedTypes: string[]; videoDefaultAlign: string; videoDefaultDisplay: string; videoDefaultWidth: number; videoEditButtons: string[]; videoInsertButtons: string[]; videoMaxSize: number; videoMove: boolean; videoResize: boolean; videoResponsive: boolean; videoSizeButtons: string[]; videoSplitHTML: boolean; videoTextNear: boolean; videoUpload: boolean; videoUploadMethod: string; videoUploadParam: string; videoUploadParams: object; videoUploadToS3: object; videoUploadURL: string; // Word wordAllowedStyleProps: string[]; wordDeniedAttrs: string[]; wordDeniedTags: string[]; wordPasteKeepFormatting: boolean; wordPasteModal: boolean; showChangesEnabled: boolean; trackChangesEnabled: boolean; [key: string]: any; } export interface FroalaEvents { blur: (this: FroalaEditor) => void; click: (this: FroalaEditor, clickEvent: any) => void; contentChanged: (this: FroalaEditor) => void; destroy: (this: FroalaEditor) => void; drop: (this: FroalaEditor, dropEvent: any) => void; focus: (this: FroalaEditor) => void; initialized: (this: FroalaEditor) => void; initializationDelayed: (this: FroalaEditor) => void; input: (this: FroalaEditor, inputEvent: any) => void; keydown: (this: FroalaEditor, keydownEvent: any) => void; keypress: (this: FroalaEditor, keypressEvent: any) => void; keyup: (this: FroalaEditor, keyupEvent: any) => void; mousedown: (this: FroalaEditor, mousedownEvent: any) => void; mouseup: (this: FroalaEditor, mouseupEvent: any) => void; shortcut: (this: FroalaEditor, event: Event, commandName: string, shortcutValue: any) => void; touchstart: (this: FroalaEditor, touchstartEvent: any) => void; touchend: (this: FroalaEditor, touchendEvent: any) => void; 'buttons.refresh': (this: FroalaEditor) => boolean; //character count event 'charCounter.exceeded': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; 'charCounter.update': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; //code view event 'codeView.update': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; //commands event 'commands.after': (this: FroalaEditor, cmd: any, param1?: any, param2?: any) => void; 'commands.before': (this: FroalaEditor, cmd: any, param1?: any, param2?: any) => void; 'commands.mousedown': (this: FroalaEditor, button: any) => void; 'commands.redo': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; 'commands.undo': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; //html event 'html.afterGet': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; 'html.beforeGet': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; 'html.processGet': (this: FroalaEditor, el: Element) => void; 'html.get': (this: FroalaEditor, html: HTMLElement) => void; 'html.set': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; //image events 'image.beforePasteUpload': (this: FroalaEditor, img: Image) => boolean; 'image.beforeRemove': (this: FroalaEditor, img: any) => boolean; 'image.beforeUpload': (this: FroalaEditor, files: any) => boolean; 'image.hideResizer': (this: FroalaEditor, images: any) => boolean; 'image.error': (this: FroalaEditor, error: object, response: any) => void; 'image.inserted': (this: FroalaEditor, img: object, response: any) => void; 'image.loaded': (this: FroalaEditor, img: object) => void; 'image.removed': (this: FroalaEditor, img: object) => void; 'image.replaced': (this: FroalaEditor, img: object, response: any) => void; 'image.resize': (this: FroalaEditor, img: object) => void; 'image.resizeEnd': (this: FroalaEditor, img: object) => void; 'image.uploaded': (this: FroalaEditor, response: any) => boolean; 'image.uploadedToS3': (this: FroalaEditor, link: URL, key: string, response: any) => void; //imagemanager event 'imageManager.beforeDeleteImage': (this: FroalaEditor, img: object) => void; 'imageManager.error': (this: FroalaEditor, error: object, response: any) => void; 'imageManager.imageDeleted': (this: FroalaEditor, data: object) => void; 'imageManager.imageLoaded': (this: FroalaEditor, img: object) => void; 'imageManager.imagesLoaded': (this: FroalaEditor, data: any) => void; //link event 'link.bad': (this: FroalaEditor, original_href: string) => void; 'link.beforeInsert': (this: FroalaEditor, link: string, text: string, attrs: object) => boolean; 'link.beforeRemove': (this: FroalaEditor, link: string, text: string, attrs: object) => boolean; //paste event 'paste.after': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; 'paste.afterCleanup': (this: FroalaEditor, clipboard_html: string) => void; 'paste.before': (this: FroalaEditor, original_event: any) => boolean; 'paste.beforeCleanup': (this: FroalaEditor, clipboard_html: string) => void; 'paste.wordPaste': (this: FroalaEditor, clipboard_html: string) => void; // popups events [hidepopup: `popups.hide${string}`]: (this: FroalaEditor) => void; [showpopup: `${string}`]: (this: FroalaEditor) => void; //position event 'position.refresh': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; //save event 'save.after': (this: FroalaEditor, data: any) => void; 'save.before': (this: FroalaEditor, html: string) => boolean; 'save.error': (this: FroalaEditor, error: string, response: object) => void; //snapshot event 'snapshot.after': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; 'snapshot.before': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; //table event 'table.inserted': (this: FroalaEditor, table: Element) => void; 'table.resized': (this: FroalaEditor, table: Element) => void; //toolbar event 'toolbar.esc': (this: FroalaEditor) => boolean; 'toolbar.focusEditor': (this: FroalaEditor) => boolean; 'toolbar.hide': (this: FroalaEditor) => boolean; '': (this: FroalaEditor) => boolean; //video event 'video.codeError': (this: FroalaEditor, code: string) => void; 'video.inserted': (this: FroalaEditor, $video: any) => void; 'video.replaced': (this: FroalaEditor, $video: any) => void; 'video.linkError': (this: FroalaEditor, link: string) => void; 'video.removed': (this: FroalaEditor, $video: any) => void; 'video.loaded': (this: FroalaEditor, $video: any) => void; 'video.uploaded': (this: FroalaEditor, response: object) => void; 'video.uploadedToS3': (this: FroalaEditor, link: string, key: string, response: object) => void; 'video.beforeUpload': (this: FroalaEditor, $video: any) => boolean; 'video.beforeRemove': (this: FroalaEditor, $video: any) => boolean; 'video.hideResizer': (this: FroalaEditor) => boolean; //quick insert event 'quickInsert.commands.after': (this: FroalaEditor, cmd: any) => void; 'quickInsert.commands.before': (this: FroalaEditor, cmd: any) => boolean; //url event 'url.linked': (this: FroalaEditor, link: string) => void; //window event 'window.copy': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; 'window.cut': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; //filemanager event 'filesManager.beforeUpload': (this: FroalaEditor, files: any[]) => boolean; 'filesManager.error': (this: FroalaEditor, error: object, response: object) => boolean; 'filesManager.uploaded': (this: FroalaEditor, response: any) => boolean; 'filesManager.uploadedToS3': (this: FroalaEditor, link: string, key: string, response: object) => boolean; //embedly event 'embedly.beforeRemove': (this: FroalaEditor, embeded: object) => void; //file event 'file.beforeUpload': (this: FroalaEditor, files: string) => boolean; 'file.error': (this: FroalaEditor, error: object, response: any) => boolean; 'file.inserted': (this: FroalaEditor, file: object, response: any) => void; 'file.unlink': (this: FroalaEditor, link: Object) => boolean; 'file.uploaded': (this: FroalaEditor, response: any) => boolean; 'file.uploadedToS3': (this: FroalaEditor, link: any, key: any, response: any) => void; //edit event 'edit.on': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; '': (this: FroalaEditor) => void; //element event 'element.dropped': (this: FroalaEditor, element: object) => void; [key: string]: (this:FroalaEditor, ...args: any[]) => any; } export interface FilesManager { _init(): void; showInsertPopup(rerender: any): void; showLayer(name: any): void; refreshUploadButton(button: any): void; refreshByURLButton(button: any): void; upload(file: any, files: any, image_placeholder: any, index: any): boolean; insertByURL(): void; insertAllFiles(): void; deleteAllFiles(): void; get(): any; getEl(): any; insert(index: any, fileKeys: any): void; showProgressBar(no_message: any): void; remove(image: any): void; hideProgressBar(dismiss: any): void; applyStyle(val: any, imageStyles: any, multipleStyles: any): boolean; showAltPopup(): void; showSizePopup(): void; setAlt(alt: any): void; setSize(width: any, height: any): void; toggleCaption(): void; refreshEmbedButton($btn: any): void; insertEmbed(code: any): void; hasCaption(): boolean; exitEdit(force_exit: any): void; edit($img: any): void; cancelFileInsert(): void; minimizePopup(current_index: any): void; editImage(index: any): void; saveImage($img: any): void; _showErrorMessage(message: any): void; _showFileErrorMessage(message: any, index: any): void; getFileThumbnail(index: any, file: any, update: any): void; deleteFile(index: any): void; checkAutoplay(index: any): void; checkInsertAllState(): void; _disableInsertCheckbox(): void; _getFileType(file: any): any; isChildWindowOpen(): boolean; setChildWindowState(childWindowState: any): void; resetAllFilesCheckbox(): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Image { _init(): void; showInsertPopup(): void; showLayer(name: any): void; refreshUploadButton($btn: any): void; refreshByURLButton($btn: any): void; align(alignType: AlignType): object; applyStyle(className: string): object; display(displayType: DisplayType): any; get(): object; insert(link: string, sanitize: boolean, data: { [key: string]: any }, existingImage: any, response?: object): object; remove(image: any): object; setAlt(alternateText: string): object; setSize(width: string, height: string): object; upload(images: any[]): object; insertByURL(): void; refreshAlign($btn: any): void; refreshAlignOnShow($btn: any): void; refreshDisplayOnShow($btn: any): void; replace(): void; back(): void; getEl(): object; showProgressBar(no_message: any): void; hideProgressBar(dismiss: any): void; applyStyle(val: any, imageStyles: any, multipleStyles: any): object; showAltPopup(): void; showSizePopup(): void; toggleCaption(): void; hasCaption(): void; exitEdit(force_exit: boolean): boolean; edit($img: any): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface CharCounter { _init(): boolean; // Returns the number of characters in the editor. count(): number; } interface Apply { apply(value: string): object | void; } export type MediaAlign = 'left' | 'right' | 'center'; export type AlignType = 'left' | 'right' | 'center' | 'justify'; export interface Align { // Set the alignment of the selected paragraphs. apply(alignType: AlignType): object; // Refresh the alignment of the selected paragraphs. refresh(button: Element): object; refreshOnShow(button: any, dropdown: any): void; refreshForToolbar(button: any): void; options: { center: string, justify: string, left: string, right: string } } export interface Button { _init(): void; // Adds buttons into existing toolbar. addButtons(buttons: any): object; // Refreshes the state of the buttons in the toolbar. bulkRefresh(): void; // Builds a list of commands to a button list represented as a HTML string. buildList(buttons: string[]): string; // Builds a list of commands to a button list represented as a HTML string. buildGroup(): void; // Attaches the event callbacks. bindCommands(element: Element): void; // Refreshes the state of active command/button. refresh(button: Element): void; // Hides all the active dropdowns. hideActiveDropdowns(element: Element): void; build: (command: any, info: any, visible: any) => string; exec: ($btn: any) => void; click: ($btn: any) => void; getButtons: (selector: any, search_dropdowns: any) => any; getPosition: ($elm: any) => { left: any; top: any }; } export interface Clean { _init(): void; // Cleans dirty HTML to clean HTML ready to be inserted into the editor. html(dirtyHtml: string): string; // Cleans the tables. tables(): void; // Cleans the lists. lists(): void; // Cleans the invisible spaces. invisibleSpaces(dirtyHtml: string): void; toHTML5(): void; exec(html: string, func: any, parse_head: any): any; } export interface CodeView { _init(): boolean; // Find if code view mode is active. isActive(): boolean; // Get the HTML edited inside the code view mode. get(): string; // Toggle between the code and text view. toggle(): object; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Colors { // Set the background color of the selected text. background(color: string): object; // Set the text color of the selected text. text(value: string): object; // Hides the color picker popup. back(): void; showColorsPopup(cmd_type: any): void; customColor(tab: any): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Commands { exec(cmd: any, params?: any): any; // Format the selected text as bold. bold(): object; // Clean any formatting on the selected text. clearFormatting(): object; // Indent more the selected paragraphs. indent(): object; // Insert a horizontal line at the cursor position. insertHR(): object; // Format the selected text as italic. italic(): object; // Indent less the selected paragraphs. outdent(): object; // Executes the redo action. redo(): object; // Show the inline toolbar at the cursor position. show(): object; // Format the selected text as strike through. strikeThrough(): object; // Format the selected text as subscript. subscript(): object; // Format the selected text as superscript. superscript(): object; // Format the selected text as underline. underline(): object; // Executes the undo action. undo(): object; // Executes the selectAll action. selectAll(): object; // Show more text actions toolbar. moreText(): object; // Show more paragraph actions toolbar. moreParagraph(): object; // Show more rich text actions toolbar. moreRich(): object; // Show more miscellaneous actions toolbar. moreMisc(): object; //Show more track changes actions toolbar. moreTrackChanges(): object; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Core { _init(): void; // Creates a XHR object with the specified parameters. getXHR(url: string, method: string): XMLHttpRequest; // CSS style to be injected inside the iframe of the editor when the iframe option is used. injectStyle(style: string): object; // Check if the editor is empty. isEmpty(): boolean; // Check if the both editor instances are same. sameInstance(object: Element): boolean; hasFocus(): boolean; } export interface Cursor { // Trigger backspace action at the cursor position. backspace(): object; // Trigger enter action at the cursor position. enter(shiftPressed: boolean): object; // Trigger delete action at the cursor position. del(): object; // Find if the cursor is at the end. isAtEnd(): boolean; // Find if the cursor is at the start. isAtStart(): boolean; } export interface Edit { _init(): void; // Disable editor by removing the contenteditable attribute. off(): object; // Enable editor by adding the contenteditable attribute. on(): object; // Find if the edit is disabled. isDisabled(): boolean; // Disables the edit functionality. disableDesign(): void; } export interface EditInPopup { _init(): void; // Update the texts in popup. update(): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Embedly { _init(): boolean; // Add the embedly to editor. add(url: string): void; // Hides the insert popup and shows inline menu for currently selected embedly. back(): void; // Gets the currently embedly instance. get(): void; // Inserts the embedly into editor from popup. insert(): void; // Removes the currently selected embedly instance. remove(): void; // Shows insert popup. showInsertPopup(): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Emoticons { _init(): void; // Insert an emoticon at the cursor position. insert(emoticon: string, image?: string): object; // Insert an emoticon at the cursor position. setEmoticonCategory(categoryId: string): void; showEmoticonsPopup(): void; back(): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Events { _init(): void; // Check if blur events are active. blurActive(): boolean; // Binds the click event for given element. bindClick(element: Element, selector: string, handler: () => void): void; // Trigger events and chain the pass the returned value between the assigned events. chainTrigger(name: string, eventParams: object, force: boolean): object; // Disables the blur and focus events. disableBlur(): object; // Enables the blur and focus events. enableBlur(): object; // Focus into the editor. focus(): object; // Register an event. on(name: string, callback: (event: any, param1?: any, param2?: any) => void | boolean, first?: boolean): object; // Triggers an event. trigger(name: string, args: any[], force?: boolean): object; $on($el: any, evs: string, selector: any, callback: any, shared: any): void; $off(): void; } export interface File { _init(): void; // Insert the link to a file at the cursor position. insert(link: string, text: string, response: object): object; // Upload the passed file to the server. upload(files: any[]): object; showInsertPopup(): void; back(): void; hideProgressBar(dismiss: any): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface FontFamily { apply(value: string): object | void; refreshOnShow($btn: any, $dropdown: any): void; refresh($btn: any): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface FontSize { apply(value: string): object | void; refreshOnShow($btn: any, $dropdown: any): void; refresh($btn: any): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export type FormatAttributes = { [key: string]: any }; export type DisplayType = 'block' | 'inline'; export interface Format { // Apply format for the selection or at the insertion point. apply(tagName: string, attributes?: FormatAttributes): object; // Apply style for the selection or at the insertion point. applyStyle(cssProperty: string, cssAttributes?: string | FormatAttributes): object; // Check format for the selection or at the insertion point. is(tagName: string, attributes?: FormatAttributes): boolean; // Remove format for the selection or at the insertion point. remove(tagName: string, attributes?: FormatAttributes): object; // Remove style for the selection or at the insertion point. removeStyle(cssPropertyName: string): object; // Toggle format for the selection or at the insertion point. toggle(tagName: string, attributes?: FormatAttributes): object; } export interface Fullscreen { _init(): boolean; // Check the fullscreen state. isActive(): boolean; // Toggle fullscreen mode. toggle(): object; // Refresh refresh($btn: any): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Forms { _init(): void; applyStyle(className: string, formStyles: object, formMultipleStyles: boolean): void; updateInput(): void; getInput(): any; showUpdatePopup(): void; showEditPopup(input: any): void; back(): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Helpers { _init(): void; isMobile(): boolean; isAndroid(): boolean; isBlackberry(): boolean; isIOS(): boolean; isMac(): boolean; isTouch(): boolean; isWindowsPhone(): boolean; scrollLeft(): number; scrollTop(): number; sanitizeURL(url: string): string; isEmail(url: any): any; requestAnimationFrame(): any; getPX(val: any): number; screenSize(isBox: any): any; isArray(obj: any): boolean; RGBToHex(rgb: any): any; HEXtoRGB(hex: any): string; isURL(url: string): boolean; getAlignment($block: any): any; isInViewPort(el: any): boolean; } export interface HTML { cleanEmptyTags(): object; get(keepMarkers?: boolean, keepClasses?: boolean): string; getSelected(): string; unwrap(): void; wrap(temp: boolean, tables: boolean, blockquote: boolean): void; insert(html: string, clean?: boolean, doSplit?: boolean): object; set(html: string): object; defaultTag(): 'div' | 'p'; isPreformatted(node: any, look_up: any): any; emptyBlocks(around_markers: any): any[]; emptyBlockTagsQuery(): string; blockTagsQuery(): any; fillEmptyBlocks(around_markers: any): void; cleanWhiteTags(ignore_selection: any): boolean; cleanBlankSpaces(el: any): boolean; blocks(): any; getDoctype(doc: any): string; syncInputs(): void; escapeEntities(str: any): any; checkIfEmpty(): void; extractNode(html: string, tag: any): string; extractNodeAttrs(html: string, tag: any): any; extractDoctype(html: string): string; cleanBRs(): void; _init(): void; _setHtml($node: any, html: string): void; } export interface ImageManager { _init(): boolean; hide(): object; show(): object; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface InlineClass { apply(value: string): void; refreshOnShow($btn: any, $dropdown: any): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface InlineStyle extends Apply {} export interface Keys { ctrlKey(event: Event): boolean; isArrow(keyCode: number): boolean; isCharacter(keyCode: number): boolean; _init(): void; forceUndo(): void; isIME(): boolean; isBrowserAction(e: any): boolean; positionCaret(): boolean; } export interface Language { _init(): void; translate(str: string): string; } export interface LineHeight extends Apply { _init(): void; refreshOnShow(): void; } export interface Link { _init(): void; allSelected(): Element[]; applyStyle(className: string): object; get(): Element; insert(href: string, text: string, attributes?: { [key: string]: any }): object; remove(): object; showInsertPopup(): void; usePredefined(val: any): void; insertCallback(): void; update(): void; back(): void; imageLink(): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export type ListType = 'OL' | 'UL'; export interface Lists { _init(): void; format(listType: ListType): object; refresh($btn: any, tag_name: any): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Markdown { _init(): void; isEnabled(): boolean; refresh(button: Element): void; toggle(): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Markers { insert(): object; insertAtPoint(event: any): void; place(range: object, marker: boolean, id: string): object; remove(): object; split(): object; } export interface Modals { _init(): void; areVisible(modalInstance: Element): boolean; create(id: string, headTemplate: string, bodyTemplate: string): Element; get(id: string): Element; isVisible(id: string): boolean; show(id: string): void; hide(id: string, restoreSelection: boolean): void; resize(id: string): void; } export interface Node { blockParent(node: Element): Element; clearAttributes(node: Element): Element; contents(node: Element): any[]; deepestParent(node: Element, until?: Element, simpleEnter?: boolean): Element; hasClass(element: Element, className: string): boolean; hasFocus(node: Element): boolean; isBlock(node: Element): boolean; isElement(node: Element): boolean; isDeletable(node: Element): boolean; isEditable(node: Element): boolean; isEmpty(node: Element, ignoreMarkers?: boolean): boolean; isFirstSibling(node: Element, ignoreMarkers?: boolean): boolean; isLastSibling(node: Element, ignoreMarkers?: boolean): boolean; isList(node: Element, ignoreMarkers?: boolean): boolean; isLink: (node: Element) => boolean; isVoid(node: Element): boolean; rawAttributes(node: Element): object; attributes(node: Element): string; clearAttributes(node: Element): void; openTagString(node: Element): string; closeTagString(node: Element): string; filter(callback: any): object | any; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface ParagraphFormat { apply(value: string): void; refreshOnShow($btn: any, $dropdown: any): void; refresh($btn: any): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface ParagraphStyle { _init: () => void; apply(val: string, paragraphStyles: any, paragraphMultipleStyles: any): void; refreshOnShow($btn: any, $dropdown: any): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Placeholder { _init(): boolean; hide(): void; isVisible(): void; refresh(): object; show(): void; } export interface Popups { _init(): void; create(id: string, templateProperties: { [key: string]: any }): any; get(id: string): any; hide(id: string): boolean; hideAll(except?: string[]): object; isVisible(id: string): boolean; onHide(id: string, callback: () => void): object; onRefresh(id: string, callback: () => void): object; refresh(id: string): object; setContainer(id: string, $container: any): void; show(id: string, leftOffset?: number, topOffset?: number, height?: number, applyLeftOffset?: boolean): boolean; onShow(id: string, callback: () => void): void; areVisible(new_instance?: any): any; setFileListHeight($popup: any): any; setPopupDimensions($popup: any, isDelete: any): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Position { _init(): void; getBoundingRect(): Element; refresh(): object; forSelection($el: any): void; addSticky($el: any): void; at(left: any, top: any, $el: any, obj_height: any): void; } export interface Refresh { undo: ($btn: any) => void; redo: ($btn: any) => void; outdent: ($btn: any) => boolean; indent: ($btn: any) => boolean; moreText: ($moreButton: any) => void; moreParagraph: ($moreButton: any) => void; moreMisc: ($moreButton: any) => void; moreRich: ($moreButton: any) => void; } export interface Shortcuts { _init(): void; get(cmd: any): string; } export interface Quote extends Apply {} export interface Save { _init(): void; force(): void; save(html?: HTML): object; reset(): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface FroalaSelection { blocks(toggleList?: any): any[]; clear(): void; element(): HTMLElement; endElement(): Element; get(): string | object; inEditor(): boolean; info(element: Element): object; isCollapsed(): boolean; isFull(): boolean; ranges(index: number): Range | Range[]; restore(): boolean; save(): void; setAfter(node: Element, use_current_node?: any): boolean; setAtEnd(node: Element, deep?: any): boolean; setAtStart(node: Element, deep?: any): boolean; setBefore(node: Element, use_current_node?: any): boolean; text(): string; remove(): boolean; rangeElement(rangeContainer: any, offset: any) : any; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Size { _init(): boolean; refresh(): void; syncIframe(): void; } export interface Snapshot { equal(snapshot1: any, snapshot2: any): boolean; get(): any; restore(snapshot: any): object; } export interface SpellChecker { _init(): boolean; refresh($btn: Element): void; toggle(): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Table { _init(): boolean; insert(rows: number, columns: number): object; remove(): void; insertRow(position: number): void; deleteRow(): void; insertColumn(position: number): void; deleteColumn(): void; mergeCells(): void; splitCellVertically(): void; splitCellHorizontally(): void; addHeader(): void; addFooter(): void; removeHeader(): void; removeFooter(): void; setBackground(color: any): void; showInsertPopup(): void; showEditPopup(): void; showColorsPopup(): void; back(): void; verticalAlign(val: any): void; horizontalAlign(val: any): void; applyStyle(val: any, obj: any, multiple_styles: any, styles: any): void; selectedTable(): void; selectedCells(): void; customColor(): void; selectCells(firstCell: any, lastCell: any): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Toolbar { _init(): boolean; enable(): void; disable(): void; hide(): boolean; show(): boolean; showInline(element: Element, force: boolean): void; setMoreToolbarsHeight(): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Tooltip { bind(element: Element, selector: string, displayAbove?: boolean): object; hide(): object; to(element: Element, displayAbove: boolean): object; } export interface Undo { canDo(): boolean; canRedo(): boolean; reset(): object; saveStep(snapshot?: any): void; _init(): void; run(): void; redo(): void; dropRedo(): void; } export interface Track_Changes { toggleTracking(): void; getPendingChanges(): object[]; showChanges(): void; acceptAllChanges(): void; rejectAllChanges(): void; acceptSingleChange(): void; rejectSingleChange(): void; pushChange(changeId: any): void; insertChangeAt(index: number, changeId: number): void; popChange(): any; refresh($btn: any): void; replaceSpecialItem($item: any): void; removeSpecialItem($item: any): void; removedTable($table: any): void; addQuote($quote: any): void; removeQuote($quote: any, index: number): void; wrapInTracking(item: any): void; wrapInDelete(item: any): void; wrapLinkInTracking(item: any, changeIndex: any): void; pasteInEmptyEdior(clean_html: string): void; pasteInEdior(clean_html: string): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Video { _init(): void; align(alignType: AlignType): object; display(displayType: DisplayType): object; get(): any; insert(embeddedCode: string): object; remove(): object; setSize(width: string, height: string): object; showInsertPopup(): void; showLayer(name: any): void; refreshByURLButton($btn: any): void; refreshEmbedButton($btn: any): void; refreshUploadButton($btn: any): void; upload(videos: any): void; insertByURL(url: string): void; insertEmbed(html: string): void; refreshAlign($btn: any): boolean; refreshAlignOnShow($btn: any, $dropdown: any): void; refreshDisplayOnShow($btn: any, $dropdown: any): void; hideProgressBar(dismiss: any): void; showSizePopup(): void; replace(): void; back(): void; showProgressBar(no_message: any): void; _editVideo($video: any): void; setAutoplay(): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Word_paste { _init(): void; clean(keep_formatting: any): void; _wordClean(html: string, rtf: any): string; } export interface Trim_video { _init(): void; trimVideo(file: any, index: any, file_list: any[]): void; } export interface Special_characters { setSpecialCharacterCategory(categoryId: any): void; showSpecialCharsPopup(): void; back(): void; [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any; } export interface Icon { create(command: any): any; getTemplate(command: any): any; getFileIcon(command: any): any; } export interface Accessibility { _init(): void; registerPopup: (id: any) => void; registerToolbar: (table: any) => void; focusToolbarElement: (element: any) => void; focusToolbar: (table: any, last: any) => boolean; focusContent: (content: any, backward: any) => boolean; focusPopup: (popup: any) => void; focusModal: ($modal: any) => void; focusEditor: () => void; focusPopupButton: ($popup: any) => void; focusModalButton: ($modal: any) => void; hasFocus: () => boolean; exec: (e: any, $tb: any) => boolean; saveSelection: () => void; restoreSelection: () => void; } }