import type { Issue } from 'fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin/lib/issue'; import type { Compiler } from 'webpack'; interface Options { /** Title prefix shown in the notifications. */ title?: string; /** If set to `true`, warnings will not cause a notification. */ excludeWarnings?: boolean; /** Trigger a notification every time. Call it "noisy-mode". */ alwaysNotify?: boolean; /** Do not notify on the first build. This allows you to receive notifications on subsequent incremental builds without being notified on the initial build. */ skipFirstNotification?: boolean; /** Skip notifications for successful builds. */ skipSuccessful?: boolean; } declare class ForkTsCheckerNotifierWebpackPlugin { options: Options; lastBuildSucceeded: boolean; isFirstBuild: boolean; titlePrefix: string; constructor(options?: Options); buildNotification(issues: Issue[]): { title: string; message: string; icon: string; } | undefined; compilationDone: (issues: Issue[]) => Issue[]; apply(compiler: Compiler): void; } export = ForkTsCheckerNotifierWebpackPlugin;