export declare type URLProtocol = 'http' | 'https' | 'ftp'; export declare type UUIDVersion = 3 | 4 | 5 | '3' | '4' | '5' | 'all'; export declare type IPVersion = 4 | 6; export declare type AlphaLocale = 'ar' | 'ar-AE' | 'ar-BH' | 'ar-DZ' | 'ar-EG' | 'ar-IQ' | 'ar-JO' | 'ar-KW' | 'ar-LB' | 'ar-LY' | 'ar-MA' | 'ar-QA' | 'ar-QM' | 'ar-SA' | 'ar-SD' | 'ar-SY' | 'ar-TN' | 'ar-YE' | 'bg-BG' | 'cs-CZ' | 'da-DK' | 'de-DE' | 'el-GR' | 'en-AU' | 'en-GB' | 'en-HK' | 'en-IN' | 'en-NZ' | 'en-US' | 'en-ZA' | 'en-ZM' | 'es-ES' | 'fr-FR' | 'hu-HU' | 'it-IT' | 'ku-IQ' | 'nb-NO' | 'nl-NL' | 'nn-NO' | 'pl-PL' | 'pt-BR' | 'pt-PT' | 'ru-RU' | 'sk-SK' | 'sl-SI' | 'sr-RS' | 'sr-RS@latin' | 'sv-SE' | 'tr-TR' | 'uk-UA'; export declare type AlphanumericLocale = 'ar' | 'ar-AE' | 'ar-BH' | 'ar-DZ' | 'ar-EG' | 'ar-IQ' | 'ar-JO' | 'ar-KW' | 'ar-LB' | 'ar-LY' | 'ar-MA' | 'ar-QA' | 'ar-QM' | 'ar-SA' | 'ar-SD' | 'ar-SY' | 'ar-TN' | 'ar-YE' | 'bg-BG' | 'cs-CZ' | 'da-DK' | 'de-DE' | 'el-GR' | 'en-AU' | 'en-GB' | 'en-HK' | 'en-IN' | 'en-NZ' | 'en-US' | 'en-ZA' | 'en-ZM' | 'es-ES' | 'fr-FR' | 'fr-BE' | 'hu-HU' | 'it-IT' | 'ku-IQ' | 'nb-NO' | 'nl-BE' | 'nl-NL' | 'nn-NO' | 'pl-PL' | 'pt-BR' | 'pt-PT' | 'ru-RU' | 'sk-SK' | 'sl-SI' | 'sr-RS' | 'sr-RS@latin' | 'sv-SE' | 'tr-TR' | 'uk-UA'; export declare type MobilePhoneLocale = 'any' | 'ar-AE' | 'ar-DZ' | 'ar-EG' | 'ar-JO' | 'ar-IQ' | 'ar-KW' | 'ar-SA' | 'ar-SY' | 'ar-TN' | 'be-BY' | 'bg-BG' | 'bn-BD' | 'cs-CZ' | 'de-DE' | 'da-DK' | 'el-GR' | 'en-AU' | 'en-GB' | 'en-GH' | 'en-HK' | 'en-IE' | 'en-IN' | 'en-KE' | 'en-MU' | 'en-NG' | 'en-NZ' | 'en-PK' | 'en-RW' | 'en-SG' | 'en-TZ' | 'en-UG' | 'en-US' | 'en-CA' | 'en-ZA' | 'en-ZM' | 'es-ES' | 'es-MX' | 'es-PY' | 'es-UY' | 'et-EE' | 'fa-IR' | 'fi-FI' | 'fo-FO' | 'fr-FR' | 'he-IL' | 'hu-HU' | 'id-ID' | 'it-IT' | 'ja-JP' | 'kk-KZ' | 'kl-GL' | 'lt-LT' | 'ms-MY' | 'nb-NO' | 'nn-NO' | 'pl-PL' | 'pt-PT' | 'ro-RO' | 'ru-RU' | 'sk-SK' | 'sl-SI' | 'sr-RS' | 'sv-SE' | 'th-TH' | 'tr-TR' | 'uk-UA' | 'vi-VN' | 'zh-CN' | 'zh-HK' | 'zh-TW'; export declare type PostalCodeLocale = 'any' | 'AD' | 'AT' | 'AU' | 'BE' | 'BG' | 'CA' | 'CH' | 'CZ' | 'DE' | 'DK' | 'DZ' | 'EE' | 'ES' | 'FI' | 'FR' | 'GB' | 'GR' | 'HR' | 'HU' | 'ID' | 'IL' | 'IN' | 'IS' | 'IT' | 'JP' | 'KE' | 'LI' | 'LT' | 'LU' | 'LV' | 'MX' | 'NL' | 'NO' | 'PL' | 'PT' | 'RO' | 'RU' | 'SA' | 'SE' | 'SI' | 'TN' | 'TW' | 'UA' | 'US' | 'ZA' | 'ZM'; export declare type HashAlgorithm = 'md4' | 'md5' | 'sha1' | 'sha256' | 'sha384' | 'sha512' | 'ripemd128' | 'ripemd160' | 'tiger128' | 'tiger160' | 'tiger192' | 'crc32' | 'crc32b'; export interface MinMaxOptions { min?: number; max?: number; } export interface MinMaxExtendedOptions extends MinMaxOptions { lt?: number; gt?: number; } /** * defaults to * { * symbol: '$', * require_symbol: false, * allow_space_after_symbol: false, * symbol_after_digits: false, * allow_negatives: true, * parens_for_negatives: false, * negative_sign_before_digits: false, * negative_sign_after_digits: false, * allow_negative_sign_placeholder: false, * thousands_separator: ',', * decimal_separator: '.', * allow_space_after_digits: false * } */ export interface IsCurrencyOptions { symbol?: string; require_symbol?: boolean; allow_space_after_symbol?: boolean; symbol_after_digits?: boolean; allow_negatives?: boolean; parens_for_negatives?: boolean; negative_sign_before_digits?: boolean; negative_sign_after_digits?: boolean; allow_negative_sign_placeholder?: boolean; thousands_separator?: string; decimal_separator?: string; allow_decimal?: boolean; require_decimal?: boolean; digits_after_decimal?: number[]; allow_space_after_digits?: boolean; } export interface IsDecimalOptions { decimal_digits?: string; force_decimal?: boolean; locale?: AlphanumericLocale; } export interface IsEmailOptions { allow_display_name?: boolean; allow_utf8_local_part?: boolean; require_tld?: boolean; } /** * defaults to * { * ignore_whitespace: false * } */ export interface IsEmptyOptions { ignore_whitespace: boolean; } export interface IsFloatOptions extends MinMaxExtendedOptions { locale?: AlphanumericLocale; } /** * defaults to * { * require_tld: true, * allow_underscores: false, * allow_trailing_dot: false * } */ export interface IsFQDNOptions { require_tld?: boolean; allow_underscores?: boolean; allow_trailing_dot?: boolean; } export interface IsIntOptions extends MinMaxExtendedOptions { allow_leading_zeroes?: boolean; } export interface IsISO8601Options { strict: boolean; } /** * defaults to * { * case_sensitive: false, * require_hyphen: false * } */ export interface IsISSNOptions { case_sensitive?: boolean; require_hyphen?: boolean; } /** * defaults to * { * no_colons: false * } */ export interface IsMACAddressOptions { no_colons?: boolean; } export interface IsMobilePhoneOptions { strictMode?: boolean; } /** * defaults to * { * no_symbols: false * } */ export interface IsNumericOptions { no_symbols: boolean; } /** * defaults to * { * protocols: ['http','https','ftp'], * require_tld: true, * require_protocol: false, * require_host: true, * require_valid_protocol: true, * allow_underscores: false, * host_whitelist: false, * host_blacklist: false, * allow_trailing_dot: false, * allow_protocol_relative_urls: false * } */ export interface IsURLOptions { protocols?: URLProtocol[]; require_tld?: boolean; require_protocol?: boolean; require_host?: boolean; require_valid_protocol?: boolean; allow_underscores?: boolean; host_whitelist?: (string | RegExp)[]; host_blacklist?: (string | RegExp)[]; allow_trailing_dot?: boolean; allow_protocol_relative_urls?: boolean; disallow_auth?: boolean; } export interface NormalizeEmailOptions { all_lowercase?: boolean; gmail_lowercase?: boolean; gmail_remove_dots?: boolean; gmail_remove_subaddress?: boolean; gmail_convert_googlemaildotcom?: boolean; outlookdotcom_lowercase?: boolean; outlookdotcom_remove_subaddress?: boolean; yahoo_lowercase?: boolean; yahoo_remove_subaddress?: boolean; icloud_lowercase?: boolean; icloud_remove_subaddress?: boolean; }