import * as React from 'react'; import { EmitterSubscription } from 'react-native'; /** * Tracking Configuration * Options for how ARKit constructs a scene coordinate system based on real-world device motion. * */ export declare enum TrackingConfiguration { /** * Provides high-quality AR experiences that use the rear-facing camera precisely track a device's * position and orientation and allow plane detection and hit testing. */ World = "ARWorldTrackingConfiguration", /** * Provides basic AR experiences that use the rear-facing camera and track only a device's * orientation. */ Orientation = "AROrientationTrackingConfiguration", /** * Provides AR experiences that use the front-facing camera and track the movement and expressions * of the user's face. */ Face = "ARFaceTrackingConfiguration" } export declare enum DepthDataQuality { Low = "AVDepthDataQualityLow", High = "AVDepthDataQualityHigh" } export declare enum DepthDataAccuracy { Absolute = "AVDepthDataAccuracyAbsolute", Relative = "AVDepthDataAccuracyRelative" } export declare type Size = { width: number; height: number; }; export declare type Vector3 = { x: number; y: number; z: number; }; export declare type Vector2 = { x: number; y: number; }; export declare type TextureCoordinate = { u: number; v: number; }; export declare type Matrix = number[]; export declare type FaceGeometry = { vertexCount: number; textureCoordinateCount: number; triangleCount: number; vertices: Vector3[]; textureCoordinates: TextureCoordinate[]; triangleIndices: number[]; }; export declare type BaseAnchor = { type: AnchorType; transform: Matrix; id: string; }; export declare type PlaneAnchor = BaseAnchor & { type: AnchorType.Plane; center: Vector3; extent: { width: number; length: number; }; }; export declare type ImageAnchor = BaseAnchor & { type: AnchorType.Image; image?: { name: string | null; size: Size; }; }; export declare type FaceAnchor = BaseAnchor & { type: AnchorType.Face; isTracked: boolean; geometry?: FaceGeometry; blendShapes?: { [shape in BlendShape]?: number; }; }; export declare type Anchor = BaseAnchor | PlaneAnchor | ImageAnchor | FaceAnchor; export declare type HitTest = { type: number; distance: number; localTransform: number[]; worldTransform: number[]; anchor: Anchor; }; export declare type HitTestResults = { hitTest: HitTest[]; }; export declare type DetectionImage = { uri: string; width: number; name?: string; }; export declare type ARFrameAnchorRequest = { ARFaceTrackingConfiguration?: { geometry?: boolean; blendShapes?: boolean | BlendShape[]; }; }; export declare type ARFrameRequest = { anchors?: ARFrameAnchorRequest; rawFeaturePoints?: boolean; lightEstimation?: boolean; capturedDepthData?: boolean; }; export declare type LightEstimation = { ambientIntensity: number; ambientColorTemperature: number; primaryLightDirection?: Vector3; primaryLightIntensity?: number; }; export declare type RawFeaturePoint = { x: number; y: number; z: number; id: string; }; export declare type CameraCalibrationData = { intrinsicMatrix: Matrix; intrinsicMatrixReferenceDimensions: Size; extrinsicMatrix: Matrix; pixelSize: number; lensDistortionLookupTable: any; inverseLensDistortionLookupTable: any; lensDistortionCenter: Vector3; }; export declare type CapturedDepthData = { timestamp: number; depthDataQuality: DepthDataQuality; depthDataAccuracy: DepthDataAccuracy; depthDataFiltered: boolean; cameraCalibrationData: CameraCalibrationData; }; export declare type ARFrame = { timestamp: number; anchors?: Anchor[] | null; rawFeaturePoints?: RawFeaturePoint[] | null; lightEstimation?: LightEstimation | null; capturedDepthData?: CapturedDepthData | null; }; export declare type ARMatrices = { transform: Matrix; viewMatrix: Matrix; projectionMatrix: Matrix; }; declare type ARStartResult = { capturedImageTexture: number; }; declare type ReactNativeNodeHandle = number; export declare type ImageResolution = { width: number; height: number; }; export declare type VideoFormat = { type: string; imageResolution: ImageResolution; framesPerSecond: number; }; export declare enum BlendShape { BrowDownL = "browDown_L", BrowDownR = "browDown_R", BrowInnerUp = "browInnerUp", BrowOuterUpL = "browOuterUp_L", BrowOuterUpR = "browOuterUp_R", CheekPuff = "cheekPuff", CheekSquintL = "cheekSquint_L", CheekSquintR = "cheekSquint_R", EyeBlinkL = "eyeBlink_L", EyeBlinkR = "eyeBlink_R", EyeLookDownL = "eyeLookDown_L", EyeLookDownR = "eyeLookDown_R", EyeLookInL = "eyeLookIn_L", EyeLookInR = "eyeLookIn_R", EyeLookOutL = "eyeLookOut_L", EyeLookOutR = "eyeLookOut_R", EyeLookUpL = "eyeLookUp_L", EyeLookUpR = "eyeLookUp_R", EyeSquintL = "eyeSquint_L", EyeSquintR = "eyeSquint_R", EyeWideL = "eyeWide_L", EyeWideR = "eyeWide_R", JawForward = "jawForward", JawLeft = "jawLeft", JawOpen = "jawOpen", JawRight = "jawRight", MouthClose = "mouthClose", MouthDimpleL = "mouthDimple_L", MouthDimpleR = "mouthDimple_R", MouthFrownL = "mouthFrown_L", MouthFrownR = "mouthFrown_R", MouthFunnel = "mouthFunnel", MouthLeft = "mouthLeft", MouthLowerDownL = "mouthLowerDown_L", MouthLowerDownR = "mouthLowerDown_R", MouthPressL = "mouthPress_L", MouthPressR = "mouthPress_R", MouthPucker = "mouthPucker", MouthRight = "mouthRight", MouthRollLower = "mouthRollLower", MouthRollUpper = "mouthRollUpper", MouthShrugLower = "mouthShrugLower", MouthShrugUpper = "mouthShrugUpper", MouthSmileL = "mouthSmile_L", MouthSmileR = "mouthSmile_R", MouthStretchL = "mouthStretch_L", MouthStretchR = "mouthStretch_R", MouthUpperUpL = "mouthUpperUp_L", MouthUpperUpR = "mouthUpperUp_R", NoseSneerL = "noseSneer_L", NoseSneerR = "noseSneer_R" } export declare enum FaceAnchorProp { Geometry = "geometry", BlendShapes = "blendShapes" } /** * Plane Detection * Options for whether and how ARKit detects flat surfaces in captured images. * */ export declare enum PlaneDetection { /** * No plane detection is run */ None = "none", /** * Plane detection determines horizontal planes in the scene */ Horizontal = "horizontal", /** * Plane detection determines vertical planes in the scene */ Vertical = "vertical" } /** * Hit-Test Result Types * Possible types for specifying a hit-test search, or for the result of a hit-test search. * */ export declare enum HitTestResultTypes { /** * Result type from intersecting the nearest feature point. */ FeaturePoint = "featurePoint", /** * Result type from intersecting a horizontal plane estimate, determined for the current frame. */ HorizontalPlane = "horizontalPlane", /** * Result type from intersecting a vertical plane estimate, determined for the current frame. */ VerticalPlane = "verticalPlane", /** * Result type from intersecting with an existing plane anchor. */ ExistingPlane = "existingPlane", /** * Result type from intersecting with an existing plane anchor, taking into account the plane’s * extent. */ ExistingPlaneUsingExtent = "existingPlaneUsingExtent", /** * Result type from intersecting with an existing plane anchor, taking into account the plane’s * geometry. */ ExistingPlaneUsingGeometry = "existingPlaneUsingGeometry" } /** * World Alignment * Options for how ARKit constructs a scene coordinate system based on real-world device motion. * */ export declare enum WorldAlignment { /** * Aligns the world with gravity that is defined by vector (0, -1, 0). */ Gravity = "gravity", /** * Aligns the world with gravity that is defined by the vector (0, -1, 0) and heading (w.r.t. true * north) that is given by the vector (0, 0, -1). */ GravityAndHeading = "gravityAndHeading", /** * Aligns the world with the camera’s orientation. */ AlignmentCamera = "alignmentCamera" } export declare enum EventType { FrameDidUpdate, DidFailWithError, AnchorsDidUpdate, CameraDidChangeTrackingState, SessionWasInterrupted, SessionInterruptionEnded } export declare enum AnchorType { Face = "ARFaceAnchor", Image = "ARImageAnchor", Plane = "ARPlaneAnchor", Anchor = "ARAnchor" } export declare enum AnchorEventType { Add = "add", Update = "update", Remove = "remove" } export declare enum FrameAttribute { Anchors = "anchors", RawFeaturePoints = "rawFeaturePoints", LightEstimation = "lightEstimation", CapturedDepthData = "capturedDepthData" } export declare enum TrackingState { /** Tracking is not available. */ NotAvailable = "ARTrackingStateNotAvailable", /** Tracking is limited. See tracking reason for details. */ Limited = "ARTrackingStateLimited", /** Tracking is Normal. */ Normal = "ARTrackingStateNormal" } export declare enum TrackingStateReason { /** Tracking is not limited. */ None = "ARTrackingStateReasonNone", /** Tracking is limited due to initialization in progress. */ Initializing = "ARTrackingStateReasonInitializing", /** Tracking is limited due to a excessive motion of the camera. */ ExcessiveMotion = "ARTrackingStateReasonExcessiveMotion", /** Tracking is limited due to a lack of features visible to the camera. */ InsufficientFeatures = "ARTrackingStateReasonInsufficientFeatures", /** Tracking is limited due to a relocalization in progress. */ Relocalizing = "ARTrackingStateReasonRelocalizing" } declare type FrameDidUpdateEvent = object; declare type DidFailWithErrorEvent = { error: Error; }; declare type AnchorsDidUpdateEvent = { eventType: AnchorEventType; anchors: Anchor[]; }; declare type CameraDidChangeTrackingStateEvent = { trackingState: TrackingState; trackingStateReason: TrackingStateReason; }; declare type SessionWasInterruptedEvent = object; declare type SessionInterruptionEndedEvent = object; export declare function getVersion(): string; export declare function isAvailable(): boolean; export declare function getUnavailabilityReason(): string; export declare function onFrameDidUpdate(listener: (event: FrameDidUpdateEvent) => void): EmitterSubscription; export declare function onDidFailWithError(listener: (event: DidFailWithErrorEvent) => void): EmitterSubscription; export declare function onAnchorsDidUpdate(listener: (event: AnchorsDidUpdateEvent) => void): EmitterSubscription; export declare function onCameraDidChangeTrackingState(listener: (event: CameraDidChangeTrackingStateEvent) => void): EmitterSubscription; export declare function onSessionWasInterrupted(listener: (event: SessionWasInterruptedEvent) => void): EmitterSubscription; export declare function onSessionInterruptionEnded(listener: (event: SessionInterruptionEndedEvent) => void): EmitterSubscription; export declare function removeAllListeners(eventType?: EventType): void; export declare function performHitTest(point: Vector2, types: HitTestResultTypes): HitTestResults; export declare function setDetectionImagesAsync(images: { [name: string]: DetectionImage; }): Promise; export declare function getCurrentFrame(attributes?: ARFrameRequest): ARFrame; export declare function getARMatrices(near: number, far: number): ARMatrices; export declare function stopAsync(): Promise; export declare function startAsync(node: ReactNativeNodeHandle | React.Component, configuration: TrackingConfiguration): Promise; export declare function reset(): void; export declare function resume(): void; export declare function pause(): void; export declare function setConfigurationAsync(configuration: TrackingConfiguration): Promise; export declare function getProvidesAudioData(): boolean; export declare function setProvidesAudioData(providesAudioData: boolean): void; export declare function setPlaneDetection(planeDetection: PlaneDetection): void; export declare function getPlaneDetection(): PlaneDetection; export declare function getCameraTexture(): number; export declare function setWorldOriginAsync(matrix_float4x4: Matrix): Promise; export declare function setLightEstimationEnabled(isLightEstimationEnabled: boolean): void; export declare function getLightEstimationEnabled(): boolean; export declare function setAutoFocusEnabled(isAutoFocusEnabled: boolean): void; export declare function getAutoFocusEnabled(): boolean; export declare function setWorldAlignment(worldAlignment: WorldAlignment): void; export declare function getWorldAlignment(): WorldAlignment; export declare function isConfigurationAvailable(configuration: TrackingConfiguration): boolean; export declare function getSupportedVideoFormats(configuration: TrackingConfiguration): VideoFormat[]; export declare function isFrontCameraAvailable(): boolean; export declare function isRearCameraAvailable(): boolean; /** * A deprecated alias for `PlaneDetection` * July 8, 2019 */ export declare const PlaneDetectionTypes: typeof PlaneDetection; /** * A deprecated alias for `WorldAlignment` * July 8, 2019 */ export declare const WorldAlignmentTypes: typeof WorldAlignment; /** * A deprecated alias for `EventType` * July 8, 2019 */ export declare const EventTypes: typeof EventType; /** * A deprecated alias for `AnchorType` * July 8, 2019 */ export declare const AnchorTypes: typeof AnchorType; /** * A deprecated alias for `AnchorEventType` * July 8, 2019 */ export declare const AnchorEventTypes: typeof AnchorEventType; /** * A deprecated alias for `FrameAttribute` * July 8, 2019 */ export declare const FrameAttributes: typeof FrameAttribute; /** * A deprecated alias for `TrackingState` * July 8, 2019 */ export declare const TrackingStates: typeof TrackingState; /** * A deprecated alias for `TrackingStateReason` * July 8, 2019 */ export declare const TrackingStateReasons: typeof TrackingStateReason; /** * A deprecated alias for `TrackingConfiguration` * July 8, 2019 */ export declare const TrackingConfigurations: typeof TrackingConfiguration; export {};