import { Platform, UnavailabilityError, uuid } from 'expo-modules-core'; import NotificationScheduler from './NotificationScheduler'; import { NotificationTriggerInput as NativeNotificationTriggerInput } from './NotificationScheduler.types'; import { NotificationRequestInput, NotificationTriggerInput, DailyTriggerInput, WeeklyTriggerInput, YearlyTriggerInput, CalendarTriggerInput, TimeIntervalTriggerInput, DateTriggerInput, ChannelAwareTriggerInput, SchedulableNotificationTriggerInput, } from './Notifications.types'; /** * Schedules a notification to be triggered in the future. * > **Note:** Please note that this does not mean that the notification will be presented when it is triggered. * For the notification to be presented you have to set a notification handler with [`setNotificationHandler`](#notificationssetnotificationhandlerhandler) * that will return an appropriate notification behavior. For more information see the example below. * @param request An object describing the notification to be triggered. * @return Returns a Promise resolving to a string which is a notification identifier you can later use to cancel the notification or to identify an incoming notification. * @example * # Schedule the notification that will trigger once, in one minute from now * ```ts * import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications'; * * Notifications.scheduleNotificationAsync({ * content: { * title: "Time's up!", * body: 'Change sides!', * }, * trigger: { * seconds: 60, * }, * }); * ``` * * # Schedule the notification that will trigger repeatedly, every 20 minutes * ```ts * import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications'; * * Notifications.scheduleNotificationAsync({ * content: { * title: 'Remember to drink water!', * }, * trigger: { * seconds: 60 * 20, * repeats: true, * }, * }); * ``` * * # Schedule the notification that will trigger once, at the beginning of next hour * ```ts * import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications'; * * const trigger = new Date( + 60 * 60 * 1000); * trigger.setMinutes(0); * trigger.setSeconds(0); * * Notifications.scheduleNotificationAsync({ * content: { * title: 'Happy new hour!', * }, * trigger, * }); * ``` * @header schedule */ export default async function scheduleNotificationAsync( request: NotificationRequestInput ): Promise { if (!NotificationScheduler.scheduleNotificationAsync) { throw new UnavailabilityError('Notifications', 'scheduleNotificationAsync'); } return await NotificationScheduler.scheduleNotificationAsync( request.identifier ?? uuid.v4(), request.content, parseTrigger(request.trigger) ); } type ValidTriggerDateComponents = 'month' | 'day' | 'weekday' | 'hour' | 'minute'; const DAILY_TRIGGER_EXPECTED_DATE_COMPONENTS: readonly ValidTriggerDateComponents[] = [ 'hour', 'minute', ]; const WEEKLY_TRIGGER_EXPECTED_DATE_COMPONENTS: readonly ValidTriggerDateComponents[] = [ 'weekday', 'hour', 'minute', ]; const YEARLY_TRIGGER_EXPECTED_DATE_COMPONENTS: readonly ValidTriggerDateComponents[] = [ 'day', 'month', 'hour', 'minute', ]; export function parseTrigger( userFacingTrigger: NotificationTriggerInput ): NativeNotificationTriggerInput { if (userFacingTrigger === null) { return null; } if (userFacingTrigger === undefined) { throw new TypeError( 'Encountered an `undefined` notification trigger. If you want to trigger the notification immediately, pass in an explicit `null` value.' ); } if (isDateTrigger(userFacingTrigger)) { return parseDateTrigger(userFacingTrigger); } else if (isDailyTriggerInput(userFacingTrigger)) { validateDateComponentsInTrigger(userFacingTrigger, DAILY_TRIGGER_EXPECTED_DATE_COMPONENTS); return { type: 'daily', channelId: userFacingTrigger.channelId, hour: userFacingTrigger.hour, minute: userFacingTrigger.minute, }; } else if (isWeeklyTriggerInput(userFacingTrigger)) { validateDateComponentsInTrigger(userFacingTrigger, WEEKLY_TRIGGER_EXPECTED_DATE_COMPONENTS); return { type: 'weekly', channelId: userFacingTrigger.channelId, weekday: userFacingTrigger.weekday, hour: userFacingTrigger.hour, minute: userFacingTrigger.minute, }; } else if (isYearlyTriggerInput(userFacingTrigger)) { validateDateComponentsInTrigger(userFacingTrigger, YEARLY_TRIGGER_EXPECTED_DATE_COMPONENTS); return { type: 'yearly', channelId: userFacingTrigger.channelId, day:, month: userFacingTrigger.month, hour: userFacingTrigger.hour, minute: userFacingTrigger.minute, }; } else if (isSecondsPropertyMisusedInCalendarTriggerInput(userFacingTrigger)) { throw new TypeError( 'Could not have inferred the notification trigger type: if you want to use a time interval trigger, pass in only `seconds` with or without `repeats` property; if you want to use calendar-based trigger, pass in `second`.' ); } else if ('seconds' in userFacingTrigger) { return { type: 'timeInterval', channelId: userFacingTrigger.channelId, seconds: userFacingTrigger.seconds, repeats: userFacingTrigger.repeats ?? false, }; } else if (isCalendarTrigger(userFacingTrigger)) { const { repeats, ...calendarTrigger } = userFacingTrigger; return { type: 'calendar', value: calendarTrigger, repeats }; } else { return{ default: null, // There's no notion of channels on platforms other than Android. android: { type: 'channel', channelId: userFacingTrigger.channelId }, }); } } function isCalendarTrigger( trigger: CalendarTriggerInput | ChannelAwareTriggerInput ): trigger is CalendarTriggerInput { const { channelId, ...triggerWithoutChannelId } = trigger; return Object.keys(triggerWithoutChannelId).length > 0; } function isDateTrigger( trigger: | DateTriggerInput | WeeklyTriggerInput | DailyTriggerInput | CalendarTriggerInput | TimeIntervalTriggerInput ): trigger is DateTriggerInput { return ( trigger instanceof Date || typeof trigger === 'number' || (typeof trigger === 'object' && 'date' in trigger) ); } function parseDateTrigger(trigger: DateTriggerInput): NativeNotificationTriggerInput { if (trigger instanceof Date || typeof trigger === 'number') { return { type: 'date', timestamp: toTimestamp(trigger) }; } return { type: 'date', timestamp: toTimestamp(, channelId: trigger.channelId }; } function toTimestamp(date: number | Date) { if (date instanceof Date) { return date.getTime(); } return date; } function isDailyTriggerInput( trigger: SchedulableNotificationTriggerInput ): trigger is DailyTriggerInput { if (typeof trigger !== 'object') return false; const { channelId, ...triggerWithoutChannelId } = trigger as DailyTriggerInput; return ( Object.keys(triggerWithoutChannelId).length === DAILY_TRIGGER_EXPECTED_DATE_COMPONENTS.length + 1 && DAILY_TRIGGER_EXPECTED_DATE_COMPONENTS.every( (component) => component in triggerWithoutChannelId ) && 'repeats' in triggerWithoutChannelId && triggerWithoutChannelId.repeats === true ); } function isWeeklyTriggerInput( trigger: SchedulableNotificationTriggerInput ): trigger is WeeklyTriggerInput { if (typeof trigger !== 'object') return false; const { channelId, ...triggerWithoutChannelId } = trigger as WeeklyTriggerInput; return ( Object.keys(triggerWithoutChannelId).length === WEEKLY_TRIGGER_EXPECTED_DATE_COMPONENTS.length + 1 && WEEKLY_TRIGGER_EXPECTED_DATE_COMPONENTS.every( (component) => component in triggerWithoutChannelId ) && 'repeats' in triggerWithoutChannelId && triggerWithoutChannelId.repeats === true ); } function isYearlyTriggerInput( trigger: SchedulableNotificationTriggerInput ): trigger is YearlyTriggerInput { if (typeof trigger !== 'object') return false; const { channelId, ...triggerWithoutChannelId } = trigger as YearlyTriggerInput; return ( Object.keys(triggerWithoutChannelId).length === YEARLY_TRIGGER_EXPECTED_DATE_COMPONENTS.length + 1 && YEARLY_TRIGGER_EXPECTED_DATE_COMPONENTS.every( (component) => component in triggerWithoutChannelId ) && 'repeats' in triggerWithoutChannelId && triggerWithoutChannelId.repeats === true ); } function isSecondsPropertyMisusedInCalendarTriggerInput( trigger: TimeIntervalTriggerInput | CalendarTriggerInput ) { const { channelId, ...triggerWithoutChannelId } = trigger; return ( // eg. { seconds: ..., repeats: ..., hour: ... } ('seconds' in triggerWithoutChannelId && 'repeats' in triggerWithoutChannelId && Object.keys(triggerWithoutChannelId).length > 2) || // eg. { seconds: ..., hour: ... } ('seconds' in triggerWithoutChannelId && !('repeats' in triggerWithoutChannelId) && Object.keys(triggerWithoutChannelId).length > 1) ); } function validateDateComponentsInTrigger( trigger: NonNullable, components: readonly ValidTriggerDateComponents[] ) { const anyTriggerType = trigger as any; components.forEach((component) => { if (!(component in anyTriggerType)) { throw new TypeError(`The ${component} parameter needs to be present`); } if (typeof anyTriggerType[component] !== 'number') { throw new TypeError(`The ${component} parameter should be a number`); } switch (component) { case 'month': { const { month } = anyTriggerType; if (month < 0 || month > 11) { throw new RangeError(`The month parameter needs to be between 0 and 11. Found: ${month}`); } break; } case 'day': { const { day, month } = anyTriggerType; const daysInGivenMonth = daysInMonth(month); if (day < 1 || day > daysInGivenMonth) { throw new RangeError( `The day parameter for month ${month} must be between 1 and ${daysInGivenMonth}. Found: ${day}` ); } break; } case 'weekday': { const { weekday } = anyTriggerType; if (weekday < 1 || weekday > 7) { throw new RangeError( `The weekday parameter needs to be between 1 and 7. Found: ${weekday}` ); } break; } case 'hour': { const { hour } = anyTriggerType; if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) { throw new RangeError(`The hour parameter needs to be between 0 and 23. Found: ${hour}`); } break; } case 'minute': { const { minute } = anyTriggerType; if (minute < 0 || minute > 59) { throw new RangeError( `The minute parameter needs to be between 0 and 59. Found: ${minute}` ); } break; } } }); } /** * Determines the number of days in the given month (or January if omitted). * If year is specified, it will include leap year logic, else it will always assume a leap year */ function daysInMonth(month: number = 0, year?: number) { return new Date(year ?? 2000, month + 1, 0).getDate(); }