import type { PermissionExpiration, PermissionResponse, PermissionStatus, Subscription, } from 'expo-modules-core'; import { CalendarTriggerInput as NativeCalendarTriggerInput } from './NotificationScheduler.types'; /** * An object represents a notification delivered by a push notification system. * * On Android under `remoteMessage` field a JS version of the Firebase `RemoteMessage` may be accessed. * On iOS under `payload` you may find full contents of [`UNNotificationContent`'s]( [`userInfo`](, for example [remote notification payload]( * On web there is no extra data. */ export type PushNotificationTrigger = { type: 'push'; /** * @platform ios */ payload?: Record; /** * @platform android */ remoteMessage?: FirebaseRemoteMessage; }; /** * A trigger related to a [`UNCalendarNotificationTrigger`]( * @platform ios */ export interface CalendarNotificationTrigger { type: 'calendar'; repeats: boolean; dateComponents: { era?: number; year?: number; month?: number; day?: number; hour?: number; minute?: number; second?: number; weekday?: number; weekdayOrdinal?: number; quarter?: number; weekOfMonth?: number; weekOfYear?: number; yearForWeekOfYear?: number; nanosecond?: number; isLeapMonth: boolean; timeZone?: string; calendar?: string; }; } /** * The region used to determine when the system sends the notification. * @platform ios */ interface Region { type: string; /** * The identifier for the region object. */ identifier: string; /** * A Boolean indicating that notifications are generated upon entry into the region. */ notifyOnEntry: boolean; /** * A Boolean indicating that notifications are generated upon exit from the region. */ notifyOnExit: boolean; } /** * A circular geographic region, specified as a center point and radius. Based on Core Location [`CLCircularRegion`]( class. * @platform ios */ export interface CircularRegion extends Region { type: 'circular'; /** * The radius (measured in meters) that defines the geographic area’s outer boundary. */ radius: number; /** * The center point of the geographic area. */ center: { latitude: number; longitude: number; }; } /** * A region used to detect the presence of iBeacon devices. Based on Core Location [`CLBeaconRegion`]( class. * @platform ios */ export interface BeaconRegion extends Region { type: 'beacon'; /** * A Boolean value that indicates whether Core Location sends beacon notifications when the device’s display is on. */ notifyEntryStateOnDisplay: boolean; /** * The major value from the beacon identity constraint that defines the beacon region. */ major: number | null; /** * The minor value from the beacon identity constraint that defines the beacon region. */ minor: number | null; /** * The UUID value from the beacon identity constraint that defines the beacon region. */ uuid?: string; /** * The beacon identity constraint that defines the beacon region. */ beaconIdentityConstraint?: { uuid: string; major: number | null; minor: number | null; }; } /** * A trigger related to a [`UNLocationNotificationTrigger`]( * @platform ios */ export interface LocationNotificationTrigger { type: 'location'; repeats: boolean; region: CircularRegion | BeaconRegion; } /** * A trigger related to an elapsed time interval. May be repeating (see `repeats` field). */ export interface TimeIntervalNotificationTrigger { type: 'timeInterval'; repeats: boolean; seconds: number; } /** * A trigger related to a daily notification. * > The same functionality will be achieved on iOS with a `CalendarNotificationTrigger`. * @platform android */ export interface DailyNotificationTrigger { type: 'daily'; hour: number; minute: number; } /** * A trigger related to a weekly notification. * > The same functionality will be achieved on iOS with a `CalendarNotificationTrigger`. * @platform android */ export interface WeeklyNotificationTrigger { type: 'weekly'; weekday: number; hour: number; minute: number; } /** * A trigger related to a yearly notification. * > The same functionality will be achieved on iOS with a `CalendarNotificationTrigger`. * @platform android */ export interface YearlyNotificationTrigger { type: 'yearly'; day: number; month: number; hour: number; minute: number; } // @docsMissing /** * A Firebase `RemoteMessage` that caused the notification to be delivered to the app. */ export interface FirebaseRemoteMessage { collapseKey: string | null; data: { [key: string]: string }; from: string | null; messageId: string | null; messageType: string | null; originalPriority: number; priority: number; sentTime: number; to: string | null; ttl: number; notification: null | FirebaseRemoteMessageNotification; } // @docsMissing export interface FirebaseRemoteMessageNotification { body: string | null; bodyLocalizationArgs: string[] | null; bodyLocalizationKey: string | null; channelId: string | null; clickAction: string | null; color: string | null; usesDefaultLightSettings: boolean; usesDefaultSound: boolean; usesDefaultVibrateSettings: boolean; eventTime: number | null; icon: string | null; imageUrl: string | null; lightSettings: number[] | null; link: string | null; localOnly: boolean; notificationCount: number | null; notificationPriority: number | null; sound: string | null; sticky: boolean; tag: string | null; ticker: string | null; title: string | null; titleLocalizationArgs: string[] | null; titleLocalizationKey: string | null; vibrateTimings: number[] | null; visibility: number | null; } /** * Represents a notification trigger that is unknown to `expo-notifications` and that it didn't know how to serialize for JS. */ export interface UnknownNotificationTrigger { type: 'unknown'; } /** * A union type containing different triggers which may cause the notification to be delivered to the application. */ export type NotificationTrigger = | PushNotificationTrigger | CalendarNotificationTrigger | LocationNotificationTrigger | TimeIntervalNotificationTrigger | DailyNotificationTrigger | WeeklyNotificationTrigger | YearlyNotificationTrigger | UnknownNotificationTrigger; /** * A trigger that will cause the notification to be delivered immediately. */ export type ChannelAwareTriggerInput = { channelId: string; }; /** * A trigger that will cause the notification to be delivered once or many times when the date components match the specified values. * Corresponds to native [`UNCalendarNotificationTrigger`]( * @platform ios */ export type CalendarTriggerInput = NativeCalendarTriggerInput['value'] & { channelId?: string; repeats?: boolean; }; /** * A trigger that will cause the notification to be delivered once or many times (depends on the `repeats` field) after `seconds` time elapse. * > **On iOS**, when `repeats` is `true`, the time interval must be 60 seconds or greater. Otherwise, the notification won't be triggered. */ export interface TimeIntervalTriggerInput { channelId?: string; repeats?: boolean; seconds: number; } /** * A trigger that will cause the notification to be delivered once per day. */ export interface DailyTriggerInput { channelId?: string; hour: number; minute: number; repeats: true; } /** * A trigger that will cause the notification to be delivered once every week. * > **Note:** Weekdays are specified with a number from `1` through `7`, with `1` indicating Sunday. */ export interface WeeklyTriggerInput { channelId?: string; weekday: number; hour: number; minute: number; repeats: true; } /** * A trigger that will cause the notification to be delivered once every year. * > **Note:** all properties are specified in JavaScript Date's ranges. */ export interface YearlyTriggerInput { channelId?: string; day: number; month: number; hour: number; minute: number; repeats: true; } /** * A trigger that will cause the notification to be delivered once at the specified `Date`. * If you pass in a `number` it will be interpreted as a Unix timestamp. */ export type DateTriggerInput = Date | number | { channelId?: string; date: Date | number }; /** * A type represents time-based, schedulable triggers. For these triggers you can check the next trigger date * with [`getNextTriggerDateAsync`](#notificationsgetnexttriggerdateasynctrigger). */ export type SchedulableNotificationTriggerInput = | DateTriggerInput | TimeIntervalTriggerInput | DailyTriggerInput | WeeklyTriggerInput | YearlyTriggerInput | CalendarTriggerInput; /** * A type represents possible triggers with which you can schedule notifications. * A `null` trigger means that the notification should be scheduled for delivery immediately. */ export type NotificationTriggerInput = | null | ChannelAwareTriggerInput | SchedulableNotificationTriggerInput; /** * An enum corresponding to values appropriate for Android's [`Notification#priority`]( field. */ export enum AndroidNotificationPriority { MIN = 'min', LOW = 'low', DEFAULT = 'default', HIGH = 'high', MAX = 'max', } /** * An object represents notification's content. */ export type NotificationContent = { /** * Notification title - the bold text displayed above the rest of the content. */ title: string | null; /** * On Android: `subText` - the display depends on the device. * * On iOS: `subtitle` - the bold text displayed between title and the rest of the content. */ subtitle: string | null; /** * Notification body - the main content of the notification. */ body: string | null; /** * Data associated with the notification, not displayed */ data: Record; sound: 'default' | 'defaultCritical' | 'custom' | null; } & (NotificationContentIos | NotificationContentAndroid); /** * See [Apple documentation]( for more information on specific fields. */ export type NotificationContentIos = { /** * The name of the image or storyboard to use when your app launches because of the notification. */ launchImageName: string | null; /** * The number that your app’s icon displays. */ badge: number | null; /** * The visual and audio attachments to display alongside the notification’s main content. */ attachments: NotificationContentAttachmentIos[]; /** * The text the system adds to the notification summary to provide additional context. */ summaryArgument?: string | null; /** * The number the system adds to the notification summary when the notification represents multiple items. */ summaryArgumentCount?: number; /** * The identifier of the notification’s category. */ categoryIdentifier: string | null; /** * The identifier that groups related notifications. */ threadIdentifier: string | null; /** * The value your app uses to determine which scene to display to handle the notification. */ targetContentIdentifier?: string; }; // @docsMissing /** * @platform ios */ export type NotificationContentAttachmentIos = { identifier: string | null; url: string | null; type: string | null; typeHint?: string; hideThumbnail?: boolean; thumbnailClipArea?: { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number }; thumbnailTime?: number; }; /** * See [Android developer documentation]( for more information on specific fields. */ export type NotificationContentAndroid = { /** * Application badge number associated with the notification. */ badge?: number; /** * Accent color (in `#AARRGGBB` or `#RRGGBB` format) to be applied by the standard Style templates when presenting this notification. */ color?: string; /** * Relative priority for this notification. Priority is an indication of how much of the user's valuable attention should be consumed by this notification. * Low-priority notifications may be hidden from the user in certain situations, while the user might be interrupted for a higher-priority notification. * The system will make a determination about how to interpret this priority when presenting the notification. */ priority?: AndroidNotificationPriority; /** * The pattern with which to vibrate. */ vibrationPattern?: number[]; }; /** * An object represents a request to present a notification. It has content — how it's being represented, and a trigger — what triggers the notification. * Many notifications ([`Notification`](#notification)) may be triggered with the same request (for example, a repeating notification). */ export interface NotificationRequest { identifier: string; content: NotificationContent; trigger: NotificationTrigger; } // TODO(simek): asses if we can base this type on `NotificationContent`, since most of the fields looks like repetition /** * An object represents notification content that you pass in to `presentNotificationAsync` or as a part of `NotificationRequestInput`. */ export type NotificationContentInput = { /** * Notification title - the bold text displayed above the rest of the content. */ title?: string | null; /** * On Android: `subText` - the display depends on the device. * * On iOS: `subtitle` - the bold text displayed between title and the rest of the content. */ subtitle?: string | null; /** * The main content of the notification. */ body?: string | null; /** * Data associated with the notification, not displayed. */ data?: Record; /** * Application badge number associated with the notification. */ badge?: number; sound?: boolean | string; /** * The name of the image or storyboard to use when your app launches because of the notification. */ launchImageName?: string; /** * The pattern with which to vibrate. * @platform android */ vibrate?: number[]; /** * Relative priority for this notification. Priority is an indication of how much of the user's valuable attention should be consumed by this notification. * Low-priority notifications may be hidden from the user in certain situations, while the user might be interrupted for a higher-priority notification. * The system will make a determination about how to interpret this priority when presenting the notification. * @platform android */ priority?: string; /** * Accent color (in `#AARRGGBB` or `#RRGGBB` format) to be applied by the standard Style templates when presenting this notification. * @platform android */ color?: string; /** * If set to `true`, the notification cannot be dismissed by swipe. This setting defaults * to `false` if not provided or is invalid. Corresponds directly do Android's `isOngoing` behavior. * See [Android developer documentation]( * for more details. * @platform android */ autoDismiss?: boolean; /** * The identifier of the notification’s category. * @platform ios */ categoryIdentifier?: string; /** * If set to `false`, the notification will not be automatically dismissed when clicked. * the setting used when the value is not provided or is invalid is `true` (the notification * will be dismissed automatically). Corresponds directly to Android's `setAutoCancel` * behavior. In Firebase terms this property of a notification is called `sticky`. * * See [Android developer documentation]( * and [Firebase documentation]( * for more details. * @platform android */ sticky?: boolean; /** * The visual and audio attachments to display alongside the notification’s main content. * @platform ios */ attachments?: NotificationContentAttachmentIos[]; }; /** * An object represents a notification request you can pass into `scheduleNotificationAsync`. */ export interface NotificationRequestInput { identifier?: string; content: NotificationContentInput; trigger: NotificationTriggerInput; } /** * An object represents a single notification that has been triggered by some request ([`NotificationRequest`](#notificationrequest)) at some point in time. */ export interface Notification { date: number; request: NotificationRequest; } /** * An object represents user's interaction with the notification. * > **Note:** If the user taps on a notification `actionIdentifier` will be equal to [`Notifications.DEFAULT_ACTION_IDENTIFIER`](#notificationsdefault_action_identifier). */ export interface NotificationResponse { notification: Notification; actionIdentifier: string; userText?: string; } /** * An object represents behavior that should be applied to the incoming notification. * > On Android, setting `shouldPlaySound: false` will result in the drop-down notification alert **not** showing, no matter what the priority is. * > This setting will also override any channel-specific sounds you may have configured. */ export interface NotificationBehavior { shouldShowAlert: boolean; shouldPlaySound: boolean; shouldSetBadge: boolean; priority?: AndroidNotificationPriority; } export interface NotificationAction { /** * A unique string that identifies this action. If a user takes this action (for example, selects this button in the system's Notification UI), * your app will receive this `actionIdentifier` via the [`NotificationResponseReceivedListener`](#addnotificationresponsereceivedlistenerlistener). */ identifier: string; /** * The title of the button triggering this action. */ buttonTitle: string; /** * Object which, if provided, will result in a button that prompts the user for a text response. */ textInput?: { /** * A string which will be used as the title for the button used for submitting the text response. * @platform ios */ submitButtonTitle: string; /** * A string that serves as a placeholder until the user begins typing. Defaults to no placeholder string. */ placeholder: string; }; /** * Object representing the additional configuration options. */ options?: { /** * Boolean indicating whether the button title will be highlighted a different color (usually red). * This usually signifies a destructive action such as deleting data. * @platform ios */ isDestructive?: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether triggering the action will require authentication from the user. * @platform ios */ isAuthenticationRequired?: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether triggering this action foregrounds the app. * If `false` and your app is killed (not just backgrounded), [`NotificationResponseReceived` listeners](#addnotificationresponsereceivedlistenerlistener) * will not be triggered when a user selects this action. * @default true */ opensAppToForeground?: boolean; }; } // @docsMissing export interface NotificationCategory { identifier: string; actions: NotificationAction[]; options?: NotificationCategoryOptions; } /** * @platform ios */ export type NotificationCategoryOptions = { /** * Customizable placeholder for the notification preview text. This is shown if the user has disabled notification previews for the app. * Defaults to the localized iOS system default placeholder (`Notification`). */ previewPlaceholder?: string; /** * Array of [Intent Class Identifiers]( When a notification is delivered, * the presence of an intent identifier lets the system know that the notification is potentially related to the handling of a request made through Siri. * @default [] */ intentIdentifiers?: string[]; /** * A format string for the summary description used when the system groups the category’s notifications. */ categorySummaryFormat?: string; /** * A boolean indicating whether to send actions for handling when the notification is dismissed (the user must explicitly dismiss * the notification interface - ignoring a notification or flicking away a notification banner does not trigger this action). * @default false */ customDismissAction?: boolean; /** * A boolean indicating whether to allow CarPlay to display notifications of this type. **Apps must be approved for CarPlay to make use of this feature.** * @default false */ allowInCarPlay?: boolean; /** * A boolean indicating whether to show the notification's title, even if the user has disabled notification previews for the app. * @default false */ showTitle?: boolean; /** * A boolean indicating whether to show the notification's subtitle, even if the user has disabled notification previews for the app. * @default false */ showSubtitle?: boolean; /** * A boolean indicating whether to allow notifications to be automatically read by Siri when the user is using AirPods. * @default false */ allowAnnouncement?: boolean; }; export type { Subscription, PermissionResponse, PermissionStatus, PermissionExpiration };