import { NotificationCategory, NotificationAction, NotificationCategoryOptions } from './Notifications.types'; /** * Sets the new notification category. * @param identifier A string to associate as the ID of this category. You will pass this string in as the `categoryIdentifier` * in your [`NotificationContent`](#notificationcontent) to associate a notification with this category. * > Don't use the characters `:` or `-` in your category identifier. If you do, categories might not work as expected. * @param actions An array of [`NotificationAction`s](#notificationaction), which describe the actions associated with this category. * @param options An optional object of additional configuration options for your category. * @return A Promise which resolves to the category you just have created, or null on web * @platform android * @platform ios * @platform web * @header categories */ export default function setNotificationCategoryAsync(identifier: string, actions: NotificationAction[], options?: NotificationCategoryOptions): Promise; //#