import { ProxyNativeModule } from 'expo-modules-core'; export declare enum AndroidNotificationVisibility { UNKNOWN = 0, PUBLIC = 1, PRIVATE = 2, SECRET = 3 } export declare enum AndroidAudioContentType { UNKNOWN = 0, SPEECH = 1, MUSIC = 2, MOVIE = 3, SONIFICATION = 4 } export declare enum AndroidImportance { UNKNOWN = 0, UNSPECIFIED = 1, NONE = 2, MIN = 3, LOW = 4, DEFAULT = 5, /** * @deprecated Use `DEFAULT` instead. */ DEEFAULT = 5, HIGH = 6, MAX = 7 } export declare enum AndroidAudioUsage { UNKNOWN = 0, MEDIA = 1, VOICE_COMMUNICATION = 2, VOICE_COMMUNICATION_SIGNALLING = 3, ALARM = 4, NOTIFICATION = 5, NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE = 6, NOTIFICATION_COMMUNICATION_REQUEST = 7, NOTIFICATION_COMMUNICATION_INSTANT = 8, NOTIFICATION_COMMUNICATION_DELAYED = 9, NOTIFICATION_EVENT = 10, ASSISTANCE_ACCESSIBILITY = 11, ASSISTANCE_NAVIGATION_GUIDANCE = 12, ASSISTANCE_SONIFICATION = 13, GAME = 14 } export interface AudioAttributes { usage: AndroidAudioUsage; contentType: AndroidAudioContentType; flags: { enforceAudibility: boolean; requestHardwareAudioVideoSynchronization: boolean; }; } export type AudioAttributesInput = Partial; /** * An object represents a notification channel. * @platform android */ export interface NotificationChannel { id: string; name: string | null; importance: AndroidImportance; bypassDnd: boolean; description: string | null; groupId?: string | null; lightColor: string; lockscreenVisibility: AndroidNotificationVisibility; showBadge: boolean; sound: 'default' | 'custom' | null; audioAttributes: AudioAttributes; vibrationPattern: number[] | null; enableLights: boolean; enableVibrate: boolean; } type RequiredBy = Partial> & Required>; /** * An object represents a notification channel to be set. * @platform android */ export type NotificationChannelInput = RequiredBy & { audioAttributes?: AudioAttributesInput; sound?: string | null; }, 'name' | 'importance'>; export interface NotificationChannelManager extends ProxyNativeModule { getNotificationChannelsAsync?: () => Promise; getNotificationChannelAsync?: (channelId: string) => Promise; setNotificationChannelAsync?: (channelId: string, channelConfiguration: NotificationChannelInput) => Promise; deleteNotificationChannelAsync?: (channelId: string) => Promise; } export {}; //#