import { PermissionResponse } from 'unimodules-permissions-interface'; import { LocationLastKnownOptions, LocationObject, LocationOptions } from './Location.types'; /** * Gets the permission details. The implementation is not very good as it actually requests * for the current location, but there is no better way on web so far :( */ declare function getPermissionsAsync(): Promise; declare const _default: { readonly name: string; getProviderStatusAsync(): Promise<{ locationServicesEnabled: boolean; }>; getLastKnownPositionAsync(options?: LocationLastKnownOptions): Promise; getCurrentPositionAsync(options: LocationOptions): Promise; removeWatchAsync(watchId: any): Promise; watchDeviceHeading(headingId: any): Promise; hasServicesEnabledAsync(): Promise; geocodeAsync(): Promise; reverseGeocodeAsync(): Promise; watchPositionImplAsync(watchId: string, options: LocationOptions): Promise; getPermissionsAsync: typeof getPermissionsAsync; requestPermissionsAsync(): Promise; startObserving(): void; stopObserving(): void; }; export default _default;