export type Localization = { /** * Native device language, returned in standard format. * * @example `en`, `en-US`, `es-US` */ locale: string; /** * List of all the native languages provided by the user settings. * These are returned in the order the user defines in their native settings. */ locales: string[]; /** * The current timezone in display format. * On Web timezone is calculated with Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone. For a better estimation you could use the moment-timezone package but it will add significant bloat to your website's bundle size. * * @example `America/Los_Angeles` */ timezone: string; /** * A list of all the supported language ISO codes. */ isoCurrencyCodes?: string[]; /** * **Available on iOS and web**: Region code for your device which came from Region setting in Language & Region. * * @example `US`, `NZ` */ region: string | null; /** * Returns if the system's language is written from Right-to-Left. * This can be used to build features like [bidirectional icons](https://material.io/design/usability/bidirectionality.html). * * Returns `false` in SSR environments. */ isRTL: boolean; };