import uuidv4 from 'uuid/v4'; import { DocumentResult, DocumentPickerOptions } from './types'; export default { get name(): string { return 'ExpoDocumentPicker'; }, async getDocumentAsync({ type = '*/*', multiple = false, }: DocumentPickerOptions): Promise { const input = document.createElement('input'); = 'none'; input.setAttribute('type', 'file'); input.setAttribute('accept', type); input.setAttribute('id', uuidv4()); if (multiple) { input.setAttribute('multiple', 'multiple'); } document.body.appendChild(input); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { input.addEventListener('change', () => { if (input.files) { const targetFile = input.files[0]; const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onerror = () => { reject(new Error(`Failed to read the selected media because the operation failed.`)); }; reader.onload = ({ target }) => { const uri = (target as any).result; resolve({ type: 'success', uri, name:, file: targetFile, lastModified: targetFile.lastModified, size: targetFile.size, output: input.files, }); }; // Read in the image file as a binary string. reader.readAsDataURL(targetFile); } else { resolve({ type: 'cancel' }); } document.body.removeChild(input); }); const event = new MouseEvent('click'); input.dispatchEvent(event); }); }, };