import * as React from 'react'; import { View } from 'react-native'; import { BlurViewProps } from './BlurView.types'; import getBackgroundColor from './getBackgroundColor'; export default class BlurView extends React.Component { private blurViewRef = React.createRef(); /** * Reanimated will detect and call this function with animated styles passed as props on every * animation frame. We want to extract intensity from the props, then create and apply new styles, * which create the blur based on the intensity and current tint. */ setNativeProps(nativeProps) { const { style, tint, intensity: standardIntensity } = this.props; const intensity = ?? standardIntensity; const blurStyle = getBlurStyle({ intensity, tint }); this.blurViewRef?.current?.setNativeProps({ ...nativeProps, style: [style, blurStyle,], }); } render() { const { tint = 'default', intensity = 50, style, ...props } = this.props; const blurStyle = getBlurStyle({ tint, intensity }); return ; } } function isBlurSupported(): boolean { // TODO: Replace with CSS or static extraction to ensure hydration errors cannot happen. // Enable by default in Node.js if (typeof window === 'undefined') { return true; } // // return ( typeof CSS !== 'undefined' && (CSS.supports('-webkit-backdrop-filter', 'blur(1px)') || CSS.supports('backdrop-filter', 'blur(1px)')) ); } function getBlurStyle({ intensity, tint }): Record { const style: Record = { backgroundColor: getBackgroundColor(Math.min(intensity, 100), tint), }; if (isBlurSupported()) { const blur = `saturate(180%) blur(${Math.min(intensity, 100) * 0.2}px)`; style.backdropFilter = blur; // Safari support style.WebkitBackdropFilter = blur; } return style; }