import { ViewProps } from 'react-native'; /** * Blur method to use on Android. * * - `'none'` - Falls back to a semi-transparent view instead of rendering a blur effect. * * - `'dimezisBlurView'` - Uses a native blur view implementation based on [BlurView]( library. This method may lead to decreased performance and rendering issues during transitions made by `react-native-screens`. * * @platform android */ export type ExperimentalBlurMethod = 'none' | 'dimezisBlurView'; export type BlurViewProps = { /** * A tint mode which will be applied to the view. * @default 'default' */ tint?: BlurTint; /** * A number from `1` to `100` to control the intensity of the blur effect. * * You can animate this property using `react-native-reanimated`. * * @default 50 */ intensity?: number; /** * A number by which the blur intensity will be divided on Android. * * When using experimental blur methods on Android, the perceived blur intensity might differ from iOS * at different intensity levels. This property can be used to fine tune it on Android to match it * more closely with iOS. * @default 4 * @platform android * */ blurReductionFactor?: number; /** * Blur method to use on Android. * * > **warning** Currently, `BlurView` support is experimental on Android and may cause performance and graphical issues. * It can be enabled by setting this property. * * @default 'none' * @platform android */ experimentalBlurMethod?: ExperimentalBlurMethod; } & ViewProps; export type BlurTint = | 'light' | 'dark' | 'default' | 'extraLight' | 'regular' | 'prominent' | 'systemUltraThinMaterial' | 'systemThinMaterial' | 'systemMaterial' | 'systemThickMaterial' | 'systemChromeMaterial' | 'systemUltraThinMaterialLight' | 'systemThinMaterialLight' | 'systemMaterialLight' | 'systemThickMaterialLight' | 'systemChromeMaterialLight' | 'systemUltraThinMaterialDark' | 'systemThinMaterialDark' | 'systemMaterialDark' | 'systemThickMaterialDark' | 'systemChromeMaterialDark';