import assert from 'assert' import BN from 'bn.js' import * as rlp from 'rlp' import { privateKeyVerify, publicKeyCreate, publicKeyVerify, publicKeyConvert, } from 'ethereum-cryptography/secp256k1' import { stripHexPrefix } from 'ethjs-util' import { KECCAK256_RLP, KECCAK256_NULL } from './constants' import { zeros, bufferToHex, toBuffer } from './bytes' import { keccak, keccak256, keccakFromString, rlphash } from './hash' import { assertIsString, assertIsHexString, assertIsBuffer } from './helpers' import { BNLike, BufferLike, bnToUnpaddedBuffer, toType, TypeOutput } from './types' export interface AccountData { nonce?: BNLike balance?: BNLike stateRoot?: BufferLike codeHash?: BufferLike } export class Account { nonce: BN balance: BN stateRoot: Buffer codeHash: Buffer static fromAccountData(accountData: AccountData) { const { nonce, balance, stateRoot, codeHash } = accountData return new Account( nonce ? new BN(toBuffer(nonce)) : undefined, balance ? new BN(toBuffer(balance)) : undefined, stateRoot ? toBuffer(stateRoot) : undefined, codeHash ? toBuffer(codeHash) : undefined ) } public static fromRlpSerializedAccount(serialized: Buffer) { const values = rlp.decode(serialized) if (!Array.isArray(values)) { throw new Error('Invalid serialized account input. Must be array') } return this.fromValuesArray(values) } public static fromValuesArray(values: Buffer[]) { const [nonce, balance, stateRoot, codeHash] = values return new Account(new BN(nonce), new BN(balance), stateRoot, codeHash) } /** * This constructor assigns and validates the values. * Use the static factory methods to assist in creating an Account from varying data types. */ constructor( nonce = new BN(0), balance = new BN(0), stateRoot = KECCAK256_RLP, codeHash = KECCAK256_NULL ) { this.nonce = nonce this.balance = balance this.stateRoot = stateRoot this.codeHash = codeHash this._validate() } private _validate() { if ( BN(0))) { throw new Error('nonce must be greater than zero') } if ( BN(0))) { throw new Error('balance must be greater than zero') } if (this.stateRoot.length !== 32) { throw new Error('stateRoot must have a length of 32') } if (this.codeHash.length !== 32) { throw new Error('codeHash must have a length of 32') } } /** * Returns a Buffer Array of the raw Buffers for the account, in order. */ raw(): Buffer[] { return [ bnToUnpaddedBuffer(this.nonce), bnToUnpaddedBuffer(this.balance), this.stateRoot, this.codeHash, ] } /** * Returns the RLP serialization of the account as a `Buffer`. */ serialize(): Buffer { return rlp.encode(this.raw()) } /** * Returns a `Boolean` determining if the account is a contract. */ isContract(): boolean { return !this.codeHash.equals(KECCAK256_NULL) } /** * Returns a `Boolean` determining if the account is empty complying to the definition of * account emptiness in [EIP-161]( * "An account is considered empty when it has no code and zero nonce and zero balance." */ isEmpty(): boolean { return this.balance.isZero() && this.nonce.isZero() && this.codeHash.equals(KECCAK256_NULL) } } /** * Checks if the address is a valid. Accepts checksummed addresses too. */ export const isValidAddress = function (hexAddress: string): boolean { try { assertIsString(hexAddress) } catch (e) { return false } return /^0x[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/.test(hexAddress) } /** * Returns a checksummed address. * * If a eip1191ChainId is provided, the chainId will be included in the checksum calculation. This * has the effect of checksummed addresses for one chain having invalid checksums for others. * For more details see [EIP-1191]( * * WARNING: Checksums with and without the chainId will differ. As of 2019-06-26, the most commonly * used variation in Ethereum was without the chainId. This may change in the future. */ export const toChecksumAddress = function (hexAddress: string, eip1191ChainId?: BNLike): string { assertIsHexString(hexAddress) const address = stripHexPrefix(hexAddress).toLowerCase() let prefix = '' if (eip1191ChainId) { const chainId = toType(eip1191ChainId, TypeOutput.BN) prefix = chainId.toString() + '0x' } const hash = keccakFromString(prefix + address).toString('hex') let ret = '0x' for (let i = 0; i < address.length; i++) { if (parseInt(hash[i], 16) >= 8) { ret += address[i].toUpperCase() } else { ret += address[i] } } return ret } /** * Checks if the address is a valid checksummed address. * * See toChecksumAddress' documentation for details about the eip1191ChainId parameter. */ export const isValidChecksumAddress = function ( hexAddress: string, eip1191ChainId?: BNLike ): boolean { return isValidAddress(hexAddress) && toChecksumAddress(hexAddress, eip1191ChainId) === hexAddress } /** * Generates an address of a newly created contract. * @param from The address which is creating this new address * @param nonce The nonce of the from account */ export const generateAddress = function (from: Buffer, nonce: Buffer): Buffer { assertIsBuffer(from) assertIsBuffer(nonce) const nonceBN = new BN(nonce) if (nonceBN.isZero()) { // in RLP we want to encode null in the case of zero nonce // read the RLP documentation for an answer if you dare return rlphash([from, null]).slice(-20) } // Only take the lower 160bits of the hash return rlphash([from, Buffer.from(nonceBN.toArray())]).slice(-20) } /** * Generates an address for a contract created using CREATE2. * @param from The address which is creating this new address * @param salt A salt * @param initCode The init code of the contract being created */ export const generateAddress2 = function (from: Buffer, salt: Buffer, initCode: Buffer): Buffer { assertIsBuffer(from) assertIsBuffer(salt) assertIsBuffer(initCode) assert(from.length === 20) assert(salt.length === 32) const address = keccak256( Buffer.concat([Buffer.from('ff', 'hex'), from, salt, keccak256(initCode)]) ) return address.slice(-20) } /** * Checks if the private key satisfies the rules of the curve secp256k1. */ export const isValidPrivate = function (privateKey: Buffer): boolean { return privateKeyVerify(privateKey) } /** * Checks if the public key satisfies the rules of the curve secp256k1 * and the requirements of Ethereum. * @param publicKey The two points of an uncompressed key, unless sanitize is enabled * @param sanitize Accept public keys in other formats */ export const isValidPublic = function (publicKey: Buffer, sanitize: boolean = false): boolean { assertIsBuffer(publicKey) if (publicKey.length === 64) { // Convert to SEC1 for secp256k1 return publicKeyVerify(Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([4]), publicKey])) } if (!sanitize) { return false } return publicKeyVerify(publicKey) } /** * Returns the ethereum address of a given public key. * Accepts "Ethereum public keys" and SEC1 encoded keys. * @param pubKey The two points of an uncompressed key, unless sanitize is enabled * @param sanitize Accept public keys in other formats */ export const pubToAddress = function (pubKey: Buffer, sanitize: boolean = false): Buffer { assertIsBuffer(pubKey) if (sanitize && pubKey.length !== 64) { pubKey = Buffer.from(publicKeyConvert(pubKey, false).slice(1)) } assert(pubKey.length === 64) // Only take the lower 160bits of the hash return keccak(pubKey).slice(-20) } export const publicToAddress = pubToAddress /** * Returns the ethereum public key of a given private key. * @param privateKey A private key must be 256 bits wide */ export const privateToPublic = function (privateKey: Buffer): Buffer { assertIsBuffer(privateKey) // skip the type flag and use the X, Y points return Buffer.from(publicKeyCreate(privateKey, false)).slice(1) } /** * Returns the ethereum address of a given private key. * @param privateKey A private key must be 256 bits wide */ export const privateToAddress = function (privateKey: Buffer): Buffer { return publicToAddress(privateToPublic(privateKey)) } /** * Converts a public key to the Ethereum format. */ export const importPublic = function (publicKey: Buffer): Buffer { assertIsBuffer(publicKey) if (publicKey.length !== 64) { publicKey = Buffer.from(publicKeyConvert(publicKey, false).slice(1)) } return publicKey } /** * Returns the zero address. */ export const zeroAddress = function (): string { const addressLength = 20 const addr = zeros(addressLength) return bufferToHex(addr) } /** * Checks if a given address is the zero address. */ export const isZeroAddress = function (hexAddress: string): boolean { try { assertIsString(hexAddress) } catch (e) { return false } const zeroAddr = zeroAddress() return zeroAddr === hexAddress }