/** Is `bignum` a negative number? */ export declare const isNegative: (bignum: Uint8Array) => boolean; /** Negate `bignum` */ export declare const negate: (bignum: Uint8Array) => void; /** * Convert an unsigned decimal number in `s` to a bignum * * @param size bignum size (bytes) */ export declare const decimalToBinary: (size: number, s: string) => Uint8Array; /** * Convert a signed decimal number in `s` to a bignum * * @param size bignum size (bytes) */ export declare const signedDecimalToBinary: (size: number, s: string) => Uint8Array; /** * Convert `bignum` to an unsigned decimal number * * @param minDigits 0-pad result to this many digits */ export declare const binaryToDecimal: (bignum: Uint8Array, minDigits?: number) => string; /** * Convert `bignum` to a signed decimal number * * @param minDigits 0-pad result to this many digits */ export declare const signedBinaryToDecimal: (bignum: Uint8Array, minDigits?: number) => string; /** * Convert an unsigned base-58 number in `s` to a bignum * * @param size bignum size (bytes) */ export declare const base58ToBinary: (size: number, s: string) => Uint8Array; /** * Convert `bignum` to a base-58 number * * @param minDigits 0-pad result to this many digits */ export declare const binaryToBase58: (bignum: Uint8Array, minDigits?: number) => string; /** Convert an unsigned base-64 number in `s` to a bignum */ export declare const base64ToBinary: (s: string) => Uint8Array; /** Key types this library supports */ export declare enum KeyType { k1 = 0, r1 = 1, wa = 2 } /** Public key data size, excluding type field */ export declare const publicKeyDataSize = 33; /** Private key data size, excluding type field */ export declare const privateKeyDataSize = 32; /** Signature data size, excluding type field */ export declare const signatureDataSize = 65; /** Public key, private key, or signature in binary form */ export interface Key { type: KeyType; data: Uint8Array; } /** Convert key in `s` to binary form */ export declare const stringToPublicKey: (s: string) => Key; /** Convert public `key` to legacy string (base-58) form */ export declare const publicKeyToLegacyString: (key: Key) => string; /** Convert `key` to string (base-58) form */ export declare const publicKeyToString: (key: Key) => string; /** If a key is in the legacy format (`EOS` prefix), then convert it to the new format (`PUB_K1_`). * Leaves other formats untouched */ export declare const convertLegacyPublicKey: (s: string) => string; /** If a key is in the legacy format (`EOS` prefix), then convert it to the new format (`PUB_K1_`). * Leaves other formats untouched */ export declare const convertLegacyPublicKeys: (keys: string[]) => string[]; /** Convert key in `s` to binary form */ export declare const stringToPrivateKey: (s: string) => Key; /** Convert private `key` to legacy string (base-58) form */ export declare const privateKeyToLegacyString: (key: Key) => string; /** Convert `key` to string (base-58) form */ export declare const privateKeyToString: (key: Key) => string; /** Convert key in `s` to binary form */ export declare const stringToSignature: (s: string) => Key; /** Convert `signature` to string (base-58) form */ export declare const signatureToString: (signature: Key) => string;