/// import { BNInput, ec as EC } from 'elliptic'; import { Key, KeyType } from './eosjs-numeric'; import { PublicKey, Signature } from './eosjs-key-conversions'; /** Represents/stores a private key and provides easy conversion for use with `elliptic` lib */ export declare class PrivateKey { private key; private ec; constructor(key: Key, ec: EC); /** Instantiate private key from an `elliptic`-format private key */ static fromElliptic(privKey: EC.KeyPair, keyType: KeyType, ec?: EC): PrivateKey; /** Instantiate private key from an EOSIO-format private key */ static fromString(keyString: string, ec?: EC): PrivateKey; /** Export private key as `elliptic`-format private key */ toElliptic(): EC.KeyPair; toLegacyString(): string; /** Export private key as EOSIO-format private key */ toString(): string; /** Get key type from key */ getType(): KeyType; /** Retrieve the public key from a private key */ getPublicKey(): PublicKey; /** Sign a message or hashed message digest with private key */ sign(data: BNInput, shouldHash?: boolean, encoding?: BufferEncoding): Signature; /** Validate a private key */ isValid(): boolean; }