import fs from "fs" import path from "path" import which from "which" let platform = process.platform function getEdgeLinux(binaryNames: Array | string): string | null { if (process.platform !== "linux") { return null } if (!Array.isArray(binaryNames)) { binaryNames = [binaryNames] } let paths = [] for (let name of binaryNames) { try { let path = which.sync(name) return path } catch (e) { // This means path doesn't exists paths.push(name) } } throw { package: "edge-paths", message: "Edge browser not found. Please recheck your installation. \ Here are list of executable we tried to search", paths, } } function getEdgeExe(edgeDirName: "Edge" | "Edge Dev" | "Edge Beta" | "Edge SxS"): string | null { if (process.platform !== "win32") { return null } let paths = [] let suffix = `\\Microsoft\\${edgeDirName}\\Application\\msedge.exe` let prefixes = [process.env.LOCALAPPDATA, process.env.PROGRAMFILES, process.env["PROGRAMFILES(X86)"]].filter( (v) => !!v, ) for (let prefix of prefixes) { let edgePath = path.join(prefix!, suffix) paths.push(edgePath) if (fs.existsSync(edgePath)) { return edgePath } } throw { package: "edge-paths", message: "Edge browser not found. Please recheck your installation.", paths, } } function getEdgeDarwin(defaultPath: string): string | null { if (process.platform !== "darwin") { return null } if (fs.existsSync(defaultPath)) { return defaultPath } throw { package: "edge-paths", message: `Edge browser not found. Please recheck your installation. Path ${defaultPath}`, path: defaultPath, } } export function getEdgePath() { let edge = { linux: getEdgeLinux(["edge"]), darwin: getEdgeDarwin("/Applications/Microsoft Edge"), win32: getEdgeExe("Edge"), } if (platform && platform in edge) { //@ts-ignore return edge[platform] } throwInvalidPlatformError() } export function getEdgeDevPath() { let edgeDev = { linux: getEdgeLinux("microsoft-edge-dev"), darwin: getEdgeDarwin("/Applications/Microsoft Edge Edge Dev"), win32: getEdgeExe("Edge Dev"), } if (platform && platform in edgeDev) { //@ts-ignore return edgeDev[platform] } throwInvalidPlatformError() } export function getEdgeBetaPath() { let edgeBeta = { // linux: getBin(["edge", "edge-stable"]), darwin: getEdgeDarwin("/Applications/Microsoft Edge Edge Beta"), win32: getEdgeExe("Edge Beta"), } if (platform && platform in edgeBeta) { //@ts-ignore return edgeBeta[platform] } throwInvalidPlatformError() } export function getEdgeCanaryPath() { let edgeCanary = { // linux: getBin(["edge-canary", "edge-unstable"]), darwin: getEdgeDarwin("/Applications/Microsoft Edge Edge Canary"), win32: getEdgeExe("Edge SxS"), } if (platform && platform in edgeCanary) { //@ts-ignore return edgeCanary[platform] } throwInvalidPlatformError() } // This will try to get any edge from bleeding edge to most stable version export function getAnyEdgeLatest(): string { try { return getEdgeCanaryPath() } catch (e) {} try { return getEdgeDevPath() } catch (e) {} try { return getEdgeBetaPath() } catch (e) {} try { return getEdgeDevPath() } catch (e) {} throw { package: "edge-paths", message: `Unable to find any path`, } } // This will try to get edge from stable version to bleeding version // Useful for playwright, puppeteer related stuff export function getAnyEdgeStable(): string { try { } catch (e) { return getEdgePath() } try { return getEdgeBetaPath() } catch (e) {} try { return getEdgeDevPath() } catch (e) {} try { return getEdgeCanaryPath() } catch (e) {} throw { package: "edge-paths", message: `Unable to find any path`, } } // Helpers function throwInvalidPlatformError() { throw { package: "edge-paths", message: "Your platform is not supported. Only mac and windows are supported currently", } } // With this you can directly do node dist/main.js // (dist/main.js) instead of src/main.ts because // typescript compiler ultimately returns javascript not typescript // However you can try ts node if you want to execute // typescript directly if (require.main === module) { function findEdge(func: () => undefined) { try { let path = func() console.log("Found path", path) } catch (e) { console.log("Error on finding path", e) } } findEdge(() => getEdgeBetaPath()) findEdge(() => getEdgeCanaryPath()) findEdge(() => getEdgeDevPath()) findEdge(() => getEdgePath()) }