/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ // @ts-nocheck /** * This is a parse of GEXF. * * The spec of GEXF: * https://gephi.org/gexf/1.2draft/gexf-12draft-primer.pdf */ import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util'; export function parse(xml) { let doc; if (typeof xml === 'string') { const parser = new DOMParser(); doc = parser.parseFromString(xml, 'text/xml'); } else { doc = xml; } if (!doc || doc.getElementsByTagName('parsererror').length) { return null; } const gexfRoot = getChildByTagName(doc, 'gexf'); if (!gexfRoot) { return null; } const graphRoot = getChildByTagName(gexfRoot, 'graph'); const attributes = parseAttributes(getChildByTagName(graphRoot, 'attributes')); const attributesMap = {}; for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { attributesMap[attributes[i].id] = attributes[i]; } return { nodes: parseNodes(getChildByTagName(graphRoot, 'nodes'), attributesMap), links: parseEdges(getChildByTagName(graphRoot, 'edges')) }; } function parseAttributes(parent) { return parent ? zrUtil.map(getChildrenByTagName(parent, 'attribute'), function (attribDom) { return { id: getAttr(attribDom, 'id'), title: getAttr(attribDom, 'title'), type: getAttr(attribDom, 'type') }; }) : []; } function parseNodes(parent, attributesMap) { return parent ? zrUtil.map(getChildrenByTagName(parent, 'node'), function (nodeDom) { const id = getAttr(nodeDom, 'id'); const label = getAttr(nodeDom, 'label'); const node = { id: id, name: label, itemStyle: { normal: {} } }; const vizSizeDom = getChildByTagName(nodeDom, 'viz:size'); const vizPosDom = getChildByTagName(nodeDom, 'viz:position'); const vizColorDom = getChildByTagName(nodeDom, 'viz:color'); // let vizShapeDom = getChildByTagName(nodeDom, 'viz:shape'); const attvaluesDom = getChildByTagName(nodeDom, 'attvalues'); if (vizSizeDom) { node.symbolSize = parseFloat(getAttr(vizSizeDom, 'value')); } if (vizPosDom) { node.x = parseFloat(getAttr(vizPosDom, 'x')); node.y = parseFloat(getAttr(vizPosDom, 'y')); // z } if (vizColorDom) { node.itemStyle.normal.color = 'rgb(' + [ getAttr(vizColorDom, 'r') | 0, getAttr(vizColorDom, 'g') | 0, getAttr(vizColorDom, 'b') | 0 ].join(',') + ')'; } // if (vizShapeDom) { // node.shape = getAttr(vizShapeDom, 'shape'); // } if (attvaluesDom) { const attvalueDomList = getChildrenByTagName(attvaluesDom, 'attvalue'); node.attributes = {}; for (let j = 0; j < attvalueDomList.length; j++) { const attvalueDom = attvalueDomList[j]; const attId = getAttr(attvalueDom, 'for'); let attValue = getAttr(attvalueDom, 'value'); const attribute = attributesMap[attId]; if (attribute) { switch (attribute.type) { case 'integer': case 'long': attValue = parseInt(attValue, 10); break; case 'float': case 'double': attValue = parseFloat(attValue); break; case 'boolean': attValue = attValue.toLowerCase() === 'true'; break; default: } node.attributes[attId] = attValue; } } } return node; }) : []; } function parseEdges(parent) { return parent ? zrUtil.map(getChildrenByTagName(parent, 'edge'), function (edgeDom) { const id = getAttr(edgeDom, 'id'); const label = getAttr(edgeDom, 'label'); const sourceId = getAttr(edgeDom, 'source'); const targetId = getAttr(edgeDom, 'target'); const edge = { id: id, name: label, source: sourceId, target: targetId, lineStyle: { normal: {} } }; const lineStyle = edge.lineStyle.normal; const vizThicknessDom = getChildByTagName(edgeDom, 'viz:thickness'); const vizColorDom = getChildByTagName(edgeDom, 'viz:color'); // let vizShapeDom = getChildByTagName(edgeDom, 'viz:shape'); if (vizThicknessDom) { lineStyle.width = parseFloat(vizThicknessDom.getAttribute('value')); } if (vizColorDom) { lineStyle.color = 'rgb(' + [ getAttr(vizColorDom, 'r') | 0, getAttr(vizColorDom, 'g') | 0, getAttr(vizColorDom, 'b') | 0 ].join(',') + ')'; } // if (vizShapeDom) { // edge.shape = vizShapeDom.getAttribute('shape'); // } return edge; }) : []; } function getAttr(el, attrName) { return el.getAttribute(attrName); } function getChildByTagName(parent, tagName) { let node = parent.firstChild; while (node) { if ( node.nodeType !== 1 || node.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== tagName.toLowerCase() ) { node = node.nextSibling; } else { return node; } } return null; } function getChildrenByTagName(parent, tagName) { let node = parent.firstChild; const children = []; while (node) { if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === tagName.toLowerCase()) { children.push(node); } node = node.nextSibling; } return children; }