import { type AttributeValue, type PutItemOutput, type UpdateItemOutput, type TableDescription, type PutItemCommandOutput, type UpdateItemCommandOutput, type DeleteItemCommandOutput, } from '@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb' import * as _ from 'lodash' import { type Attribute } from './attribute' import { DocumentClient } from './document-client' import type * as Events from './events' import { type AttributeMap, type SetPropParams, type UpdateOperator } from './interfaces' import { type Filters } from './query/filters' import { MagicSearch, type MagicSearchInput } from './query/search' import { createTable } from './tables/create-table' import { deleteTable } from './tables/delete-table' import { describeTable } from './tables/describe-table' import { migrateTable } from './tables/migrate-table' import { type TablePropertyValue, type TableProperties, type TableProperty } from './tables/properties' import { Schema } from './tables/schema' import { isTrulyEmpty } from './utils/truly-empty' import { type IRequestOptions } from './connections' type StaticThis = new() => T export class Table { // #region static // #region static properties public static get schema(): Schema { if (this.__schema == null) { this.__schema = new Schema(this as any) } return this.__schema } public static set schema(schema: Schema) { this.__schema = schema } public static get documentClient(): DocumentClient { if (this.__documentClient == null) { this.__documentClient = new DocumentClient(this) } return this.__documentClient } public static set documentClient(documentClient: DocumentClient
) { this.__documentClient = documentClient } private static __schema: Schema private static __documentClient: DocumentClient // #endregion static properties // #region static methods /** * Creates a new record for this table. * * This method is strongly typed and it is recommended you use over `new Table(…)` */ public static new(this: StaticThis, values?: TableProperties): T { const record = new this().applyDefaults() if (values != null) { record.setValues(_.omitBy(values, (v) => v === undefined) as any) } return record } /** * Creates a new instance of Table with values from a given `AttributeMap`. * * This assumes the record exists in DynamoDB and saving this record will * default to using an `UpdateItem` operation rather than a `PutItem` operation * upon being saved. */ public static fromDynamo(this: StaticThis, attributes: AttributeMap, entireDocument = true): T { return new this().fromDynamo(attributes, entireDocument) } /** * Creates an instance of Table from raw user input. Designs to be used for creating * records from requests, like: * * express.js: * ```'/api/create', (req, res) => { * const card = Card.fromJSON(req.body) * })``` * * Each attribute can optionally define additional validation logic or sanitization * of the user input, @see {@link}. */ public static fromJSON(this: StaticThis, json: Record): T { return new this().applyDefaults().fromJSON(json) } /** * Query DynamoDB for what you need. * * This is a powerful all-around querying method. It will detect the best index available for use, * but it ignores indexes that are not set to Projection of `ALL`. To please use the index-specific * querying when necessary. * * This will avoid performing a scan at all cost, but it will fall back to using a scan if necessary. * * By default, this returns you one "page" of results (allows DynamoDB) to process and return the * maximum of items DynamoDB allows. If you want it to internally page for you to return all possible * results (be cautious as that can easily cause timeouts for Lambda), specify `{ all: true }` as an * input argument for the second argument. */ public static search(this: StaticThis, filters?: Filters, input: MagicSearchInput = {}): MagicSearch { return new MagicSearch(this as any, filters, input) } /** * Creates the table in DynamoDB. * * You can also use {@link Table.migrateTable} to create and automatically * migrate and indexes that need changes. */ public static async createTable(waitForReady = true): Promise { return await createTable(this.schema, waitForReady) } /** * Migrates the table to match updated specifications. * * This will create new indexes and delete legacy indexes. */ public static async migrateTable(): Promise { return await migrateTable(this.schema) } /** * Deletes the table from DynamoDB. * * Be a bit careful with this in production. */ public static async deleteTable(): Promise { return await deleteTable(this.schema) } public static async describeTable(requestOptions?: IRequestOptions): Promise { return await describeTable(this.schema, requestOptions) } // #endregion static methods // #endregion static // #region properties protected get table(): typeof Table { return this.constructor as typeof Table } // raw storage for all attributes this record (instance) has private __attributes: AttributeMap = {} private __original: AttributeMap = {} private __updatedAttributes = new Set() private __removedAttributes = new Set() private __updateOperators: Record = {} private __putRequired = true // true when this is a new record and a putItem is required, false when updateItem can be used private __entireDocumentIsKnown = true // #endregion properties /** * Create a new Table record by attribute names, not property names. * * @see {@link} To create a strongly-typed record by property names. */ constructor(values?: Record) { if (values != null) { for (const key of Object.keys(values)) { this.setAttribute(key, values[key]) } } } // #region public methods /** * Apply any default values for attributes. */ public applyDefaults(): this { const attributes = this.table.schema.getAttributes() for (const [, attribute] of attributes) { const defaultValue = attribute.getDefaultValue() if (defaultValue != null) { this.setByAttribute(attribute, defaultValue) } } return this } /** * Load values from an a AttributeMap into this Table record. * * This assumes the values are loaded directly from DynamoDB, and after * setting the attributes it resets the attributes pending update and * deletion. */ public fromDynamo(values: AttributeMap, entireDocument = true): this { this.__attributes = values // this is an existing record in the database, so when we save it, we need to update this.__updatedAttributes = new Set() this.__removedAttributes = new Set() this.__putRequired = false this.__entireDocumentIsKnown = entireDocument return this } /** * Converts the current attribute values into a AttributeMap which * can be sent directly to DynamoDB within a PutItem, UpdateItem, or similar * request. * * @param {boolean} updateOnSaveAttributes If true, update all attributes that have logic to update with every save. */ public toDynamo(updateOnSaveAttributes = false): AttributeMap { if (updateOnSaveAttributes) { this.updateOnSaveAttributes() } // anytime toDynamo is called, it can generate new default values or manipulate values // this keeps the record in sync, so the instance can be used after the record is saved const attributeMap = this.table.schema.toDynamo(this) for (const attributeName of Object.keys(attributeMap)) { if (!_.isEqual(this.__attributes[attributeName], attributeMap[attributeName])) { this.__updatedAttributes.add(attributeName) } } this.__attributes = attributeMap return this.__attributes } /** * Get the DynamoDB.Key for this record. */ public getDynamoKey(): AttributeMap { const hash = this.getAttribute( const key: AttributeMap = { []: this.table.schema.primaryKey.hash.toDynamoAssert(hash), } if (this.table.schema.primaryKey.range != null) { const range = this.getAttribute( key[] = this.table.schema.primaryKey.range.toDynamoAssert(range) } return key } /** * Get the list of attributes pending update. * * The result includes attributes that have also been deleted. To get just * the list of attributes pending removal, use {@link Table.getRemovedAttributes}. * * If you want to easily know if this record has updates pending, use {@link Table.hasChanges}. */ public getUpdatedAttributes(): string[] { return [...this.__updatedAttributes] } /** * Get the list of attributes pending removal. * * To get all the attributes that have been updated, use {@link Table.getUpdatedAttributes}. * * If you want to easily know if this record has updates pending, use {@link Table.hasChanges}. */ public getRemovedAttributes(): string[] { return [...this.__removedAttributes] } /** * Use getRemovedAttributes. * * @deprecated */ public getDeletedAttributes(): string[] { return this.getRemovedAttributes() } /** * While similar to setAttributes, this method runs the attribute's defined fromJSON * methods to help standardize the attribute values as much as possible. * * @param {any} json A JSON object * @param {boolean} [ignoreArbitrary] Whether arbitrary attributes should be ignored. * When false, unknown attributes will result in an error being thrown. * When true, any non-recognized attribute will be ignored. Useful if you're * passing in raw request body objects or dealing with user input. * Defaults to false. */ public fromJSON(json: Record, ignoreArbitrary = false): this { const blacklist: string[] = this.table.getBlacklist() _.each(json, (value: any, propertyName: string) => { let attribute: Attribute | undefined try { attribute = this.table.schema.getAttributeByPropertyName(propertyName) } catch (ex) { if (ignoreArbitrary) { return } else { throw ex } } if (!_.includes(blacklist, { // allow the attribute to transform the value via a custom fromJSON method if (!isTrulyEmpty(value) && typeof attribute.type.fromJSON === 'function') { value = attribute.type.fromJSON(value) } const currentValue = this.getAttribute( // compare to current value, to avoid unnecessarily marking attributes as needing to be saved if (!_.isEqual(currentValue, value)) { if (isTrulyEmpty(value)) { this.removeAttribute( } else { this.setByAttribute(attribute, value) } } } }) return this } /** * Returns the AttributeValue value for an attribute. * * To get the transformed value, use {@link Table.getAttribute} */ public getAttributeDynamoValue(attributeName: string): AttributeValue { return this.__attributes[attributeName] } /** * Gets the JavaScript transformed value for an attribute. * * While you can read values directly on the Table record by its property name, * sometimes you need to get attribute. * * Unlike {@link Table.get}, this excepts the attribute name, not the property name. */ public getAttribute(attributeName: string): any { const attribute = this.table.schema.getAttributeByName(attributeName) return this.getByAttribute(attribute) } /** * Get the update operator for an attribute. */ public getUpdateOperator

>(propertyName: P | string): UpdateOperator { const attribute = this.table.schema.getAttributeByPropertyName(propertyName as string) return this.getAttributeUpdateOperator( } public getAttributeUpdateOperator(attributeName: string): UpdateOperator { return this.__updateOperators[attributeName] ?? 'set' } /** * Set the update operator for a property. */ public setUpdateOperator

>(propertyName: P | string, operator: UpdateOperator): this { const attribute = this.table.schema.getAttributeByPropertyName(propertyName as string) return this.setAttributeUpdateOperator(, operator) } /** * Set the update operator for an attribute. */ public setAttributeUpdateOperator(attributeName: string, operator: UpdateOperator): this { this.__updateOperators[attributeName] = operator return this } /** * Sets the AttributeValue for an attribute. * * To set the value from a JavaScript object, use {@link Table.setAttribute} */ public setAttributeDynamoValue(attributeName: string, attributeValue: AttributeValue): this { // store the original value this.saveOriginalValue(attributeName) // store the new value this.__attributes[attributeName] = attributeValue // track that this value was updated this.__updatedAttributes.add(attributeName) // ensure the attribute is not marked for removal this.__removedAttributes.delete(attributeName) return this } /** * Sets the value of an attribute by attribute name from a JavaScript object. * * - To set an attribute value by property name, use {@link Table.set}. */ public setAttribute(attributeName: string, value: any, params?: SetPropParams): this { const attribute = this.table.schema.getAttributeByName(attributeName) return this.setByAttribute(attribute, value, params) } /** * Sets several attribute values on this record by attribute names. * * - To set several values by property names, use {@link Table.setValues}. * - To set a single attribute value by attribute name, use {@link Table.setAttribute}. * - To set a single attribute value by property name, use {@link Table.set}. * * @param {object} values An object, where the keys are the attribute names, * and the values are the values you'd like to set. */ public setAttributes(values: Record): this { _.forEach(values, (value, attributeName) => { this.setAttribute(attributeName, value) }) return this } /** * Remove a single attribute by its attribute name. * * @see {@link Table.remove} Remove an attribute by its property name. * @see {@link Table.removeAttributes} Remove several attributes by their property names. */ public removeAttribute(...attributeNames: string[]): this { for (const attributeName of attributeNames) { // delete the attribute as long as it existed and wasn't already null if (!_.isNil(this.__attributes[attributeName]) || !this.__entireDocumentIsKnown) { this.saveOriginalValue(attributeName) this.__attributes[attributeName] = { NULL: true } this.__removedAttributes.add(attributeName) this.__updatedAttributes.delete(attributeName) } } return this } /** * Remove several attributes by their property names. * * @see {@link Table.remove} Remove an attribute by its property name. * @see {@link Table.removeAttribute} Remove a single attribute by its attribute name. * * @deprecated You can now pass multiple attributes to removeAttribute. */ public removeAttributes(attributes: string[]): this { for (const attribute of attributes) { this.removeAttribute(attribute) } return this } /** * Sets a value of an attribute by its property name. * * @see {@link Table.setValues} To set several attribute values by property names. * @see {@link Table.setAttribute} To set an attribute value by an attribute name. * @see {@link Table.setAttributes} To set several attribute values by attribute names. */ public set

>(propertyName: P | string, value: TablePropertyValue, params?: SetPropParams): this { const attribute = this.table.schema.getAttributeByPropertyName(propertyName as string) return this.setByAttribute(attribute, value, params) } /** * Gets a value of an attribute by its property name. * * @see {@link Table.getAttribute} To get a value by an attribute name. * @see {@link Table.toJSON} To get the entire record. */ public get

>(propertyName: P | string): this[P] { const attribute = this.table.schema.getAttributeByPropertyName(propertyName as string) return this.getByAttribute(attribute) } /** * Remove an attribute by its property name. * * @see {@link Table.removeAttribute} Remove a single attribute by its attribute name. */ public remove

>(...propertyNames: Array

): this { for (const propertyName of propertyNames) { const attribute = this.table.schema.getAttributeByPropertyName(propertyName as string) this.removeAttribute( } return this } /** * Update several attribute values on this record by property names. * * @see {@link Table.set} To set an attribute value by property name. * @see {@link Table.setAttribute} To set an attribute value by an attribute names. * @see {@link Table.setAttributes} To set several attribute values by attribute names. */ public setValues(values: TableProperties): this { for (const key in values) { this.set(key as TableProperty, (values as any)[key]) } return this } /** * Determines if this record has any attributes pending an update or deletion. */ public hasChanges(): boolean { return this.__updatedAttributes.size > 0 || this.__removedAttributes.size > 0 } /** * Return the original values for the record, if it was loaded from DynamoDB. */ public getOriginalValues(): AttributeMap { return this.__original } /** * Save this record to DynamoDB. * * Will check to see if there are changes to the record, if there are none the save request is ignored. * To skip this check, use {@link Table.forceSave} instead. * * Calls the {@link Table.beforeSave} before saving the record. * If {@link Table.beforeSave} returns false, the save request is ignored. * * Automatically determines if the the save should use a PutItem or UpdateItem request. */ public async save(event?: undefined | { returnOutput?: false } & Events.SaveEvent): Promise public async save(event: { returnOutput: true, operator?: undefined } & Events.SaveEvent): Promise public async save(event: { returnOutput: true, operator: 'put' } & Events.SaveEvent): Promise public async save(event: { returnOutput: true, operator: 'update' } & Events.SaveEvent): Promise public async save(event?: Events.SaveEvent): Promise { const operator = event?.operator ?? this.getSaveOperation() const beforeSaveEvent: Events.BeforeSaveEvent = { ...event, operator, } const allowSave = await this.beforeSave(beforeSaveEvent) if (beforeSaveEvent.force === true || (allowSave !== false && this.hasChanges())) { let output: PutItemCommandOutput | UpdateItemCommandOutput if (beforeSaveEvent.operator === 'put') { output = await this.table.documentClient.put(this, beforeSaveEvent) } else { output = await this.table.documentClient.update(this, beforeSaveEvent) } // grab the current changes to pass to the afterSave event const originalValues = this.getOriginalValues() const updatedAttributes = this.getUpdatedAttributes() const removedAttributes = this.getRemovedAttributes() // reset internal tracking of changes attributes this.__putRequired = false this.__original = {} this.__removedAttributes = new Set() this.__updatedAttributes = new Set() this.__updateOperators = {} // trigger afterSave before clearing values, so the hook can determine what has been changed await this.afterSave({ ...beforeSaveEvent, output, originalValues, updatedAttributes, removedAttributes, deletedAttributes: removedAttributes, }) if (beforeSaveEvent.returnOutput === true) { return output } } } /** * Returns whether this is a newly created record that hasn't been saved * It is not a guarantee that the hash key is not already in use */ public isNew(): boolean { return this.__putRequired } /** * Determine the best save operation method to use based upon the item's current state */ public getSaveOperation(): 'put' | 'update' { let type: 'put' | 'update' if (this.__putRequired || !this.hasChanges()) { this.__putRequired = false type = 'put' } else { type = 'update' } return type } /** * Deletes this record from DynamoDB. * * Before deleting, it will call {@link Table.beforeDelete}. If {@link Table.beforeDelete} * returns false then this record will not be deleted. * * After deleting, {@link Table.afterDelete} will be called. */ public async delete(event?: { returnOutput?: false } & Events.DeleteEvent): Promise public async delete(event: { returnOutput: true } & Events.DeleteEvent): Promise public async delete(event?: Events.DeleteEvent): Promise { const beforeDeleteEvent = { ...event } const allowDeletion = await this.beforeDelete(beforeDeleteEvent) if (allowDeletion) { const output = await this.table.documentClient.delete(this, event?.conditions) const afterDeleteEvent: Events.AfterDeleteEvent = { ...beforeDeleteEvent, output, } await this.afterDelete(afterDeleteEvent) if (beforeDeleteEvent.returnOutput === true) { return output } } } /** * Convert this record to a JSON-exportable object. * * Has no consideration for "views" or "permissions", so all attributes * will be exported. * * Export object uses the property names as the object keys. To convert * a JSON object back into a Table record, use {@link Table.fromJSON}. * * Each attribute type can define a custom toJSON and fromJSON method, * @see {@link}. */ public toJSON(): Record { const json: Record = {} for (const [attributeName, attribute] of this.table.schema.getAttributes()) { const propertyName = attribute.propertyName const value = this.getAttribute(attributeName) if (!isTrulyEmpty(value)) { if (_.isFunction(attribute.type.toJSON)) { json[propertyName] = attribute.type.toJSON(value, attribute) } else { json[propertyName] = value } } } return json } // #endregion public methods // #region protected methods protected async beforeSave(event: Events.BeforeSaveEvent): Promise { return true } /** * After a record is deleted, this handler is called. */ protected async afterSave(event: Events.AfterSaveEvent): Promise { return undefined } /** * Before a record is deleted, this handler is called and if the promise * resolves as false, the delete request will be ignored. */ protected async beforeDelete(event: Events.BeforeDeleteEvent): Promise { return true } /** * After a record is deleted, this handler is called. */ protected async afterDelete(event: Events.AfterDeleteEvent): Promise { return undefined } /** * Ensures Date attributes with nowOnUpdate are updated whenever the record is * being saved. */ protected updateOnSaveAttributes(): void { // ensure now on update is updated whenever the record is being saved for (const [attributeName, attribute] of this.table.schema.getAttributes()) { if ((attribute.metadata as any).nowOnUpdate === true) { this.setAttribute(attributeName, new Date()) } } } protected setByAttribute(attribute: Attribute, value: any, params: SetPropParams = {}): this { const attributeValue = attribute.toDynamo(value) // avoid recording the value if it is unchanged, so we do not send it as an updated value during a save if (params.force !== true && !_.isNil(this.__attributes[]) && _.isEqual(this.__attributes[], attributeValue)) { return this } if (attributeValue == null) { this.removeAttribute( } else { this.setAttributeDynamoValue(, attributeValue) this.setAttributeUpdateOperator(, params.operator ?? 'set') } return this } protected getByAttribute(attribute: Attribute): any { const attributeValue = this.getAttributeDynamoValue( const value = attribute.fromDynamo(_.cloneDeep(attributeValue)) return value } protected saveOriginalValue(attributeName: string): void { // save the original value before we remove the attribute's value if (!_.isNil(this.__attributes[attributeName]) && _.isNil(this.__original[attributeName])) { this.__original[attributeName] = this.getAttributeDynamoValue(attributeName) } } /** * Returns a list of attributes that should not be allowed when Table.fromJSON is used. */ protected static getBlacklist(): string[] { const blacklist: string[] = [, ] if (this.schema.primaryKey.range != null) { blacklist.push( } return blacklist } // #endregion protected methods } export interface ITable { schema: Schema documentClient: DocumentClient new(): T fromDynamo: (attributes: AttributeMap, entireDocument?: boolean) => T }