import { expect, should } from 'chai' import { TestableTable } from '../setup-tests.spec' import { MagicSearch } from './search' describe('Query/Search', () => { before(async () => { const sets = { testStringSet: new Set(['search', 'search1', 'search2']), testStringSetArray: ['search', 'search3', 'search4'], } await TestableTable.documentClient.batchPut([{ id: 500, title: ' 0', lowercaseString: 'table search 0', ...sets }),{ id: 501, title: ' 1', lowercaseString: 'table search 1', ...sets }),{ id: 502, title: ' 2', lowercaseString: 'table search 2', ...sets }),{ id: 503, title: ' 3', lowercaseString: 'table search 3', testStringSet: ['search10'] }),{ id: 504, title: ' 4', lowercaseString: 'reject the search 4' }),{ id: 504, title: ' 5', lowercaseString: 'magic' }),{ id: 504, title: ' 6', lowercaseString: 'search' }),{ id: 504, title: ' 7', lowercaseString: 'search' }), ]) }) it('should search using an available index', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable, { title: ' 0' }) const input = search.getInput() expect(input.IndexName).to.eq('titleIndex') const result = await search.exec() expect(result.count).to.eq(1) expect(result.records[0].title).to.eq(' 0') expect(result.records[0].lowercaseString).to.eq('table search 0') }) it('should not search when aborted', async () => { const abortController = new AbortController() const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable, { title: ' 0' }) const input = search.getInput() expect(input.IndexName).to.eq('titleIndex') abortController.abort() let exception try { await search.exec({ abortSignal: abortController.signal }) } catch (ex) { exception = ex } should().exist(exception) }) it('should ignore index if you are using a special condition', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable, { title: ['contains', ''], }) const input = search.getInput() expect(input.IndexName)'undefined') expect((input as any).KeyConditionExpression)'undefined') const result = await search.exec() expect(result.count).to.eq(8) }) it('should ignore indexes if none are available', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable, { lowercaseString: ['contains', 'table search'], }) const input = search.getInput() expect(input.IndexName)'undefined') expect((input as any).KeyConditionExpression)'undefined') const result = await search.exec() expect(result.count).to.eq(4) }) it('should support AND operators', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('lowercaseString').eq('search') .and() .filter('lowercaseString').eq('magic') const input = search.getInput() expect(input.IndexName)'undefined') expect(input.FilterExpression).to.eq('#a0 = :v0 AND #a0 = :v1') const result = await search.exec() expect(result.count).to.eq(0) expect(result.length).to.eq(0) expect(result[0]).to.eq(undefined) expect( => i)[0]).to.eq(undefined) }) it('should support OR operators', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('lowercaseString').eq('search') .or() .filter('lowercaseString').eq('magic') const input = search.getInput() expect(input.IndexName)'undefined') expect(input.FilterExpression).to.eq('#a0 = :v0 OR #a0 = :v1') const result = await search.exec() expect(result.count).to.eq(3) }) it('should support includes operator', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('lowercaseString').includes('search', 'magic') const input = search.getInput() expect(input.IndexName)'undefined') expect(input.FilterExpression).to.eq('#a0 IN (:v00, :v01)') const result = await search.exec() expect(result.count).to.eq(3) }) it('should support AND and OR operators together', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('title').contains('') .and() .parenthesis((ps) => { ps.filter('lowercaseString').eq('search') .or() .filter('lowercaseString').eq('magic') }) const input = search.getInput() expect(input.IndexName)'undefined') expect(input.FilterExpression).to.eq('contains(#a0, :v0) AND (#a1 = :v1 OR #a1 = :v2)') const result = await search.exec() expect(result.count).to.eq(3) }) it('should support contains filtering on sets', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('testStringSet').contains('search') .and() .filter('testStringSetArray').contains('search') const input = search.getInput() expect(input.IndexName)'undefined') expect(input.FilterExpression).to.eq('contains(#a0, :v0) AND contains(#a1, :v0)') const result = await search.exec() expect(result.count).to.eq(3) }) it('should support someOf filtering on sets', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('testStringSet').someOf(['search1', 'search10']) const input = search.getInput() expect(input.IndexName)'undefined') expect(input.FilterExpression).to.eq('(contains(#a0, :v0) OR contains(#a0, :v1))') const result = await search.exec() expect(result.count).to.eq(4) // 3 records contain search1, 1 record will contain search10 }) it('should support allOf filtering on sets', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('testStringSetArray').allOf(['search3', 'search4']) const input = search.getInput() expect(input.IndexName)'undefined') expect(input.FilterExpression).to.eq('contains(#a0, :v0) AND contains(#a0, :v1)') const result = await search.exec() expect(result.count).to.eq(3) }) it('should support filtering on children of maps', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('testMap', 'property1').eq('test') const input = search.getInput() expect(input.FilterExpression).to.eq('#a00.#a01 = :v0') expect(input.ExpressionAttributeNames).to.deep.eq({ '#a00': 'someMap', '#a01': 'someProperty1', }) }) it('ConsistentRead defaults to false', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) const input = search.getInput() expect(input.ConsistentRead).to.eq(false) }) it('.consistent sets ConsistentRead on input', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) search.consistent(true) const input = search.getInput() expect(input.ConsistentRead).to.eq(true) }) it('.using sets IndexName on input', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) // try using the GSI instance search.using(TestableTable.titleIndex) let input = search.getInput() expect(input.IndexName).to.eq('titleIndex') // try using the index name search.using('titleIndex') input = search.getInput() expect(input.IndexName).to.eq('titleIndex') // try using the primary key search.using(TestableTable.primaryKey) input = search.getInput() expect(input.IndexName).to.eq(undefined) }) describe('.sort', () => { it('.sort sets ScanIndexForward on input', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) search.sort('descending') const input = search.getInput() expect((input as any).ScanIndexForward).to.eq(false) }) it('.ascending sets ScanIndexForward on input', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) search.ascending() const input = search.getInput() expect((input as any).ScanIndexForward).to.eq(undefined) }) it('.descending sets ScanIndexForward on input', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) search.descending() const input = search.getInput() expect((input as any).ScanIndexForward).to.eq(false) }) }) it('.limit sets Limit on input', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) search.limit(5) const input = search.getInput() expect(input.Limit).to.eq(5) }) it('.startAt sets ExclusiveStartKey on input', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) search.startAt({ id: { S: 'test' } }) const input = search.getInput() expect(input.ExclusiveStartKey).to.deep.eq({ id: { S: 'test' } }) }) it('.attributes sets ProjectionExpression on input', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) search.attributes('id', 'name') const input = search.getInput() expect(input.ProjectionExpression).to.eq('id,#p0') expect(input.ExpressionAttributeNames).to.deep.eq({ '#p0': 'name', }) }) it('.properties sets ProjectionExpression on input', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable)'id', 'title', 'testAttributeNaming') const input = search.getInput() expect(input.ProjectionExpression).to.eq('id,title,testAttributeNameNotMatchingPropertyName') }) it('merges ExpressionAttributeNames correctly', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) search.filter('createdAt').between(new Date(), new Date()) search.attributes('name')'id', 'createdAt', 'title', 'testAttributeNaming') const input = search.getInput() expect(input.ExpressionAttributeNames).to.deep.eq({ '#a0': 'createdAt', '#p0': 'name', }) expect(input.ProjectionExpression).to.eq('#p0,id,#a0,title,testAttributeNameNotMatchingPropertyName') }) describe('#exec', () => { it('should execute the search query', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('title').contains('') const output = await search.exec() expect(output.length).to.eq(8) }) it('honor a limited search', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('title').contains('') .limit(2) const output = await search.exec() expect(output.length).to.eq(2) }) it('allowing paging the entire table when no filters are specified', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) const output = await search.exec() expect(output.length) }) }) describe('#all', () => { it('should execute the search query', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('title').contains('') .limit(2) // we set a limit and then called .all(), so it should page automatically until all results are found // this is stupid and slow, it would be faster to remove the limit, but we are testing the paging logic of .all const output = await search.all() expect(output.length).to.eq(8) }) it('should not return results when aborted', async () => { const abortController = new AbortController() const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('title').contains('') .limit(2) abortController.abort() let exception try { await search.all({ abortSignal: abortController.signal }) } catch (ex) { exception = ex } should().exist(exception) }) }) describe('#minimum', () => { it('should execute the search query', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('title').contains('') .limit(2) // we set a limit and then called .all(), so it should page automatically until all results are found const output = await search.minimum(5) expect(output.length) }) it('should not return results when aborted', async () => { const abortController = new AbortController() const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('title').contains('') .limit(2) abortController.abort() let exception try { await search.minimum(5, { abortSignal: abortController.signal }) } catch (ex) { exception = ex } should().exist(exception) }) }) describe('#iteratePages', () => { it('should execute the search query', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('title').contains('') .limit(2) let countPages = 0 let countItems = 0 for await (const page of search.iteratePages()) { countPages++ countItems += page.length } expect(countPages) expect(countItems) }) it('should not return results when aborted', async () => { const abortController = new AbortController() const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('title').contains('') .limit(2) abortController.abort() let exception try { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars for await (const item of search.iteratePages({ abortSignal: abortController.signal })) { // } await search.all({ abortSignal: abortController.signal }) } catch (ex) { exception = ex } should().exist(exception) }) }) describe('#iterateDocuments', () => { it('should execute the search query', async () => { const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('title').contains('') .limit(2) let count = 0 let lastItem: TestableTable | undefined for await (const item of search.iterateDocuments()) { count++ lastItem = item } expect(count).to.eq(8) should().exist(lastItem) }) it('should not return results when aborted', async () => { const abortController = new AbortController() const search = new MagicSearch(TestableTable) .filter('title').contains('') .limit(2) abortController.abort() let exception try { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars for await (const item of search.iterateDocuments({ abortSignal: abortController.signal })) { // } await search.all({ abortSignal: abortController.signal }) } catch (ex) { exception = ex } should().exist(exception) }) }) })