import { type BatchWriteItemOutput, type DeleteItemInput, type DeleteItemOutput, type DeleteRequest, type GetItemInput, type GetItemOutput, type QueryCommandInput, type QueryCommandOutput, type ReturnConsumedCapacity, type ScanCommandInput, type ScanCommandOutput, type WriteRequest } from '@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb' import { get, has, isArray, isDate, isObject } from 'lodash' import { BatchGet } from '../batch-get' import { HelpfulError, QueryError } from '../errors' import { type AttributeMap } from '../interfaces' import { type Key } from '../interfaces/key.interface' import type * as Metadata from '../metadata' import { type ITable, type Table } from '../table' import { type TableProperties } from '../tables/properties' import { isDyngooseTableInstance } from '../utils/is' import { batchWrite, type WriteRequestMap } from './batch-write' import { buildQueryExpression } from './expression' import { type Filters as QueryFilters, type UpdateConditions } from './filters' import { QueryOutput } from './output' import { buildProjectionExpression } from './projection-expression' import { MagicSearch, type MagicSearchInput } from './search' import { type IRequestOptions, toHttpHandlerOptions } from '../connections' type PrimaryKeyType = string | number | Date // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-invalid-void-type type RangePrimaryKeyType = PrimaryKeyType | void type PrimaryKeyBatchInput = [HashKeyType, RangeKeyType] interface PrimaryKeyGetInput extends IRequestOptions { projectionExpression?: string /** * Use a strongly consistent read. * Ensures you receive the most up-to-date data. * @see */ consistent?: boolean returnConsumedCapacity?: ReturnConsumedCapacity } interface PrimaryKeyGetGetItemInput extends PrimaryKeyGetInput { key: Key } interface PrimaryKeyQueryInput extends IRequestOptions { rangeOrder?: 'ASC' | 'DESC' limit?: number exclusiveStartKey?: Key /** * Use a strongly consistent read. * Ensures you receive the most up-to-date data. * @see */ consistent?: boolean select?: 'COUNT' } interface PrimaryKeyUpdateItem { hash: HashKeyType range: RangeKeyType changes: TableProperties conditions?: UpdateConditions } interface PrimaryKeyScanInput extends IRequestOptions { limit?: number totalSegments?: number segment?: number exclusiveStartKey?: Key attributes?: string[] projectionExpression?: string expressionAttributeNames?: Record } /** * Determines if a given value is an accepted value for a hash or range key */ function isKeyValue(range: any): boolean { const type = typeof range return type === 'string' || type === 'boolean' || type === 'number' || type === 'bigint' || isDate(range) } export class PrimaryKey { constructor( readonly table: ITable, readonly metadata: Metadata.Index.PrimaryKey, ) {} public getDeleteItemInput(hash: HashKeyType, range: RangeKeyType): DeleteItemInput { const input: DeleteItemInput = { TableName:, // ReturnValues: "ALL_OLD", Key: { []: this.metadata.hash.toDynamoAssert(hash), }, } if (this.metadata.range != null && input.Key != null) { input.Key[] = this.metadata.range.toDynamoAssert(range) } return input } /** * Deletes an item from DynamoDB without having to load it from DynamoDB. * It is recommended you specify additional conditions to ensure you are deleting the record you assume. * * If you have already loaded the the record, you can use `Table.delete()`. * * Performs a `DeleteItem` operation. * @see */ public async delete(hash: HashKeyType, range: RangeKeyType): Promise { const input = this.getDeleteItemInput(hash, range) try { return await this.table.schema.dynamo.deleteItem(input) } catch (ex) { throw new HelpfulError(ex, this.table, input) } } public getGetInput(input: PrimaryKeyGetGetItemInput): GetItemInput { const getItemInput: GetItemInput = { TableName:, Key: input.key, ProjectionExpression: input.projectionExpression, ConsistentRead: input.consistent, ReturnConsumedCapacity: input.returnConsumedCapacity, } return getItemInput } /** * Get an item by its primary key (hash and range). * * `.get({ hashPropName: 'value', rangePropName: 'value' })` * `.get(hash, range)` * * This can be used to load the complete document, helpful if you current have a * projected version with only some attributes: * * `.get(instanceOfTable)` */ public async get(filters: QueryFilters, input?: PrimaryKeyGetInput): Promise public async get(hash: HashKeyType, range: RangeKeyType, input?: PrimaryKeyGetInput): Promise public async get(record: T, input?: PrimaryKeyGetInput): Promise public async get(hash: HashKeyType | T | QueryFilters, range?: RangeKeyType | PrimaryKeyGetInput, input?: PrimaryKeyGetInput): Promise { let record: T if (isDyngooseTableInstance(hash)) { record = hash } else if (isObject(hash) && !isKeyValue(hash)) { record = this.fromKey(hash) } else if (hash != null && (range == null || isKeyValue(range))) { record = this.fromKey(hash as HashKeyType, range as RangeKeyType) } else { throw new QueryError('PrimaryKey.get called with unknown arguments') } const getGetInput: Partial = input == null ? ((range == null || isKeyValue(range)) ? {} : range as PrimaryKeyGetInput) : input getGetInput.key = record.getDynamoKey() const getItemInput = this.getGetInput(getGetInput as PrimaryKeyGetGetItemInput) const entireDocument = getItemInput.ProjectionExpression == null let dynamoRecord: GetItemOutput try { dynamoRecord = await this.table.schema.dynamo.getItem(getItemInput, toHttpHandlerOptions(getGetInput)) } catch (ex) { throw new HelpfulError(ex, this.table, getItemInput) } if (dynamoRecord.Item != null) { return this.table.fromDynamo(dynamoRecord.Item, entireDocument) } } /** * Get a batch of items from this table * * This has been replaced with `Dyngoose.BatchGet` and should no longer be used. * `Dyngoose.BatchGet` has more functionality, supports projects and optionally atomic operations. * * @deprecated */ public async batchGet(inputs: Array>): Promise { const batch = new BatchGet() for (const input of inputs) { batch.get(this.fromKey(input[0], input[1])) } return await batch.retrieve() } /** * Deletes several items at once. * * WARNING: This is not atomic. * It is possible for some deletes to succeed with others fail. * Use Dyngoose.Transaction to perform an atomic deletion. * * Internally, Dyngoose will chunk the request to bypass the DynamoDB limit of 100 items per batch write. * * @see */ public async batchDelete(inputs: Array>): Promise { return await batchWrite( this.table.schema.dynamo, => { const deleteRequest: DeleteRequest = { Key: { []: this.metadata.hash.toDynamoAssert(input[0]), }, } if (this.metadata.range != null && deleteRequest.Key != null) { deleteRequest.Key[] = this.metadata.range.toDynamoAssert(input[1]) } const writeRequest: WriteRequest = { DeleteRequest: deleteRequest, } const requestMap: WriteRequestMap = { []: [writeRequest], } return requestMap }), ) } public getQueryInput(input: PrimaryKeyQueryInput = {}): QueryCommandInput { if (input.rangeOrder == null) { input.rangeOrder = 'ASC' } const ScanIndexForward = input.rangeOrder === 'ASC' const queryInput: QueryCommandInput = { TableName:, Limit: input.limit, ScanIndexForward, ExclusiveStartKey: input.exclusiveStartKey, ReturnConsumedCapacity: 'TOTAL', ConsistentRead: input.consistent, Select:, } return queryInput } public async query(filters: QueryFilters, input?: PrimaryKeyQueryInput): Promise> { if (!has(filters, this.metadata.hash.propertyName)) { throw new QueryError('Cannot perform a query on the PrimaryKey index without specifying a hash key value') } else if (isArray(get(filters, this.metadata.hash.propertyName)) && get(filters, this.metadata.hash.propertyName)[0] !== '=') { throw new QueryError('DynamoDB only supports using equal operator for the HASH key') } const queryInput = this.getQueryInput(input) const hasProjection = queryInput.ProjectionExpression == null const expression = buildQueryExpression(this.table.schema, filters, this.metadata) queryInput.FilterExpression = expression.FilterExpression queryInput.KeyConditionExpression = expression.KeyConditionExpression queryInput.ExpressionAttributeNames = expression.ExpressionAttributeNames queryInput.ExpressionAttributeValues = expression.ExpressionAttributeValues let output: QueryCommandOutput try { output = await this.table.schema.dynamo.query(queryInput, toHttpHandlerOptions(input)) } catch (ex) { throw new HelpfulError(ex, this.table, queryInput) } return QueryOutput.fromDynamoOutput(this.table, output, hasProjection) } public getScanInput(input: PrimaryKeyScanInput = {}, filters?: QueryFilters): ScanCommandInput { const scanInput: ScanCommandInput = { TableName:, Limit: input.limit, ExclusiveStartKey: input.exclusiveStartKey, ReturnConsumedCapacity: 'TOTAL', TotalSegments: input.totalSegments, Segment: input.segment, } if (input.attributes != null && input.projectionExpression == null) { const expression = buildProjectionExpression(this.table, input.attributes) scanInput.ProjectionExpression = expression.ProjectionExpression scanInput.ExpressionAttributeNames = expression.ExpressionAttributeNames } else if (input.projectionExpression != null) { scanInput.ProjectionExpression = input.projectionExpression scanInput.ExpressionAttributeNames = input.expressionAttributeNames } if (filters != null && Object.keys(filters).length > 0) { // don't pass the index metadata, avoids KeyConditionExpression const expression = buildQueryExpression(this.table.schema, filters) scanInput.FilterExpression = expression.FilterExpression scanInput.ExpressionAttributeValues = expression.ExpressionAttributeValues if (scanInput.ExpressionAttributeNames == null) { scanInput.ExpressionAttributeNames = expression.ExpressionAttributeNames } else { Object.assign(scanInput.ExpressionAttributeNames, expression.ExpressionAttributeNames) } } return scanInput } public async scan(filters?: QueryFilters | undefined | null, input?: PrimaryKeyScanInput): Promise> { const scanInput = this.getScanInput(input, filters == null ? undefined : filters) let output: ScanCommandOutput try { output = await this.table.schema.dynamo.scan(scanInput, toHttpHandlerOptions(input)) } catch (ex) { throw new HelpfulError(ex, this.table, scanInput) } const hasProjection = scanInput.ProjectionExpression == null return QueryOutput.fromDynamoOutput(this.table, output, hasProjection) } /** * Query DynamoDB for what you need. * * Starts a MagicSearch using this GlobalSecondaryIndex. */ public search(filters?: QueryFilters, input: MagicSearchInput = {}): MagicSearch { return new MagicSearch(this.table as any, filters, input).using(this) } /** * Creates an instance of Table based on the key. * * Internally the record will be marked as existing, so when performing a .save() operation * it will use an UpdateItem operation which will only transmit the updated fields. * * This can lead to race conditions if not used properly. Try to use with save conditions. */ public fromKey(filters: QueryFilters): T public fromKey(hash: HashKeyType, range: RangeKeyType): T public fromKey(hash: QueryFilters | HashKeyType, range?: RangeKeyType): T { // if the hash was passed a query filters, then extract the hash and range if (isObject(hash) && !isDate(hash)) { const filters = hash if (!has(filters, this.metadata.hash.propertyName)) { throw new QueryError('Cannot perform .get() on a PrimaryKey without specifying a hash key value') } else if (this.metadata.range != null && !has(filters, this.metadata.range.propertyName)) { throw new QueryError('Cannot perform .get() on a PrimaryKey with a range key without specifying a range value') } else if (Object.keys(filters).length > 2) { throw new QueryError('Cannot perform a .get() on a PrimaryKey with additional filters, use .query() instead') } hash = get(filters, this.metadata.hash.propertyName) if (isArray(hash)) { if (hash[0] === '=') { hash = hash[1] } else { throw new QueryError('DynamoDB only supports using equal operator for the HASH key') } } if (this.metadata.range != null) { range = get(filters, this.metadata.range.propertyName) if (isArray(hash)) { if (hash[0] === '=') { hash = hash[1] } else { throw new QueryError('DynamoDB only supports using equal operator for the RANGE key on GetItem operations') } } } } if (this.metadata.range != null && range == null) { throw new QueryError('Cannot use primaryKey.get without a range key value') } const keyMap: AttributeMap = { []: this.metadata.hash.toDynamoAssert(hash), } if (this.metadata.range != null) { keyMap[] = this.metadata.range.toDynamoAssert(range) } return this.table.fromDynamo(keyMap, false) } /** * This will create a temporary Table instance, then calls record.fromJSON() passing your requested changes. * record.fromJSON() handles setting and deleting attributes. * * It then has the Table.Schema build the DynamoDB.UpdateItemInput with all the requested changes. */ public async update(input: PrimaryKeyUpdateItem): Promise { await this.fromKey(input.hash, input.range).fromJSON(input.changes).save(input.conditions) } }