import { expect, should } from 'chai' import * as Decorator from '../decorator' import { QueryError } from '../errors' import { Table } from '../table' import * as Query from './index' @Decorator.Table({ name: 'QueryGlobalSecondaryIndexCardTable', backup: false }) class Card extends Table { @Decorator.PrimaryKey('id', 'title') public static readonly primaryKey: Query.PrimaryKey @Decorator.GlobalSecondaryIndex({ primaryKey: 'title' }) public static readonly hashTitleIndex: Query.GlobalSecondaryIndex @Decorator.GlobalSecondaryIndex({ hashKey: 'title', rangeKey: 'id' }) public static readonly fullTitleIndex: Query.GlobalSecondaryIndex @Decorator.GlobalSecondaryIndex({ hashKey: 'id', rangeKey: 'title' }) public static readonly filterableTitleIndex: Query.GlobalSecondaryIndex @Decorator.GlobalSecondaryIndex({ hashKey: 'id', projection: 'INCLUDE', nonKeyAttributes: ['title'], }) public static readonly includeTestIndex: Query.GlobalSecondaryIndex @Decorator.Attribute.Number() public id: number @Decorator.Attribute.String() public title: string @Decorator.Attribute.Number() public count: number customMethod(): number { return 1 } } describe('Query/GlobalSecondaryIndex', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await Card.createTable() }) afterEach(async () => { await Card.deleteTable() }) describe('hash only index', () => { describe('#get', () => { it('should throw error when no range key is specified', async () => { let exception try { await Card.filterableTitleIndex.get({ id: 10 }) } catch (ex) { exception = ex } should().exist(exception) }) it('should find item', async () => { await{ id: 10, title: 'abc', count: 1 }).save() // this .get() will perform a query with a limit of 1, // so it will get the first matching record const card = await Card.filterableTitleIndex.get({ id: 10, title: 'abc' }) should().exist(card) if (card != null) { expect( expect(card.title).to.eq('abc') expect(card.count).to.eq(1) } }) }) describe('#query', () => { it('should find items', async () => { await{ id: 10, title: 'abc' }).save() await{ id: 11, title: 'abd' }).save() await{ id: 12, title: 'abd' }).save() const res = await Card.hashTitleIndex.query({ title: 'abd' }) expect(res.records.length).to.eq(2) expect(res.records[0].id).to.eq(12) expect(res.records[1].id).to.eq(11) }) it('should not return items when aborted', async () => { const abortController = new AbortController() await{ id: 10, title: 'abc' }).save() await{ id: 11, title: 'abd' }).save() await{ id: 12, title: 'abd' }).save() abortController.abort() let exception try { await Card.hashTitleIndex.query({ title: 'abd' }, { abortSignal: abortController.signal }) } catch (ex) { exception = ex } should().exist(exception) }) it('should return an empty array when no items match', async () => { const res = await Card.hashTitleIndex.query({ title: '404' }) expect(res[0]).to.not.eq(null) expect(res.records.length).to.eq(0) expect(res.length).to.eq(0) expect(res.count).to.eq(0) expect( => i)[0]).to.eq(undefined) for (const card of res.records) { expect(card).to.eq('does not exist') } for (const card of res) { expect(card).to.eq('does not exist') } }) it('should complain when HASH key is not provided', async () => { await Card.hashTitleIndex.query({ id: 10 }).then( () => { expect(true)'false') }, (err) => { expect(err) expect(err.message).to.contain('Cannot perform') }, ) }) it('should complain when HASH key attempts to use unsupported operator', async () => { await Card.hashTitleIndex.query({ title: ['<>', 'abd'] }).then( () => { expect(true)'false') }, (err) => { expect(err) expect(err.message).to.contain('DynamoDB only supports') }, ) }) it('should allow use of query operators for RANGE', async () => { await{ id: 10, title: 'prefix/abc' }).save() await{ id: 10, title: 'prefix/123' }).save() await{ id: 10, title: 'prefix/xyz' }).save() const res = await Card.filterableTitleIndex.query({ id: 10, title: ['beginsWith', 'prefix/'] }) expect(res.records.length).to.eq(3) expect(res.records[0].id).to.eq(10) expect(res.records[1].id).to.eq(10) expect(res.records[2].id).to.eq(10) }) it('should complain when using unsupported query operators for RANGE', async () => { await Card.filterableTitleIndex.query({ id: 10, title: ['contains', 'prefix/'] }).then( () => { expect(true)'false') }, (err) => { expect(err) expect(err.message).to.contain('Cannot use') }, ) }) }) describe('#scan', () => { const cardIds = [111, 222, 333, 444, 555] beforeEach(async () => { for (const cardId of cardIds) { await{ id: cardId, title: cardId.toString() }).save() } }) it('should return results', async () => { const res1 = await Card.hashTitleIndex.scan() const res2 = await Card.hashTitleIndex.scan(null, { limit: 2 }) const res3 = await Card.hashTitleIndex.scan(null, { limit: 2, exclusiveStartKey: res2.lastEvaluatedKey }) expect( => expect(cardIds).to.include.members( => expect(cardIds).to.include.members( => }) it('should not return results when aborted', async () => { const abortController = new AbortController() abortController.abort() let exception try { await Card.hashTitleIndex.scan(null, undefined, { abortSignal: abortController.signal }) } catch (ex) { exception = ex } should().exist(exception) }) }) }) describe('hash and range index', () => { describe('#query', () => { it('should find items', async () => { await{ id: 10, title: 'abc' }).save() await{ id: 11, title: 'abd' }).save() await{ id: 12, title: 'abd' }).save() await{ id: 13, title: 'abd' }).save() const res = await Card.fullTitleIndex.query({ title: 'abd', id: ['>=', 12], }, { rangeOrder: 'DESC', }) expect(res.records.length).to.eq(2) expect(res.records[0].id).to.eq(13) expect(res.records[1].id).to.eq(12) }) }) describe('#scan', () => { const cardIds = [111, 222, 333, 444, 555] beforeEach(async () => { for (const cardId of cardIds) { await{ id: cardId, title: cardId.toString() }).save() } }) it('should support filters', async () => { const search = await Card.fullTitleIndex.scan({ id: ['includes', cardIds], }) expect( => }) it('should work without filters', async () => { const res1 = await Card.fullTitleIndex.scan() const res2 = await Card.fullTitleIndex.scan(null, { limit: 2 }) const res3 = await Card.fullTitleIndex.scan(null, { limit: 2, exclusiveStartKey: res2.lastEvaluatedKey }) expect( => expect(cardIds).to.include.members( => expect(cardIds).to.include.members( => }) }) }) describe('include projection index', () => { it('allows you to query and returns the nonKeyAttributes', async () => { const newCard ={ id: 10, title: 'abc' }) newCard.count = 10 await const card = await Card.includeTestIndex.get({ id: 10 }) should().exist(card) if (card != null) { expect( expect(card.title).to.eq('abc') should().not.exist(card.count) } }) }) })