import * as _ from 'lodash' import { type Attribute } from '../attribute' import { QueryError } from '../errors' import { type AttributeMap } from '../interfaces' import type * as Metadata from '../metadata' import { type Table } from '../table' import { type Schema } from '../tables/schema' import { type ComplexFilters, type Filter, type Filters } from './filters' interface Expression { ExpressionAttributeNames: Record ExpressionAttributeValues?: AttributeMap FilterExpression?: string KeyConditionExpression?: string } type ConditionOperator = '=' | '<>' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | 'beginsWith' | 'between' type FilterOperator = ConditionOperator | 'includes' | 'excludes' | 'contains' | 'not contains' | 'null' | 'not null' | 'exists' | 'not exists' export const keyConditionAllowedOperators: ConditionOperator[] = [ '=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', 'between', 'beginsWith', ] type IndexMetadata = Metadata.Index.GlobalSecondaryIndex | Metadata.Index.PrimaryKey export function buildQueryExpression(schema: Schema, filters: Filters, index?: IndexMetadata): Expression { const filterExpression = new FilterExpressionQuery(schema, filters, index) const filterConditions = filterExpression.filterConditions const keyConditions = filterExpression.keyConditions const query: Expression = { ExpressionAttributeValues: filterExpression.values, ExpressionAttributeNames: filterExpression.attrs, } if (_.size(query.ExpressionAttributeValues) === 0) { delete query.ExpressionAttributeValues } if (filterConditions.length > 0) { query.FilterExpression = filterConditions.join(' AND ') } if (keyConditions.length > 0) { query.KeyConditionExpression = keyConditions.join(' AND ') } return query } interface FilterCondition { attribute: Attribute filter: string } class FilterExpressionQuery { public attrs: Record = {} public values: AttributeMap = {} public filterConditions: string[] = [] private readonly keyConditionsMap: FilterCondition[] = [] private readonly attributeNamePrefixMap: string[] = [] private readonly valuePrefixMap: any[] = [] get keyConditions(): string[] { return => condition.filter) } constructor(public schema: Schema, public filters: Filters | ComplexFilters, public indexMetadata?: IndexMetadata) { this.parse() // double check, we can't filter by the range as a key condition without a value for the HASH if (this.keyConditionsMap.length === 1) { const condition = this.keyConditionsMap[0] const attribute = condition.attribute if (this.isRangeKey(attribute)) { this.filterConditions.push(condition.filter) this.keyConditionsMap = [] } } } private parse(): void { if (_.isArray(this.filters) && this.filters.length === 1 && !_.isObjectLike(this.filters[0])) { this.filters = this.filters[0] as Filters } if (_.isArray(this.filters)) { // handle ComplexFilters const conditions = this.parseComplexFilters(this.filters, false) if (conditions.length > 0) { this.filterConditions.push(conditions) } } else { _.each(this.filters, (value, attrName) => { this.handleFilter(attrName, value) }) } } private handleFilter(propertyName: string, value: any, push = true): QueryFilterQuery { const attribute = this.schema.getAttributeByPropertyName(propertyName) const attrName = this.schema.transformPropertyPathToAttributePath(propertyName) let filter: Filter if (_.isArray(value)) { filter = value as any } else { filter = ['=', value] } const queryValue = this.parseFilter(attribute, filter, attrName) if (push && queryValue.query != null) { _.extend(this.attrs, queryValue.attrs) _.extend(this.values, queryValue.values) this.push(attribute, queryValue.query, filter[0]) } return queryValue } private parseComplexFilters(complexFilters: ComplexFilters, child: boolean): string { const orGroups: string[] = [] let conditions: string[] = [] for (const filters of complexFilters) { if (filters === 'OR') { if (conditions.length > 0) { if (conditions.length > 1) { orGroups.push(`(${conditions.join(' AND ')})`) } else { orGroups.push(conditions.join(' AND ')) } conditions = [] } } else if (_.isArray(filters)) { conditions.push(this.parseComplexFilters(filters, true)) } else { _.each(filters, (value, propName) => { const queryValue = this.handleFilter(propName, value, false) const attribute = this.schema.getAttributeByPropertyName(propName) if (queryValue.query != null) { _.extend(this.attrs, queryValue.attrs) _.extend(this.values, queryValue.values) if (this.isHashKey(attribute) || this.isRangeKey(attribute)) { let filter: Filter if (_.isArray(value)) { filter = value as any } else { filter = ['=', value] } this.push(attribute, queryValue.query, filter[0]) } else { conditions.push(queryValue.query) } } }) } } // we push the last remaining conditions as the last remaining OR group if (conditions.length > 0) { if (conditions.length > 1 && child) { orGroups.push(`(${conditions.join(' AND ')})`) } else { orGroups.push(conditions.join(' AND ')) } } return child ? `(${orGroups.join(' OR ')})` : orGroups.join(' OR ') } private getAttributeNamePrefix(attrName: string): string { if (!this.attributeNamePrefixMap.includes(attrName)) { this.attributeNamePrefixMap.push(attrName) } return this.attributeNamePrefixMap.indexOf(attrName).toString() } private getValuePrefix(value: any): string { if (!this.valuePrefixMap.includes(value)) { this.valuePrefixMap.push(value) } return this.valuePrefixMap.indexOf(value).toString() } private parseFilter( attr: Attribute, filter: Filter, attrName: string, ): QueryFilterQuery { const attrs: Record = {} const values: AttributeMap = {} const prefix = this.getAttributeNamePrefix(attrName) let query: string | undefined let attrNameMappedTo: string if (attrName?.includes('.')) { attrNameMappedTo = attrName attrName.split('.').forEach((attrNameSegment, i) => { const attrNameSegmentMappedTo = '#a' + prefix + String(i) attrs[attrNameSegmentMappedTo] = attrNameSegment attrNameMappedTo = attrNameMappedTo.replace(attrNameSegment, attrNameSegmentMappedTo) }) } else { attrNameMappedTo = '#a' + prefix attrs[attrNameMappedTo] = } const operator: FilterOperator = filter[0] const variableName = ':v' + this.getValuePrefix(filter[1]) switch (operator) { case '=': case '<>': case '<': case '<=': case '>': case '>=': { const filterValue = attr.toDynamoAssert(filter[1]) query = `${attrNameMappedTo} ${operator} ${variableName}` values[variableName] = filterValue break } case 'contains': case 'not contains': case 'beginsWith': { /** * Prevent begins_with with number operators, which is not supported by DynamoDB. * * @see {@link} */ if (operator === 'beginsWith' && attr.type.type === 'N') { throw new QueryError('Cannot use beginsWith with number attributes') } let strValue = attr.toDynamoAssert(filter[1]) // convert sets to single values, since contains and not contains only work on the single value // and sets do not support beginsWith so we don't have to be concerned with that here if (strValue.SS != null) { strValue = { S: _.isArray(strValue.SS) ? strValue.SS[0] : strValue.SS } } else if (strValue.NS != null) { strValue = { N: _.isArray(strValue.NS) ? strValue.NS[0] : strValue.NS } } else if (strValue.BS != null) { strValue = { B: _.isArray(strValue.BS) ? strValue.BS[0] : strValue.BS } } const queryOperator = operator === 'beginsWith' ? 'begins_with' : operator query = `${queryOperator}(${attrNameMappedTo}, ${variableName})` values[variableName] = strValue break } case 'exists': case 'not exists': { const existsOperator = operator === 'exists' ? 'attribute_exists' : 'attribute_not_exists' query = `${existsOperator}(${attrNameMappedTo})` break } case 'includes': case 'excludes': { const filterValues = filter[1] as any[] const possibleVariableNames: string[] = [] _.each(filterValues, (possibleValue, possibleValueIndex) => { const value = attr.toDynamoAssert(possibleValue) const possibleVariableName = ':v' + prefix + String(possibleValueIndex) possibleVariableNames.push(possibleVariableName) values[possibleVariableName] = value }) const possibleVariableNamesStr = possibleVariableNames.join(', ') query = `${attrNameMappedTo} IN (${possibleVariableNamesStr})` if (operator === 'excludes') { query = `NOT (${query})` } break } case 'null': { query = `${attrNameMappedTo} = :NULL` values[':NULL'] = { NULL: true } break } case 'not null': { query = `${attrNameMappedTo} = :NOT_NULL` values[':NOT_NULL'] = { NULL: false } break } case 'between': { if (typeof filter[1] !== 'undefined' && typeof filter[2] !== 'undefined') { const lowerVariableName = ':vl' + prefix const upperVariableName = ':vu' + prefix values[lowerVariableName] = attr.toDynamoAssert(filter[1]) values[upperVariableName] = attr.toDynamoAssert(filter[2]) query = `${attrNameMappedTo} BETWEEN ${lowerVariableName} AND ${upperVariableName}` } else { throw new QueryError('BETWEEN filter missing a lower or upper bound') } break } } return { values, attrs, query } } private push(attribute: Attribute, filter: string, operator: FilterOperator): void { if (this.isHashKey(attribute)) { if (operator === '=') { this.keyConditionsMap.push({ attribute, filter }) } else { throw new QueryError(`Cannot use ${operator} for a HASH key, can only use equals (=) operator`) } } else if (this.isRangeKey(attribute)) { if (_.includes(keyConditionAllowedOperators, operator)) { this.keyConditionsMap.push({ attribute, filter }) } else { // you also can't put key attributes in the filter expression in DynamoDB, so they need to use a supported operator throw new QueryError(`Cannot use ${operator} for a RANGE key, can only use ${keyConditionAllowedOperators.join(', ')} operators`) } } else { this.filterConditions.push(filter) } } private isHashKey(attribute: Attribute): boolean { return this.indexMetadata != null && === } private isRangeKey(attribute: Attribute): boolean { if (this.indexMetadata?.range != null) { return === } else { return false } } } interface QueryFilterQuery { attrs: Record values: AttributeMap query?: string }