import { expect } from 'chai' import { BatchWrite } from './batch-write' import { PrimaryKey } from './query/primary-key' import { Table } from './table' import { Attribute as AttributeDecorator, PrimaryKey as PrimaryKeyDecorator, Table as TableDecorator, } from './decorator' import { BatchError } from './errors' describe('BatchWrite', () => { @TableDecorator({ name: 'BatchWriteTestCardTable', backup: false }) class Card extends Table { @PrimaryKeyDecorator('id', 'title') public static readonly primaryKey: PrimaryKey @AttributeDecorator.Number() public id: number @AttributeDecorator.String() public title: string @AttributeDecorator.Number() public count: number } before(async () => { await Card.createTable() }) after(async () => { await Card.deleteTable() }) beforeEach(async () => { await Card.documentClient.batchPut([{ id: 10, title: 'a', count: 4 }),{ id: 10, title: 'b', count: 3 }),{ id: 10, title: 'c', count: 2 }),{ id: 10, title: 'd', count: 1 }), ]) }) it('should operate a successful batch operation', async () => { const batch = new BatchWrite() // add a bunch of records, above the limit for DynamoDB for (let i = 0; i < 250; i++) { batch.put({ id: 42, title: `new record ${i}`, count: i })) } // delete a few records batch.delete(Card.primaryKey.fromKey(10, 'b')) batch.delete( Card.primaryKey.fromKey(10, 'c'), Card.primaryKey.fromKey(10, 'd'), ) // commit the transaction await batch.commit() // now verify the results const results1 = await Card.primaryKey.query({ id: 42 }, { select: 'COUNT' }) expect(results1.count).eq(250) const results2 = await Card.primaryKey.query({ id: 10 }) expect(results2.count).eq(1) expect(results2[0].id).eq(10) expect(results2[0].title).eq('a') }) it('should fail with a BatchError', async () => { const batch = new BatchWrite() // this will fail because we're using the same hash and range key value, which must be unique in DynamoDB // however, one of the documents will be written because BatchWrite is not atomic batch.put({ id: 1, title: 'same', count: 1 })) batch.put({ id: 1, title: 'same', count: 2 })) let exception: BatchError | undefined try { await batch.commit() } catch (ex) { exception = ex } expect(exception) }) })