import { expect, should } from 'chai' import { sortBy } from 'lodash' import { BatchGet } from './batch-get' import { PrimaryKey } from './query/primary-key' import { Table } from './table' import { Attribute as AttributeDecorator, PrimaryKey as PrimaryKeyDecorator, Table as TableDecorator, } from './decorator' describe('BatchGet', () => { @TableDecorator({ name: 'BatchGetTestCardTable1', backup: false }) class TestTable1 extends Table { @PrimaryKeyDecorator('id') public static readonly primaryKey: PrimaryKey @AttributeDecorator.Number() public id: number @AttributeDecorator.String() public status: string } @TableDecorator({ name: 'BatchGetTestCardTable2', backup: false }) class TestTable2 extends Table { @PrimaryKeyDecorator('id') public static readonly primaryKey: PrimaryKey @AttributeDecorator.Number() public id: number @AttributeDecorator.String() public status: string } before(async () => { await TestTable1.createTable() await TestTable2.createTable() }) after(async () => { await TestTable1.deleteTable() await TestTable2.deleteTable() }) beforeEach(async () => { await TestTable1.documentClient.batchPut([{ id: 1, status: 'a' }),{ id: 2, status: 'b' }),{ id: 3, status: 'c' }),{ id: 4, status: 'd' }), ]) await TestTable2.documentClient.batchPut([{ id: 1, status: 'a' }),{ id: 2, status: 'b' }),{ id: 3, status: 'c' }),{ id: 4, status: 'd' }), ]) }) it('should operate a successful batch operation', async () => { const batch = new BatchGet() const item = TestTable1.primaryKey.fromKey(1) batch.get(item) batch.get(TestTable1.primaryKey.fromKey(2)) batch.get(TestTable2.primaryKey.fromKey(3)) batch.get(TestTable2.primaryKey.fromKey(4)) expect(item.status).to.eq(null) // execute the retrieval const results = await batch.retrieve() // now verify the results const records = sortBy(results, 'id') expect(results.length).eq(4) expect(records[0].id).eq(1) expect(records[0]) expect(records[1].id).eq(2) expect(records[1]) expect(records[2].id).eq(3) expect(records[2]) expect(records[3].id).eq(4) expect(records[3]) // verify the original items are mutated expect(item.status).to.eq('a') }) it('should operate a successful atomic batch operation', async () => { const batch = new BatchGet().atomic() const item = TestTable1.primaryKey.fromKey(1) batch.get(item) batch.get(TestTable1.primaryKey.fromKey(2)) batch.get(TestTable2.primaryKey.fromKey(3)) batch.get(TestTable2.primaryKey.fromKey(4)) expect(item.status).to.eq(null) // execute the retrieval const results = await batch.retrieve() // now verify the results const records = sortBy(results, 'id') expect(results.length).eq(4) expect(records[0].id).eq(1) expect(records[0]) expect(records[1].id).eq(2) expect(records[1]) expect(records[2].id).eq(3) expect(records[2]) expect(records[3].id).eq(4) expect(records[3]) // verify the original items are mutated expect(item.status).to.eq('a') }) it('should return an empty array when nothing matches', async () => { const batch = new BatchGet() batch.get(TestTable1.primaryKey.fromKey(420)) const results = await batch.retrieve() expect(results.length).eq(0) }) it('should not return records that were missing', async () => { const batch = new BatchGet() batch.get(TestTable1.primaryKey.fromKey(1)) batch.get(TestTable1.primaryKey.fromKey(42)) // execute the retrieval const results = await batch.retrieve() // now verify the results expect(results.length).eq(1) expect(results[0].id).eq(1) }) it('should not return records when aborted', async () => { const abortController = new AbortController() const batch = new BatchGet() batch.get(TestTable1.primaryKey.fromKey(1)) batch.get(TestTable1.primaryKey.fromKey(42)) abortController.abort() let exception try { await batch.retrieve({ abortSignal: abortController.signal, }) } catch (ex) { exception = ex } should().exist(exception) }) it('should accept projection expressions', async () => { const batch = new BatchGet() const item = TestTable1.primaryKey.fromKey(1) batch.getSpecificAttributes(TestTable1, 'id') batch.get(item) // execute the retrieval const results = await batch.retrieve() expect(results.length).eq(1) expect(results[0].status).eq(null) expect(item.status).to.eq(null) expect(item.toJSON()).to.deep.eq({ id: 1, }) }) it('should accept projection expressions with reserved keywords', async () => { const batch = new BatchGet() const item = TestTable1.primaryKey.fromKey(1) batch.getSpecificAttributes(TestTable1, 'id', 'status') batch.get(item) // execute the retrieval const results = await batch.retrieve() expect(results.length).eq(1) expect(results[0].status).eq('a') expect(item.status).to.eq('a') }) })