import { type AttributeValue, type PutItemOutput, type UpdateItemOutput, type TableDescription, type DeleteItemCommandOutput } from '@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb'; import { type Attribute } from './attribute'; import { DocumentClient } from './document-client'; import type * as Events from './events'; import { type AttributeMap, type SetPropParams, type UpdateOperator } from './interfaces'; import { type Filters } from './query/filters'; import { MagicSearch, type MagicSearchInput } from './query/search'; import { type TableProperties, type TableProperty } from './tables/properties'; import { Schema } from './tables/schema'; type StaticThis = new () => T; export declare class Table { static get schema(): Schema; static set schema(schema: Schema); static get documentClient(): DocumentClient; static set documentClient(documentClient: DocumentClient
); private static __schema; private static __documentClient; /** * Creates a new record for this table. * * This method is strongly typed and it is recommended you use over `new Table(…)` */ static new(this: StaticThis, values?: TableProperties): T; /** * Creates a new instance of Table with values from a given `AttributeMap`. * * This assumes the record exists in DynamoDB and saving this record will * default to using an `UpdateItem` operation rather than a `PutItem` operation * upon being saved. */ static fromDynamo(this: StaticThis, attributes: AttributeMap, entireDocument?: boolean): T; /** * Creates an instance of Table from raw user input. Designs to be used for creating * records from requests, like: * * express.js: * ```'/api/create', (req, res) => { * const card = Card.fromJSON(req.body) * })``` * * Each attribute can optionally define additional validation logic or sanitization * of the user input, @see {@link}. */ static fromJSON(this: StaticThis, json: Record): T; /** * Query DynamoDB for what you need. * * This is a powerful all-around querying method. It will detect the best index available for use, * but it ignores indexes that are not set to Projection of `ALL`. To please use the index-specific * querying when necessary. * * This will avoid performing a scan at all cost, but it will fall back to using a scan if necessary. * * By default, this returns you one "page" of results (allows DynamoDB) to process and return the * maximum of items DynamoDB allows. If you want it to internally page for you to return all possible * results (be cautious as that can easily cause timeouts for Lambda), specify `{ all: true }` as an * input argument for the second argument. */ static search(this: StaticThis, filters?: Filters, input?: MagicSearchInput): MagicSearch; /** * Creates the table in DynamoDB. * * You can also use {@link Table.migrateTable} to create and automatically * migrate and indexes that need changes. */ static createTable(waitForReady?: boolean): Promise; /** * Migrates the table to match updated specifications. * * This will create new indexes and delete legacy indexes. */ static migrateTable(): Promise; /** * Deletes the table from DynamoDB. * * Be a bit careful with this in production. */ static deleteTable(): Promise; static describeTable(): Promise; protected get table(): typeof Table; private __attributes; private __original; private __updatedAttributes; private __removedAttributes; private __updateOperators; private __putRequired; private __entireDocumentIsKnown; /** * Create a new Table record by attribute names, not property names. * * @see {@link} To create a strongly-typed record by property names. */ constructor(values?: Record); /** * Apply any default values for attributes. */ applyDefaults(): this; /** * Load values from an a AttributeMap into this Table record. * * This assumes the values are loaded directly from DynamoDB, and after * setting the attributes it resets the attributes pending update and * deletion. */ fromDynamo(values: AttributeMap, entireDocument?: boolean): this; /** * Converts the current attribute values into a AttributeMap which * can be sent directly to DynamoDB within a PutItem, UpdateItem, or similar * request. * * @param {boolean} updateOnSaveAttributes If true, update all attributes that have logic to update with every save. */ toDynamo(updateOnSaveAttributes?: boolean): AttributeMap; /** * Get the DynamoDB.Key for this record. */ getDynamoKey(): AttributeMap; /** * Get the list of attributes pending update. * * The result includes attributes that have also been deleted. To get just * the list of attributes pending deletion, use {@link Table.getDeletedAttributes}. * * If you want to easily know if this record has updates pending, use {@link Table.hasChanges}. */ getUpdatedAttributes(): string[]; /** * Get the list of attributes pending deletion. * * To get all the attributes that have been updated, use {@link Table.getUpdatedAttributes}. * * If you want to easily know if this record has updates pending, use {@link Table.hasChanges}. */ getDeletedAttributes(): string[]; /** * While similar to setAttributes, this method runs the attribute's defined fromJSON * methods to help standardize the attribute values as much as possible. * * @param {any} json A JSON object * @param {boolean} [ignoreArbitrary] Whether arbitrary attributes should be ignored. * When false, unknown attributes will result in an error being thrown. * When true, any non-recognized attribute will be ignored. Useful if you're * passing in raw request body objects or dealing with user input. * Defaults to false. */ fromJSON(json: Record, ignoreArbitrary?: boolean): this; /** * Returns the AttributeValue value for an attribute. * * To get the transformed value, use {@link Table.getAttribute} */ getAttributeDynamoValue(attributeName: string): AttributeValue; /** * Gets the JavaScript transformed value for an attribute. * * While you can read values directly on the Table record by its property name, * sometimes you need to get attribute. * * Unlike {@link Table.get}, this excepts the attribute name, not the property name. */ getAttribute(attributeName: string): any; /** * Get the update operator for an attribute. */ getUpdateOperator(attributeName: string): UpdateOperator; /** * Set the update operator for an attribute. */ setAttributeUpdateOperator(attributeName: string, operator: UpdateOperator): this; /** * Sets the AttributeValue for an attribute. * * To set the value from a JavaScript object, use {@link Table.setAttribute} */ setAttributeDynamoValue(attributeName: string, attributeValue: AttributeValue): this; /** * Sets the value of an attribute by attribute name from a JavaScript object. * * - To set an attribute value by property name, use {@link Table.set}. */ setAttribute(attributeName: string, value: any, params?: SetPropParams): this; /** * Sets several attribute values on this record by attribute names. * * - To set several values by property names, use {@link Table.setValues}. * - To set a single attribute value by attribute name, use {@link Table.setAttribute}. * - To set a single attribute value by property name, use {@link Table.set}. * * @param {object} values An object, where the keys are the attribute names, * and the values are the values you'd like to set. */ setAttributes(values: Record): this; /** * Remove a single attribute by its attribute name. * * Replaced by {@link Table.removeAttribute}. * @deprecated Since 3.0.0, will be removed in 4.0.0 */ deleteAttribute(attributeName: string): this; /** * Remove a single attribute by its attribute name. * * @see {@link Table.remove} Remove an attribute by its property name. * @see {@link Table.removeAttributes} Remove several attributes by their property names. */ removeAttribute(attributeName: string): this; /** * Mark several attributes to be removed. * * Replaced by {@link Table.removeAttributes}. * @deprecated Since 3.0.0, will be removed in 4.0.0 */ deleteAttributes(attributes: string[]): this; /** * Remove several attributes by their property names. * * @see {@link Table.remove} Remove an attribute by its property name. * @see {@link Table.removeAttribute} Remove a single attribute by its attribute name. */ removeAttributes(attributes: string[]): this; /** * Sets a value of an attribute by its property name. * * @see {@link Table.setValues} To set several attribute values by property names. * @see {@link Table.setAttribute} To set an attribute value by an attribute name. * @see {@link Table.setAttributes} To set several attribute values by attribute names. */ set

>(propertyName: P | string, value: this[P], params?: SetPropParams): this; /** * Gets a value of an attribute by its property name. * * @see {@link Table.getAttribute} To get a value by an attribute name. * @see {@link Table.toJSON} To get the entire record. */ get

>(propertyName: P | string): this[P]; /** * Remove an attribute by its property name. * * Replaced by {@link Table.remove} * @deprecated Since 3.0.0, will be removed in 4.0.0 */ del

>(propertyName: P | string): this; /** * Remove an attribute by its property name. * * @see {@link Table.removeAttribute} Remove a single attribute by its attribute name. * @see {@link Table.removeAttributes} Remove several attributes by their property names. */ remove

>(propertyName: P | string): this; /** * Update several attribute values on this record by property names. * * @see {@link Table.set} To set an attribute value by property name. * @see {@link Table.setAttribute} To set an attribute value by an attribute names. * @see {@link Table.setAttributes} To set several attribute values by attribute names. */ setValues(values: TableProperties): this; /** * Determines if this record has any attributes pending an update or deletion. */ hasChanges(): boolean; /** * Return the original values for the record, if it was loaded from DynamoDB. */ getOriginalValues(): AttributeMap; /** * Save this record to DynamoDB. * * Will check to see if there are changes to the record, if there are none the save request is ignored. * To skip this check, use {@link Table.forceSave} instead. * * Calls the {@link Table.beforeSave} before saving the record. * If {@link Table.beforeSave} returns false, the save request is ignored. * * Automatically determines if the the save should use a PutItem or UpdateItem request. */ save(event?: undefined | { returnOutput?: false; } & Events.SaveEvent): Promise; save(event: { returnOutput: true; operator?: undefined; } & Events.SaveEvent): Promise; save(event: { returnOutput: true; operator: 'put'; } & Events.SaveEvent): Promise; save(event: { returnOutput: true; operator: 'update'; } & Events.SaveEvent): Promise; /** * Returns whether this is a newly created record that hasn't been saved * It is not a guarantee that the hash key is not already in use */ isNew(): boolean; /** * Determine the best save operation method to use based upon the item's current state */ getSaveOperation(): 'put' | 'update'; /** * Deletes this record from DynamoDB. * * Before deleting, it will call {@link Table.beforeDelete}. If {@link Table.beforeDelete} * returns false then this record will not be deleted. * * After deleting, {@link Table.afterDelete} will be called. */ delete(event?: { returnOutput?: false; } & Events.DeleteEvent): Promise; delete(event: { returnOutput: true; } & Events.DeleteEvent): Promise; /** * Convert this record to a JSON-exportable object. * * Has no consideration for "views" or "permissions", so all attributes * will be exported. * * Export object uses the property names as the object keys. To convert * a JSON object back into a Table record, use {@link Table.fromJSON}. * * Each attribute type can define a custom toJSON and fromJSON method, * @see {@link}. */ toJSON(): Record; protected beforeSave(event: Events.BeforeSaveEvent): Promise; /** * After a record is deleted, this handler is called. */ protected afterSave(event: Events.AfterSaveEvent): Promise; /** * Before a record is deleted, this handler is called and if the promise * resolves as false, the delete request will be ignored. */ protected beforeDelete(event: Events.BeforeDeleteEvent): Promise; /** * After a record is deleted, this handler is called. */ protected afterDelete(event: Events.AfterDeleteEvent): Promise; /** * Ensures Date attributes with nowOnUpdate are updated whenever the record is * being saved. */ protected updateOnSaveAttributes(): void; protected setByAttribute(attribute: Attribute, value: any, params?: SetPropParams): this; protected getByAttribute(attribute: Attribute): any; /** * Returns a list of attributes that should not be allowed when Table.fromJSON is used. */ protected static getBlacklist(): string[]; } export interface ITable { schema: Schema; documentClient: DocumentClient; new (): T; fromDynamo: (attributes: AttributeMap, entireDocument?: boolean) => T; } export {};